so who still uses the old site?


Nov 18, 2011
Blckshdw said:
That musta been before my time

Yeah it was a while back. His buddy had a VR6 passat or something and he would post their racing stories and ask what he had to do to beat him.


Dec 10, 2012
OMG, just reviewed a thread over there and found the guy that wants god-like powers is a certain charmer and gentleman with this comment:

View attachment 33725

He's sure to get a great job there now.

The link this jack job slammed is here, a parts store


Edit: He may be viewing the signature parts store as spamming. I thought the guy posted valid input. If one of us put in our signature, would that be grounds for being yelled at? LOL - sheesh, we mention it enough and others in the open anyhow...


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Nov 18, 2011
Man that is EXACTLY the kind of crap that the street racer would post. He can beat a vBulletin word filter. Wow. Such hacker. Many skills. So hard.:rotfl:

More thinking about this - maybe it will refresh some OGs memories - the street racer was the one that told me to go _____ myself in a discussion about replacing the trans filter seal when doing the filter change.


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 18, 2011
MAY03LT said:
Man that is EXACTLY the kind of crap that the street racer would post. He can beat a vBulletin word filter. Wow. Such hacker. Many skills. So hard.:rotfl:

More thinking about this - maybe it will refresh some OGs memories - the street racer was the one that told me to go _____ myself in a discussion about replacing the trans filter seal when doing the filter change.

Those filters don't usually apply to the staff... so he may be a mod, as Jman calls them, a plainclothes moderator.

and no.... I don't remember. Soooo many people told you to go "coitus" yourself. :rotfl:


Nov 18, 2011
That rings a bell:tongue:


Dec 6, 2011
Are they going to go on a banning spree so they can have their own little piece of hell on the internet?


Nov 18, 2011

Oh boy.:crazy:

Dear magicjohnson,

I can't post on trailvoy, so I can only hope that you will see this here. The moderators that you replaced (or are trying to) used to come to this thread to read up on the haps so I am hoping that you will do the same.

First of all, thanks for watching my videos. I hope you've learned a thing or two. But there are some things with this post that I have to address.

So I'm a bitch, or possibly a female body part. That's cool. Do you think you're the first anonymous nobody who has popped up to take a shot at me? Think again. Over the past three years (6 years if you're going by the alternator replacement video) I've taken shots from many 16 year old know it alls with an internet connection. I've been insulted, my wifes been insulted, my truck, my speakers, my camera equipment, the resolution that I use, everything has been scrutinized and criticized. 1.2 million views later, I have other automotive youtubers taking shots. So nothing that you say can phase me. Actually this is the only part of your post that I'm ok with.:cool:

The second part of your post is what I do have a problem with. I tell people where they can go for additional help. Well, help that matters anyway. I didn't do what other channels did and start my own website. In case you believe the rumors I'll clear it up for you - I do not own this site. Every post on here (1880 something) and on trailvoy (9800 something) is/was done on a volunteer basis. I don't ask for anything from the owners of this site just like I didnt ask the owners of trailvoy for anything. For my youtube audience, I don't ask for Patreon pledges, I don't sell DVDs, I turned down on offer to pitch BG products (because snake oil), and I definitely don't put on an act to cater to the richie cunningham pc crowd. All I ask on youtube is for people to subscribe - that's what makes the hours and hours writing, editing, directing, producing, and starring in the videos worth it. I've never posted my videos on other forums (excluding car audio stuff). I don't post my videos here because what I show there is old news to these guys. I've talked these guys up time after time - some I've known for 7 years and some I've known for 7 days - and I stand by what I say about them. So before you talk about me "spamming" this site - know that it's not for my benefit - it's for the peoples benefit.

I'll tell you the same thing that I told those who have come before you. The library that is Trailvoy can burn to the ground and I/we won't miss a beat. Protect it if you will, and know that if VS pulls the plug once the site isn't turning a profit, you know where to find us.

Good luck with the site!:celebrate:


Jan 25, 2012
That is probably the most inspiring motivational post I have read in a while May. It almost bought a tear to my eye.


That is one thing that some will never understand, this is more than a tech forum. We are a group of friends, brothers (and sisters), and to some even family. We are a group of gear heads of varying degree who try to help other in our spare time. I have said it before, and will say it again. I have been on many forums, none have ever been the way this community is.


Mar 24, 2014
United States
I understand that there are different personalities that each site possesses... For example- GMTNation is laid back and socially friendly while TBSSOwners is more for the speed freaks that tend to have more of a confrontational and/or aggressive approach in the forums. Both sites help their community internally, and sometimes they help each other. TrailVoy, on the other hand, isn't helping anyone. The only info helping anyone are the posts made by most of the current GMTN and TBSSOwners members that left TrailVoy long ago.

Many staff members here have well established member accounts over there which help us keep up on what's being told to unsuspecting help-seekers. Every now and then, an account gets burned, but the amount of people that have benefited from these actions is worth the small amount of trouble.

People like May and Roadie and all of the others that go well out of their way to help the community are the reason that TrailVoy was even worth buying for Vertical Scope. Sadly, they let it turn into a graveyard and they continue to let jackasses, like the one in the screenshot below, chase people away. Fortunately, we're here, and we do what we can to get those people to find the information they're looking for, whether it's here on GMTN or otherwise.

Among the many lies spouted off by VS back in 2011 when we went our separate ways... they were going to remove the filters and allow mention of GMTNation for the benefit of the members. That never happened, and we all know that VS has no intention of benefiting anyone.

This used to be a very high ranking search result on Google, we'll have to make sure it stays there:


Dec 10, 2012
Excellent wording and keeping your cool... must say I'm impressed, from what I feel, you could have gone off on that rodent.

As for your Location on voy, "nation of GMT" is hilarious!


Nov 18, 2011
blazinlow89 said:
That is probably the most inspiring motivational post I have read in a while May. It almost bought a tear to my eye.


That is one thing that some will never understand, this is more than a tech forum. We are a group of friends, brothers (and sisters), and to some even family. We are a group of gear heads of varying degree who try to help other in our spare time. I have said it before, and will say it again. I have been on many forums, none have ever been the way this community is.

Thanks man!:cool:

And I totally agree with the community feel that we have here (and had back on trailvoy). I'm on several forums, some since 07, and none of them does it like we do. My internet time was very limited over this last winter, and some members were pm'ing me to see if I was ok and even asking me how my son was doing. That feeling is one that I can't put into words.

Jman423 said:
Many staff members here have well established member accounts over there which help us keep up on what's being told to unsuspecting help-seekers.

This is what led to me doing a video on the famous trailblazer-disconnected-red-wire-near-the-negative-battery-terminal. Many of us here worked hard to beat trailvoy on the google rank for that search, and at one point we were the number one search result. Some time later, I noticed new threads on trailvoy popping up about that wire. That's fine and everything, but a certain someone continued to post the wrong information about its true purpose (it has nothing to do with trailer brakes). I didn't want to do that video, but since people were googling it and finding trailvoy over us, I felt that I had to make it to not only state the correct purpose of that wire but to also throw up a referral to this site.

Robbabob said:
Excellent wording and keeping your cool... must say I'm impressed, from what I feel, you could have gone off on that rodent.

As for your Location on voy, "nation of GMT" is hilarious!

Thanks man. Over the years I've learned that blowing up doesn't get anything done. It also helps that I can vent on my channel.:biggrin:

I'm surprised that they didn't change it. It was like that when they read/deleted my April fools thread last year.


Dec 6, 2011
I had to stiffle the burst of laughter while sitting at the gate in Columbia, SC airport.

Admin response, good one

Dig a little further in the thread too! The above link is only that post.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
I forgot there were other people on global ignore besides me... I saw the 2nd page, and clicked it, and wondered why I kept getting sent back to the first post :crazy:


Dec 2, 2011
Mark20 said:
I had to stiffle the burst of laughter while sitting at the gate in Columbia, SC airport.

Admin response, good one

Dig a little further in the thread too! The above link is only that post.

They are deleting and editing posts now. Shows having 3 pages, but when you click on "3" or "next" it takes you back to page 2. Someone must have woke the Admin up for the first time since the exodus.


Nov 18, 2011
Mark20 said:
I had to stiffle the burst of laughter while sitting at the gate in Columbia, SC airport.

Admin response, good one

Dig a little further in the thread too! The above link is only that post.

I don't know if people still say this but lols were had.

We can help the forum get back its mojo, but we need users to tell us what they want and how to get it done.

You could measure random bolts for members.....


You could ohm out a fuel level sensor for members....


You could show flasher inputs and outputs for members....


You could measure the OEM speakers for members....


You could show members how to build stuff that you sell (might cut into your sales, fyi)....


You could show members how to install new seat covers....


You could invite members to your home to help them out....


You could drive to them to help them out....


You might have to use the OEM service info for some things (it's not too hard, I taught a Plush Pal how to read schematics)....


But I don't know how you can do any of that from a corporate office setting though. You're on your own with that.:undecided:


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
Fair Use Excerpt for journalistic review:

We don;t close forums, that is the first thing I would like to point out to anyone.

Of course! A dead forum with ZERO new members is still a useful ad farm, since the anonymous visitors also count as eyeballs to the advertisers. Even an underperforming asset like Trailvoy that you overpaid for, brings in a few thousand a year in ad revenue.

Also, we have a dedicated team that helps our forum users and staff. If you post in this section or PM us, we come, kinda like a bat signal.

Maybe once a month until somebody alerts you to something happening. With the workload VS gives their admin team, they can spend what....5 minutes a day on each forum?

So it is offensive to say we don;t care, when my team spends the day caring.

Five minutes at a time caring. If you redefine "caring" to mean "protecting our eyeballs from poaching by those other non-profit but useful sites with a supportive community of helpful altruistic members."

Maybe get your facts straight. How are we to have a good "google ranking" with out users. It is people like you with mixed facts and false information that kill forums.

Ranking will end up fading away without fresh blood. But you'll always have fresh posts from noobs asking questions and posting Intro threads even with zero replies, as is typical for a dead forum like the one you run. Trailvoy's already dead. You're just in denial.

If you are trying to just get users onto another site, then that should say all to anyone reading this.

But the site we run here is a HELPFUL site, not a profit-mongering site. We want to help the poor noobs and you just want to make a buck off their eyeballs.

We can help the forum get back its mojo, but we need users to tell us what they want and how to get it done.

The users want us all back there. Ain't gonna happen. NOBODY is ever in the history of the platform going to gather together as much personal experience and helpfulness as the crew here. Ain't gonna happen. There is not another Roadie, or May03, or any of a hundred other names I could post, out there waiting to help you. The mojo is gone. You squandered and abused it and it fled.

My team doesn't want to see a site die, so let us do our job and help.

No, you might get fired if you admitted you let it die. But it did. You just don't see it. VS is in the business of denying they kill forums. And lying to advertisers. And stealing from paid supporters. And concealing the truth from all. How do you folks sleep at night?


Corporate tool. Long term corporate tool. Stew must have escalated the situation to her. Chickenshit.


Dec 30, 2013
In that Is The Staff Alive?? thread over there...

Anyone else find it ironic that chatterx complains about spam about ipads... and the word "ipad" got auto-modified by VS' software to be an ad link?

Also, I'm sure I haven't been rooted out yet. I should log in and volunteer, and for credential be like "Yeah I have mod experience, I do it over at GMTNation." See how quickly I get ban-hammered. :rotfl:


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
chatterx said:
Awww they closed it

At least Stew was nice enough to say hello to Bill before he closed your open letter thread. Guess he doesn't care about the rest of us though :redface:


Dec 4, 2011
That magicsjohnson dude is one heck of a douche...


Mar 24, 2014
United States
The_Roadie said:
Stew must have escalated the situation to her. Chickenshit.

Stew, that's right!!

Drayton and I were trying to remember that schmuck's name earlier today. He's the one that made all of the false claims and empty promises.

Remember, all of this started because the staff (at the time) couldn't get any support from VS. Some staff members needed support and clarification on rules, I needed to be able to update and expand features, and the members wanted to be able to navigate the site without wading through useless and off-topic advertisements.

In fact, the last update to vBulletin that I personally installed on TrailVoy is still the current version they're running today (that version reached end-of-life in summer 2012). There have been THIRTY-SEVEN updates since then, and they have not installed a single one of them... or any security patches since our departure. They've obviously taken the time to install more advertisements and tools to collect your data to aid in their targeted advertisements for revenue generation, a point made clear in the Privacy Policy that is next to impossible to locate.

It's OK though, we're the enemy. They'll use our exit strategy to forever attempt to make us appear to be the bad guys, but they'll never acknowledge the actions on their part that brought us to such an exit strategy... even though it took them something like 5 days to realize everyone had left.

Oh, and then there were the mods they tried to replace us with that also threw in the towel and had many conversations with us behind closed doors right here "across enemy lines".

Ah... the good times!


Nov 18, 2011
Its really pathetic. Site was murdered right in its prime.


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 18, 2011
I read all this stuff but all I hear is:



Jul 1, 2013
Sparky said:
That magicsjohnson dude is one heck of a douche...

Been doing some poking around over on the OS this evening. All I can say about this guy is wow. :no:

He reminds me of a kid I went to school with, a lot of talk and about 90% of it made up or stupid, and extremely in your face and irritating. I was blessed with a VERY high stupid tolerance, but to this day he's the only person who made me lose my cool. Something tells me this guy would come a close second if I had to deal with him in person.

I'm actually glad he's over there, maybe he can finish driving the place into the ground while he's "cleaning the place up."


Dec 30, 2013
Jman423 said:
There have been THIRTY-SEVEN updates since then, and they have not installed a single one of them... or any security patches since our departure.

Privilege escalation, or anything? I'm not saying anyone should attempt to take advantage of their outdated security. But what I am saying is given long enough, someone probably will and then all those people not only have to suffer incessant ads on the site but will probably get their email inbox crammed full of crap, too.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Sparky said:
That magicsjohnson dude is one heck of a douche...

When you think about it, he chose his screen name after a dick... Coincidence? :uhno:

At first I thought it was just a typo, until I read a number of his posts, then the light went on... :lightbulb:


Dec 6, 2011
Well it seems I made it to global ignore :thumbsup::wootwoot::thumbsup: at the OS because after I log out I don't see this post I made immediately following the "Admin" or any others I made in that thread...

You want to get the users back?

Then get rid of the ads!

Un-ban the experts and members who decided it was better to move on!

Move all out of global ignore who were unjustly put there!

Turn off Miserable Users!

Get rid of the keyword filter!

Or just leave things the way they are, keep lying to us and a thriving community will continue to GROW elsewhere! This is not the only VS site that users have left in droves. It will also not be the last as long as VS continues to destroy enthusiast forums.

And BTW, we know what the red wire is really for!

I haven't dug deeper to see if its just in that thread that my stuff is ignored. It was probably easier to just hit the big switch and kill me over the entire system.

End of life'ed in 2012 and they're still running it? Man, talk about not caring. Though they are probably using virtual servers so if the site crashes hard it will not take down their server farm.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Mark20 said:
Well it seems I made it to global ignore :thumbsup::wootwoot::thumbsup: at the OS because after I log out I don't see this post I made immediately following the "Admin" or any others I made in that thread...

Nope, you are ghosted, if I search for posts made by you, none are found. Welcome to the club. :raspberry:


Dec 6, 2011
Blckshdw said:
Nope, you are ghosted, if I search for posts made by you, none are found. Welcome to the club. :raspberry:

Oh well, I have 18 shill accounts over there. I can still have fun!

We at least I helped make them blow their site review time budget, they've probably had to put an hour in this week to see what mess (really of their own making) has cropped up and try to hide it under the rug.


Mar 24, 2014
United States
Somehow, we need to put some stats together on just how many of our new members here are drawn from TrailVoy through our undercover operations. We need to come up with a snappy name for the "operation" and start collecting stats. Maybe if we can identify the most popular reasons their members come here (either by chance or as the result of our communication with them), we can improve these stats.


Nov 21, 2011
Jman423 said:
Somehow, we need to put some stats together on just how many of our new members here are drawn from TrailVoy through our undercover operations. We need to come up with a snappy name for the "operation" and start collecting stats. Maybe if we can identify the most popular reasons their members come here (either by chance or as the result of our communication with them), we can improve these stats.

Operation Pettifogger

Definition: shyster; a lawyer whose methods are underhanded or disreputable


Dec 10, 2012
The_Roadie said:
We just want to be boy scouts and help the noobs.

Operation Boy Scout it is....

Whether in pvts or in threads, mention, "I'm a boy scout and I've come to help you."


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
Jman423 said:
Somehow, we need to put some stats together on just how many of our new members here are drawn from TrailVoy through our undercover operations.
I did a daily growth chart for a while, but now without my doing any underground recruiting, we're well above that level of daily new members.

It's not a good chart because many of the shill accounts we all use aren't identified as our real names, so a new member wouldn't really know who recruited them, but here's a list as of today of all the folks who entered a referring member name, down to the 3-referral level.

What we really need to do is look at the web referral logs to see how many visitors (not just new members) come here after just having been at Trailvoy or Google.

View attachment 33770


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Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
:confused: I had a hard time remembering who my referrals were, since I never got the chance to do any recruiting :crazy:


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
I kept a spreadsheet for a while of which shill PMed which member on what date. I think it went past 400 entries. It got to the point of shills inviting other shills, the rate of REAL noobs on Trailvoy went down so precipitously. It was like going to a dive bar on the seedy side of town to pick up a "bad girl" and meeting your neighbor doing the same thing. :eek: :redface:

So I couldn't be accused of spamming them with excessive PMs.

And to keep track of which members were poisonous asshats and didn't want to hear about the superior alternative. Lost most shills when I accidentally hit up one of those members and got reported to the Admin. Or one of the two replacement mods at the time.

What does it SAY about a site where nobody wants to be a public moderator - just sneak around and anonymously off people in the dark? :confused:

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