so who still uses the old site?


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
dmanns67 said:
I have been using that in a couple PMs and threads to see how the mods would react. Highly doubt they even seen it.
Since there are zero mods, and the Admin (given the Vertical Scope greedy business model) is responsible for 50-80 forums :eek: what time can they possibly spend on sleepy forums like Trailvoy? Maybe 5 minutes a day? It took almost a week before they noticed our QUITE noisy jailbreak.

dmanns67 said:
Some reason he thinks the spammers have stopped coming to the site.
I think he was talking about US not coming to the site any more for recruiting. What a maroon.

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Dec 5, 2011
The_Roadie said:
A little bird tells me that chatterx is about to burn his bridges back on Trailvoy and it might be entertaining before (and if) their Admin notices.



Nov 17, 2012


Do I have time or should I sit still? :biggrin:


Dec 5, 2011
I rarely look at the old site but was just perusing the threads over there looking for the drama to unfold, it is so sad to see the refuse heap it has become.

Just a few examples I saw in 5 minutes of browsing:
Spam in the "4.2L Kooks header" thread
A poor soul looking for a solution to his vibration at idle when in Park
Another wanting to know why his HVAC is always blowing warm air. (Member since Jul 2010 and this is his first post?)

Easy answers would be found here it they would only see the light!

I see one of our guys (won't say who) trying his best to direct other over here, but it's like trying to clean up the Exxon Valdez spill with a paper towel.

Edit Forgot to add: In the post where Drew proudly announces hew has reorganized the DIY section, there is spam from someone in Canada selling a parts car in Georgia, and members saying they can't find the links to the new DIY sections :rotfl:


Nov 21, 2011
The_Roadie said:
A little bird tells me that chatterx is about to burn his bridges back on Trailvoy and it might be entertaining before (and if) their Admin notices.

Oh take pictures.


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
Dad-O-Matic said:
I rarely look at the old site but was just perusing the threads over there looking for the drama to unfold, it is so sad to see the refuse heap it has become.
We staff tried for a HUGELY long time to give Vertical Scope the benefit of the doubt that they weren't going to run the place into the ground. The jailbreak wasn't a knee-jerk reaction as it is in so many other thriving forums. But it was eventually too much neglect and greed, and the proof was in the fact that 100% of the staff left all at the same time. No holdouts. Unanimity.
Easy answers would be found here it they would only see the light!
Of look lower than the first Google hit.
Edit Forgot to add: In the post where Drew proudly announces hew has reorganized the DIY section, there is spam from someone in Canada selling a parts car in Georgia, and members saying they can't find the links to the new DIY sections :rotfl:
Didn't take him long to abandon working on the site to unjustly enrich Rob Laidlaw, Destroyer of Forums.

Dad-O-Matic said:
...Member since Jul 2010 and this is his first post?...
Oh, I forgot to mention, there were a lot of members who signed up to remove some (used to be *all* but Vertical Scope lies) of the ads, and get access to Members Only forums. Vertical Scope wanted to increase the apparent activity to be able to lie better to their advertisers, so they want back to old inactive members, spammed them with a plea to come back to the site and post up, and some of the gullible ones did without any knowledge of the issues and our existence. That's why you sometimes see old members with low post counts suddenly rediscovering trailvoy. Poor sods. :frown:


Dec 6, 2011
The_Roadie said:
A little bird tells me that chatterx is about to burn his bridges back on Trailvoy and it might be entertaining before (and if) their Admin notices.

I am so looking forward to this! :popcorn: (Got to watch my intake of this stuff!)


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
IllogicTC said:
Update: I found a spammer "karven" (the post about building blocks), who claims to have a... get this... 2008 Olds TrailBlazer LT EXT. Okay, so an EXT beyond their year of manufacture, and somehow also an Oldsmobile. Reminds me of Johnny Cash - One Piece At a Time.

Their other spam post was mildly amusing as well. I didn't even notice what they were trying to sell, cuz the link was buried so deep in that list of nonsense. :hopeless:

How to be Attractive to Girls


Nov 18, 2011
Would not be the first mod I helped out with combining posts in a row. :thumbsup:


Dec 18, 2011
We caught that violator Hardtrailz and i will be on the look out for more Buddy :wootwoot::wootwoot::rotfl::rotfl:


Dec 6, 2011
The_Roadie said:
Oh, I forgot to mention, there were a lot of members who signed up to remove some (used to be *all* but Vertical Scope lies) of the ads, and get access to Members Only forums. Vertical Scope wanted to increase the apparent activity to be able to lie better to their advertisers, so they want back to old inactive members, spammed them with a plea to come back to the site and post up, and some of the gullible ones did without any knowledge of the issues and our existence. That's why you sometimes see old members with low post counts suddenly rediscovering trailvoy. Poor sods. :frown:

So VS can spend the time and effort to re-recruit those guys but not support the site? That's low.

I'm sensing we're hitting another critical mass here.


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
Mark20 said:
So VS can spend the time and effort to re-recruit those guys but not support the site? That's low.
It's no effort. They have an automatic censorship filter they slap on any sites they buy where the membership runs a jailbreak, to prevent any mention of the new site. And they have a Spam-o-matic button to mine the membership data base and spam them to come back and get active again. Their Admins don't actually CODE, you know. They're like underpaid, overworked, mini-mods. They're just called Admins to make 'em feel high and mighty, and so VS can call them salaried and not pay them overtime, like they're the "Shift Manager" at a Wendy's. Paid $500 a week to work 90 hours. :no:


Jul 1, 2013
Hmmmm, looks like it's time for me to fire up the old TV account and do some more recruiting. I do it in "waves." For a couple days I do the G M T N a t i o n . c o m (no spaces) method and slap that puppy on every thread where some poor soul is having a problem they can't get answered. It's hard for me to remember how to navigate over there after being here so much. :rotfl:


Dec 5, 2011


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Apr 3, 2013
Envoy_04 said:
Hmmmm, looks like it's time for me to fire up the old TV account and do some more recruiting. I do it in "waves." For a couple days I do the G M T N a t i o n . c o m (no spaces) method and slap that puppy on every thread where some poor soul is having a problem they can't get answered. It's hard for me to remember how to navigate over there after being here so much. :rotfl:

I have been using the same technique for the past two days. I have seen three new members there become members here after I posted that into their intro threads. Its sad that the thread will get a 100 views, but no one responds to it. Some intro threads have a technical question as well that goes unanswered.

I am it is only a matter of time before I join the banned crowd :biggrin:


Dec 6, 2011
To Chatterx:


I don't want to say too much right this moment...

Porkins said:
Still banned, at least they haven't caught on to things. :biggrin:

All I want to add is :rotfl::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::rotfl:


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR


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Dec 6, 2011
I wonder what VS' employee turn-over rate is especially for the underlings who have to foster the drivel rained down on the rest of the members of a forum?


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
There have been forum postings in those sorts of admiin forums from former VS staff. Most of them I've read, even though they had left Rob Laidlaw, had drunk deeply from his kool-aid pitcher and didn't recognize the damaged communities they left in their wake.

Some forums don't disintegrate after the sell-out. And their admins can sleep at night. And the former owners sleep very well on a pillow full of money.


Mar 13, 2014
This is just in case the original thread gets deleted over at TV. I have found where the activity is at and a new home :smile:

I have been on the site for over a year now and have not posted till recently. When I first started posting I was perplexed at the amount of members registered with the site but the scarcity of the posts from said large amount of members. The next thing I noticed was the amount of spam posts for hair extensions and ipods and these posts were not being deleted. OK.... so no moderation either??


This is the image that came to mind immediately. Seriously!!! How could this happen?? Thats when I made my post about if the staff was alive. I began to see people posting about another site in the topic. With my forum experiences I just assumed that it was a few irate people and just blew it off. I offered hand in moderating as well and quickly got a pm from the admin asking if I wanted to moderate the forums. Hell yes!! I wanted to. I wanted the opportunity to revive the site and get the people participating. So I immediately replied I would take the position and couldn't wait to "clean" up the forums. Then silence..... I haven't heard a word from the admin since. He has even posted in the topic since my pm.

OK.... so has the trailblazer community already died off??? Why is the admin being so nonchalant and why am I all of a sudden getting messages from a person on eBay about what has happened to the site?? Then it became abundantly clear what has happened here. The problem here is greed. A company now own the most popular site for trailblazer/envoy enthusiast and is now just banking off of the the ad revenue and could care less about the content or the members. Its very obvious if you look around.

As an admin of a forum with half the member count of this site I cannot believe that this was allowed to happen. A mass migration?!?!?! I was astounded to see this. I would be downright embarrassed. However, corporations have no ethics and morals so therefore there is no embarrassment. Just as long as the money keeps rolling in then all is good. After all corporations don't have to answer to average people such as all of us. They have to answer to stockholders. I am actually embarrassed myself that I publicly offered a hand to be part of this. Hell I would still be if I did it in private. So don't even bother with the thought of adding me to the staff.

See, you think that since you hold all this information and with all this information you are the top google search results right now so all is good. You know what else holds a lot of information?? Libraries, but libraries are dying off... why?? Because not many people go to the library because they all have the internet and can read whatever they want from the comfort of their own home. And those that do go to the libraries are there to use their internet. Libraries are yesterdays news and so will this site be in those search results as the other site is getting the new content in which many will search for. The funny thing will be when this site is finally dead, you will be sitting there scratching your head saying "what happened??"

Do me a favor..... remember this post so you can save yourself the trouble of thinking to hard about it.

Peace out....


Dec 30, 2013
I was doing a bit of Atlas research and went to a Colorado/Canyon forum for some of the information needed.... guess who owns it? :no:

Then, after diagnosing my roomie's 97 Dakota filler neck leak (some buttnozzle duct taped it and of course the tape came off eventually), look it up, get on a forum.... guess who!? :no:

Going to VS's site though, it doesn't even have any real talk about commitment to communities. Talks all about advertising, who's advertising with them, and how you too can advertise with them. That's a shame, man. Like if you click on their "The Truth About Cars" property page, instead of just explaining what it does... they give you a bunch of demographics, like "83% male," etc. They've maximized the whoring of people who don't want to be whored out, and can't even justly compensate. Like with FaceBook, look we all know that's what the game is about. But on the other hand it provides a meaningful service (sometimes very personal for keeping in contact with family, etc.), and they're constantly adding this or that, and at least using some of their money from adverts to foster a better user environment, including having active staff who look through reported posts and whatnot. VS sites just don't seem to have that throughout in the forum-style sites, it just sits there like a turd until all the flies shoo away.


Dec 6, 2011


Apr 3, 2013
Mark20 said:
In a reply to the above proposed meet location on the OS...

Should I take the honors?


Tell him to type the city into his web browser and it will take him to where he needs to go for a meet :yes:


Dec 6, 2011
dmanns67 said:

Tell him to type the city into his web browser and it will take him to where he needs to go for a meet :yes:

Sent him a PM saying the meet is going on right now and we expect to see him soon as long as he reads the map carefully.


Dec 30, 2013
Hypnotoad said:
I've been banned from Trailvoy using redirect links to here, but it's pretty safe lately. Plus, you can just change your IP address and make a new account if you did get banned anyway.

Thanks to dynamic IP allocation, since we no longer live in the dial-up days :yes: I literally just disconnect my modem for 15 seconds, that's all it takes to get a new one :crackup:


Nov 18, 2011
Wonder if they would let me be a mod if I started posting up a couple questions


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
Too Fast said:
^^^they have mods there?????????
There are zero mods. One paid babysitting Admin that spends less than 5 minutes a day on each of his sites.

Wonder if they would let me be a mod if I started posting up a couple questions
If you didn't burn any bridges, and they don't Google for your username, you might get away with it.


Nov 18, 2011
They blocked me right off the bat. I never got any contact from them, just could not log in and no response to my request for password reset or anything similar. My user name is different here, but close enough they would know.


Dec 4, 2011
They blocked me right off the bat. I never got any contact from them, just could not log in and no response to my request for password reset or anything similar. My user name is different here, but close enough they would know.

You should use my account I have. Its not banned. They let me back on.

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