so who still uses the old site?


Mar 29, 2014
Tuscaloosa, AL
The_Roadie said:
Wondering what it is that makes folks so suspicious? Like we're a competing, commercial, ad-fueled greedy site? We're really a bunch of do-gooder Boy Scouts trying to help the noobs across the street. :wink:

For me, it was just that I was stubborn and ignorant to what this site is. After coming here and reading some of this thread, I became educated in how you guys do business and why everything was changed and then I willingly made an account and I'm glad I did. If anything, it's fun to spite trailvoy with recommendations to come here. Others that were around during the move that stayed there I would imagine just have a grudge against everyone here.


Dec 30, 2013
Mounce said:
For me, it was just that I was stubborn and ignorant to what this site is. After coming here and reading some of this thread, I became educated in how you guys do business and why everything was changed and then I willingly made an account and I'm glad I did. If anything, it's fun to spite trailvoy with recommendations to come here. Others that were around during the move that stayed there I would imagine just have a grudge against everyone here.

Grudge or not, I don't think I could force myself to pick a site that's about 2mm from outright charging to even login to the site it seems. I don't understand who would pay for premium membership over there anymore, every page click probably rings in about 5x as much as it costs to maintain and serve that page as it is with all the ads.


Jan 25, 2012
MAY03LT said:
Yuppers. He was upset that people would call him out for guessing, and now that he's alone in the tumbleweeds he can post whatever imaginary repairs that he wants. I can't speak for anyone else, but I couldn't tolerate people guessing and wasting peoples time and money. Ignition switch manufacturers love it though. If you go back in time, he has been corrected many, many times about the purpose of the disconnected red wire and still won't accept the fact that it has nothing to to with trailer brakes. Ignorance is bliss.

And some people don't get that most of the content creators are here and can just as easily duplicate everything that was posted over there. It can't be done overnight, but in our nearly 2 1/2 years here our resources are on par to destroy theirs. If VS isn't turning a profit off of that site, they will pull the plug and zero fawks will be given about the content and/or members.

I have always wondered why there was that strange distaste between him and GMT, never looked for his post for any answers, now I know why. I will usually not reply to thread if I have no useful input.

It took years for the original membership to build the the information that Trailvoy has. It is great to know that in 2.5 years this site has flourished to contain most if not all of the useful information that the OS does.


Mar 29, 2014
Tuscaloosa, AL
Midnyteryder02 said:
haha the retractable roof?? i didnt know that was an option.. and the optional RWD, 4WD, 4WD Hi & 4WD lo all at the touch of a switch!... ??? really i thought maybe there was a little gremlin under the truck to switch between modes..


Lol, I didn't even read everything. :undecided: Just the first part that I quoted.


Nov 18, 2011
blazinlow89 said:
I have always wondered why there was that strange distaste between him and GMT, never looked for his post for any answers, now I know why.

He probably did the electric slide when we rolled out:rotfl:


There are times when the tools needed to properly diagnose something just aren't worth buying for casual DIY'er repairs, and parts swapping is an affordable alternative. No one is going to buy/use a scope for a p0340, no one is going to buy a smoke machine for evap leaks, and no one is going to buy a/c equipment for a/c issues. So, cam sensor replacement for p0340 is ok, gas cap/purge/vent for evap leaks is ok, and low pressure switch swapping for a/c issues is ok. At least those suggestions are based on data (feedback from other members). But when it comes to crap like the ignition switch fixes every electrical issue ever, and the tabbyhater doesn't even know the primary functions of said switch, then it's like wtf you're just guessing.

I guess I wanted to clear that up so no one is falsely accused of guessing.:cool:


Dec 30, 2013
MAY03LT said:
There are times when the tools needed to properly diagnose something just aren't worth buying for casual DIY'er repairs

I don't think you understand the concepts at work here:

-The wife wants to spend spend spend while telling you to save save save
-Have some sort of problem
-Feel like "Hey, I could use another tool."
-Get some expensive tool for a one-time repair
-Tell the wife how much you're saving by not taking it to the shop. OPTIONAL: Explain your buddies may also need use of it and you can make a few bucks here and there.
-Bask in the glory of you getting to save save spend for once.


Nov 18, 2011
IllogicTC said:
-The wife wants to spend spend spend while telling you to save save save

Aint that the truth. She's getting a new ride and I can't even get the crimping tool of my wildest dreams (EZRB795):frown:


Nov 18, 2011
Dear MAY03LT,

You have received a new private message at Chevy TrailBlazer, TrailBlazer SS and GMC Envoy Forum from palitoiii, entitled "Fender Braces".

To read the original version, respond to, or delete this message, you must log in here:
Chevy TrailBlazer, TrailBlazer SS and GMC Envoy Forum

This is the message that was sent:
I see you have the EXT braces. Do you know the part numbers for those?

Nope, I got them from a wrecked EXT that was at a salvage yard. Here's to hoping that a google search for EXT braces brings you here.:cool:


Dec 10, 2012
Running into a lot of familiar faces over at the OS. One of you got me pretty good as you were baiting someone to help you. I initially jumped all into rescue mode, only to find you post in a different thread about coming here.

Not sure if my posts are actually being published there. Is it possible for the site to only let me see my posts and prevent anyone else from reading them? That would be pretty sinister... allow me to spend my time recruiting while nobody can actually read my posts :rotfl:

Stubborn little Irvine over there with the retractable roof. 'Play in which ever sand box you want, buddy!'


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Robbabob said:
Not sure if my posts are actually being published there. Is it possible for the site to only let me see my posts and prevent anyone else from reading them? That would be pretty sinister... allow me to spend my time recruiting while nobody can actually read my posts :rotfl:

That's called global ignore, and also why you can't see any of my posts over there either, among many other members.


Nov 18, 2011
Robbabob said:
Is it possible for the site to only let me see my posts and prevent anyone else from reading them? That would be pretty sinister... allow me to spend my time recruiting while nobody can actually read my posts :rotfl:

Yep, your posts are invisible. In the "is the staff alive" thread, I can see a post of yours that was quoted, but not your actual post. The same can be said for Carlton's and dmanns's accounts.

Their reason for doing this is that invisible accounts still count as active user accounts, which is important for selling ad space.:hissyfit:


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
Recruiting efforts and Google placement are showing up in a new daily member rate here that's now about 3X that of trailvoy. :thumbsup:

Last contributing member they lied to and got to subscribe was a Platinum - joined on 2/4/10, last activity was 3/11/14, and he has ZERO POSTS!

:no: :crazy: Poor crazy fool. Lying SOS VerticalScope. Rob Laidlaw continues to suck donkey balls.


Dec 30, 2013
The_Roadie said:
Recruiting efforts and Google placement are showing up in a new daily member rate here that's now about 3X that of trailvoy. :thumbsup:

Last contributing member they lied to and got to subscribe was a Platinum - joined on 2/4/10, last activity was 3/11/14, and he has ZERO POSTS!

:no: :crazy: Poor crazy fool. Lying SOS VerticalScope. Rob Laidlaw continues to suck donkey balls.

There's not enough donkeys in the world to meet his demand.

Check out this poor fellow: Only A4WD working normal - Chevy TrailBlazer, TrailBlazer SS and GMC Envoy Forum


Nov 18, 2011
Its just sad these days


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
My experience suggests that noobs are easily scared off, or made wary that recruiters are mere spammers like the Chinese cell phone scumbags. Too many invitations might have a diminishing effect. I must have used a couple dozen crafted invitation paragraphs over the years, fine tuning them for maximum reassurance and schmooze value.


Dec 30, 2013
The_Roadie said:
My experience suggests that noobs are easily scared off, or made wary that recruiters are mere spammers like the Chinese cell phone scumbags. Too many invitations might have a diminishing effect. I must have used a couple dozen crafted invitation paragraphs over the years, fine tuning them for maximum reassurance and schmooze value.

I tried to appeal to the fact that they had to bump their own thread in hopes of any answer, three months later.


Nov 18, 2011


Dec 30, 2013
blazinlow89 said:
View attachment 21874

Drew, I see what you were talking about. Not a clue in the world, and talking smack about people who work on their own stuff.

Incandescant bulbs have about all the polarity preference of a strand of wire. There are SOME special bulbs, like the H4, where there are special wiring setups to switch between the low or high beam (this is for bulbs where both are contained as one unit) but that obviously wouldn't matter to us, since we have separate bulbs for low and high.


Nov 18, 2011
Someone crapped in his cereal.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
No, his cereal was fine, it was what he found AFTER eating his cereal... :rotfl:



Nov 18, 2011


Mar 29, 2014
Tuscaloosa, AL
Welp, they finally caught us lol. :raspberry: a lot of mine and midnyte's posts have been deleted...that or they're just hiding them from me. I still have my post count and the ability to post but idk if they'll actually go through though.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Mounce said:
Welp, they finally caught us lol. :raspberry: a lot of mine and midnyte's posts have been deleted...that or they're just hiding them from me. I still have my post count and the ability to post but idk if they'll actually go through though.

If you don't see your own posts while logged in, then they've been deleted. If you can see your posts, but no one seems to be reacting/responding to them, log out, and then go back to the thread. If you're on global ignore, you won't be able to see your posts unless you're logged in.


Dec 6, 2011
You're probably on global ignore. You can post but only you see it. It used to mess up the thread post count. The message indicates so many replies but there would be fewer shown. Looks like they might have fixed that though.


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
Mounce said:
Welp, they finally caught us lol. :raspberry: a lot of mine and midnyte's posts have been deleted...that or they're just hiding them from me. I still have my post count and the ability to post but idk if they'll actually go through though.
Classic behavior if you're put on universal ignore status. The posts show up in the latest post box for each thread, but when you open the thread, they're not there and the page count gets messed up. You might as well abandon the accounts. Make new ones using different IPs. (Using or TOR)

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