so who still uses the old site?

Too Fast

Jan 28, 2014
the roadie said:
That is the EVIL Intellitxt ad system IntelliTXT - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It's trivial to add an AdBlockPlus entry to nuke them all.

Visiting Trailvoy without an aggressive AdBlockPlus filter is like wearing a coating of advertiser pheromones and walking into the advertiser mating grounds at the height of advertiser mating season surrounded by a horde of drooling horny advertisers.

Thanks, I'll get something like AdBlockPlus. Hate those things.

Sorta like in my profession, but not as bad. Mechanics view tool truck drivers like Snap-On, etc, as an evil necessity.

I say they are like a leech, looking for a symbiotic relationship. I, for one, am not going to help them make their yacht payment.

IllogicTC said:
Their particular links are provided by VigLink [Wikipedia]. From the article:

"...scans a page for words that could be potentially profitable to the publisher of the page..." sounds about on the level for VS right? :rotfl:

"potentially be profitable'' lol. Lots of *potential* for anything, eh?


Nov 18, 2011
blazinlow89 said:
However I will still take credit for breaking the moderators.

When are you returning over there?

Too Fast said:
Anybody who searches for a problem for their vehicle tho, usually TV shows up at the top of the list. There is a lot of good info, but not much action.

Someday we will have a million plus post archive. Someday.

the roadie said:
Vertical Scope is going down!


High Voltage said:
I get decal request from members there all the time.
I have not and will not make any!

Hey man long time no hear!


Jan 25, 2012
MAY03LT said:
When are you returning over there?

:confused: I have no intentions of going back, I did my few shill accounts and did some recruiting. My user name is still locked in miserable user status last I checked. Last time I posted was the same day the Mods stopped posting. I figure at the very least VS had realized they had lost control and went to minimal operating procedures. Spam stays on the board for months, no admin in sight, and my last shill account lasted a record (for me at least) 34 days with constant GMT whoring. Even had a nice user name that was blatant as day, something like GMT360nation.

Its good to see you posting.
Dec 13, 2013
Too Fast said:
I've seen a lot of your posts over there, I thought the 'no longer with us' meant you quit going there and you put that on.

Just shows how bad they really are. It took about 3 months to get my account activated, no reponse from the mods, adds everywhere, I'm on that site less and less now that I know about this one.

Anybody who searches for a problem for their vehicle tho, usually TV shows up at the top of the list. There is a lot of good info, but not much action. I've posted on TV about doing a fog light mod for our '03.

WELCOME!! Glad you made the trip over here!! lol that was actually my post you commented on for the fog light mod :biggrin: Still havent tried it yet of course been too cold and now snowy here.. but will deff do it soon! :thumbsup:

Too Fast

Jan 28, 2014
Midnyteryder02 said:
WELCOME!! Glad you made the trip over here!! lol that was actually my post you commented on for the fog light mod :biggrin: Still havent tried it yet of course been too cold and now snowy here.. but will deff do it soon! :thumbsup:

So, you have an '03 TB EXT? Is there any way you can get your fogs on by themselves, or only with the park lamps? Have you tried pushing on the fog lamp switch when all exterior lights are off? And holding it for 5 seconds or so?
Dec 13, 2013
Yeah I got an 03 ext.. when I push the fog switch, no matter if all lights are off or not, the fogs come on with all park and low beams.. tried holding fog button for 5-10 sec, tried turning to off on headlight switch and holding for 5-10 sec, nothing works.. so I'm going to have to do the mod that u had told me on my post on the os.. its just been too cold to mess with it lately


Dec 30, 2013
May03LT I noticed a lot of your vids have comments disabled thanks to armchair mechanics - this thread got me wondering if it's some sort of attempted "attack" by the TV members upset that you're providing your expertise to this community now? :rotfl:

And screw the haters. I've found every one of the videos helpful, informative, and set in a way that I, as a person who's not ASE-certified and all that, can still understand.

And on fog lamps, maybe I am imagining them operating in the manner I described? Oh well, my bad sorry :raspberry:


Jan 25, 2012
May's vids have helped me more than a few times. Not to mention his efforts to help me personally (online) with my alarm install. I am glad to have a community of members who are willing to spare their time to help others out.


Dec 30, 2013
blazinlow89 said:
May's vids have helped me more than a few times. Not to mention his efforts to help me personally (online) with my alarm install. I am glad to have a community of members who are willing to spare their time to help others out.

Yes, it's nice to see people with enough dedication to the vehicle they have to not only help themselves but try to help others, too. I try to help when I can by referencing stacks of manuals and threads and resources :rotfl: It's one of the greats of the Internet - forums dedicated to certain vehicles or platforms. Before, you'd either have to get a manual, join a club, find a group of enthusiasts (harder in small towns) or just take it to the shop. I'm not above having my hand held if I need it, and the instant/near-instant communication the Internet affords (along with picture and video capability) allows people brighter than I to do just that.


Jan 25, 2012
IllogicTC said:
Yes, it's nice to see people with enough dedication to the vehicle they have to not only help themselves but try to help others, too. I try to help when I can by referencing stacks of manuals and threads and resources :rotfl: It's one of the greats of the Internet - forums dedicated to certain vehicles or platforms. Before, you'd either have to get a manual, join a club, find a group of enthusiasts (harder in small towns) or just take it to the shop. I'm not above having my hand held if I need it, and the instant/near-instant communication the Internet affords (along with picture and video capability) allows people brighter than I to do just that.

I have never purchased a manual for a vehicle, I have cheated and found procedures from other resources. However for the most part I had always looked at the part, figured out how to get it off, put the new one in, google torque specs and call it a day. I have used articles for a good portion of the repairs on the TB, I have looked in the PDF manuals for info, however my first time trying to find proper procedures for something was the FPR replacement. I did find instructions for releasing the pressure on the system which turned into a horrible painful nightmare when I finally got it off. I have always had a shut and go for it personality when working on cars. Not sure if its old age, wasted time or the NAVY and their procedures rubbing off, but I have been doing everything I can by the book.

I also want to mention the thousands of dollars saved with personal diagnoses, and repair thanks to members from the forums. Wonder what that would add up to amongst all members, :undecided:.


Dec 30, 2013
I know with plugs and TB cleaning, my savings just on that (as a combo maintenance item) I probably saved upwards of $200. Got the plugs for $30 off a member through the GMTN Facebook, a $4 bottle of cleaning spray. The tools aren't included in cost because they're all common things you'd have if you even though of DIY anyway.

In fact, I think I will pass some savings along and donate to GMTN :yes::biggrin:


Nov 18, 2011
IllogicTC said:
May03LT I noticed a lot of your vids have comments disabled thanks to armchair mechanics - this thread got me wondering if it's some sort of attempted "attack" by the TV members upset that you're providing your expertise to this community now? :rotfl:

Well, a few months after most folks migrated here, my newer videos were being posted over there (as responses to posts). When I got the word I went and added annotations to the videos they linked explaining the move and where to go. They were not happy. But they did stop doing it.:biggrin:

And screw the haters. I've found every one of the videos helpful, informative, and set in a way that I, as a person who's not ASE-certified and all that, can still understand.

Thanks man, I appreciate it! And for the haters, it never stops. Someone just sent me a screen of a youtuber who I guess wants to go to war. I never heard of the guy or mentioned him or his generic/vague/ADD-catering videos.:crazy:

And on fog lamps, maybe I am imagining them operating in the manner I described? Oh well, my bad sorry :raspberry:

It's been so long since I modded mine that I don't remember how they worked from the factory.:redface:

blazinlow89 said:
May's vids have helped me more than a few times. Not to mention his efforts to help me personally (online) with my alarm install. I am glad to have a community of members who are willing to spare their time to help others out.

Thanks bro! Just paying it forward - the community here has helped me countless times (going back to 07) at the other site. I remember one summer morning riding to work with the HVAC controller locked on defrost/heat - and thanks to these guys I was riding home with the A/C blowing cold air out the dash.:cool:


Dec 30, 2013
MAY03LT said:
Thanks man, I appreciate it! And for the haters, it never stops. Someone just sent me a screen of a youtuber who I guess wants to go to war. I never heard of the guy or mentioned him or his generic/vague/ADD-catering videos.:crazy:

"You. Me. Torque wrenches at dawn. And I expect shop labor rates for my time spent in the duel."


Nov 18, 2011
So I'm getting caught up on some emails and stuff and I noticed that I'm still getting private messages over there.

Last Activity: 04-01-2013 07:57 PM (from the April fools/gucciman thread last year that was deleted)

So I went browsing over there for some lols and I saw some posts from the guys who are trying to restore the site to its former glory bitching about the lack of moderation. To those guys, if you haven't figured out by now that the owners don't give two fucks about the site, the members, or you, you never will. If you are good this year, maybe this Christmas the CEO of Vertical Scope will send you guys pictures of his mansion in the Canadian version of the Hamptons.:rotfl:


Mar 16, 2013
We're still sponsoring the site, one more year...just can't let it go for some reason (we have a lot of old posts/threads there). It will be our last year for sure, it's crazy they will not cut me a break on the rate even though the site has a quarter of the traffic that it used to have. Used to be sponsors running all the way down the side of the page, now it's us and five others...


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
Kelly@PCMofNC said:
We're still sponsoring the site, one more year...just can't let it go for some reason (we have a lot of old posts/threads there). It will be our last year for sure, it's crazy they will not cut me a break on the rate even though the site has a quarter of the traffic that it used to have. Used to be sponsors running all the way down the side of the page, now it's us and five others...
Kelly, I hope you're auditing your ads from IPs other than the ones they know you control. I'm not seeing ANY sidebar ads at the moment. They could be serving up your ads only to you. Never know with those crooks.

The "Advertising Info" link: Chevy TrailBlazer, TrailBlazer SS and GMC Envoy Forum Sponsor Information
Contains page views and new thread stats from 2008-2009! When *WE* were Trailvoy and the community was thriving. If VS is allowing those stats to remain posted, and implying that's the Trailvoy of today, they are proven to be misleading their advertisers and conning you and them. If there even is a "them."

Where did your traffic stats come from? Vertical Scope, or an independent audit?

MAY03LT said:
So I went browsing over there for some lols and I saw some posts from the guys who are trying to restore the site to its former glory bitching about the lack of moderation. To those guys, if you haven't figured out by now that the owners don't give two fucks about the site, the members, or you, you never will. If you are good this year, maybe this Christmas the CEO of Vertical Scope will send you guys pictures of his mansion in the Canadian version of the Hamptons.:rotfl:
"Chatterx" would be welcomed here with open arms, IF AND ONLY IF he shuns the Admin's probable offer to be a mod and to clean up the place. Somebody please send him a PM invitation, coded, of course. There will NEVER be a Trailvoy community again. Everybody who knows the tech is here, except for some goofs who refuse to understand the politics and economics of for-profit versus non-profit enthusiast-owned sites. Or numbnuts who can't understand that forums split and communities can move on.


Nov 18, 2011
Kelly...I just went over there for 10 minutes and got a good laugh, but never saw an ad for you guys.


Jan 16, 2012
Not on purpose....but they were the only site that came up with useful info on google when I was searching for my problem with trailer lights.

Turns out I had the Fuse #42 issue. Tried this site first, but nada.

I did see Kelly's ad on their main page.


Nov 18, 2011
Kelly@PCMofNC said:
We're still sponsoring the site, one more year...just can't let it go for some reason (we have a lot of old posts/threads there). It will be our last year for sure, it's crazy they will not cut me a break on the rate even though the site has a quarter of the traffic that it used to have. Used to be sponsors running all the way down the side of the page, now it's us and five others...

Wow that's a shame. We talked about vendors way back in this thread. We understand your reasons for being a part of that site. That might be why no one gives you guys or markmc a hard time over there.

The_Roadie said:
"Chatterx" would be welcomed here with open arms, IF AND ONLY IF he shuns the Admin's probable offer to be a mod and to clean up the place. Somebody please send him a PM invitation, coded, of course. There will NEVER be a Trailvoy community again. Everybody who knows the tech is here, except for some goofs who refuse to understand the politics and economics of for-profit versus non-profit enthusiast-owned sites. Or numbnuts who can't understand that forums split and communities can move on.

But Mr. Roadie what about my post count? I can't just walk away from 9,800 posts. Actually, I can...and did.:biggrin:

davenay67 said:
Not on purpose....but they were the only site that came up with useful info on google when I was searching for my problem with trailer lights.

Yeah there is a lot of good info there. I use it myself from time to time. We still got a ways to go before we can destroy them in google search results.


Jan 25, 2012
Kelly...I just went over there for 10 minutes and got a good laugh, but never saw an ad for you guys.

You were not lying about the laugh, even the spammers are attacking each other now. Also if any one wants an Iphone 5s, there are about 30 different threads from spammers over there.

davenay67 said:
Not on purpose....but they were the only site that came up with useful info on google when I was searching for my problem with trailer lights.

Turns out I had the Fuse #42 issue. Tried this site first, but nada.

I did see Kelly's ad on their main page.

Keep in mind Trailvoy has been around a lot longer than GMTnation. Every bit of information over there was posted by people who moved over here, some have left over the years, others lurk and check in when necessary, and we continue to grow which is a great thing. Unfortunately the OS will remain as an archive for years to come until VS pulls the plug, or every question asked there, gets asked over here.

Kelly your logo shows up in the sponsors list on the side, however no where else on the site. I had to look with my phone to see it though, never showed up under Firefox, or Chrome with the ADblock off. I refuse to click on internet explorer.


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
MAY03LT said:
But Mr. Roadie what about my post count? I can't just walk away from 9,800 posts. Actually, I can...and did.:biggrin:
One is not defined by their post count, but the count of those HELPED by their posts. You and I and many others have nothing to fear from the Karma police. :biggrin:

blazinlow89 said:
You were not lying about the laugh, even the spammers are attacking each other now.
It's hilarious. I see spammers arguing with other spammers that their spam is better and the iPhone spam is not going to find a decent audience in the clutter. OF THEIR SPAM!


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Nov 20, 2011
North Las Vegas
I can't, if I log in I have no access to the forums... I don't feel like making another account over there since it is just for reference.


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
HAHAHAHA! The most recent mercenary profit-monger admin cannot even spell. :redface:

And he thinks we've quit coming to the site. He can't even be bothered to read the posts immediately ABOVE HIS that ever-so-subtly mention!

He should be IDENTIFYING candidates to be moderators. Here, we have three times as many qualified candidates as we can reasonably use. There, nobody wants to be in charge of jackasses and spammers.

I would not be astonished if a spammer volunteered to be a mod, just to clean up his COMPETITOR'S spam. They're certainly not going to have a contest to see who has the most accurate technical posts and promote THEM.

Admin Admin is offline
Super Administrator

2002 Chevy TrailBlazer LTZ
Silver Blue Metallic 4.2L I6 4X4
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Toronto, ON
Posts: 231

looks like they have all stopped coming to the site. In unrelated news, does anyone want to volonteer to become a site moderator?

PM me if you would like to volonteer.

Will somebody please clue the potential volunteer sucker in? :wink:


Dec 10, 2012
Just over there to check on things, Kelly's add present with 5 others, total.

Chatterx started a thread asking if the mods were alive...

firefighter484 input a great coded message!:
There was a mass miGration. I shall not Mention the name of The other site because those iN power here will bAn you. If you look around (especially The prevIous posting) you may find the name Of the other page. MaNy cruise here just to see what gets posted, but you would be MUCH better off finding the "other site".

Best post was bottom of first page:

Admin Admin is offline
Super Administrator

2002 Chevy TrailBlazer LTZ
Silver Blue Metallic 4.2L I6 4X4
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Toronto, ON
Posts: 231
looks like they have all stopped coming to the site. In unrelated news, does anyone want to volonteer to become a site moderator?

PM me if you would like to volonteer.


Cracks me up!

In related news, May, your videos have helped me on many repairs. Your narrative is cool and keeps humor running. I am a visual learning person; I mean, I can read something many times to feel I got it, or I can view a video a few times and get it.

Edit: took me longer to post mine than The Roadie!

The_Roadie said:
Will somebody please throw this poor sod a lifeline to come here

did... sent a pvt :lipsrsealed:


Nov 18, 2011
The_Roadie said:
I would not be astonished if a spammer volunteered to be a mod, just to clean up his COMPETITOR'S spam. They're certainly not going to have a contest to see who has the most accurate technical posts and promote THEM.

That would be great! I hope it's the NFL jersey guy.

Robbabob said:
In related news, May, your videos have helped me on many repairs. Your narrative is cool and keeps humor running. I am a visual learning person; I mean, I can read something many times to feel I got it, or I can view a video a few times and get it.

Hey thanks for the kind words. The 16 year old know-it-alls on youtube aren't as nice.:biggrin:


Dec 30, 2013
The_Roadie said:
Admin Admin is offline
Super Administrator

2002 Chevy TrailBlazer LTZ
Silver Blue Metallic 4.2L I6 4X4
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Toronto, ON
Posts: 231

looks like they have all stopped coming to the site. In unrelated news, does anyone want to volonteer to become a site moderator?

PM me if you would like to volonteer.

Will somebody please clue the potential volunteer sucker in? :wink:

I'll volunteer. Then replace every single post that contains misinfo (about 1 in 5 posts, on average) with a pointer toward this site. "Oops, I just accidentally the whole site!" :rotfl:


Nov 20, 2011
North Las Vegas
IllogicTC said:
I'll volunteer. Then replace every single post that contains misinfo (about 1 in 5 posts, on average) with a pointer toward this site. "Oops, I just accidentally the whole site!" :rotfl:

First rule of order is to restore our accounts.. :biggrin:


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
Restoring Trailvoy's past glories is a recurring theme over there for modern-day forum archaeologists. One of the first goofs to volunteer as a mod had such high hopes. He didn't last 8-10 weeks before giving up. No followers to rally behind him.

I can just imagine future trailvoy visitors......."There looks like there used to be a thriving community here....The High Temple on a hill....the populace laying offerings at the feet of a Priest Roadie....and overnight it was all covered over with a layer of 100 feet of ash from an eruption of Mount Laidlaw in Toronto...."



Mar 10, 2014
I ended up over there searching for answers on an error code. Now that I'm here, pretty sure I won't be using it anymore. Well....maybe for research......


Dec 30, 2013
RocketQueen said:
I ended up over there searching for answers on an error code. Now that I'm here, pretty sure I won't be using it anymore. Well....maybe for research......

There are some problems which have been encountered and properly solved over there, but not here yet. AdBlock on up and head on in if it's where the info you need is. And retain that information for over here :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

Assuming it's not misinfo though.


Jan 25, 2012
The_Roadie said:
I can just imagine future trailvoy visitors......."There looks like there used to be a thriving community here....The High Temple on a hill....the populace laying offerings at the feet of a Priest Roadie....and overnight it was all covered over with a layer of 100 feet of ash from an eruption of Mount Laidlaw in Toronto...."


I knew you were old Bill, but man it would seem you are immortal.


Jan 25, 2012
The_Roadie said:
Let's hijack the thread for a short interlude and play "guess how old I'm gonna be in 3 weeks."

Based on absolutely nothing other than the Roman era joke 2064.

In actuality, 55?

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