Ok... it seems as tho Stef's been having some major PC issues that have kept him from the forum as of late...
Based on what I can tell thus far, we have the following marked down as coming:
Harmless (wife is giving me a leash!! I'm solo!! Shit. Wait... There's gotta be a catch... aww man!)
Denali n DOO - wife too (if she behaves)
06Envoy and wife!
Have I missed anyone?? Lemme know if I have.
Also, what time were people looking to make their way up there?? I was thinking around noon would be good - I'm doing some recon in terms of a meet up place - that way we can grab a bite to eat & chat for a bit and then look to head out for some photo shoots, etc.
With some of you planning on staying the night up there, we could also look at doing dinner at a wing place up there as well...
We're trying to keep this meet "mod free" as much as possible, so if you have any ideas or other suggestions, please pipe up with them!!
One of the big things that need to be done is to notify people if you're NOT able to make it for any reason - that way the rest of us aren't just sitting around waiting for you... to that end, if you wanna send me your cell phone numbers
via PM, at least someone will have it in the event we need to contact you... trust me, the only person I would think of crank-calling is Stef...
If you'd rather not provide your number, that's totally cool too... just post in
THIS thread if you don't plan on attending.
I think it goes without saying, but if anyone has any ideas for the day, feel free to throw them out there as well... we tend to be very informal in terms of agendas and the like...
Looking forward to meeting those of you who I haven't thus far...