What are you doing today?

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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
lol trying to talk the wife into getting rid of the van for an EXT. she’s for getting rid of thevan but not too much for a Tb yet lol
Find her a Denali thats low miles!!


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Denali XLs are true unicorns, at least down here.

The last few days, I've been hunting for what I thought was something that died in my back yard. Went out on the patio the other day and there was this weird funk that hit me. Due to our drought conditions, the trees are shedding leaves everywhere, and there's a lot of tree litter. Thought maybe something was under the leaves, but nope, found nothing after raking those up. Plus the smell was stronger on the patio. :undecided:

I have a few things out there, but nothing had anything in it that wasn't supposed to be there. Moved everything off the patio just in case. No change. There's a soffit vent right above where I smell it the worst, so feared something got up there and died. But when I poked my head up in the attic, there was no smell at all. Now my working theory is something crawled under the concrete slab (some of the dirt has washed out leaving a couple inch gap at the edge, and a big crack running parallel to the house, by the wall and door), died under there, and the smell is coming up through the crack which is right by the sliding door. So I'm guessing I'll just have to avoid opening the sliding door for a while until whatever it is rots away enough to stop stinking. :stars:

Been researching fence options lately. Was considering using some hedges to replace the fencing in my back yard over time, but I think my more immediate concern is becoming my front yard near the street. People walk their dogs past my house daily, and I've been noticing more people letting their dogs shit on my property and not picking up after their pets. :hissyfit: Usually it will be right on the edge by the sidewalk, but last night, someone let their large breed wander into the middle of my front yard and leave a pile. WTF is wrong with people? So I think some short U posts and some welded wire fencing may need to go up along the sidewalk in the not too distant future.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
After contemplating it for a while, I installed a bidet. Got this one from Amazon and it's actually pretty nice. Right now it just has cold water because I need to get a fitting to connect it to the hot water pipe and all the stores are closed today for Good Friday.


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
My wife and I are at the point we think that it's time to look for a small acreage tractor. Found some small used options but wanting it to be a compact and between 20 and 30hp. Need it small, maneuverable, possibly hydro, bucket and 3 point for a roto tiller.

We are finally planning to put in a garden out here so we need to till the area and also have to till our outdoor riding arena and round pen.

No other way but with a little diesel tractor. After the weekend I think we may check out some dealers.


Mar 29, 2014
Tuscaloosa, AL
Sunday I put the injection pump back together and installed it back on the tractor minus one hard line I couldn't get fitted up. Played with some manual focus phone camera work before the rebuild but didn't turn out as nice as I wanted.


Messed with it again Monday after work and it still wasn't happening. Finally got that line coupled up today and got fuel bled out to the pump. Cranked it over and over and used my truck as a battery/charge supply and never got it to fire. Got smoke coming out of exhaust so it's getting some fuel. Better than when I started this mess, just might need more air bled or I might have the pump out of time, did act pretty janky when putting it back in about lining up and pushed the timing gear against the cover and I did have to move it a tooth or two to get the pump timing marks lined back up where it was when I took it apart. Will crank her for another off day or two before I worry about it being out of time lol. Pump timing marks did line up once I moved the gear.

Can't say I'd be a heavy equipment mechanic because I hate this shit. Everything seems to be difficult and I haven't taken the time to learn it nor enjoy it lol. The pump rebuild itself was easy but removal/instalation/recourse has been a pain.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Doing a grocery run for my eldest son whose halfway through quarantine for one mild symptom (I don't think he has it). He lives on the other side of the river so hopefully the Quebec Gestapo won't give me a hard time.



Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
We have another cold snap coming in. It melted for a few days but there is still plenty of snow to sled... not the best but it will do. The girls and I put on another 5 miles out in the countryside. The 40km/h wind and nasty windchill sucked but I got tough kids.

Came in to warm up and made some eggs and hashbrowns for a late lunch. The neighbor dropped off some farm eggs last night. Those were some of the best eggs we have ever had. The same neighbors had given us some beef roast, ground beef and ground moose. They are cattle ranchers and have some damn good animals. You can't beat living in the country.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Was taking the trailer full of old decking with my son in his Silvy to our 50 acre lot to burn. Our first attempt we noticed smoke coming from the right tire on the trailer. It was rubbing on the trailer frame. Go back and add some washers as spacers. Head out again and we got a flat on the truck about an hour away from home. Of course he didn't have the spare nor a jack, leaving them at home so I had to call Mrs. Moose to load it up in the TB and bring them. We watched Contagion on my phone while waiting. So on we went after, unloaded the trailer and then went shooting some guns. Did some skeet shooting for the first time which was fun. He also brought his Chinese SKS, which is a nice weapon except when the battery on the laser sight is dead because he left it on so aiming it was crap. His 30-06's scope was off and couldn't get it sighted right neither. Was fun anyway. Now thinking of getting my restricted weapons license to do some pistol shooting. I don't miss the big ol' S&W 5946 we're still using however but I wouldn't mind getting into something lighter and more modern. I was always a good shot even if I never did get my "crown" for a perfect score but did maintain my cross-pistols for high scores.


Mar 29, 2014
Tuscaloosa, AL
Riding out the storms. Tornado threats every year, luckily they almost always choose a path just north of us. Got a little hairy a few times watching the wind gusts try to take out the trees. Did take a few out near us, knocked power lines down in multiple spots on our road.

Decided to go out for some gas and food since the power was out and about didn't make it back with how bad it was raining, didn't realize it was gonna get that rough again as the power and phone service had been out about two hours at that point at home. Topped a hill and ran over some fresh downed power lines that weren't down when I left. Good times all around. Welcome to April in Alabama, or the south in general.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Rain day today so it's gonna be inside jobs. Got a dishwasher hookup hose so I'll finish up the bidet install for the hot water. Then I think I'll head into the garage to clean up some more in there to get away from housework :biggrin:


Dec 4, 2011
Working from home. I do not miss the commute into work (not that it is very long) but I do look forward to normalcy again.

Been thinking about how to best complete some projects around the house. Wife is on board with a shed and some screening plants along the back of the property. The neighbors got a hot tub and just stuck it in their backyard. We didn't really care to look out our windows into their yard anyway. Meh. A shed will be useful and some arborvitaes and flowering bushes will look nice. I'd love to have a concrete pad for it but $$$$.


Mar 29, 2014
Tuscaloosa, AL
Had today off, took a walk in the woods. Got a shower, totally impressed with how long the water can stay hot in the tank without power, then heard that we won't be getting power back for two more days and hurried to town to buy a generator but everywhere is sold out. Settling back into the candle light.


Nov 20, 2011
North Las Vegas
Did the work thing out in the boondocks. Not very many cars on the road.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Decided to be productive in the yard after work. Had some dead branches that needed to get picked up, and some dead palm fronds to trim. Got those put out by the curb and had a bright idea...

I had a leftover gate latch from the gate frames I bought years ago when I rebuilt the double gates on one side of the house. I often need to use my single gate on the other side, but I have to remember to unlock it from the inside first since the holes for a lock are midway up. The previous owner used a fence section, and welded up some angle iron as reinforcement to keep it square. Figured I could cut out a small section near the top to let the new latch sit flush, drill a couple holes for screws, and then I could reach over the top and unlatch the gate. :thumbsup:

Dragged out the compressor, my longer air hose from the shed, along with my drill and some other odds and ends. Mocked up the placement, and got to making sparks with the cutoff wheel. Had to let the compressor fill up a couple of times, but got the section cut out. Ground down some of the welds, cleaned up the cuts, and test fitted the latch. Marked where I wanted the 2 screw holes, and switched to the drill... My bits weren't sharp/hard enough to get through the iron. Made the equivalent of a small dent, and then were too dull to do anything else. Gonna have to press pause on that until I can get some better bits. :mad:


Dec 4, 2011
Work and dreaming of a nice concrete driveway, parking pad for the truck, and pad for the shed, and time and money to do all this stuff.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Finish with the TB's rear hatch and more time in the garage (yeah, it's that messy). Can't wait until I get the new garage built but with everything on hold, I can't even get a construction permit or the cement pad done.
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Dec 4, 2011
He was doing social distancing before it was cool.

I'm working from home again today. I got notice however that tomorrow is my last day then I (along with the vast majority of fellow employees across the nation) are going on a 2 week furlough. Part of me is excited for 2 weeks off, but the no paycheck thing kinda sucks.


Nov 18, 2011
Wondering if they are going to extend our remote working or make us come into the office next week. I don't consider there to be a need for me to go in when I am getting as much or more done at home.

Just found this:

Someone poached my pic for their site
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Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Today was money spending day :laugh: Flood and truck insurance needed to be renewed, so got those taken care of, along with a couple other bills.

Noticed the batteries in the UPS for my media server, PoE switch, and router have gone belly up. Decided a while back, that I'd go the same route as I did with the one on my entertainment center and get some larger capacity batteries for it when the time came. Checked out some options @ Batteries Plus since they're still open, and settled on a pair of Duracell Ultra 35AH electric wheel chair batteries. Will go pick those up either tomorrow after work, or Saturday morning.

I've got ring/spade terminals, and shrink wrap already. Ordered some short M6 flange bolts for the battery studs, along with some 10 AWG primary wire to match what's in the UPS. I've got some scrap lumber in the back yard, and a sheet of plywood in the garage, so I'll get the dimensions of the batteries and make a small stand this weekend. The batteries will go on the floor, then the filing cabinet and computer will sit on the stand, above the batteries.
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