Picked up my SS wheels the other day from Rim Renew out of Baltimore, MD. They specialize in wheel repair as well as restorations. Not only did Sam (The owner) have the best prices I found, but was the only shop that did not require me to have the tires unmounted and TPMS sensors removed prior to dropping off the wheels. Rim Renew was able to take care of umounting/mounting tires, removing/installing TPMS sensors, and balancing the wheels at no extra cost.
Here are a couple pics of the SS wheels before. You can see the curb rash, pitting, how black the wheel was behind the face of the rim . Also, you can see where some dirt got under the clear coat and looks like some took whiteout to the rim. The wheels were not very shiny and almost looked like they were painted silver. Only one wheel had curb damage, but all wheels had pitting, clear coat issues, dull, scratches/swirl marks in the clear coat, and build up behind the face of the wheel.
Here is one of my SS wheels after the complete restoration and this was the wheel that had the curb rash. Other than referring back to initial picture, I cannot tell where the curb damage was located. All of the other wheels had the same issues listed above, some worse than others. The complete restoration ran me $200 per wheel and right around two weeks to complete the process. Rim Renew's restoration price was about $50 less per wheel than other companies I checked out. I also picked up some new center caps which look great. I am very pleased with the finished product.