so who still uses the old site?


Dec 4, 2011
Thread is back but without anything but the OP's question and then his second answer. Makes the thread disjointed looking but whatever.

Done with that one, let's leave it alone. Hopefully they got the point. And maybe the OP noticed the obvious issues.


Nov 20, 2011
fishsticks said:
Guesses for the ban tally from this thread? :biggrin:

I have been threatened! :wootwoot:


Dec 4, 2011
Passing this on. Take it however you wish. I'm still alive and kicking, no threats against me yet.

Trailblaze_2002 said:
Tell fishsticks that it's been taken care of and that I will be having a personal discussion with the admins and my counterpart. I also agree all that needed said was said.

Thanks for being more civil about it,


Nov 20, 2011
North Las Vegas


Dec 4, 2011
No. Last post I see there is from voymom.


Nov 20, 2011
North Las Vegas
Sparky said:
No. Last post I see there is from voymom.

That is what I thought... Lets see if they steal my info and post it.


Nov 18, 2011
What I don't understand is why I was banned from the thread. I'm on global ignore so only the staff can read my post. I didn't get a screen shot, but my post was very civil. I simply told Drew that he should discuss the matter with his boss and that his counterpart should have known better. (that's was all) :rolleyes:


Nov 21, 2011
I think they're getting frustrated with repeatedly being made to look like jack-offs.

Job satisfaction level waning....


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
fishsticks said:
I think they're getting frustrated with repeatedly being made to look like jack-offs..
Butthead: "Beavis, but we ARE jackoffs...."


Mar 24, 2014
United States
Well, it is obvious that the members here aren't messing around. It's fitting that they tried to steal our content instead of just making their own write-up. If they had just linked to the thread here, none of this would have happened. That's what should be done if they were REALLY concerned about truly helping people.

For the record, if I see any stolen information over there, I will not hesitate to have the content owners file a DMCA to have it removed. If you want to reference material authored by the people that really know what they are talking about, link to it here. Face it, you guys look more and more stupid with every feeble attempt to prove that you can save that site.

If anyone needs DMCA Takedown Notice information, please contact me.

And they should also know that they aren't the only ones running around with shills asking for fake information, so if any of you are PM'd stolen information over there , let me know.


Nov 21, 2011
Looks like PCM4Less let their sponsorship go over there. Marshall is just a junior member now.

EDIT: Maybe not...Kelly is still tagged.


Dec 18, 2011
I can not believe the crap that is happening. This reads like a soap!!:yes::yes: Keep the faith because this is a great site:wootwoot::wootwoot:


Nov 18, 2011
fishsticks said:
Looks like PCM4Less let their sponsorship go over there. Marshall is just a junior member now.

EDIT: Maybe not...Kelly is still tagged.

Wonder if Marshall is demoted since he is active here?


Nov 20, 2011
the roadie said:
Heaven forbid we would incite an advertiser education campaign. There are 3-4 vendors who don't deserve a boycott threat, but some others richly DO. :rolleyes:

I do believe I'm one of the ones who doesn't...

I'm not on ban or ignore over there, but I think it's simply because I've been careful not to start crap over there (I didn't say here, about over there, btw)... Though, I'm pretty sure I've had a couple of wall posts/questions from a shill account, either trying to get me to post again, or trying to see if I'll send them over here. I wonder if that's why he isn't a "vendor" any more? I just responded to send me an email or a PM, and then he asked basically the same question a few days later, on my "wall" again... So, either an idiot or a shill account...



Nov 21, 2011
Bartonmd said:
I do believe I'm one of the ones who doesn't...

I'm not on ban or ignore over there, but I think it's simply because I've been careful not to start crap over there (I didn't say here, about over there, btw)... Though, I'm pretty sure I've had a couple of wall posts/questions from a shill account, either trying to get me to post again, or trying to see if I'll send them over here. I wonder if that's why he isn't a "vendor" any more? I just responded to send me an email or a PM, and then he asked basically the same question a few days later, on my "wall" again... So, either an idiot or a shill account...


PM me the user ID. I'm building a list of known shills...


Mar 24, 2014
United States
So... Lets discuss the verbal threats being issued by this clown on TrailVoy to staff members here on GMTNation:

View attachment 18363

First off, here is my IP address:
Now, use your "mad skillz" to show me how you are going to make my life a living hell, or any of our staff for that matter.

Once you are past that empty threat, lets move on to the borderline harassment and threats...

You, sir, are a little prick. While we don't like you, we are not harassing and threatening you. Our anger is with VerticalScope. You insist of being heavy handed and preventing people from finding out about where knowledgeable members are, and you call yourself a community enthusiast. We are entitled not to like you, but you have opened a whole can of worms by threatening us... more on that later.

Lets look at how you revealed some of your own lies in your response to our moderator:

More tolerant: well, that whole message contradicts that... but I digress

Mod AND Admin privileges:
Didn't you say you were against filtering and didn't have the ability to change settings? Well, I am looking at your staff page right now, and of the two admin groups, you aren't in either of them. Aside from that, do you really expect us to believe that VS would give you full admin privies? They did that once, and look how it turned out. If you would like a screenshot of what a FULL admin control panel in vBulletin looks like, drop me a PM.

Computer guru: Above is one of my IP addresses, I would like to see you dedicate your time to making my life miserable with the use of that IP. Maybe you can hack the garbage disposal and really make me miserable. So, after you got your GED, did you also get your CCNA, CCNP, CCIE, Network+, or MSCE? Can you even spell those? Are you running an overclocked 133MHz Pentium with MMX Technology?

Mature: You flipped out because someone called you bratty? There was one piece of profanity in this moderator's message to you, and you respond with the screenshot above... and you are more mature?

Lets move onto the threats now:

Assholes in living hell:
If you are talked to again like that, you are going to make our (asshole) lives a living hell. I would like to echo everything that he said to you... so there's that. BRING THE NOISE!!

Take care of us: Devoting your life to making ours miserable... isn't it the other way around? Isn't it obvious by your response that YOU are the miserable one right now? We are here, we are helping members, we are NOT blocking and filtering words. We are NOT chasing after shills and banning everyone that you SUSPECT is a shill. We are NOT putting people in global moderation. We are NOT banning, editing, deleting all because we don't like the content of the post. We are NOT stealing your content and pretending that it is our own so we can seem knowledgeable (we link to things... take note on how that works). We are NOT hiding behind shill accounts on our own site because we are afraid our values and loyalties will cause problems for us.

...and you guys ARE doing every bit of that. I suspect that makes YOU miserable. As for us... it can only be described as entertainment.

Evidently, unlike you... I do know about computers, I do know about vBulletin, I do build these sites from the ground up, I do know what you "think" you are getting away with... and I can see your "camouflaged" moderator accounts. This can continue the way it has been... which seems to be escalating, or you can go back to your boring life and stop pretending to threaten us.

If you would like to send me a "threat", I would love to add it to our "evidence" pile... you can use our site contact form. Do you know how that works? Do you need me to link you to it?

You might take note that while we aren't fond of you, we didn't resort to attacking your lifestyle, your interests, your race/religion and we didn't resort to threatening you. While we feel strongly that you are doing a disservice to the community that was built while you were spending 8 hours a day in high school, we are determined to make our community what TrailVoy should have been. We spent years trying to do it over there and we couldn't get noticed.... Well, we are here now, and we are certainly noticed NOW, aren't we? Stay tuned, I'll show you how to build a useful, smooth running website so that you can add it to your extensive administrator wannabe resume.


  • 2-1-2012 3-29-07 PM.jpg
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Nov 18, 2011

This is entertainment. Thanks for sharing!


Nov 20, 2011
North Las Vegas
Me007gold said:
Now is he the high school drop out or the other one?

I am thinking maybe they both are.


Nov 21, 2011
Wow, I didn't even get the choice. I just got an email notification containing the text of a PM. He told me he was the nicer mod too.

Then my article gets revived over there: Having 4WD(4x4) issues? Look inside! - Chevy TrailBlazer, TrailBlazer SS and GMC Envoy Forum Feel free to report it to them for infringement, I have the takedown notice filled out, as well as the supplementals for Google, Bing and Yahoo.

As to all of the threats he just laid out... I wonder if he realizes how many versions (and security updates) of vBulletin TV was/may still be behind on. There could be trouble from someone in the know who occasionally puts on a black hat.

(My gateway's external is Bring it. I'll be watching the logs.)


Dec 6, 2011
im glad im on this side..... so much fun :wootwoot:


Nov 21, 2011
Jman423 said:
Look at that!! No edit, no global moderation, and you're not even banned!!

It's almost like you don't care about me... :frown:

What ever happened to our love?!



Dec 4, 2011
Jman423 said:
Take note of the people checking out this thread at this very moment... who don't you recognize?

View attachment 18369
...just sayin' :wink:

<in a good Scooby voice> Rutt Row!! :eek: :rotfl:


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Nov 20, 2011
so glad i subscribe to this thread.
do i get a prize for guessing the right one?
although it's real tough do get any work done @ work


Nov 20, 2011
Ah, kids... Knowing even 1/3 of the capabilities of some of the people on this forum, I almost feel bad for him... Almost...

As we say about our little female dog, when she lashes out as the bigger dogs who could shred her if they decided to, "somebody put on her big girl panties"...



Dec 5, 2011
Bartonmd said:
Ah, kids... Knowing even 1/3 of the capabilities of some of the people on this forum, I almost feel bad for him... Almost...

As we say about our little female dog, when she lashes out as the bigger dogs who could shred her if they decided to, "somebody put on her big girl panties"...


Smells like somethings burning! lol


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 18, 2011
I love a good comedy, but this weasel takes the cake, or does he smear it? I know something he don't know. :lipsrsealed:


Dec 5, 2011
I love this thread. Epic post Jman!

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