so who still uses the old site?


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
MAY03LT said:
This is why I don't answer technical questions in PMs.
You, too? Most folks understand, but there are the few who believe they're entitled to free private consulting. Sigh... :lipsrsealed:


Nov 17, 2012
Just found out I was banned for reported PM's.

Last night a newbie complained that no one even greeted him all day after 60views. Told him to come here and he would be warmly welcomed, quickly. Another dropped some names of certain rides, you know who you are!, and I informed him they all left for here. Oh well, its Friday and my wknd starts NOW


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
Playsinsnow said:
Just found out I was banned for reported PM's.
Did you invite just noobs or some older members? I'm guessing the admin might set up new accounts to see if they get GMTN invites in PMs, as traps. Other than that, noobs don't know the history, and they really might think an invite is spam. And there are always a few old members who don't agree with the politics of the jailbreak and want to restore trailvoy's former glory (or exceed my post count) by staying there. Those folks are poison, and report PMs and can get you banned.
May 5, 2013
Playsinsnow said:
Just found out I was banned for reported PM's.

Last night a newbie complained that no one even greeted him all day after 60views. Told him to come here and he would be warmly welcomed, quickly. Another dropped some names of certain rides, you know who you are!, and I informed him they all left for here. Oh well, its Friday and my wknd starts NOW

i replied to that guy too, went back to check it out and both of our posts are gone lol. i replied again, wonder if they'll ban me bahahaha


Nov 17, 2012
I tried to reply but was redirected to update password then redirected to banned for ev ver.

I replied in threads and kinda politely hated on admin in those threads! Caught em sleeping.

I also just realized that I can't search there on my phone now. Help! Why do folks run 75w-140 in the diffs of the TB? Larger rears? offroad? Ha thanks for saving me another post. Changing anything that's a fluid and has a number in the name this weekend.

Maybe if I restart the phone and delete what I need too so it doesn't try to log in? Its a great library over there. Thanks to all those that suffer WAY more problems than I!:eek: :rotfl:


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
SmokeyMcBlazer said:
i replied again, wonder if they'll ban me bahahaha
Way too subtle. If you're going to burn an account, go out in a blaze of glory, spelling out the whole name with embedded spaces. The advantage, especially in threads with lots of posts, is that the body of your new post also gets emailed directly to everybody who posted in a thread. Once the post is nuked by the admin, the email's already sent out and the noob might get the message even after trailvoy cleans up.

What really saddens me is the noobs who contribute to VS, thinking they're compensating the folks who created the archives, or helping the community thrive. :frown:


Jan 29, 2012
And the drama continues. What I dont get is why they are so opposed to people being on another forum. If their shit didnt stink, why not let people decide for themselves?? Its a shame because that site has gotten so "unfriendly" and "non-helpful" that I dont even go there anymore for tech. Every so often I do a search over there, but always find my info here.

Keep up the good work guys. The fact that they feel so threatened means you are doing your job!!


Nov 18, 2011
Playsinsnow said:
Maybe if I restart the phone and delete what I need too so it doesn't try to log in? Its a great library over there.

I had some issues getting around bans with this fancy phone I have. This is how I do it now.

Clear the cookies in the phones browser.
Clear the login info.
Renew IP.


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
mnypitTBEXT said:
...What I dont get is why they are so opposed to people being on another forum. ...
All about $$. Lost eyeballs = lost $$.

Keeping noobs in the dark is free.

The truly evil behavior involves the lies they tell their advertisers to mislead them about the number of forum members that see their ads. To support that lie, all Vertical Scope needs is statistics. Post count in the archives, member numbers. The members don't have to be happy; they don't have to have their issues addressed or questions answered or be part of the community we have here.

They just sell the aggregate NUMBERS to their advertisers (the big lie) and sit back and rake it in.

They also abuse their own employees by making them responsible for babysitting 50-100 forums EACH while the communities starve. If I saw a resume cross my desk for somebody with Vertical Scope in their background, I'd drop it in bleach as fast as I'd drop the resume of somebody who worked for the TSA in the deluded grope-fest they call security screening. My hate for both groups is about equal. And that's saying a lot.


Dec 6, 2011
the roadie said:
All about $$. Lost eyeballs = lost $$.

Keeping noobs in the dark is free.

The truly evil behavior involves the lies they tell their advertisers to mislead them about the number of forum members that see their ads. To support that lie, all Vertical Scope needs is statistics. Post count in the archives, member numbers. The members don't have to be happy; they don't have to have their issues addressed or questions answered or be part of the community we have here.

They just sell the aggregate NUMBERS to their advertisers (the big lie) and sit back and rake it in.

They also abuse their own employees by making them responsible for babysitting 50-100 forums EACH while the communities starve. If I saw a resume cross my desk for somebody with Vertical Scope in their background, I'd drop it in bleach as fast as I'd drop the resume of somebody who worked for the TSA in the deluded grope-fest they call security screening. My hate for both groups is about equal. And that's saying a lot.

No, you call the person on the resume and say it really looks like a fit except that they worked for VS. Sorry Charlie! :raspberry:

I can be so cruel at times.


Nov 18, 2011
the roadie said:
The truly evil behavior involves the lies they tell their advertisers to mislead them about the number of forum members that see their ads.
Or in the sign up page (where they hope you'll choose a premium membership) and post "100% of all donations-support goes toward the site. Thank you for supporting" :no:


Nov 18, 2011
This morning I went over and clicked "New Posts". (since sometime yesterday)

Four new posts...half of which are from the "Admin" greeting new members when no one else would. :hopeless:

View attachment 28471

But the really sad thing (for me anyway) is how much unmolested spam sits in so many threads.


  • tv1.JPG
    28.4 KB · Views: 106


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
BO TIE SS said:
But the really sad thing (for me anyway) is how much unmolested spam sits in so many threads.
Man, I used to get torqued off being on the west coast, because the eastie mods would get up earlier and take care of the overnight spam from Bangladesh and the like. Left so much less for Bill and I to handle from the pacific time zone. Spammer's lifetimes were measured in MINUTES, not DAYS.

Spam also drives away noobs, and is a sure sign of forum neglect and cobwebs.

We used to get 4-8 new members a day unless we were running PM recruiting over there. Now we're at the 8-12 new members a day level, and lurkers are in the hundreds per day. I'd say the winner is clear and the contest (since they seem to characterize it that way) is over. Vertical Scope loses in a landslide. Glad they enjoyed paying for all those tech threads and pictures left behind by folks they drove away.


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
Oh, man - now if those posts disappear, we'll all know that the Vertical Scope Asshat Lurkers (VSAL) use THIS discussion to help them do their job. So they will be forced to leave the posts up to prove they aren't lurking. To call them spammer-pwned is an insult to spammers. Ewwwww, who would want to pwn Rob Laidlaw? Ewwwww. Not even the stinkiest of low-life spammers. :hissyfit:

Put out the word on the spammer forums - open season over at Trailvoy, going on right now. Free memberships, unlimited posting, they just want traffic, doesn't matter what the quality. :rotfl:


Nov 18, 2011
MAY03LT said:
Or ban them.
They won't get banned. With the exception of mentioning this site :lipsrsealed:, you can do anything you want over there and get away with it now.


Nov 17, 2012
Phukhet. I hope they don't get banned. We can't have that garbage spilling over here! We need to our knowledgeable mods busy supporting the community, not cleaning it up:thumbsup:

Another reminder why most of us left. Does VS own a lot of forums?! If folks buy the Kia's and Hyundai's because of their ever growing ad count, what happens then?


Nov 18, 2011
the roadie said:
Man, I used to get torqued off being on the west coast, because the eastie mods would get up earlier and take care of the overnight spam from Bangladesh and the like. Left so much less for Bill and I to handle from the pacific time zone. Spammer's lifetimes were measured in MINUTES, not DAYS.

Spam also drives away noobs, and is a sure sign of forum neglect and cobwebs.

We used to get 4-8 new members a day unless we were running PM recruiting over there. Now we're at the 8-12 new members a day level, and lurkers are in the hundreds per day. I'd say the winner is clear and the contest (since they seem to characterize it that way) is over. Vertical Scope loses in a landslide. Glad they enjoyed paying for all those tech threads and pictures left behind by folks they drove away.

This doesn't even include people of different GMT persuasions. Imagine if we could get some real tech about more vehicles and draw people over. But it is very hard to compete with other forums that have yet to get destroyed by VS.


Nov 18, 2011
smitty5150 said:
But it is very hard to compete with other forums that have yet to get destroyed by VS.
Thing is, we're not trying to. Hopefully in time, members from other sites will find this one...and use both. As long as members on the other sites are actually receiving help, it's all good. In time, some might find there way here. Perhaps they'll share their knowledge and we can develop a data base for other platforms. :twocents:


Nov 18, 2011
BO TIE SS said:
Thing is, we're not trying to. Hopefully in time, members from other sites will find this one...and use both. As long as members on the other sites are actually receiving help, it's all good. In time, some might find there way here. Perhaps they'll share their knowledge and we can develop a data base for other platforms. :twocents:

I most certainly agree. All I'm saying is that people knowledgeable enough to contribute are snuggled away on those other sites. Hard to bring that knowledge here if they are happy where they are.

We can obviously share the things we learn as they pertain to our other vehicles, but I'm not about to infringe on the intellectual property of others.


Dec 4, 2011
Just entice them here - come to the dark side, we have cookies :raspberry:


Nov 18, 2011


Dec 4, 2011
I don't know why but it annoys me when people write Jeep in all caps, as if it is some holy name or something.


Dec 5, 2011
Sparky said:
I don't know why but it annoys me when people write Jeep in all caps, as if it is some holy name or something.

WHAT! You don't like JEEPS? :raspberry:

I agree with ya man, I wouldn't buy a ext wb to off road in.


Nov 18, 2011
Depends on where you are wheeling. The longer wheelbase has as many advantages as short. Most every HEEP that gets wheeled hard seems to stretch their wheelbase. The hardest wheeled TB's are stretched SWB models...


Nov 18, 2011
just read this... lol!!! its tapatalk's fault? hahaha please. they don't make ad revenue off of tapatalk. pushing people to their app means they get the ad revenue from it
Admin said:
Sorry about this guys. Tapatalk has decided to remove all our forums from their network. This should happen sometime within the next 24 hours.

The AutoGuide app is available in paid and free version in the app store for users who browse the forum on their mobile devices.
have you ever had someone blatantly lie in front of your face, and you can't even get mad because its just embarrassing....


Dec 4, 2011
I'm tempted to log in for the first time in a long time just to call him out on it.


Nov 18, 2011
Since no one can see my reply over there, I'll post it here. (my shill is in global ignore, but I know the Admin can see it)

View attachment 28977


  • Autoguide.JPG
    43.3 KB · Views: 17


Nov 18, 2011
Inert_Static said:
I love auto guide now I can be on all the time.

Sent from Free App

How in the world did the removal of tapatalk help this guy be on the AG app ALL THE TIME?:rotfl:

FFS those guys need a course in how to shill 101.


Nov 18, 2011
Funny how the Admin hasn't responded to the latest posts in that (Trailvoy) thread. They must be having trouble thinking up a believable lie to save face. So...will they delete the posts which they can't honestly respond to, or simply make the whole thread disappear? :undecided:


Nov 17, 2012
Does anyone really care what happens? I mean, admin is slow both with responses and knowledge. The fact these posts still linger should be a sign for a mass recruitment campaign of the sorts because apparently someone is on holiday. I'll have collector plates on my TB by the time they get their :lipsrsealed: together.


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
The VS Overlord and his minions have plenty of work to do at Pirate, but there's no flippin' way VS is ever going to rescind the change.

The Autoguide app they are offering (free and $3 versions) IS MADE BY TAPATALK. It's just a white box version where they can customize the ad placement and Vertical Scope gets the $3 instead of Tapatalk.


The members at Pirate are being slowly boiled to death, and they're so caught up in the assumed value of the archives that they don't realize they need to run a jailbreak like we did and to hell with Vertical Scope. To retain any sense of honor. Mods reduced to being Minions of the Overlords and defending their bullshit. How demeaning. :no:

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