Short day in the office, we get to run out of here at 3pm. Office is pretty quiet, and the workload is light, so doing some internet window shopping for random things. Half wondering to myself, how the hell did I get by without the internet and DVR service back in the day when I was bored and had no friends around?
Been following a few of the engine behavior threads lately, so decided to start monitoring torque on the commutes and re-familiarize myself with it. A couple weird things I remembered happening before, the misfire counts seem to be random, and extreme, like there's some kinda glitch in the communication, and the trans temp is hit or miss when it comes to being reported accurately. One (any) cylinder, out of nowhere, will start reporting double or triple digit misfires when the engine is running fine. And the trans temp will come up accurately, matching what's on the Scangauge, and then drop down to 74 degrees and stay there.

No idea what that's about. Both issues used to happen on my old phone, and with different OBDII adapters, so it's definitely something in the software.
Still trying to get a handle on understanding fuel trims, and O2 sensor behavior. From what I can tell, they seem to be pretty normal compared to what others have posted, so I guess that's good. The screen recording app on my phone, isn't playing nice with the radio, so need to test out some others. Gonna try to play with some other sensors, keep learning from what others are working on, and pile up some more knowledge, so when it's time to take some tools to my engine, I'm as prepared as can be.
Got some chicken thighs in the slow cooker, so those will be ready when I get home. Going to skip lunch today, maybe just have a snack, so I can eat when I get home. Maybe have a few drinks to relax and kick off the long weekend.