Hid kits


Oct 15, 2012
Mike I wondered abt that, bc with my 35w right now, they arwn't remotely warm, and there's not THAT big of a diff netween the 35 and the 55. Guess I have my answer lol
And btw, 9006 bulbs come in whatever kelvin rating you want. The higher end bulbs, only from 4300-6k, but some.of the cheaper bulbs in the colored range aren't bad, just not my style. Though, visibility is decreased considerably.
If I hadn't went the projector route, I would have 6k's in my lows, highs, and fogs...but I'm happy with mine ao no worries


Apr 3, 2013
Thanks Mike. That was another worry that the 55w would produce too much heat for the projector and headlight. Since my 35w D2S kit is relatively new with only 30 hours on them, I will wait to upgrade to the 55w HIDs and ballasts. FYI incase anyone was wondering, the 9006 relay harnesses sold by TRS will work for 35w and 55w.


Original poster
Feb 3, 2013
My friend will be over in a couple hours and well put the low beam kit in... Im not really seeing anywhere to put these ballsts? I hear people saying they have 6 tucked away and sh1t!! Wow!! Oh well im sure my buddy will have some ideas...

See you guys later tonight with pics hopefully!!:wootwoot:

- - - Updated - - -

My friend will be over in a couple hours and well put the low beam kit in... Im not really seeing anywhere to put these ballsts? I hear people saying they have 6 tucked away and sh1t!! Wow!! Oh well im sure my buddy will have some ideas...

See you guys later tonight with pics hopefully!!:wootwoot:


Jun 28, 2012
I should note I put the HID's (the 35watt ones) in the stock headlight housing first. When I bought the projectors, I had purchased two sets of 55watts by mistake and thought I'd give them a try. Like I said, for my eyes, they seemed worlds brighter than the 35watts.


35watts in the fogs is also quite nice. :thumbsup:

Too bad I don't have fogs right now :sadcry:


Oct 15, 2012
mikekey said:
I should note I put the HID's (the 35watt ones) in the stock headlight housing first. When I bought the projectors, I had purchased two sets of 55watts by mistake and thought I'd give them a try. Like I said, for my eyes, they seemed worlds brighter than the 35watts.


35watts in the fogs is also quite nice. :thumbsup:

Too bad I don't have fogs right now :sadcry:

might I ask what happened to the fogs?


Original poster
Feb 3, 2013
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So a couple questions...

1. The second or third time i went to start it the bulbs lit up but not all the way... so i switched the headlight switch around and they came on full power.

2. I didnt think about it but i hit the keychain lock and they started blinking and buzzing kinda loud? I had to put the key in and turn on/off to make it stop.

I have the DRL killer relay Part#84601 ill put that in tomorrow and do quad beams also!! Will that DRL killer relay fix these issues? :confused:

0-4 lol all of those pics suck!!


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Nov 18, 2011
yodaddy4200 said:
So a couple questions...

2. I didnt think about it but i hit the keychain lock and they started blinking and buzzing kinda loud? I had to put the key in and turn on/off to make it stop.

I have the DRL killer relay Part#84601 ill put that in tomorrow and do quad beams also!! Will that DRL killer relay fix these issues? :confused:

Not sure about the first issue but the second issue, which we call perimeter lighting, will be corrected by turning off the DRLs.


Oct 15, 2012
I panicked several years ago, when I came out of the shop that I had install my hid's (first time dealing with the "super bright headlights" silly me, I want my $ back :rotfl: )
the flickering, comes from the ballasts not being powered consistently. i.e. what happens when the perimeter lights are on.
:thankyou: to May03LT, his post on a forum somewhere around here, or the os...lol figured it out and fixed it within a couple minutes.

question #1...are you sure BOTH lights came on? or it looked dim because maybe one of them failed to strike on?


Original poster
Feb 3, 2013
NinjuhhNutz said:
I panicked several years ago, when I came out of the shop that I had install my hid's (first time dealing with the "super bright headlights" silly me, I want my $ back :rotfl: )
the flickering, comes from the ballasts not being powered consistently. i.e. what happens when the perimeter lights are on.
:thankyou: to May03LT, his post on a forum somewhere around here, or the os...lol figured it out and fixed it within a couple minutes.

question #1...are you sure BOTH lights came on? or it looked dim because maybe one of them failed to strike on?

Im pretty sure they both came on but cant say for sure iguess, im going to put the relay in here in a bit hopefully so well go from there...

Im actually thinking the cap mod would be better but when i search "capacitor mod" all kinds of shit pops up.. im going to see if i can find a good thread on it..


Oct 15, 2012
yodaddy4200 said:
Im pretty sure they both came on but cant say for sure iguess, im going to put the relay in here in a bit hopefully so well go from there...

Im actually thinking the cap mod would be better but when i search "capacitor mod" all kinds of shit pops up.. im going to see if i can find a good thread on it..

stickies are always good :yes:
DRL Capacitor Mod - Chevy TrailBlazer, TrailBlazer SS and GMC Envoy Forum
general concept is there...read through it for some good info
the two combined will give you pretty much all you need to know


Original poster
Feb 3, 2013
willn56 possted a link in this thread already, i checked it out and decided that was the way i was going.

I went to radio shack and picked up a capacitor 10uf(its actually a backwards u shape lol but you get it) electolytic capacitor for a $1.50

Im going to do some reading and see if i can pull it off. (ive had help with switchbacks/Hids so im kinda nervous!!) it sounds really easy and straight forward tho so well see.

My kid should be going sown for a nap soon and ill give it a shot.

Im gonna buy some 5k and 4300k bulbs for going out of town and just variety! Their cheap so... My 6k look really blue what you think?

Thanks for all your insight ninja!!


Mar 26, 2012
yodaddy4200 said:
willn56 possted a link in this thread already, i checked it out and decided that was the way i was going.

I went to radio shack and picked up a capacitor 10uf(its actually a backwards u shape lol but you get it) electolytic capacitor for a $1.50

Im going to do some reading and see if i can pull it off. (ive had help with switchbacks/Hids so im kinda nervous!!) it sounds really easy and straight forward tho so well see.

My kid should be going sown for a nap soon and ill give it a shot.

Im gonna buy some 5k and 4300k bulbs for going out of town and just variety! Their cheap so... My 6k look really blue what you think?

Thanks for all your insight ninja!!

Looks good man, hopefully the cap mod works out for you. As for the 6k? I'm a big fan of the 5k's myself as they just look like straight up white light. I love mine.


Original poster
Feb 3, 2013
Just finished the cap mod!! My 1st electrical procedure worked!! Now im going to try quad beams:crazy: All of you guys made this possible!! Thanks!! I say 1st cause i have a good bud who always helps!!


Original poster
Feb 3, 2013
Moving out of the garage i noticed only the driver side bulb fired up? I switched the lights off/on and it came back on? Its intermittent b/c it Doesnt do it every time?


Oct 15, 2012
yodaddy4200 said:
Moving out of the garage i noticed only the driver side bulb fired up? I switched the lights off/on and it came back on? Its intermittent b/c it Doesnt do it every time?

been known to happen with hid's
it may be posted around here somewhere, and I'm still shaking the effects of last night
:Lager Louts:
so remind us all? lol what brand ballasts/bulbs you have


Mar 26, 2012
I have to switch mine off and on almost every time. It's because of the perimeter lights I believe because it doesn't happen when I remote start or when I don't have it locked first


Original poster
Feb 3, 2013
ddmtuning bulbs and ballasts... I just got back from radio shack with the diodes for fletch09's method for quad beams! I havent noticed only "one fire up" again. (fingers crossed lol) once again when my kid goes down for a nap ill try and tackle this!!:cool:


Apr 3, 2013
Once the quad headlight mod is completed, will the fog lights stay on when the highs are turned on or is this a completely seperate mod?


Original poster
Feb 3, 2013
Separate mod but just as insainely easy! Search "Cheap quads and fogs" Hell explain it better! Basically both mods will cost about $1.50-$2.00!! And very easy!!


Oct 15, 2012
Is that the mod that gives you low/fogs, and then hi/low/fogs when you hit the high beams?
(too sleepy to search...got off work hours ago...will check back in later lol going back to sleep:yes: )


Original poster
Feb 3, 2013
NinjuhhNutz said:
Is that the mod that gives you low/fogs, and then hi/low/fogs when you hit the high beams?
(too sleepy to search...got off work hours ago...will check back in later lol going back to sleep:yes: )
Yes sir!:biggrin:


Oct 4, 2012
East Haven,Ct
I did some rewiring when i got my hids

Cut headlight wiring and ran to fog lights. Kept fog light wire connected to nothing ran hids to parking lights.

Result I can have fogs as DRLs then I can have fogs head lights and high beams on all at once. Also noticed somehow when I hit fog light button hids come on

Which shocks me as fog light wires are not connected to anything

Also this setup allows for hids come on automatically at night

My question. Does anyone have a real solution to this issue. When start truck at night passenger his must not get enuff power and doesn't come on till I turn lights off n on.. Its become habit now any idea how to perm fix


Original poster
Feb 3, 2013
No offence but that sounds like alot of unnecessary cutting/splicing/rewiring when you could go to radioshaq get 2 diodes and a capacitor for less than $4. They are so easy to install its ridiculous!! just my :twocents:

Oh and about your problem... Ive had that happen a couple times. Since ive done the cap/quad mod i havent noticed it. Alot of people have that problem tho ive read! Good luck!


Oct 15, 2012
jeffro312 said:
I did some rewiring when i got my hids

Cut headlight wiring and ran to fog lights. Kept fog light wire connected to nothing ran hids to parking lights.

Result I can have fogs as DRLs then I can have fogs head lights and high beams on all at once. Also noticed somehow when I hit fog light button hids come on

Which shocks me as fog light wires are not connected to anything

Also this setup allows for hids come on automatically at night

My question. Does anyone have a real solution to this issue. When start truck at night passenger his must not get enuff power and doesn't come on till I turn lights off n on.. Its become habit now any idea how to perm fix

some have used the cap mod at the actual hid relay to prevent the flicker/fail to strike issue
if it were me, I would have done what yodaddy said, and done it the simple way, but w/e
for $20 (tops) at radioshack and 20 minutes of work, you'll have everything squared away.
btw, our trucks have the light sensor in the dash, so ALL headlights are triggered at night (assuming you've installed your drl killer to function that way) so you didn't HAVE to wire it up that way, but since it's done...oh well lol
if it were my truck, I would redo it in a simpler-easier to follow way, just in case your truck has to go in for repairs for w/e reason and the tech isn't :confused:


Oct 15, 2012
jeffro312 said:
Yea thing is I didn't want to kill DRLs wanted fogs as DRLs. Really was not a lot of work.

ah gotcha...and I didn't mean it was a lot of work, but you have to look at it from the perspective of someone that is troubleshooting a problem in your truck, and they're scratching their heads wondering what the heck is going on lol
the owner of the shop I worked at handed me a strobe kit to put in his truck, and when I ripped the grill and lamps out, a spaghetti of wiring everywhere and it took me forever to track it all down~ :frown:


Apr 18, 2012
So it sounds like those of you with TBs and 55W have no heat problems. I'm thinking that with an Envoy, with a larger amount of room in the housing it will be even less of a concern.

I want to put 55W lamps into the low beams, 35W into the fogs, and get some color matched bulbs (like Silverstars or something) for the high beams.

Anyone have a link for a DRL killer. The one on the sticky, www.jetttstream..... goes to a parked page. Looks like Jetttstream site was scooped up by someone else.

I've not really looked yet, but is it easy to aim those lights (on the Envoy)? Are we just talking about the standard housing adjustment?

(Anyone know about the OnStar system? I have a question here: http://gmtnation.com/f37/way-access-microphone-7195/)

Thanks folks,



Mar 26, 2012
mcsteven said:
So it sounds like those of you with TBs and 55W have no heat problems. I'm thinking that with an Envoy, with a larger amount of room in the housing it will be even less of a concern.

I want to put 55W lamps into the low beams, 35W into the fogs, and get some color matched bulbs (like Silverstars or something) for the high beams.

Anyone have a link for a DRL killer. The one on the sticky, www.jetttstream..... goes to a parked page. Looks like Jetttstream site was scooped up by someone else.

I've not really looked yet, but is it easy to aim those lights (on the Envoy)? Are we just talking about the standard housing adjustment?

(Anyone know about the OnStar system? I have a question here: http://gmtnation.com/f37/way-access-microphone-7195/)

Thanks folks,


I wouldn't use 55w for low beams without projectors


Apr 3, 2013
DDonnie said:
I wouldn't use 55w for low beams without projectors

:iagree: Even with a projector, thats a lot of heat from a 55w bulb. If the heat is not properly dissipated, you run the risk of damaging chrome coating on the inside of the projector, specifically non OEM projectors.


Oct 4, 2012
East Haven,Ct
NinjuhhNutz said:
ah gotcha...and I didn't mean it was a lot of work, but you have to look at it from the perspective of someone that is troubleshooting a problem in your truck, and they're scratching their heads wondering what the heck is going on lol
the owner of the shop I worked at handed me a strobe kit to put in his truck, and when I ripped the grill and lamps out, a spaghetti of wiring everywhere and it took me forever to track it all down~ :frown:

Exact reason only I work on my car unless I can't handle it which wouldn't involve headlight wiring


Apr 18, 2012
DDonnie said:
I wouldn't use 55w for low beams without projectors

Why? Heat? Light dispersion (blinding oncoming drivers, attracting law enforcement, etc.)? Too bright?

Hoping for your thoughts.


Boricua SS

Nov 20, 2011
yea, 55W are way too bight in stock housings... and they do melt foglight housings on TB's as well... (had this happen to my friends '08 TB LT), not to mention all that extra draw it will put on your stock headlight wiring harness'

35W is plenty bright when it comes to HID's... you wont be disappointed...


Oct 15, 2012
dmanns67 said:
:iagree: Even with a projector, thats a lot of heat from a 55w bulb. If the heat is not properly dissipated, you run the risk of damaging chrome coating on the inside of the projector, specifically non OEM projectors.
mmmm hmmmmm :iagree: especially if they're lower quality projectors
jeffro312 said:
Exact reason only I work on my car unless I can't handle it which wouldn't involve headlight wiring
touche sir, touche.
mcsteven said:
Why? Heat? Light dispersion (blinding oncoming drivers, attracting law enforcement, etc.)? Too bright? Hoping for your thoughts.

no matter what you say, how you aim your headlights, the bottom line is that without proper housing for hid's i.e. projectors designed for hid bulbs (and yes, there are such things as halogen projectors) then you are going to blind others. The bulbs aren't designed to play well with oem halogen reflectors, as it throws light everywhere. Nice for the driver, not so nice for the elderly lady driving towards you :mad:

Boricua SS said:
yea, 55W are way too bight in stock housings... and they do melt foglight housings on TB's as well... (had this happen to my friends '08 TB LT), not to mention all that extra draw it will put on your stock headlight wiring harness'

35W is plenty bright when it comes to HID's... you wont be disappointed...

and NO ONE should be using hid's without relay harnesses anyways, ESPECIALLY 55w kits :duh:


Apr 18, 2012
Altight - going with 35W and not 55W. I guess 35w for both the lows and fogs. I'll find some white to go with them for Halogen hi beams (I like the idea mentioned of keeping flash to pass. I want to disable the DRLs, not do a perm 100%. I am thinking about a strip of LEDs for DRL, connected to the ignition, but relayed so they would be off when the HIDd are on. Just more to buy and install.


Apr 3, 2013
Heres a picture that I found from another forum I am on that shows what I am talking about when you have to much heat from a 55w bulb and cannot dissipate the heat properly. You should be good with 35w in the fogs. I have been running them for over two years now with no issues/damage to the fog light housing itself on my TB.

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Oct 15, 2012
dmanns67 said:
Heres a picture that I found from another forum I am on that shows what I am talking about when you have to much heat from a 55w bulb and cannot dissipate the heat properly. You should be good with 35w in the fogs. I have been running them for over two years now with no issues/damage to the fog light housing itself on my TB.

View attachment 13604

dude...if I had my retrofit tucked away nicely in my truck already, and had that happen because of 55w bulbs....
I would probably sit in a corner somewhere curled up in the fetal position and cry like a school girl :rotfl:
wayyyyy too much work to risk something like that


Apr 3, 2013
NinjuhhNutz said:
dude...if I had my retrofit tucked away nicely in my truck already, and had that happen because of 55w bulbs....
I would probably sit in a corner somewhere curled up in the fetal position and cry like a school girl :rotfl:
wayyyyy too much work to risk something like that

It gets worse. After talking to the guy, he said that this was his second set of projectors ruined by running 55w HIDs. :duh: Each set of his projectors lasted about 12 months. Definitely not worth going to 55w.

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