so who still uses the old site?


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
Watch out for VerticalScope/Autoguide forced autorenewals. They WILL autorenew on you, and then you have to dispute it with Paypal.

If you're banned or on global ignore, then they have NO defense when you dispute the charge with Paypal. If you're still a member and forgot to cancel your membership, you should at the very least be able to dispute your membership because the gold and platinum bebefit chart included a sticker package that VS NEVER FULFILLED. If you didn't get stickers, then dispute the charge and get it cancelled.

Nothing's more frustrating than a vendor who autorenews on you against your will.


Dec 5, 2011
Since I got no response to the last thread I put up on the site I have not been back.


Dec 6, 2011
Go to your PayPal account (if that's how you paid, don't remember if they take any other methods) and dig for your subscriptions authorization page. Its not easy to find, I've had to use PayPal's help system to find it Once there cancel your autorenew for if that is what you want to do.


Nov 21, 2011
v7guy said:
sounds lke a crzy exh leek 2 me but u myt also find its a mufflar that no good they especily ware out qwick hear in da ne cuz of all dat salt in da wenter thought I shuld look 4 sum Blk suit marks on da pypes 2 show were a brake mite be da exh manyfold 2 cuz itcrax sum times also the mufflar it makes n e raddle sounds cuz dat myt be da mufflar myt hav 2 take off sum heet sheeld 2 chk all da pypes git bak 2 let us know.

AHHHHHH my head hurts from this....


Dec 14, 2011
:cool:I promised the roadie that I wouldn't post there again and haven't, but my TB was running a little hot on the wife the other day and I recalled a post about the clutch fan roadie had and went over there to double check, and they said for me to post or ask a question or something to that affect but I did'nt, so I'll probably get one of those messages too! I don't give a crap, though!:raspberry:


Jan 25, 2012
I haven't logged in and don't plan to. My only reason for visiting once and a while is for reference, still need some of the stickies and stuff. Once we get all that data over here I'll have no use for the OS.


Dec 14, 2011
My sentiments exactly! I know all the info I got there is well appreciated and I feel better knowing I can find answers for my questions here, but a lot of info is still over there!


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
Hatchet said:
AHHHHHH my head hurts from this....
I posted a few times in leet-speek (or fone-speek) and a few regulars got it and understood I was in high mockage mode. But it tended to denigrate the noobs, so I couldn't keep it up as often as I wanted. And now here it's a new gentler Roadie. :frown:


Nov 21, 2011
the roadie said:
I posted a few times in leet-speek (or fone-speek) and a few regulars got it and understood I was in high mockage mode. But it tended to denigrate the noobs, so I couldn't keep it up as often as I wanted. And now here it's a new gentler Roadie. :frown:

i know. sometimes the only way to get through to them lol.


Dec 4, 2011
It annoys me a little when people can't be bothered to learn how to spell correctly, or use at least some grammar.

It irritates the crap out of me when people purposely misspell words because they think they are being "cool" or something stupid.

I try to be a fairly nice person but sometimes I push that aside and openly make fun of them for it. Sometimes they ignore me, but a few times I've gotten someone really angry with me. One guy called me a racist :blinkhuh: How purposeful bad spelling and grammar and race have anything to do with each other I have no idea...


Mar 24, 2014
United States
It seems that the two "visible" moderators haven't been around in a week now :undecided:

I guess VS hasn't figured it out yet. With a genius like Stew running the show, I don't know how they don't see it :duh:


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
Hatchet said:
i know. sometimes the only way to get through to them lol.
Sez the guy who can't find his SHIFT key. :raspberry:

Jman423 said:
I guess VS hasn't figured it out yet.
They still get new members. They even get new PAYING members. They still sell ads. The post count still goes up? What's wrong with that? Like many other VS forums. :wink:

Actually, if there was no value in selling ads to phantom members, the worst thing VS could do is adopt a "scorched earth" policy and nuke the archives. Harms the community more than anything else. If they did that I'd make it my personal crusade to make sure their evil is well and truly exposed to their advertisers.


Mar 24, 2014
United States
Spread the word... and don't forget that while the base of this site may have started off with GMT360 members, we also cater to all other trucks on a GM Platform. While there may be other sites out there with a wealth of information, we've proven that it doesn't always mean it is the best place to be.


Mar 20, 2012
I found this site by 'reading between the lines' on a few post from the OS. Wow - what a difference!! I just joined here and LOVE this place! I must admit, I did post to the OS and it felt kinda uncomfortable. I am trying to track down TBlaze to get myself a DRL Killer set for my new HIDs. Does anyone have an alternative place to get the killer?

Thanks all,



Nov 20, 2011
gippy1968 said:
I found this site by 'reading between the lines' on a few post from the OS. Wow - what a difference!! I just joined here and LOVE this place! I must admit, I did post to the OS and it felt kinda uncomfortable. I am trying to track down TBlaze to get myself a DRL Killer set for my new HIDs. Does anyone have an alternative place to get the killer?

Thanks all,


Make one your self with some wire and a automotive relay. No need to spend all that money when you can make one your self.


Mar 20, 2012
Me007gold said:
Make one your self with some wire and a automotive relay. No need to spend all that money when you can make one your self.

Thanks for the reply Me007. My experience level is zero - I dont even know what a relay is. I cand drive a car and fill it with gas, thats about it without extremely idiot-proof directions :smile:.


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
gippy1968 said:
... I must admit, I did post to the OS and it felt kinda uncomfortable. ...
Seeing the dozens of unresponded-to introduction posts makes me think of the deserted arroyo that R2D2 goes down on Tatooine, squeaking nervously while he thinking he's being watched, and worrying that he's about to be shot.

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Jan 25, 2012
I was lurking for some info and dropped by the car audio section and almost came to tears with the stupidity and laughter.

Also another little nugget

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Wanted to see for 6 months but nothing came up. Still funny traffic is down tremendously yet they have more total viewers then ever. That it is like the wild wild west for noobs.


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Dec 5, 2011
Like I said I stopped logging on because I put up a thread about me going to Denver, CO and got no response to it. I do go on when ever I get an e-mail alert about a thread I have posted in.


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
07ChevyTruck said:
Like I said I stopped logging on because I put up a thread about me going to Denver, CO and got no response to it. I do go on when ever I get an e-mail alert about a thread I have posted in.
But if you respond to those stale threads with more posting, you only enhance their stats. Better to just visit and invite noobs who post to come on over here. As hard as it was, most of us never post there, even if it's a noob crying out in the dark for an easy answer. I might give them half an answer in a PM, and an invitation. Tough love hurts the giver, too. :frown:


Dec 5, 2011
the roadie said:
But if you respond to those stale threads with more posting, you only enhance their stats. Better to just visit and invite noobs who post to come on over here. As hard as it was, most of us never post there, even if it's a noob crying out in the dark for an easy answer. I might give them half an answer in a PM, and an invitation. Tough love hurts the giver, too. :frown:



Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Even better when he gets dinged the very next day, in the same thread!! :hopeless: :dielaugh:


Mar 24, 2014
United States
Uh oh, see, now that someone spoke out in a negative way, they'll start assuming that it was a member from over here trying to start problems over there. There is no way it could be someone from somewhere other than here. The truth is, they'll never be sure :wink:


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
Somebody who received an invitation here posted a visitor message of annoyance:

HI - can you not spam me with alternate forum options? I don't care about the politics of this site, nor the members.

Well, fuck you, too - arbinshire. We care little for you right back, selfish and shallow-thinking one. :raspberry:

Sounds like VS has found a new candidate for NOOBERATOR OF THE MONTH! :rotfl:


Nov 20, 2011
the roadie said:
Somebody who received an invitation here posted a visitor message of annoyance:

HI - can you not spam me with alternate forum options? I don't care about the politics of this site, nor the members.

Well, fuck you, too - arbinshire. We care little for you right back, selfish and shallow-thinking one. :raspberry:

Sounds like VS has found a new candidate for NOOBERATOR OF THE MONTH! :rotfl:

I guess he does not care to have his questions answered either.


Nov 18, 2011
His ABS thread was loaded with top tier advice. Well, getting a reply over there is top tier nowadays.

Doesn't care about the members? Does he work for VS?:rotfl:


Mar 24, 2014
United States
Now that it is completely obvious that their numbers are going down, they are starting to hijack old accounts. As for the members that don't want to come here... oh well, it's not our loss, it only hurts them. The information they're reading over there was probably composed by someone here anyway, and they have people there to answer their questions, right? For instance, you'll get top notch responses from fellow members that love dogs, work in the emergency response field, or drive a VW. What more could you hope for?


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
Jman423 said:
Now that it is completely obvious that their numbers are going down, they are starting to hijack old accounts.


There: (note No MODS. No ADMINS. No Chapter Presidents. No Supporting Vendors. Just a few deluded die-hards, assorted noobs, and corporate tools.) Added: So, Voymom, are you REALLY active over there right now, or is that a Vertical Scope lie or did they hijack your account. Note also their INSANELY high number on Dec 11, in the height of the Great Exodus. I bet Vertical Scope has a zombie army of fake accounts they can flood a forum with to try to disguise the truth. Over 6000 !!?!?!?!?!?!?!.

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Here: (The cool crowd.)

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Nov 18, 2011

Hey! I made the "cool crowd" list! :thumbsup:

Okay, back to our regularly scheduled thread...


Dec 4, 2011
the roadie said:
You know what's cool - that graphic appears a hundred times on trailvoy in various threads. Except the version THEY see now looks like this: hehe. [evil laugh]

That was impressive and I wouldn't have thought of that. :offtopic:Is it a sin that RayVoy, a few others and I hang out there from time to time? Or should I completely convert to the dark side?

EDIT by Roadie: This and a few subsequent posts moved here from a technical thread, so if it appears disjointed, I apologize...

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