so who still uses the old site?


Mar 29, 2014
Tuscaloosa, AL
Logged in with my other non-recruiting account and I can't find my shill. I can see where my shill has posted but the posts aren't there and when I do a member search for my shill it says "sorry, no matches"
Looks like it's time to take a break then create another shill.
Dec 13, 2013
Haha well I know we did bring a few new members over at least lol.. that's alright this is Deff the community to stay with..

I guess they didn't like my post about how vs has and is still killing the site lol. Oh well no love lost!


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
Mounce said:
Looks like it's time to take a break, POST A FEW ANSWERS ON GMTN TO BUILD UP ITS COMMUNITY then create another shill.
There, I added to your post. :thumbsup:


Nov 18, 2011
Midnyteryder02 said:
Haha well I know we did bring a few new members over at least lol

Yeah you guys kept us busy making sure that flagged accounts were approved quickly.:thumbsup:

Too bad they don't tell you who turned you invisible. That woulda been nice to know.

If someone comes along down the road and reads this thread, what will they think?


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Dec 13, 2013
MAY03LT said:
Yeah you guys kept us busy making sure that flagged accounts were approved quickly.:thumbsup:

Too bad they don't tell you who turned you invisible. That woulda been nice to know.

If someone comes along down the road and reads this thread, what will they think?

Haha that is awesome.. he is such a douche bag ne way lol


Dec 6, 2011
And likes to talk to himself.
Dec 13, 2013
so to be put on global ignore, a mod would have to do that correct?? just went through the member list, and sorted by who was on last.. only mod on today was 03trailblazer38 .. a mod with 52 posts.. hmm..


Nov 18, 2011
Midnyteryder02 said:
so to be put on global ignore, a mod would have to do that correct?? just went through the member list, and sorted by who was on last.. only mod on today was 03trailblazer38 .. a mod with 52 posts.. hmm..

Yeah, someone who has access to the controls. I'm not sure what controls that the mods there have access to. And I think the admin(s) activity is set to private so if they did log on today we wouldn't know.

A 52 post mod? Interesting.:undecided:
Dec 13, 2013
MAY03LT said:
Yeah, someone who has access to the controls. I'm not sure what controls that the mods there have access to. And I think the admin(s) activity is set to private so if they did log on today we wouldn't know.

A 52 post mod? Interesting.:undecided:

wow the admin activity is private?? Thats a pretty shady thing to do really..


Dec 10, 2012
Mounce said:
Haha, maybe it's MagicJohnson

Remember to add an S MagicsJohnson.. I've overlooked that too easily before.

Logging out was a great way to see I don't exist any longer. Funny to see my quotes still intact when someone replied to me, though.

Been some places wishing I had this app already, Thanks Roadie! :rotfl:


Nov 18, 2011
Midnyteryder02 said:
wow the admin activity is private?? Thats a pretty shady thing to do really..

Yeah buddy. I'm pretty sure that if you see him in a thread, he won't show up on the currently active users list.

Robbabob said:
Funny to see my quotes still intact when someone replied to me, though.

That's half-ass moderation right there. But, it benefits us so here's to them keeping up the good work.:thumbsup:

On another forum that I (was) on, a vendor who burned dozens of members for thousands of dollars came back after disappearing for several years. He paid the site to have any posts related to his past history deleted. Well, the mod team was too lazy/stupid to delete the quotes, which lead to everyone figuring out that the posts were deleted and that the site put money ahead of its members. A lot of people rolled out.


Mar 27, 2014
MAY03LT said:
Yeah buddy. I'm pretty sure that if you see him in a thread, he won't show up on the currently active users list.

That's half-ass moderation right there. But, it benefits us so here's to them keeping up the good work.:thumbsup:

On another forum that I (was) on, a vendor who burned dozens of members for thousands of dollars came back after disappearing for several years. He paid the site to have any posts related to his past history deleted. Well, the mod team was too lazy/stupid to delete the quotes, which lead to everyone figuring out that the posts were deleted and that the site put money ahead of its members. A lot of people rolled out.

And that, right there, is my #1 issue with paid vendorship status on forums. On the 'Vette forum, there is one rather shady tuner whose posts are all over the site; they're the flashy ones with all sorts of graphics and pictures and CAPITAL LETTERS and RED TEXT and all that. Some people swear by him, and those posts stick around. Occasionally, though, you'll see where he screwed someone over and they complain about it. But you gotta be quick - he runs to the moderators and gets those threads removed QUICK. It's not VS, it's IB, and generally they really aren't as bad as VS, but the vendor thing always rubs me the wrong way.

Kudos to all who were involved in forming The Nation for not selling out for paid vendors. I like this site just the way it is.


Mar 29, 2014
Tuscaloosa, AL
View attachment 34320 The quarrel with loverotties is still going on, found out my other account can still post (so no IP filters on TV apparently) threw in a little question at the end to see if he's figured it out yet since he's questioning me about calling his answers flakey.


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Nov 18, 2011
Mounce said:
The quarrel with loverotties is still going on, found out my other account can still post (so no IP filters on TV apparently) threw in a little question at the end to see if he's figured it out yet since he's questioning me about calling his answers flakey.

Cool I'll need some entertainment when this site goes down for maintenance.:cool:


Nov 18, 2011
Mounce said:
Got him hahaha. And this site is going down? How long?

We've begun making preparations for the maintenance that will be taking place tomorrow morning.

I don't know how long we're gonna be down, but I know it will be worth the wait.:yes:


Mar 29, 2014
Tuscaloosa, AL
Maybe he/she won't get banned since they didn't tell what site you went to. But I don't understand how some people can post about gmtn and not get in trouble like I did. There's one guy there that's been posting about us for months he just spaces it out completely when I just broke it down to GMT nation .com.
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Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Someone should quote that post elsewhere, so if they put that poster on global ignore, the content will still be visible.


Dec 10, 2012
Mounce said:
Maybe he/she won't get banned since they didn't tell what site you went to. But I don't understand how some people can post about gmtn and not get in trouble like I did. There's one guy there that's been posting about us for months he just spaces it out completely when I just broke it down to GMT nation .com.
I know who you're talking about.... mums the word.....
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Nov 18, 2011
He can throw up all the referrals that he wants, I'm not buying it for a second. There are plenty of posts of his since 12/2011 that don't mention this site when he can answer the questions himself. Just like the doggielover, I hope for his sake that he makes a new user name here if he needs us when the precious archives can't help him.

I had to edit what I really wanted to say several times because I have to follow the rules of the site. So consider this the richie cunningham version of what I really wanted to say.


Nov 18, 2011
That's why I had to edit my post. Gotta follow the same rules as everyone else including member bashing.


Mar 29, 2014
Tuscaloosa, AL
Oh I re-read your post and see now what you were saying. I gotcha man. I still can't understand how me and Midnyte got banned that one day though. I guess maybe it was because we were referring and arguing with a member there.


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
The plight of the poor noobs over there haunts me every day. I choose to not go there and help them by posting answers, but I can understand the pull of being helpful, for some people, is stronger than the aversion to the evil Vertical Scope business model.

We have NO IDEA how many PMs anybody sends back there. We don't see them. But our new membership numbers are encouraging. Trailvoy hasn't has a single paying premium member in three months.

For now, please don't think about starting a witch hunt. No good will come of that.

One of our most enthusiastic new members, a premium supporter on his first day, as a matter of fact, was led here by those sorts of folks who leave bread crumb trails. I wish they'd go more underground, but some folks also like to live dangerously.
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Nov 18, 2011
What the hell am I going to do with all these pitchforks now? I lost the receipt so I can't return them.

Seriously though, I've posted the same thing that I did yesterday years ago (in this thread) and despite the way I've felt, I haven't given him a hard time on the OS over the years and I won't start now.
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Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
MAY03LT said:
What the hell am I going to do with all these pitchforks now? I lost the receipt so I can't return them.
At least once it gets closer to Halloween, you can try to resell them and make some of your money back :tongue:


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
There's a bell-shaped curve of people of all attributes. Age, politics, enjoyment of being engaged with a community, altruism to help others. technical ability to help others, DIY talent and experience, understanding of Internet economics, ability to multi-task, etc. I used to be an extreme hard-ass about folks who didn't share 90% of my own motivation and goals. I've mellowed, and I don't see that as a bad thing anymore.

Folks here are self-selected and (we assume) believe in the non-profit mission of the site in the same way that amateur athletes are seen as more "pure" than the dirty professionals. But the Olympics has changed, you notice. We are not going to rid the world of Vertical Scope and Internet Brands and Google and Facebook, and all those who want to monetize every human interaction. Recruit when you can, but (unless the person in question is actively engaged in GMTN sabotage or VS suck-up-ism) I'd let them go.

Loverotties, though....he's a special case. :confused:
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Mar 29, 2014
Tuscaloosa, AL
Looked around the homepage on TV and found this. uploadfromtaptalk1398813713760.jpg You really left a mark over there, Roadie! I woulda thought they'd change that seeing how you were part of the jailbreak.


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
So you announce it here where we know they sometimes lurk........ :confused: :frown: :no:

In the early days, mentioning a recruiting account here would get it nuked within hours.

I think this is safe nowadays, or else I'd edit it, but please think more like a spy when dealing with VS and less like a puppy bringing home a dead chipmunk for his owner. :rotfl:

That statistic has been noted, as well as I was listed there on April 2 for my birthday. even spammed me with a "Happy Birthday, We Notice You Haven't Posted in a While" email to celebrate! Their view of the world is so filtered by having to look through their rectal wall it's not funny. Except to us. :wooot:
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Mar 29, 2014
Tuscaloosa, AL
I didn't think that saying something about your old account would matter since you're not gonna use it. But I'll think more next time man. I just thought it was neat that you haven't been there for over 2 years and they still have you as the top poster.


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
It is neat. If I measured my self-worth by post count I would never have walked away from that legacy. But knowing the truth about VS I could never have slept at night.

I'm very sure they will never develop another member to challenge what we built in the Golden Age of Trailvoy

Being banned, I'm now missing from the membership roster, and my posts don't show up in a sorted list of members. None of the truly banned ones are still on the list. But members who went inactive, or got put on Miserable User or Global Ignore status, still show up even today. Interesting to see the Roster of Fallen Comrades.

And NOT A SINGLE ONE OF THEM is new to the community since we left, since there IS NO COMMUNTITY. Suck it Vertical Scope. :raspberry:

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