What are you doing today?

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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Still in North Bay but will be leaving tomorrow. We're leaving the trailer here and go back with the TB. Over the weekend, I'm fixing up the Saab (brakes and wheel/tire swap), move the brake controller over to it and then head back to NB where we'll head to a provincial park for a week.

The TB was OK pulling the trailer but it did struggle uphill. Had taken the combo to a scale and the trailer came to #5200 loaded (tanks empty). if we had to fill the water tank, we'd be in trouble. The Saab's 5.3 will give that little extra insurance.


May 2, 2017
looked through the HFT coupons and decided to buy the $9.99 torque wrench. Got a free tarp too:2thumbsup:
After a lifetime of following the German method of "gudentite" for nuts and bolts it will be an interesting change. The Pittsburgh brand looks to be well made and well worth even the regular price. Lifetime warranty too.


Dec 2, 2011
looked through the HFT coupons and decided to buy the $9.99 torque wrench. Got a free tarp too:2thumbsup:
After a lifetime of following the German method of "gudentite" for nuts and bolts it will be an interesting change. The Pittsburgh brand looks to be well made and well worth even the regular price. Lifetime warranty too.

I've had mine for years and it hasn't fallen apart yet.
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Dec 4, 2011
Had the house inspected. Will get the report later but he gave it a good look over and it passes easily. A few fiddly things but nothing to worry about.


Nov 18, 2011
Starting search for another 4.10 front diff. Mine self destructed and popped the cv in half. Thought it was just CV but replaced it and diff sounds like rocks bouncing in it. Guess I will be 2wd for a bit til I source one. Prolly should not have sold spare, but another member needed one.


Jul 6, 2014
Loaded out around 100 trucks today I'd guess. That was fun.


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Off to work this morning. We had a nasty storm roll through the area yesterday evening. Was hot and muggy all day, then out of nowhere the wind picked up. 90km/h and our cell phones started dinging as were now in a tornado warning. We missed the hail and the worst of it but we ended up getting half an inch of rain over night. My wife's ankle is still hurting so I forked hay (off round bales) for all the horses this morning, which was not fun. It was damp, heavy and my SI joint was acting up from my workout yesterday. I had one hell of a time in the wind and all crippled up.

Even better was the grid was muddier than hell. Actually the shoulder was the best place to drive. It doesn't even look all that bad but man was it greasy.20190728_090105.jpg


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Had been putting off yard work due to rain, and some laziness. Will be dog sitting next weekend, so got up this morning to get that taken care of. There were only a couple spots the mower bogged down, and needed a 2nd pass. Forcing a push mower through this woulda SUCKED!!!! lol


Came across a few baby snakes near a few spots around the fences, so hunting geckos must be going well. There's plenty by the house, and sure enough did see one of the big ones, climb a small tree right outside the screened in patio, eyeballing his meal. But it was too far away to be able to reach it.


Got cleaned up, now relaxing for a bit and doing some laundry, before meeting up with some friends to have some sea food for dinner. :2thumbsup:


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
Went car shopping yesterday.. Today trying to figure out if I can afford anything.. Simple answer is no...


Jul 6, 2014
Boat almost sank, got moved from the plant to the the office (sucks) and my sister bought an equinox (somehow they cleared her...). That was my weekend.
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Nov 18, 2011
Took the day off and had a lil personal relax day. Yet somehow as it is ending I feel like I am just worn out. Not looking forward to the cube village and commute tomorrow


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Last night, set up the trailer at a camp in North Bay in the rain :badday:. Not fun. Nice place tho and reasonable rates. Unfortunately they're booked for the weekend so we may have to leave unless there's a cancellation. Otherwise, it's back to my son's driveway for the weekend as my younger son is coming up to see his niece with his girlfriend.

Today, replaced the Saab's main belt tensioner and idler pulley as I was getting a bearing type noise from that area. Tried to spin the water pump to see if that was it and couldn't really with the fan on it. Felt solid with no play. Still noise afterwards. Away from home, I'm not equipped to swap the pump here and I have a new ACDelco at home. We were gonna go to Parry Sound (1.5 hours away) for the day but will stay around here instead to manage the pump's remaining life.

Son, GF and grandaughter came over for a fajita dinner at the RV. Then, installed a shower rod extender in the RV. Made a world or difference in adding space in there, and I'm no small guy!


Nov 18, 2011
Working from hometown and getting a bunch of lil things in order. Got a long week and weekend coming up
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Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Today is my Friday, leading into a nice 5 day weekend. The boss has been getting on me to use some PTO, cuz I never take time off, and then have a crap ton to use up at the end of the year (besides the 10 days we can carry over to the following year) Checked my balance, 91 hours... :eek:

Threw some chicken thighs in the slow cooker this morning. Going to have chicken tacos tonight, and for the next day or so. Haven't made those in a while. My friends will be dropping off their dogs after work, so I won't be bored, that's for sure. Not to mention a nice bit of pocket change. :biggrin:


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
Sitting here at work. Realizing how much of a blooming idiot the company owner is. No regards for law, or how things should work. He wants them to work his way. Well the law doesnt work like that.

Road tested a potential new hire for a owner operator. Very little experience and it showed on his road test. Ran a stop light, and went to fast thru a turn onto the interstate. He only has 7 months experience driving a semi, so I have to give a little room. Made it clear to the owner of the truck he is going to drive that he is going to need extensive training, or he is going to kill someone or himself.


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO


Dec 4, 2011
Plodding through work. Just not a great day.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Had a mini heart attack!! Got home from work, turned onto my street to see my garage door wide ass open! :wowfaint: Nothing was taken, or touched as far as I could tell. No idea WTH was going through my head, checked the camera footage, and sure enough, I pulled out of the garage, hit the brakes for a split second, and pulled right off. Usually I'll stop in the driveway, put on my key card, startup torque, close the garage, and THEN go. :duh:

My friends dropped off their dogs, and I took them outside to burn off some of their excited energy. Good timing too, cuz the sky is pretty rumbly, so it's good they've done their duty and won't need to go out while it's raining. The larger one, who hasn't stayed here before, is a little anxious. She'll come over for some attention, then wander around the house wimpering and sniffing everything. Thankfully she's not barking at the door anymore, cuz THAT wasn't gonna work for me! :hahano:



Dec 2, 2011
Most likely being told that my services are not longer required at Lowe's. From what I heard yesterday, they're getting rid of us unloaders completely, so no of the 4 of us will be working there.


Nov 18, 2011
In the cube farm


Dec 4, 2011
Gave notice of intent to move out to the apartment complex yesterday. No overlap of rent and mortgage payments!

Submitted some paperwork for new insurance quotes for the buying process today. Mostly waiting on underwriters and closing at this point. I can hardly wait, this is exciting.

Picking up a little extra OT recently to help cover some extra costs I know are coming up.


Jul 6, 2014
Drove the equinox for the first time last night. This happened 1000 feet from my driveway... 372 miles...

After some digging it felt (and sounded) like a massive boost leak... then I found this.
Who the hell uses a spring clip on a boosted intake? Hose clamps and boots. Wtf GM. Made a nice thunk when it hit the under hood I'll tell you that...


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
Pretty much everyone is doing that. Had to fix my buddys F150 the other day with the ecobust. Same thing happened to him.


Jan 26, 2013
Submitted some paperwork for new insurance quotes for the buying process today. Mostly waiting on underwriters and closing at this point. I can hardly wait, this is exciting.
FWIW: you may ask to see if you can get any discounts for having both homeowners policy and auto insurance with the same company, also let your auto policy insurance know your new address. It can either raise or lower your rates (just lets guess which direction, right)
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Nov 18, 2011
Got lots of work and personal stuff to stay busy, but its starting out to be a decent day
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Dec 2, 2011
Not thinking about Lowe's ever again, but I'm thinking of the two rounds of golf I'm playing this weekend.


Jul 16, 2019
Waiting for my middle son to be discharged from the hospital. He has epilepsy and on Wednesday we had a cluster of seizures. He's stabilized now.

I did get the 05 Trailblazer to get new tires and alignment. The lower ball joints will be to be redone. The alignment of castle nut and cotter pin had the steering knuckle to low on the taper.

Rusty is great mechanic and get it sorted quickly. I was just too tired to stop and think my.way through it.

Hopefully by dinner time all three of us will be home. Have to run down the dreaded p0171 code next. The previous owners drove it for 2 years with it.


Nov 18, 2011
Hope he is all better.

Decided it was time for golf this afternoon.
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Jan 26, 2013
Waiting for my middle son to be discharged from the hospital. He has epilepsy and on Wednesday we had a cluster of seizures. He's stabilized now.
Good to hear your son has settled down a bit. Hopefully with meds the doctors can keep it under control. But BE CAREFUL with generic meds for seizures. Generics can be plus or minus 20% of the active ingredient. This makes for as much as a 40% spread from one package to another! This is fine for aspirin, but many folks with seizure activity it can throw them into seizures. A couple of other things I learned is it's important to get a good nights sleep each night and check your son's hemoglobin level. For guys generally we don't lose blood regularly so our hemoglobin levels stay up, but mine when checked was at 1/3 of normal and can possibly throw one into seizures. I had seizures for about 20 years, but since surgery 7 years ago no seizures and no seizure activity and no seizure meds :smile: Best of luck for your son.

Here is the link regarding generics (bioequivalence): https://books.google.com/books?id=N...ok_result&ct=result&sqi=2#v=onepage&q&f=false
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Jul 16, 2019
Good to hear your son has settled down a bit. Hopefully with meds the doctors can keep it under control. But BE CAREFUL with generic meds for seizures. Generics can be plus or minus 20% of the active ingredient. This makes for as much as a 40% spread from one package to another! This is fine for aspirin, but many folks with seizure activity it can throw them into seizures. A couple of other things I learned is it's important to get a good nights sleep each night and check your son's hemoglobin level. For guys generally we don't lose blood regularly so our hemoglobin levels stay up, but mine when checked was at 1/3 of normal and can possibly throw one into seizures. I had seizures for about 20 years, but since surgery 7 years ago no seizures and no seizure activity and no seizure meds :smile: Best of luck for your son.

Here is the link regarding generics (bioequivalence): https://books.google.com/books?id=NFGSSSbaWjwC&pg=PA1043&lpg=PA1043&dq=fda.gov+generic+medicine++20%+above+or+20%+below&source=bl&ots=V7YPQfeqyn&sig=koMLCccg5W18kl7xuUJJcbSrs4w&hl=en&ei=yfIeTsTCDYHX0QGCpe3PAw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&sqi=2#v=onepage&q&f=false
Thank you for the link and the kind words but this was a result of trying to wean him off of one of his meds.
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Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Been a busy few days. Worked until Thursday, have 5 days off but decided to take on some more OT as there is plenty for us to collect. 12 hours last night for the neighbouring office. Barely made it home as I was the walking dead. Got less than nothing for sleep and called out by my home office. Usual shit coming unglued. Put in 8 hours and had to pull the pin.

My wife is busier than I and she stepped up last minute to help the mounted shooting club and try and salvage the food booth for the weekend. She is exhausted and she can barely walk due to her injured ankle. A few people came to the booth and gave her some of their entitled attitude. I don't stand for that crap and f them as we are packing up the booth tomorrow morning. This is fine as I also have to leave for Regina to a family wedding. My wife may not be able to go due to an injured horse. But that's fine because I had booked Tuesday off and now apparently I have work related crap to attend to and will cut my family time short. My brothers and their families are down from BC and Alberta, would be nice to visit but I have this lovely job..... Waiting on a call from the Crown with some hopeful news that I am not needed.

I see some guys on this board having issues at work, not having the stability and such. I feel for you guys and don't wish that on any decent person. But on the flip side, my job has as much security as they come but it is at a very high personal cost.

On that note... I am set to come home after my last shift on Thursday and just as I am leaving, my wife calls me to say that one of the buffalo across the road has gotten out. No big deal as it happens but this bull has taken to our yard and found a nice shady spot just outside our dining room. He sure liked eating all the flowers. I get home and this guy is just hanging out. I chase him off with my C1500. He barely cares and I have to weasel in and out of the ditch and field to ensure he does not flank our yard. I get him going down the road and return home. Cant reach the one contact we have for the herd. Anyway, a few hours later I am on the perimeter doing some fence bracing. By the way, the new 16" bar and chain work like a hot damn!! So I am working and then hear some grass moving and here is the bull, wandering my way, about 100 feet away. I yell at the family as he is now between them and I. I yell at them to watch out. The kids, my wife and 2 other people are in the yard with the horses. I then hop into the C1500 and chase him the other way, through my yard and back out on the road. Bastard. Nice assed animal but a bastard.

Well we still could not reach the owners so I say enough is enough. I go to the gun locker and pick my poison. I figure if I have to cap this animal, I have to do it in style. I grab my 1950 Longbranch number 4 mark 1, numbers matching Lee Enfield. I do a patrol of the yard but the bull is gone. Well it was nice out so the wife gave me a haircut on the front step. Now I love the country side and all that it offers, including the ability to act like a red neck honky. So I am sitting on the step in my underwear, sandals, getting a hair cut and holding a big ass rifle.

All I can say is that I am living the dream..... one day at a time....


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Last full day the the RV park in North Bay. My youngest son and his GF joined us yesterday and slept here overnight. Was funny watching him hold his niece for the first time, nervous as heck, but he had a smile from ear to ear.

Today will be a relaxed day. Will visit at my son's place again to see the baby some more and then his brother and GF head home. Tonight, me and the Mrs. will be at a pig roast that the RV park owner is hosting. Never been to one before so should be good. Then tomorrow, breaking down camp, packing up and heading home in a hot Saab pulling the trailer (and I mean hot, as in sweaty, not sexy :drooling: )
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