What are you doing today?

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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Sitting waiting at the ophthalogist. Of course I got the drops that make my eyes look like I've been doing coke all day and I have to drive in nice bright sunshine.


Nov 18, 2011
Busy busy in the cube farm. Got stuff to get done before a continuing ed class for licensing tomorrow
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Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Went to town with the wife and threw my 3500 in a warm garage for its weekly thaw. Back to Cummins smooth... which is actually kind of smooth considering.... I then put it through its paces to test the suspected body mount clunk. The clunk was gone but I bombed over a big drop off coming out of a back alley as the graders were cutting the snow/ice off the streets. That poor truck bottomed the front end hard and then narrowly missed the massive berm of snow. That thing turns like a Geo Metro....


Nov 18, 2011
In the cube but ready for the weekend


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Allergies are starting to rear their ugly heads. Woke up the last couple mornings a little stuffy. :ugh:

In the cube but ready for the weekend

:goodpost: What he said...
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Dec 4, 2011
Include me in that too.
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Dec 2, 2011
Buying a new starter by the looks of it.


Apr 11, 2018
Fenton MI
Work and then driving down to Columbus for the Arnold Classic.
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Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
Worst week I have had at my job since I started 2 years ago. I am the Ast Safety Manager, and Ast HR Director. The company gave me 3.5 days to update tags, registration, and IFTA decals for my fleet of 75 trucks. I got it mostly done, 3 trucks didnt, but some of these vehicles arent even in the state. I was running around like a chicken with its head cut off. Then my General Manager wonders why my other work isnt being done. I looked at him like his was nuts, and walked off. Just irritating to no end.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
If you were a paying member, you could have used the FU thread. Yeah, we have that on the Dark Side :biggrin:

Traveled to.and from.Montreal to make arrangements for my.MIL's tombstone engraving. Then got back and went on the sled for a rip to see if I fixed an.issue with the TORS safety system. So far, looks good. Right now just finishing a pint after some.fiery wings and fries at a pub just off the trail. Heading back home after.
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Boricua SS

Nov 20, 2011
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Apr 11, 2018
Fenton MI
so peanut butter and jelly!!! I'm missing it this year :sadcry:
I wasn’t planning on going but Thursday night my buddy texted me to see if I was coming with him and I didn’t think I had the time for it, so he called me a half sender... at that point I had no choice but to go.
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Apr 11, 2018
Fenton MI
Update on the Arnold.
Fantastic. Unlike anything I’ve ever been to. You can’t possibly understand it unless you’ve been. Actually got to shake Arnold’s hand. Probably my best handshake ever. Good and solid.


May 2, 2017
went to a day retreat. Decided to take a shortcut on a dirt road on the way back to bypass highway construction and found at the end of the road that the exit was blocked. Grrr.... Either I had to go all the way back or drive through a muddy field to get to the highway. Took a gamble and engaged the 4wd blasted through the field. When I saw the mud flying by the windows I got a little worried but the TB made it through to the other side. YEEE HAA!!! it worked!
When I got home I found that I was in mud up to the bottom of the rims. There was mud all around the wheel wells, mirrors, and the rear bumper behind the wheels was packed full of grassy mud.
Before it could all dry, I flushed out the mud and grass and cleaned it up. 4x4 got a good exercising that day:2thumbsup:


Dec 2, 2011
Giving the Rav a bullet. New battery got drained and stranded her again. Dumped it at the mechanics last night with instructions to test the battery and alternator. FML.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
I got a line on a G8 center console at a local yard so I'll be chasing that today. It's for the Caprice to replace the existing police one which is utterly useless.


Dec 4, 2011
Back at the work thing.


Nov 18, 2011
Working the side business on the day off from the full time job
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Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Wondering how Monday got here so damn fast! 😕 The morning flew by in a blink, but the afternoon has slowed down considerably. The office is quiet though, which is good.

Boss is back in the office after that conference in Reno that she originally wanted me to attend. Apparently it was a very busy week, starting at 7 am and going until 10:30 pm each night. Makes me more glad I didn't have to go. The portion that was related to my work, was scheduled for 90 minutes between 2 sessions.... Out of 4 days... :hopeless: She also told me, on the flight coming back, she sat next to one of the guys from corporate that ran one of the sessions on the data warehouse. To her surprise, he knew exactly who I was, and had good things to say. I wanted to say to her "See, who needs to fly cross country to network, I'm doing just fine from my office!" 😜


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
I got a line on a G8 center console at a local yard so I'll be chasing that today. It's for the Caprice to replace the existing police one which is utterly useless.

Actually never did this as I spotted a possible better line on one from a 9C3 Detective Caprice. This would be a direct swap and less retrofitting. Sent the guy a PM on the forum.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Well, the 9C3 didn't pan out so back to the G8 console plan. Then later, may convert a couple of fluorescents in the house to LED.
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Nov 18, 2011
In the cube again
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Apr 11, 2018
Fenton MI
Chillin at work. Hitting legs at the gym tonight and then going to a basketball game at my old high school.
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Apr 11, 2018
Fenton MI
Just finished making a 14 pints of fresh strawberry jam. Homemade stuff is always the best.
The grin on the mrs. face said it all too 😄
Fresh strawberry jam is probably my favorite. Such good stuff. :salivate:
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Nov 18, 2011
Working from my house


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Slow day in the office. Had a solar guy come out last night and give me an estimate. Currently doing more research and mulling over my options. I knew those advertisements that said "You could qualify for special crap and programs, to get solar for little or no cost to you!" were mostly BS, but was hoping they'd result in estimates lower than my Googling was telling me. They didn't, but doing some math, it would roughly be a wash for about 10 years since this would get me out from under my PMI as well, and then will have potentially paid for itself. :undecided:

The battery storage technology isn't where it needs to be, to do what I want just yet. He told me in maybe 3 to 5 years, battery tech should start to see improvements capable of powering an entire house (for stuff like AC), but for now the best bang for the $$$ is a standby generator system. So I'm looking at those too. ☕:compu-punch:


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Up here the solar is a bit of a wash. Some subsidies but it takes almost 20years to break even and by then you are done warranty but expected life is 25to 30 years. But unless you got cash you need a loan and pay interest and also you pay your fees because you are still on the grid. On days you produce but do not consume the utilities were were supposed to buy that power at a decent rate but I hear they may do away with that.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Yeah if it was gonna take me 20 years to break even, then I wouldn't bother. But half that, and paying the same as I'm paying now, doesn't seem bad. I would likely overpay on the loan, same as I did for the TB and student loans, just to get out from under it a bit faster, but have that cushion to dial it back in case I needed it. The 30% tax credit is a big incentive, I know that's going down after this year, and again the year after. We do have Net Metering here, which is my other big incentive. The company I dealt with yesterday, said they'll give send the utility company a check for a grand in my name, to cover those fees for the first year and change as a thank you.

Ideally, I wanted to be able to run the house normally, at least during the daytime, in case the grid goes down due to a hurricane or something. When Irma came through here in 2017, I evacuated inland. My friends who I stayed with, lost power for 5 days. My house ended up losing power for only 20 minutes. (from my DVR having an interruption in recordings) :crazy:
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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Yesterday, had an awesome day riding with a buddy. Started in the morning and returned just after 11pm. Did about 350km total. Beautiful trails west of here and most were freshly groomed, even saw 5 groomers. Got a little cold towards the end (-18c) but stopped at a local pub for some ribs and wings before heading home. Epic!

Today, went with a buddy to Ogdensburg to pick up an air suspension to springs conversion kit for his Lexus SUV (they have the same problem as ours). Got a nice Italian dinner there, a little shopping. Bonus, he didn't get taxed for the parts ($375USD) even though he declared it. Saved him over $100! There is no rhyme or reason as to when they'll ding you. I've been raped for less but other times let go with more. :crazy:


Nov 20, 2011
North Las Vegas
Slow day in the office. Had a solar guy come out last night and give me an estimate. Currently doing more research and mulling over my options. I knew those advertisements that said "You could qualify for special crap and programs, to get solar for little or no cost to you!" were mostly BS, but was hoping they'd result in estimates lower than my Googling was telling me. They didn't, but doing some math, it would roughly be a wash for about 10 years since this would get me out from under my PMI as well, and then will have potentially paid for itself. :undecided:

The battery storage technology isn't where it needs to be, to do what I want just yet. He told me in maybe 3 to 5 years, battery tech should start to see improvements capable of powering an entire house (for stuff like AC), but for now the best bang for the $$$ is a standby generator system. So I'm looking at those too. ☕:compu-punch:
You could go with the Goal Zero standby generator. I really hate dealing with gas generators, they never work when you need them.


Apr 11, 2018
Fenton MI
Got an appt for the side gig and its the wife's birthday. means no cube life and good dinner tonight 😉
Aye, I share a birthday with Mrs. Hardtrailz. Happy birthday to her.
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