Hid kits


Original poster
Feb 3, 2013
Hey guys i think im gonna get a HID kit from ddmtuning.com I was thinkin i would need..

Low beam kit 35w with the harness bulb type 9006 color 6000k

High beam kit 35w with the harness bulb type 9005 color 6000k

Do i need anything else? Ill be doing quad beams for warm up time for the highs. But is there anything i need to do about my DRL's I have a 2004 ls and ive heard of problems with the auto lights. I swear my lights come on automatically when its dark... lol

I want 3000k fogs too eventually... Thanks


Dec 4, 2011
yodaddy4200 said:
Hey guys i think im gonna get a HID kit from ddmtuning.com I was thinkin i would need..

Low beam kit 35w with the harness bulb type 9006 color 6000k

High beam kit 35w with the harness bulb type 9005 color 6000k

Do i need anything else? Ill be doing quad beams for warm up time for the highs. But is there anything i need to do about my DRL's I have a 2004 ls and ive heard of problems with the auto lights. I swear my lights come on automatically when its dark... lol

I want 3000k fogs too eventually... Thanks

You need to do 1 of 2 things- 1 is kill the DRL all together (DRLs run the headlamps at 70% power- fine for halogens but HID's no likey). Option 2 is we call the "capacitor mod". Basically you tap into the pink wire at the fuse box with a resistor and this allows DRL to function completely normal except they run at 100% power (allowing the HIDs to get what they need).

Personally I did the capacitor mod and have had excellent results- never an issue. I typically manually shut off my DRLs during the day any ways, but this was the quickest/easiest/most reversible option for me.

Just search for "DRL killer" and "Capacitor Mod" on this site and you'll get the answers you need as well as instructions on how to do these things. Either way you should do something, as you'll blow plenty of ballasts/possibly bulbs running at 70%

Good Luck!


Mar 26, 2012
willn513 said:
You need to do 1 of 2 things- 1 is kill the DRL all together (DRLs run the headlamps at 70% power- fine for halogens but HID's no likey). Option 2 is we call the "capacitor mod". Basically you tap into the pink AND WHITE STRIPED wire at the fuse box with a resistor and this allows DRL to function completely normal except they run at 100% power (allowing the HIDs to get what they need).

Personally I did the capacitor mod and have had excellent results- never an issue. I typically manually shut off my DRLs during the day any ways, but this was the quickest/easiest/most reversible option for me.

Just search for "DRL killer" and "Capacitor Mod" on this site and you'll get the answers you need as well as instructions on how to do these things. Either way you should do something, as you'll blow plenty of ballasts/possibly bulbs running at 70%

Good Luck!

Fixed it :thumbsup:


Mar 26, 2012
blazinlow89 said:
Is it a resistor or a capacitor? I'm not sure, as I did the relay.

Damn, i missed that part. It's a cap.


Jan 25, 2012
willn513 said:
Yes capacitor sorry

Just verifying. I may take out the relay and swap in the cap as I have had a bad habit of leaving my headlights on. Opted for a $6 radio harness when I put the new one in.


Original poster
Feb 3, 2013
Im not getting a high beam, im gonna get the lows/fogs instead. So iguess ill being doing the "Cap Mod" and adding quad beams!! i think i got it now lol thanks for the help guys!


Mar 26, 2012
blazinlow89 said:
Just verifying. I may take out the relay and swap in the cap as I have had a bad habit of leaving my headlights on. Opted for a $6 radio harness when I put the new one in.

I wish i could have, but alas, i have bose. (though i love having the dash tweeters!)


Nov 21, 2011
do 55w for high beams


Nov 21, 2011
dcmtnbkr said:
With stock housings?

assuming he is running a relay harness for each kit then yes he will be fine on a stock housing. I mean how long will he have the high beams on anyway to even cause any problems? you'll cause an accident with hid highs if you have them on while on coming traffic is coming. Now 55w hids with stock fog light housing will cause problems, many seem to put 55w on the fogs which is just stupid to me. correct me if I am wrong on this

now me personally I would never get hids for highs, warm up time is a pain and you cannot flash to pass etc. not worth it to me


Mar 26, 2012
ItsOnVoy said:
assuming he is running a relay harness for each kit then yes he will be fine on a stock housing. I mean how long will he have the high beams on anyway to even cause any problems? you'll cause an accident with hid highs if you have them on while on coming traffic is coming.

Haha, good point. Had a herp moment.


Oct 15, 2012
ItsOnVoy said:
assuming he is running a relay harness for each kit then yes he will be fine on a stock housing. I mean how long will he have the high beams on anyway to even cause any problems? you'll cause an accident with hid highs if you have them on while on coming traffic is coming. Now 55w hids with stock fog light housing will cause problems, many seem to put 55w on the fogs which is just stupid to me. correct me if I am wrong on this

now me personally I would never get hids for highs, warm up time is a pain and you cannot flash to pass etc. not worth it to me

agreed, though I'm not a fan of hid's in reflector bowls, very few are willing to spend the $ to retrofit, or buy headlights with true hid projectors in them.
hid's in the high beams aren't logical to me... :iagree: no flash to pass, and delayed output due to warm up time, if it were me, I'd get some quality high beam bulbs and call it a day.


Original poster
Feb 3, 2013
yeah i just ordered 6k lows and 3k fogs... not gonna mess with the high beam. Im really thinking about getting the morimoto mini h1 projectors. They look sick!!

Is there anything that wont come with my ddm kit that ill need to mount the fogs?


Oct 15, 2012
yodaddy4200 said:
yeah i just ordered 6k lows and 3k fogs... not gonna mess with the high beam. Im really thinking about getting the morimoto mini h1 projectors. They look sick!!

Is there anything that wont come with my ddm kit that ill need to mount the fogs?

good choice, they aren't the highest end projector, but they get the job done, and a hell of a lot easier to install than some guys I have talked to using larger ones.
here's my build thread for mine, should be finished as soon as this last led shipment gets here :wootwoot:

mounting the fogs? or installing the hid's?
bulbs, ballasts, and the relay harnesses, all you will need to install the low beams and fogs.
(and I'm effin jealous, I no haves fogs :no:)


Original poster
Feb 3, 2013
You were one of the threads i read about them!! LOL i dont have stock fog lights. Thats why i was asking if i needed anything else ( like oem stuff) lol gotta go computers dead!!


Oct 15, 2012
yodaddy4200 said:
You were one of the threads i read about them!! LOL i dont have stock fog lights. Thats why i was asking if i needed anything else ( like oem stuff) lol gotta go computers dead!!

there's a os post about it, I tend to scour around over there when I can't find an answer here, before starting a thread about it or asking, and then being redirected lol

OEM fog light install......need brackets - Chevy TrailBlazer, TrailBlazer SS and GMC Envoy Forum
groundshock may be able to give you some insight when he gets the finishing touches done (or whoever finishes them)

here's the pic of the first link, it may or may not work...according to the post on gmt it needs approval? idk, but you get the point


Original poster
Feb 3, 2013
Hey thanks for the links! Yea i figured i wasnt quite home free!! How much besides the projectors ($120) are you into the headlights for?


Oct 15, 2012
I...errr...ummm...might have a good bit invested? Lol
All together, 4 projectors, 4 morimoto 3five ballasts and 4 xb bulbs 6k, and 2 ela hanesses (came in 2 complete retrofit.kits from theretrofitsource.com
$300 per kit
Plus a new headlight...lol whoops
Lil things here n there, led's, wire, relays etc...
All together, I've say I'm north of $700
But it was spread.out over time, so it wasn't too bad
I figured if I was going to do it, I would take my time and do it right, with quality parts.
The same can be done for cheaper, I'm sure...


Original poster
Feb 3, 2013
Im not going to run a hid high beam so im thinkin it should'nt cost me but about half that:yes:


Oct 15, 2012
True, and if you don't go crazy with paint, led's, and ideas, it's a 1 day project. I'm confident I could open up the lights, toss in the projectors, get em aimed right, and seal em back up in a few hours. You would literally spend more time opening and waiting on the sealent to cure than the actual install.
Go for it, and take lots of pics haha


Original poster
Feb 3, 2013
Have you seen the amber angel eyes @ theretrofitsource.com? I think there $75 bucks?? But it would really suck to have on go out and have to open them back up!! I have LED front switchbacks already so i think thats enough bling bling up front!! The amber angel eyes would be cool cause then i could leave my corners amber and it would look ok!!


Oct 15, 2012
yodaddy4200 said:
Have you seen the amber angel eyes @ theretrofitsource.com? I think there $75 bucks?? But it would really suck to have on go out and have to open them back up!! I have LED front switchbacks already so i think thats enough bling bling up front!! The amber angel eyes would be cool cause then i could leave my corners amber and it would look ok!!

I have, I have mixed feelings about them bro...I'm the type of person that likes doing my own thing, something that you don't see everyday, and those that actually know how much work went into the build, will appreciate.
IMO, halos are a bit played out...EVERYONE is rocking them these days, but then again, like in my earlier post...VERY few people are willing and/or capable of doing their own work...soooooooooooooooo yea

I'm in the process of finishing my own clear corners (if you have the spare $, I recommend buying them lmao...I have patience for days when it comes to wiring and things like that...but molding those corner lenses annoyed the piss out of me) I'm a fan of the all white look, but amber halos with amber lenses have potential as well, just not my preference.


Original poster
Feb 3, 2013
NinjuhhNutz said:
I have, I have mixed feelings about them bro...I'm the type of person that likes doing my own thing, something that you don't see everyday, and those that actually know how much work went into the build, will appreciate.
IMO, halos are a bit played out...EVERYONE is rocking them these days, but then again, like in my earlier post...VERY few people are willing and/or capable of doing their own work...soooooooooooooooo yea

I'm in the process of finishing my own clear corners (if you have the spare $, I recommend buying them lmao...I have patience for days when it comes to wiring and things like that...but molding those corner lenses annoyed the piss out of me) I'm a fan of the all white look, but amber halos with amber lenses have potential as well, just not my preference.

Yea my truck is a shade of gold basically so thats why i had the idea!

Hey i want projector fogs... What do you think of these? Universal P1 HID 880 9005 9006 Bulb Type Projector Fog Lights Foglights Kit | eBay

ive already purchased a 880 bulb type HID fogs kit so... but i dont want a halogen housing.


Oct 15, 2012
yodaddy4200 said:
Yea my truck is a shade of gold basically so thats why i had the idea!

Hey i want projector fogs... What do you think of these? Universal P1 HID 880 9005 9006 Bulb Type Projector Fog Lights Foglights Kit | eBay

ive already purchased a 880 bulb type HID fogs kit so... but i dont want a halogen housing.

don't know much about them to be honest...and without output pics, I can't really give an honest answer :no:
However, if you're getting projectors for your lows, you're gonna have a helluva time getting the fogs to look right with the lows (doesn't matter where you set the cutoff, you'll still get funky output at different distances (if that matters to you, idk...does to me so I went no-go for the fogs, just because of that)
but if it doesn't, then I say go for it, for $50, you really can't beat it. and if you don't like them, Craigs List them, or maybe to someone on here, who wants the fogs to have projectors, and understands the cutoff difference. Some people don't care about the alignment, and just want visibility, which is cool, but the way I see it, (see it, haha no pun intended:rotfl:) I'll see pretty much as good, if not better, with 4 bi-xenon's as anyone with low's and fogs :yes:


Original poster
Feb 3, 2013
I was gonna just get some OEM style housing's but im thinking they will have alot of glare? Im just trying to look SEMI legal!! I dont want to get pulled over everyday ya know?? lol


Oct 15, 2012
yodaddy4200 said:
I was gonna just get some OEM style housing's but im thinking they will have alot of glare? Im just trying to look SEMI legal!! I dont want to get pulled over everyday ya know?? lol

the housing are irrelavent if you have projectors, you'll get no glare whatsoever, I used my oem housings for mine, just because I liked the layout of them.
and technically NO mod of this type is legal, BUT unless you're a complete idiot, you won't fail an inspection (at least around where I live lol) because of it.
as long as you have working hi/lo beams, and don't get the prick that puts your car into the test that measures the output pattern of your headlights, then you'll be ok.
It wouldn't hurt to study up on the laws in your state, though.


Original poster
Feb 3, 2013
NinjuhhNutz said:
the housing are irrelavent if you have projectors, you'll get no glare whatsoever, I used my oem housings for mine, just because I liked the layout of them.
and technically NO mod of this type is legal, BUT unless you're a complete idiot, you won't fail an inspection (at least around where I live lol) because of it.
as long as you have working hi/lo beams, and don't get the prick that puts your car into the test that measures the output pattern of your headlights, then you'll be ok.
It wouldn't hurt to study up on the laws in your state, though.

Here in idaho, i dont know if its for my county only or what but we dont have any type of inspections... I just dont want police attention.

I have been reading up my states statutes and it talks alot about "glaring lights" but i see tons of cars all the time with tinted tails and headlights, TONS of halogen housings with HIDs in them and all kinds of stuff.

My good friend has 8k lows on a maxima in the stock housing and he says he doesnt have any problems ever so... iguess ill try my stock housings for a while and see how it goes!


Oct 15, 2012
rural counties here have that luxury, fortunately for me, I live on a 113 acre farm, yet I'm still in a country that mandates inspections...yay me :explode:
btw, police attention is going to grow exponentially the more obvious cosmetic mods you add, I'm sure there are guys out there that will agree lol
Apparently us few that enjoy doing things like this, are a burden on society :weird:
but if you go with PnP hid's, they're retarded bright, no doubt about that (as long as you buy quality parts)
and if you decide to go with the projectors, which I support that decision 110%, you'll enjoy it, and know you did it the right way~
as always, if I can help at all during the process, just pm me


Apr 3, 2013
As long as you aim your headlights properly after installing the HIDs, you should be fine. I ran 4300K Philips HIDs in my stock housings for about 2 years with no issues. My vehicle even passed state inspection in NC and VA. The difference going from Sylvania Silver Star bulbs to HIDs was drastic in lumens, but after retrofitting my headlights with projectors, the difference was amazing! TRS makes the Morimoto Matchbox projector that is small enough to retrofit into fog lights if that is a route you are wanting to go. I wonder if the stock TBSS fog lights are good for HIDs :undecided:


Oct 15, 2012
dmanns67 said:
As long as you aim your headlights properly after installing the HIDs, you should be fine. I ran 4300K Philips HIDs in my stock housings for about 2 years with no issues. My vehicle even passed state inspection in NC and VA. The difference going from Sylvania Silver Star bulbs to HIDs was drastic in lumens, but after retrofitting my headlights with projectors, the difference was amazing! TRS makes the Morimoto Matchbox projector that is small enough to retrofit into fog lights if that is a route you are wanting to go. I wonder if the stock TBSS fog lights are good for HIDs :undecided:

what do the reflector bowls look like? I assume they're smooth with a nice curve to them, which should make them look quite nice with hid's
I have to admit, as much as I push for retrofitting, I LOVE the full look of PnP hid's and how the entire headlight glows with them.
(Partially, because I am big 2nd gen eclipse fan...and those lights look great to me-and I'll come back from my daydream now)


Original poster
Feb 3, 2013
Im actually going to install the 6k low beam kit here in a couple hours when one of my bros gets of work!! I wanna see how bright they are and how bad the glare is.. Our reflector bowls are relatively small so im thinking they shouldnt be to bad.

Here in a couple weeks om going to get some p1 projectors for my fogs of ebay Universal P1 HID 880 9005 9006 Bulb Type Projector Fog Lights Foglights Kit | eBay

These projectors take both 9006 and 880 so ill have two colors to choose from! 6K and 3K

or i was thinking about getting this.. 2 0" Universal HID Fog Light Projectors Lens Kit Bulbs Ballasts 3000K 6000K | eBay

After the fogs are done ill get the minis for my low beam.

What ya think ninja? I hope those links work:confused:


Apr 3, 2013
Honestly, the glare from the stock housings for the lows is not bad at all compared to other vehicles. I have 4300K HIDs in my fogs and the glare is worse in the fogs than the headlights, but the fog do light up the dark country roads.


Jun 28, 2012
55W HID's at 5000K color temp in projectors is the way to go for low beams.

I also run 55W HID driving lights for off-road driving.


Apr 3, 2013
mikekey said:
55W HID's at 5000K color temp in projectors is the way to go for low beams.

I also run 55W HID driving lights for off-road driving.

How much of a lumen difference is there between the 35w and 55w? Also, what bulbs and ballasts are you running? I have read that the lifetime of the 55w bulb is significantly less than the 35w bulb ran in the low beams. How is the cut off affected when running a 55w bulb?


Jun 28, 2012
dmanns67 said:
How much of a lumen difference is there between the 35w and 55w? Also, what bulbs and ballasts are you running? I have read that the lifetime of the 55w bulb is significantly less than the 35w bulb ran in the low beams. How is the cut off affected when running a 55w bulb?

It's on DDM's website. I wear glasses and have poor night vision. I ran 35s at first but we decided to switch when I switched to projectors. The cutoff is the same. The difference is night and day in my opinion and experience. I was like, "wtf did I ever run 35w's?"

Anyone who tells you the housing will melt is quoting Internet myth and full of shit, btw. Nearly a year of these with a lot of night time driving especially all night driving on multiple trips. My housing is fine and never overheated or hot.

The bulbs and kit came from DDM, I bought from them for my Audi and just repeated on the Trailblazer. I have both the slim and the regular ballast they sell. Both are durable and long lasting.


Original poster
Feb 3, 2013
Wifey made dinner plans with some friends so tomorrow im going to get that low beam kit in hopefully... :frown: lol I didnt want another midnight expedition on a work night like when i installed my front switchbacks and rear resistors a few weeks ago!!

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