MDBT said:
I like this site but I can't wait until the furor dies down and threads like these are no longer the ones with the most activity.
If you were along for the ride, you would completely understand the resentment. I don't look at TrailVoy as the rival, I look at VerticalScope as the rival. We've been made promises that were never delivered, we've been lied to, and we've been accused of things that either never happened, or happened in a completely different manner.
I challenge anyone to find more positive comments about a VS site-takeover than negative comments. The masses tell the whole story.
We dumped what I would consider a LOT of money into starting this site up because of how strongly we felt about the negative affects of VS on the community. Of the two founders, one dropped a LOT of money, and the other spent MANY hours volunteering time to get the site up and running. From there, the remaining staff helped get the ball rolling (along with some early adopters), and here we are.
If the original owner, the founder of TrailVoy, hadn't come into hard times financially, there is a very good chance that TrailVoy would still be an enthusiast owned site. As it stands now, it is not a website, it is a billboard and an archive. Members, vendors, advertisers, and supporters are all being lied to, right from the moment they all sign up, it is there for everyone to see.
How many T-Shirts, Decals, or free Premium Memberships have they GIVEN AWAY in the 3 years they've owned the site? Care to compare that to how many we've given away since we launched only 5 months ago... or even since yesterday (Easter)?
If VS turned that site back over to the enthusiast community, we would gladly support it, but while it is only an inlet for money and an outlet for BS... we'll focus on our goals- to help people that need it.