The perp you replied to has been banned as a spammer and reported to a central database of Internet abusers so he'll have a hard time signing up for other forums. I've called the phone number of the web site he was trying (incompetently) to advertise (it's actually just south of me in San Diego), and am waiting on a callback from the owner. If they want to avoid total blacklisting, they'll cease the abuse. They have no frickin' idea whose forum he spammed here.
Next time anybody's suspicious about new members with nonsense profiles or useless posts, just press the red triangle button and alert the mods. We are absolute DEATH on spammers.
You'll be interested to know he ALSO made a profile on Trailvoy that lives on unmolested. No mods over there at all, and only one poor overworked admin who's too busy worrying about impure thoughts to care about spammers. Spammers increase the post count AND the membership numbers so they're all welcomed on trailvoy with open arms.