Should the United States have better gun control ???


Dec 4, 2011
I believe you mean unconstitutional and ignorant.

I'm with you, but I don't have any confidence any courts will see it the same way.
I detested this cesspool before I moved here and it's only gotten worse. My only options are to deal with it, or end a 9 year relationship, leave behind a house we can't sell and a good career I'm 1/4 of the way through. The misses won't leave her mother and her mother won't leave here.


Nov 18, 2011
v7guy said:
The misses won't leave her mother

That sucks. I have ditched women for that precise reason. I want to be their number one, except for kids. Not saying you should, but it definitely has to suck. Can you commute from Canada...may be a better option than staying in NY.


Nov 20, 2011
He's closer to New Jersey than he is to Canada. Yeah the mayor is proud of himself. And he really thinks he has accomplished something good. So now that everyone who owns these "assault weapons" has to register them, they'll know where they're at when they come to take them away. That's worth moving to New Jersey for. Or anywhere for that matter. Gun owners are going to have to secede to Montana or somewhere just to be able to keep their guns.


Dec 4, 2011
That sucks. I have ditched women for that precise reason. I want to be their number one, except for kids. Not saying you should, but it definitely has to suck. Can you commute from Canada...may be a better option than staying in NY.

I ditched several for the same reason. I'm closer to NJ but it's not that much better there. I moved to TX with the intention of staying there. She lived with me in TX for 3 years before she wanted to be back with her family. Against my better judgement I figured I'd give it a try. Her father died last year and she and her mother rely on me to take care of the two houses and generally help out. During my recovery from surgery her mother was with me every day to help me and drive me to physical therapy, doctors appointments etc. They're some of the best people I've ever known.

I'm a miserable prick in general, and I hate NY, but these laws are out of control. First I can't smoke outside and now I can't own items that were legal two days ago. These laws make me furious. But I don't want to leave the people that depend on me and I don't want to give them an ultimatum. I feel like an asshole for even looking for jobs in other states yesterday.

Old Coot

Jan 2, 2013
I must be getting old and forgetful. I wrote the POTUS and the VPOTUS, my Senators and my Congressman ... then I finally remembered. Send a monetary donation to the NRA Institute for Legislative Action. Man, they make it easy, credit card on line. Amazingly simple ... even I can do it.

Keep those cards and letters flowing ... this fight ain't over yet!


Nov 20, 2011
Badbart said:
Can you not have a gun in your house in Canada if you have children?
Of course you can own a gun, if you have children, in Canada.

I have quickly looked over the new NY gun laws; looks, to me, like they used the Canadian laws as their guide (possibly).

We don'r have individual provincial (state) laws, our laws are federally mandated, the one set of laws applies to all Canadians.

We had a period when the Feds wanted all guns registered (single shot rifles and shotguns included). That law has been overturned. Prior to that time, and currently, we require the registration of all "short" guns. AR and fully auto guns are not permitted.


Nov 20, 2011
RayVoy said:
Of course you can own a gun, if you have children, in Canada.

Well why was the school/children&families/LEO's freaking out over the 4 year old's dad(allegedly)having a gun? I can maybe see a teacher being concerned, but by the time law enforcement got involved somebody should have figured out that this was not a crime!? I'm confused. They made it seem like he was the only one in the whole state that had a gun....I can see that in Russia maybe.....:confused:

Denali n DOO

Original poster
May 22, 2012
Badbart said:
Well why was the school/children&families/LEO's freaking out over the 4 year old's dad(allegedly)having a gun? I can maybe see a teacher being concerned, but by the time law enforcement got involved somebody should have figured out that this was not a crime!? I'm confused. They made it seem like he was the only one in the whole state that had a gun....I can see that in Russia maybe.....:confused:

Read this article Gun leading to dad the controversy was the father was strip seached at the police station because of the picture his daughter drew.:confused:

Denali n DOO

Original poster
May 22, 2012
here's the NRA ad that seams to be getting into the news.


Short Bus

Dec 2, 2011
Another must see


Edited for more good stuff



Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
The end of freedom is upon us, and as i hang my flag upside down, I wonder when the dictatorship shall fall upon us.

Short Bus

Dec 2, 2011
Preach it brother!!!!



Nov 20, 2011
It's good to see that some know the truth. Too many are doing the "popular" thing though. We'll see....

Short Bus

Dec 2, 2011
Anyone here going to Guns Across America? I need to make signs tomorrow.


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO

Short Bus

Dec 2, 2011
TollKeeper said:

Here's a video



Feb 8, 2012
v7guy said:
I'm with you, but I don't have any confidence any courts will see it the same way.
I detested this cesspool before I moved here and it's only gotten worse. My only options are to deal with it, or end a 9 year relationship, leave behind a house we can't sell and a good career I'm 1/4 of the way through. The misses won't leave her mother and her mother won't leave here.

This sucks. I'm stuck in NY for basically the same reasons plus I'm 5 years from retirement so a new job is out of the question. A lot can happen in a year though. Maybe the courts can get it right for a change. It seems that a post ban AR (suppressor, bayonet lug, folding stock delete) is now classified an assault weapon because of its' BOLTED ON pistol grip. I'm sure in a year someone will come up with a plug that will retain the safety spring.


Oct 15, 2012
Short Bus said:
Anyone here going to Guns Across America? I need to make signs tomorrow.

Going with a few buddies tomorrow! As I was reading that was formulating in my head as the very first line of my post :yes:

And as much help as I get on this forum for my TB projects, ALL of that is shadowed by this single thread. It's so nice to be a part of a community that can have an intelligent discussion on this topic. I'm usually the type to read an ignorant or misinformed comment, chuckle to myself and keep tracking on, but last night A comment on facebook touched a nerve, and didn't end pretty. :frown:

I love the "yall don't need no machine guns to stay safe! Yall not in afganestan no more!" :confused:

Anyways as an avid shooter, it's something I'm very passionate about. Many of the firearms in my possession have been passed down from several generations, and I have all intentions of continuing that. I'm a living example of why disarming the honest citizen will do more harm than good. One night, several months ago, a friend and I went to Denny's after work (about 1am.) After the 15 hour shift I was exhausted and had admittedly let my guard down.
As I'm walking to the restroom, I notice 3 guys follow me into the restroom after making a comment to me as I walked by them in the hallway. (Note that I'm already quite paranoid in public settings lol) I had a feeling that things were about to go south, so I reached for my pocket knife, and the karambit I kept at my back at the time (which has now been replaced with, well, use your imagination) As I was "washing my hands" the 3 guys surround me and one lifts his shirt to reveal a semi-automatic handgun (hammer cocked and hot, it's funny how time slows down in instances like this :eek:) to which I responded by extending my hands out of my sweater sleeves with 2 rather dangerous looking knives. They all 3 took a step back and I circled around until my back was to the door and left. Was I scared? $*%&#@ YES! But they didn't know that, luckily. If someone breaks into your place in the middle of the night, and you point a loaded gun at them, vs an unloaded gun at them...generally speaking, the outcome will be virtually the same. Which is exactly the idea used by these chicken sh*t &&&&& that commit crimes with them.

The moral of this experience to me: 50+% of the time someone who is armed with *ill intentions* either aren't willing to use the weapon, and only intend on using it to scare...or don't even have it loaded. They obviously didn't expect someone to stand up to them, as they instantly backed down.
By disarming law-abiding Americans, they're virtually painting a target on the back of every one of us, SCREAMING: COME GET ME, I'M AN EASY TARGET NOW. And vilifying those who refuse to give up they're guns. (a lot of people are saying it, but I know several individuals that have already started burying their weapons :tongue: )
I hope and pray that some of these political idiots loosen up their power ties and realize how un-American this is. It's gonna be a cold dark day in America when there are laws that are being enforced to physically remove guns from homes. 1 gun per household is the industry standard in Iraq atm, and we can all see how that's working out for our guys currently down range. And Iraq (speaking completely objectively, so I hope no one takes this as anything different) is a 3rd world country. I can only imagine what would happen here if it were basically handguns only with minimal ammo per magazine!

ok ok ok...rant over :lipsrsealed: but like I said, glad to be a part of a community where this convo is possible without conflict
Now, we already have a logo, who's gonna incorporate it into a flag and when's this new sovereign nation gonna happen? :raspberry: couldn't


Jan 25, 2012
I sent emails to my Governor, county commissioner, and my senate and house of representative members a few days ago. The responses I received sounded like your general pre written return letter. Basically saying they will do what needs to be done to protect members of the community. :hissyfit:. Basically a big FU to any gun enthusiast. Even better Martin Owemalley is getting in on the gun control bandwagon which is no surprise but at the same time Infuriating to say the least. Have to love The liberal California of the east coast. I will be picking up my first (not given to me/ancient) pistol once my tax returns come back. Looking at a Springfield XD 9MM, going to love the range with this one.

On another note, I have been seeing alot of conspiracy theories popping up, which tends to happen after any large event. Everyone has their own ideas and what I find funny is that now if you question what you are told, you are either a crazy person or a monster. I have had arguments with liberal friends, and coworkers who say that any one who thinks other than what they are told is living in denial. I went off on a rant the other day explaining that it is basic human need to question your surroundings. It is built into us. We want to know who, what, where, when and why. For some the details given are enough to quench this desire and they go about their day. For others, it seems that we may go to deep into thinking about it. While I do not agree with every theory I have seen, a few seem to bring back the same desire of why. Why have they not shown video of these incidents when camera's have been present? Like Barton said earlier if the gun was ever removed from the school the media would have been on it like hawks. Another is that someone on another site mentioned that in the police recording that the car on scene with the guns belonged to an older male, one who had also been arrested outside of the school. I have not listened the recording yet and when I find the link again I will bring it up.

We could go on forever talking about this, the unfortunate thing is that we live a new era. Our politicians seem to ignore the meaning behind the constitution, their constituents and the reason they are elected to office. They would rather do deals behind closed doors, than to be transparent and actually let the citizens know what they are doing. Hopefully one day people will regain common sense. Till then I am one of the country folk who will cling to my guns and ammunition.

If any of this is too political mods please remove the sections.

Short Bus

Dec 2, 2011
Guns Across America had a good turn out :smile:

This vid made me LOL


Short Bus

Dec 2, 2011
New York lawmakers, moving quickly in the wake of a wave of drunk driving deaths, have established a 10.5 ounce limit for all alcoholic beverage containers. New Yorker's are expected to immediately dispose of all beverage in excess of 10.5 ounces per container or risk being charged with misdemeanor alcohol possession. lawmakers stated they have no plans to limit the number of containers that can legally be possessed at this time.

Mayor Bloomberg, long a supporter of container control, applauded the legislature for their quick action.

When asked how the 10.5 ounce limit was arrived at, Governor Cuomo responded, 7 shots.


Nov 20, 2011
Amazing! And they get PAID to come up with these foolproof solutions! I guess New York should be crime free by now. Nobodys gonna get shot and nobodys gonna get killed by a drunk driver, ever again....Wow....:crazy:


Dec 18, 2011
Politicians and stupidity go hand in hand. At least their brains are in their asses so that that they are at least useful to sit on. But I assume that shortbus is kidding about the drink size just to stir the pot...:rotfl::rotfl:

Short Bus

Dec 2, 2011
Fire06 said:
Politicians and stupidity go hand in hand. At least their brains are in their asses so that that they are at least useful to sit on. But I assume that shortbus is kidding about the drink size just to stir the pot...:rotfl::rotfl:

I added purple text to show sarcasm. I got that from a gun forum I'm on


Nov 21, 2011
Well shortbus isnt off base. New york has already banned large pops (I think anything over 12 oz) and Chicago is talking about banning large energy drinks...


Dec 18, 2011
I have heard that about NY. The stupid part is you can buy as many as you want so what is the difference? One extra large or 2 or 3 smaller ones so really what is the difference or is this a feel good ban to make the bleeding heart politicians feel good about about themselves because there are fat people who do not exercise and eat fast food and always super size there meal and they want to stop it. It is peoples right to be the way they want to be whether it is health or not. The government needs to bug out. I heard in I think it is Oregon that they are talking of making cigarettes a controlled substance so people would need to get a prescription to buy smokes. Why not grow the balls and just ban the smokes out right and take another choice away from the people. Ok rant over.


Dec 3, 2011
the difference is kind of like soda here.
You can get a 2L on sale for $1 but a 16oz(cold) is $1.49.
To get the same amount you end up buying more, paying more and paying more taxes.
With most politicians it is all about power and the power comes from tax dollars and special interest groups.
I'm getting to the point where I think one side is just as bad as the other they just cater to different groups.

Short Bus

Dec 2, 2011
navigator said:
the difference is kind of like soda here.
You can get a 2L on sale for $1 but a 16oz(cold) is $1.49.
To get the same amount you end up buying more, paying more and paying more taxes.
With most politicians it is all about power and the power comes from tax dollars and special interest groups.
I'm getting to the point where I think one side is just as bad as the other they just cater to different groups.

Yep :yes: Why don't we see any candidates in the debates other than the 2 big parties?


Nov 18, 2011
Short Bus said:
IDK if she had a gun or not, but the threat stopped the bad guy.
I heard on the news last night that she didn't have a was her cell phone. :rotfl:

But I agree, the threat that she might have a gun made the guy run. Good for her with her quick thinking. :yes:


Dec 3, 2011
BO TIE SS said:
I heard on the news last night that she didn't have a was her cell phone. :rotfl:

But I agree, the threat that she might have a gun made the guy run. Good for her with her quick thinking. :yes:
if she had only had enough time to get a pic with her phone of the creep.

Short Bus

Dec 2, 2011
New York is starting to stand up!!!



Jan 4, 2012
Not sure how many of you heard about this. But we had a shooting yesterday in our Wilmington, Delaware CourtHouse. (Let me preface by saying: It has been an ongoing custody battle between this couple for years now. The guy kidnapped his kids a few years back and took them down to Central and South America. Since then he has been caught, been in jail, released, and now resides in Texas.) Well yesterday the guy's dad shot and killed his ex-daughter-in-law and her friend, and attempted to kill 2 policemen, luckily the cops were wearing their vests, and in the process he was killed, not sure yet if by self inflicted gun wound or from the cop's gunfire. This happened while the woman and her friend (amidst a group of 50 to 60 other people) were waiting in the lobby for the courts to open for the day. All of this was outside of the metal detector staging area. The guy walked into the lobby, found his targets amidst all these people and shot them point blank.

Police: Gunman in courthouse shooting killed self (PHOTOS) |


Dec 4, 2011
BO TIE SS said:
I heard on the news last night that she didn't have a was her cell phone. :rotfl:

But I agree, the threat that she might have a gun made the guy run. Good for her with her quick thinking. :yes:

I'll bet there's an app for that :tongue:


Feb 8, 2012
Some one sent me this and I had to pass it on.


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