Hey Nation, I'm posting this right now from the machine shop that has my head! Remember when I said something about them potentially having to replace all my valves? I took what they said over the wrong way! Completely my fault for misinterpreting!
As it turns out, he was pretty much preparing me for the worst! He had not yet at that time taken the valves out yet! SO! As soon as I walked in and he took me to the back of the shop, the first thing he said was "This is by far the cleanest 4.2L head we've seen yet! How in the world did you manage to take such good care of it??" The valves were still in when we spoke over the phone, he was telling me that they usually have to replace all the valves 9 times out of 10 with most of their work! Whoops!
At this point I smiled in pure embarrassment and said "Sea....Foam...?

Hah! However, he did mention to me that the ports where the intake manifold was were clogged on the inside the further back they went. Lucky for me I walked in during the middle of him cleaning it and was able to record on camera what was still there!
Notes from my visit with the machine shop this afternoon:
I usually add intake cleaners after every oil change! This is GOOD and apparently worked well with my head!
Seafoam DOES WORK, but sometimes it's unable to reach as far back into the combustion chamber (where the other half of my carbon issue currently is) to effectively do its job!
My valves actually ended up being in really good condition, he said he might replace two or three due to them "warping" but as you'll be able to tell from the video I'm about to post, nice and clean!!!
I was asked if I've ever overheated, I told him I came really close to it once before in the past due my brush guard smacking the curb and pulling my radiator mounts in which caused the fan to stop spinning (this was repaired later on though way before the infamous shake came into play). He told me that the one time it did come close to overheating, it may have very well caused a leak with my head gasket and it could have blown somewhere. Good to know now!
My intake manifold needed to be cleaned completely out! I've already done this with carburetor cleaner, so I've got a check in the box there! Apparently those small chunks of oil/carbon/whatever that I pulled out of the intake manifold were surely contributing to our problem!
In conclusion, they're not going to charge me as much as I originally thought for the job AND I've narrowed my cause for misfire down that much more! Can't wait to have it back nice and clean!
Here comes the video guys, stand by.. -Lee