2012 Meets thread - Ideas/discussion


Aug 28, 2012
At this point I'm only good for the 29th, so I'd be heading back Saturday evening at some point. I'll be sure to listen to the radio though, as I suspect there will be breaking news of a disturbance at the Best Western! :biggrin:

Denali n DOO

May 22, 2012
Kirkz28 said:
At this point I'm only good for the 29th, so I'd be heading back Saturday evening at some point. I'll be sure to listen to the radio though, as I suspect there will be breaking news of a disturbance at the Best Western! :biggrin:

Depends on how many Fords are in the hotel parking lot....:Boxin:....


Original poster
Nov 21, 2011
How many of youz would be staying overnight? Need to know.

Also still polling on how many guests we'll have.

Oh, and confirmation of who's actually coming.


1. harmless & wife (maybe, if other wifes come) (We live here. :tongue:)

Denali n DOO

May 22, 2012
2. Denali n DOO - wife too (if she behaves)

Not sure about my kids yet, 10 n 12, depends if there be other kids there? I looked on accuweather LONG range forecast n it says mostly sunny Fri 28th, good day to wash my truck. And mostly sunny on Sat 29th, perfect for a meet n pics day. :thumbsup:


Dec 4, 2011
06 Envoy and wife!
Most likely kids too.

11 and 12 yr old Boys. My sister is unavailable to watch them... Stef, what can the kids do while we 'meet'?

EDIT: For the single day only. I will most likely drive down in the morning with KirkZ28 and go back with him.


My flight gets into Pearson Sat. Morning.
Also my son has Hockey on this weekend (first game), and we are waiting for the schedule.
Sooooo. still working on coming there.
My boys, 7 and 11. they might come too.


Original poster
Nov 21, 2011
1. harmless & wife (maybe, if other wifes come)
2. Denali n DOO - wife too (if she behaves)
3. 06Envoy and wife!


Ok, so Imma not gonna canvas the local sleep-over joint.

I'm not sure what the kids can do. I doubt they'll be entertained by knattering adults. Duct Tape is always an option. :biggrin:

Where da feck is GREG?!?! Mr.Chirpy who set this meet up and now he's only offering static?!?! :hissyfit:


Nov 22, 2011
harmless said:
1. harmless & wife (maybe, if other wifes come)
2. Denali n DOO - wife too (if she behaves)
3. 06Envoy and wife!
4. GMan


Ok, so Imma not gonna canvas the local sleep-over joint.

I'm not sure what the kids can do. I doubt they'll be entertained by knattering adults. Duct Tape is always an option. :biggrin:

Where da feck is GREG?!?! Mr.Chirpy who set this meet up and now he's only offering static?!?! :hissyfit:

Whoa... slow down there big shooter...
I'm doing what I usually do - supervise... you think you'd know that by now... geeez...

Count me in as coming, but I'll be making the trip solo - wifey has her normal dialysis session scheduled for 5pm that day...
You really think I'd let you off the hook for fixing my fogs? And who knows what else I can find for you to tinker with?? :poke:

Besides, I'm sure you're gonna want to "oversee" the installation of those LED taillights that Kirk is donating... I wouldn't think of depriving you of that! :popcorn:


Original poster
Nov 21, 2011
1. harmless (wife is giving me a leash!! I'm solo!! Shit. Wait... There's gotta be a catch... aww man!)
2. Denali n DOO - wife too (if she behaves)
3. 06Envoy and wife!
4. GMan


CdnGMan said:
Whoa... slow down there big shooter...
I'm doing what I usually do - supervise... you think you'd know that by now... geeez...

Count me in as coming, but I'll be making the trip solo - wifey has her normal dialysis session scheduled for 5pm that day...
You really think I'd let you off the hook for fixing my fogs? And who knows what else I can find for you to tinker with?? :poke:

Besides, I'm sure you're gonna want to "oversee" the installation of those LED taillights that Kirk is donating... I wouldn't think of depriving you of that! :popcorn:


Greg... you forgetting something? This is a meet... not a "make Stef slave again" event. I'll swap out your tails, only cause I'm a vulture that way... :biggrin:

Wait. What?!? What the hell's wrong with your fogs now?!?!? :hissyfit:


Nov 22, 2011
harmless said:
Greg... you forgetting something? This is a meet... not a "make Stef slave again" event. I'll swap out your tails, only cause I'm a vulture that way... :biggrin:

Don't you worry that balding little head of yours... I can swap out my own taillights... :tongue:

Wait. What?!? What the hell's wrong with your fogs now?!?!? :hissyfit:

I dunno what's up with them... they both just stopped working - both bulbs look to be good however... I bought 2 spares tho - just in case... :wink:

And there's NO ETA on those damn LED strips either... :hissyfit: the seller is asking for another week... I did request that if he has to resend them yet again, that he do so via expedited shipping AND with a tracking number... we'll see how that goes tho...


Original poster
Nov 21, 2011
Guess this gives you more reason to show up BEFORE the meet to get them looked at. :raspberry:


Original poster
Nov 21, 2011
*IF* you choose to do this, let me know IN ADVANCE. I wanna be there. Beer, popcorn and a lawn chair. :rotfl: My turn to supervise. :wootwoot:

I'll bring marshmellons in case there's a suprise bonfire. :thumbsup:



Aug 28, 2012
I'm still in for the 29th. I may have my son (7), but won't know for sure until the weekend before.


Nov 22, 2011
harmless said:
*IF* you choose to do this, let me know IN ADVANCE. I wanna be there. Beer, popcorn and a lawn chair. :rotfl: My turn to supervise. :wootwoot:

I'll bring marshmellons in case there's a suprise bonfire. :thumbsup:


Trust me, if / when I decide to do this, there'll be NO electricity flowing until it needs to be...
Besides, how can I text you if you're sitting beside me when I do this? :raspberry:


Dec 4, 2011
harmless said:
1. harmless (wife is giving me a leash!! I'm solo!! Shit. Wait... There's gotta be a catch... aww man!)
Wait! If she is not coming then I'm gonna guess that's gonna hit you in the wallet as she goes 'shopping'??? Aw, you poor guy you....

harmless said:
Greg... you forgetting something? This is a meet... not a "make Stef slave again" event.
I agree. I thought we decided that this wasn't going to turn into a 'work' meet??? Otherwise, oh boy! DO I ever have a list for our preferred slave..er I mean our dear friend Stef!!! :rotfl::raspberry::thumbsup:

Kirkz28 said:
I'm still in for the 29th. I may have my son (7), but won't know for sure until the weekend before.
Excellent! Another confirmed victim.. um I mean 'first time meet-n-greet'r'!!! :biggrin:
And as it seems that Stef is being turned into our slave again, you could ask him about swapping out the LED 3rd brake light back to oem as well. He LOVES wiring jobs!!! Then they all can fight over the brake light!!!! It's like watching piranna's!!! :raspberry:

Any thoughts about coming from our Ottawa friends??? Nudge, Nudge,Wink,Wink... Mooseman???? I know that you were thinking of it....And I for one would like to see your efans setup. I think a few others as well. To compare yours vs mine. I know that Stef doesn't like mine, that's for sure, but he may like yours. Anyways, We'd love to have ya!!! :cool:


Aug 28, 2012
06Envoy said:
And as it seems that Stef is being turned into our slave again, you could ask him about swapping out the LED 3rd brake light back to oem as well. He LOVES wiring jobs!!! Then they all can fight over the brake light!!!! It's like watching piranna's!!! :raspberry:

Actually, if I haven't isolated the rattle in the back end of the truck by then, I was thinking we could hang someone over the tailgate while I circle the parking lot. :biggrin:


Dec 11, 2011
I would love to go to this, but we have to pull the camper out of the park that weekend.

I will keep my eyes open for the next one and hopefully I can finally make one of these.

muddy tires

Dec 5, 2011
harmless said:
Wow. Ummmkai. Midland doesn't have that many attractions! :redface: What would we do for two days?!

I'm camping that weekend with my Scout troop but some attractions in Midland are: Ste Marie Among the Hurons, Martyrs' Shrine, Huronia Museum and Ouendat Village, Wye Marsh, Discovery Harbour, boat tours on Georgian Bay ...

Stef, you have to get out more.


Nov 22, 2011
Ok Stef, have we got a updated count of who's coming?

Have you given much thought as to where we can meet up??
Based on the forecast, it should be a rain-free day, but somewhat cool - I consider anything under 20C cool btw... :raspberry:

FWIW, I've been getting some emails from people on the OS who are interested in joining in - I just advise them to join up here for the latest info. :wink:


Nov 22, 2011
Ok... it seems as tho Stef's been having some major PC issues that have kept him from the forum as of late...

Based on what I can tell thus far, we have the following marked down as coming:

1. Harmless (wife is giving me a leash!! I'm solo!! Shit. Wait... There's gotta be a catch... aww man!)
2. Denali n DOO - wife too (if she behaves)
3. 06Envoy and wife!
4. GMan
5. Kirkz28

Have I missed anyone?? Lemme know if I have.

Also, what time were people looking to make their way up there?? I was thinking around noon would be good - I'm doing some recon in terms of a meet up place - that way we can grab a bite to eat & chat for a bit and then look to head out for some photo shoots, etc.
With some of you planning on staying the night up there, we could also look at doing dinner at a wing place up there as well...

We're trying to keep this meet "mod free" as much as possible, so if you have any ideas or other suggestions, please pipe up with them!! :thumbsup:

One of the big things that need to be done is to notify people if you're NOT able to make it for any reason - that way the rest of us aren't just sitting around waiting for you... to that end, if you wanna send me your cell phone numbers via PM, at least someone will have it in the event we need to contact you... trust me, the only person I would think of crank-calling is Stef... :raspberry:

If you'd rather not provide your number, that's totally cool too... just post in THIS thread if you don't plan on attending.

I think it goes without saying, but if anyone has any ideas for the day, feel free to throw them out there as well... we tend to be very informal in terms of agendas and the like...

Looking forward to meeting those of you who I haven't thus far... :thumbsup:


Dec 4, 2011
UPDATE: I'm still going, but my wife is not.

Funny thing about computer problems. It seems to go in waves.
My Dad is having problems too, so I'll be staying overnight near Barrie so that I may repair it on Sunday.

So I will be solo on Saturday, but I'll be there. :thumbsup:


Nov 22, 2011
How do those of you who are coming feel about making the short jaunt over to Wasaga Beach around 2pm or so??

Stef says that the route is scenic and it will put the Niagra Falls run to shame...
I'm willing to give him the latitude on that... besides, if it sucks, we can all blame him!!! :rotfl:

I'm just working on a meeting spot right now.. once I have one, I'll let y'all know... :thumbsup:


Aug 28, 2012
Still in here too. Wife is working on Saturday, so I will likely have my son (unless I can make other arrangements). Wasaga sounds fine to me.


Nov 22, 2011
Ok everyone... see below for the details...

Meeting time: Noon
Meeting Place: Applebee's 326 Bayfield St. Barrie, ON L4M 3B9 ph.705-739-8597

[GMAP]326 Bayfield St. Barrie, ON L4M 3B9[/GMAP]

Loosely planned Itinerary:
1. We'll grab some grub - after we check out how ridiculously clean DnD's ride is :wink:
2. Head out to Midland and terrorize that town (possibly take some shots along the way)
3. Cruise over to Wasaga Beach for more terrorizing and more pic whoring
4. Head back to Barrie to grab some dinner

Remember: this is just a suggested plan of the day... I'm more than open to any modifications to it...

I can't stress enough that if you can't make it, that's fine, but either send someone a message letting them know or post to the forum...
I really don't wanna sit around waiting for someone who isn't coming and who couldn't be bothered to let the rest of us know... :hissyfit:
That said, if you want my number to text me, lemme know. :biggrin:


Aug 28, 2012
Sounds good Greg. My in-laws are going to take my son for the day, so I don't have to worry about him getting bored. Which means I should be able to stay for dinner too. Garnet and I are supposed to meet up and travel down together (separate vehicles).

FYI - my TB is a daily driver, so it definitely won't pass the lick test!


Nov 22, 2011
Spike said:
Can't make it to this meet. Sorry guys.

My son's first hockey game is at 1:00 on Sat.

No worries mate... thanks for the heads-up tho!!

To anyone else who's planning on coming: if you can't make it (for whatever reason), please post in the thread to let us know...

See y'all at noon at Applebee's!! :wootwoot:


Dec 4, 2011
I'm sitting on the side of hwy #69 patiently waiting for Kirkz28 to arrive. We driving down together.


Nov 22, 2011

I'm not sure about the rest of you, but I had a great time yesterday...
While the weather sucked toward the end of the day, I think it was a good day all around... while I know I wasn't the only person to be taking pics - I only have about 75 - I'm hoping that there are others posted...

And here are a couple shots of the day... more will follow...

View attachment 23078

Heading out for a quick run after lunch...
View attachment 23079

Another shot of us heading out to our first spot...
View attachment 23082

A shot of Derick and his sweet low-ridin Envoy... I expect him to be joining up soon - once he gets his PC fixed tho...
View attachment 23081

A rear shot of us at the park...
View attachment 23080

We ended up at CFB Borden, where we found us some tanks to shoot in front of...
View attachment 23083

And a group shot...
View attachment 23084

As I said, I have many more shots that I took... I'm thinking that the BEST shot was taken by Garnet however, and I'm hoping that he posts it soon...
(gladly I have a copy of said pic as well... :thumbsup:)

On a side note, Garnet, that 8-hi mod simply kicks ass!! I can't believe how much more light is thrown out now... thanks muchly!!
Let the record show that the mod was completed in the rain... :wootwoot:

A shot of the "normal" 6-lights...
View attachment 23076.jpg]

A shot of the 8-hi mod in action...
View attachment 23077.jpg]

I just need to get that resistor switched out for the left LED tail light now... :undecided: the hyper-flash is bugging me now... :rotfl:


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Aug 28, 2012
Well said Greg! It was great to meet you fellows, and even if the weather wasn't the greatest the company more than made up for it.

A big thumbs up to Garnet for the light mod. :thumbsup: He sacrificed himself to the soldering gods for us (even if we couldn't hear him over the sound of his e-fans :raspberry:). Seriously though, the enhanced lighting came in handy on the 3 hour trip back home in the dark and rain.


Dec 4, 2011
It was a Great day! Lots of fun was had by all who attended!

Sorry, what's that you say? Speak up! I can't hear you over the efans! Oh, you guys like watching me solder in the rain... Your welcome! Glad that you guys enjoyed the 'Enhanced' lighting. :thumbsup:

Derick's 4" dropped Envoy rolling on 24's was easily the most tricked out ride there. It looked amazing! Everyone was like 'Look Moose!' as they tried to nab his wheels!

As per usual DnD had the cleanest engine bay around (However I did find a spot that you missed! :raspberry:). He did inspire a few of us to clean up our trucks.
Kirk and I even washed our trucks by hand the night before. But we drove down through rain so we stopped to run through a car wash. That's where another life lesson was learnt by me. 'Close roof when going through car wash!' Kirk couldn't stop laughing when I came out and my shirt was soaked. Good thing you guys were running behind. It gave me enough time for my shirt and truck interiour to dry so you couldn't see it! :hissyfit:

However it was Stef with Harmless that wins the 'Dirtiest truck' award. As much as he detailed his engine bay and truck, there is no stopping Mother Nature. While we were inside gorging ourselves on lunch a plucky seagull decided to um, relieve himself on Harmless. :rotfl:


But the crew was here to rescue Stef. As a side note Harmless's transformation is nearly complete! :cool:

On to the pics!


The rain held off just long enough for us to get some pics in and eat lunch!


Did anyone notice anything different on Kirk's truck? Yup, Kirk has completed his first mod. Although he seems to be shy about posting on it. I think it looks good and it's one of those, 'Why didn't I think of that' things.



Base Borden was a great place to go have a meet. And they didn't even kick us of base with our shenanigans!


Dec 11, 2011
South West Ontario, Canada
Looks like you all had a great time. Going to get to one of these meets eventually but I have to make certain I will be in the same country to begin with !!!
Not much to see on our Trailblazer other than an extra tranny cooler and a brake controller though !!!!
I do like the sound of the lights mod though.
Glad you all had fun.

- - - Updated - - -

Denali n DOO

May 22, 2012
Just adding a couple more pics including the shit drive home, normally 1 hour 15min and it took almost 3 to get home. Also a pic in the fuse box under the hood of the 6 hi mod, 3 jumper wires and some diodes, a very simple mod...thanks 06Envoy!


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