Denali XLs are true unicorns, at least down here.
The last few days, I've been hunting for what I thought was something that died in my back yard. Went out on the patio the other day and there was this weird funk that hit me. Due to our drought conditions, the trees are shedding leaves everywhere, and there's a lot of tree litter. Thought maybe something was under the leaves, but nope, found nothing after raking those up. Plus the smell was stronger on the patio.
I have a few things out there, but nothing had anything in it that wasn't supposed to be there. Moved everything off the patio just in case. No change. There's a soffit vent right above where I smell it the worst, so feared something got up there and died. But when I poked my head up in the attic, there was no smell at all. Now my working theory is something crawled under the concrete slab (some of the dirt has washed out leaving a couple inch gap at the edge, and a big crack running parallel to the house, by the wall and door), died under there, and the smell is coming up through the crack which is right by the sliding door. So I'm guessing I'll just have to avoid opening the sliding door for a while until whatever it is rots away enough to stop stinking.
Been researching fence options lately. Was considering using some hedges to replace the fencing in my back yard over time, but I think my more immediate concern is becoming my front yard near the street. People walk their dogs past my house daily, and I've been noticing more people letting their dogs shit on my property and not picking up after their pets.

Usually it will be right on the edge by the sidewalk, but last night, someone let their large breed wander into the middle of my front yard and leave a pile. WTF is wrong with people? So I think some short U posts and some welded wire fencing may need to go up along the sidewalk in the not too distant future.