What are you doing today?

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Jan 15, 2012
Mostly watching my son(L) help his bro-in-law change the ball joints on his 2011. Giving advise wether they need it or not. I will not be able to find my tools for weeks... :quiverlips:
Son is wincing, fighting the rust as evidenced on the foot rail.


Dec 4, 2011
Complete control arms are the way to go. Still have to separate the ball joint from the knuckle but screw pressing stuff in and out.


Jul 6, 2014
Boat party Saturday night. Drank a couple few Yeager bombs... felt great this morning... not so much around 12. Since I don't really drink soda or coffee (at all) I get headaches from caffeine about 12hours after the fact... so that happened.

Got the garden fertalizer down and mowed the lawn. Should have tomatos and peppers in a couple weeks. My rutgers tomato plant grew like a weed. Almost 3 feet tall after only a month. The cucumbers are going a little slow as is the eggplant... the rain is killer. The garden total is 4 cucumber plants 4 peppers, 4 eggplants, 1 rutgers tomato, 1 beefsteak tomato, 4 Roma plums and 4 grape. Two of the grape and plums are in planters. Trying to protect them from the ground hogs.

Also pulled the boat out. Want to clean up the gravel around it. Colorado pulls damn nice though. Can't use the 2 inch drop though, too low. Tounge seems a tad light for it. Never noticed it on the trailblazer or sierra but I bet using the drop is the difference. I used the drop on the TB and it really didn't like it either. Trailblazer was definitely hurting last time I towed with it... used to pull the boat well but seemed to struggle with it that time. The colorado made almost no difference when compared to dry. The shifts with tow/haul keep it right in the meat of the torque curve so it does well. I like it.

I only got a picture of the boat so...


Nov 18, 2011
In the cube farm


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
At work, being pissed at the State Patrol..


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Got up after a night shift, had breakfast and will do it all over again tonight.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Yep but semi-retired. Joined our Reservists program and take a shift or two per week when I want to.
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Nov 18, 2011
Working and working and working and looking out at the beautiful day and not liking this working thing
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Jan 15, 2012
Changed the gable vent on my house today,became a bit of a project because I had to enlarge the opening from a 24' ladder(up,down,up,down) oh yeah, I also had to evict a bat in the process...:ugh:
Mar 30, 2016
Out the city once again, on my way back. Busy till the evening as a friend is traveling today. Hopefully after the weekend I can get some work done on the Trailblazer. My drivers side rear tire keeps going flat overnight. Doesn't seem to be a puncture anywhere, instead seems to be time for new tires!


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Going out to the Pick-n-pull to get a TCM for @$ Khalid ! 9130 to go along with the PCM I picked up for him in the fall. I wasn't aware that 08-09 4.2 had a TCM :redface: . Will be sending them to @limequat for tuning and then he'll send them to him in Saudi Arabia.

Then, finish setting up the pool since the hot weather has finally arrived.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
After an evening shift, wake up at 9 to find an empty house. Call Mrs. Moose, her, our son and GF are having breakfast at Jonny Canuck's. WTF? Couldn't wait for me??? I went to bed at 2am. Told them to pick me up some clown shit on the way home.

Plan today is finish filling and cleaning the pool (or not since I'm not the one who uses it :mad:).


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Caught another rat around midnight last night. :ugh: The traps I got aren't lethal, which is turning out to be a good thing, since going up into the attic to check them repeatedly would be a major hassle. At least this way, I can hear them struggling, go take them outside and finish the deal. I hear the stench from dead rats in you house is pretty bad, so I'm OK with them staying alive until I can catch them. The one last night was a juvenile, about half the size of the 3 adults that I got last week. Got up early this morning to set a couple of traps in the attic on the other side of the house over the garage. They have 2 holes at the rear so you can secure them, so tied some twine so I could retrieve them a bit easier without having to go crawling, when the time comes.


After that, decided to finally swap out the electrical outlet next to my bed, with a USB charging one that I previously had in the living room. One mistake though, I didn't check for continuity between the top and bottom outlets like I should have. The existing outlet had a switched one for the wall switch, that my lamp uses, and an always hot one that I use for my cell charger and a fan. There's no tab on the USB one to separate the two, but there are 2 inputs for wires, so I assumed (and you know what they say about that) they were separate. Nope!! :hissyfit:


So I had to take everything out, and put the old one back in. Except now, the top screw for the old outlet, won't bite into the electrical box, so it's not secure. Couldn't tell if the first few threads on the box, or the screw are partially stripped or something, but it won't catch for anything. Didn't feel like bothering to track down a similar screw, or a longer one, to try and fix it. Deal with that later.

Now I'm on the couch, watching TV and waiting for laundry to finish. I think a nap might be in order soon.


Nov 18, 2011
Enjoying the cube village


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Enjoying Canada Day with the family for the first time ever. Smoking a pork tenderloin for dinner while I'm cleaning the pool and hopefully finishing with the damned thing.


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Work as usual. Lots of guys taking time off so I am stuck working a long block. Oh well, the OT has been rolling in. Most everything is closed today and we are expecting a t storm this afternoon so the family and I will do some stuff tomorrow.

Saturday my wife and I hit the city for supper and did a break out room. Great time!
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Mar 16, 2014
Staten Island, N.Y
Over the weekend on Saturday to be more specific I took my son out to RPM for some go carting fun for his B-day. We did a total of 3 races which my son took 1st place in all of them with lap times. On the last race something came out of the pocket of my cargo shorts and suffered some really gnarly skin graphing. 20190702_061926.jpg20190702_061936.jpg
Lucky for me I still had my Samsung 7 edge to get me by while my insurance claim gets worked out. I covered the $100 deductible and they said they'd get back to me with detailed info about when I'd get the replacement. After about 4-5hrs later I get an email that the phone Note 9 is not available and that I would have to purchase a new one from my carrier at full price and that they would then reimburse me with a check for the cost. So my credit card just toke an almost $1100 hit.🤬 Hopefully the insurance company is on the fast track for getting ppl back there funds. For now I'm sitting here on iron horse to work with a fresh out the box Samsung Note 9.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Cursing my truck....again.

Curse salt trucks instead. Works for me :2thumbsup:

After moving all the furniture and pulling the carpet out of the living room last night, my son's GF's brother is coming to install engineered hardwood flooring. I could do it myself but I just don't have the knees or back to do that kind of shit anymore. I'll just be the gopher.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Short day in the office, we get to run out of here at 3pm. Office is pretty quiet, and the workload is light, so doing some internet window shopping for random things. Half wondering to myself, how the hell did I get by without the internet and DVR service back in the day when I was bored and had no friends around? :undecided: :laugh:

Been following a few of the engine behavior threads lately, so decided to start monitoring torque on the commutes and re-familiarize myself with it. A couple weird things I remembered happening before, the misfire counts seem to be random, and extreme, like there's some kinda glitch in the communication, and the trans temp is hit or miss when it comes to being reported accurately. One (any) cylinder, out of nowhere, will start reporting double or triple digit misfires when the engine is running fine. And the trans temp will come up accurately, matching what's on the Scangauge, and then drop down to 74 degrees and stay there. :confused: No idea what that's about. Both issues used to happen on my old phone, and with different OBDII adapters, so it's definitely something in the software.

Still trying to get a handle on understanding fuel trims, and O2 sensor behavior. From what I can tell, they seem to be pretty normal compared to what others have posted, so I guess that's good. The screen recording app on my phone, isn't playing nice with the radio, so need to test out some others. Gonna try to play with some other sensors, keep learning from what others are working on, and pile up some more knowledge, so when it's time to take some tools to my engine, I'm as prepared as can be.

Got some chicken thighs in the slow cooker, so those will be ready when I get home. Going to skip lunch today, maybe just have a snack, so I can eat when I get home. Maybe have a few drinks to relax and kick off the long weekend. :thumbsup:


Nov 18, 2011
Working then smoking/grilling this afternoon.

Got chicken, ribs, chunk of pork, and shrimp. then taters, corn on cob and plethora of veggies n fruits. Sister coming to town so family coming over for brews n food.


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
I think I am going to HT's house...


Apr 11, 2018
Fenton MI
New Bilsteins in the rear.

Boricua SS

Nov 20, 2011
Enjoying the day off for the Holiday and celebrating my Mother, brother, aunt, and uncles birthday today. Going to brave the 90*+ weather and tear into the interior of the beaSSt again. Finalizing the steering wheel swap by adding the ASWC-1 steering wheel controller. Then I'll be swapping the cluster panel to a "new to me" excellent condition used one since my old one is pretty beat up from trial and error projects over the years,, and I'll be ripping out my A pillar gauge pod. "Ricer" look was cool for a while but i'm over it now. Taking out my rear wiper switch since she's a garage queen and i never use the wiper anyway, and putting my fuel pressure gauge there. Trans temp gauge will go where the dash plug is at and the Aeroforce gauge will stay in my drivers side vent pod. That should clean up my interior pretty good now :thumbsup:

Have a safe and happy 4th everyone!


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Glad to see your mod bug is alive, well, and still eating up there! :biggrin:

It's going to be a lazy day for me, had some plans to head to a friends for some grilling in the back yard, but that got cancelled. Headed to the garage for some additional app testing, and think I settled on a screen recording app that I like. Recording resolution is pretty low, but compared to some that allowed HD, it seems that frame rate is the more critical setting. :cool:

Currently going through the DVR, and contemplating what I want for lunch. :undecided:


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Well worked another night shift, plenty of OT on the end of that so I got little sleep and then my wife, kids and I started some prep work to build more fence. I cleared some brush and a trees with the saw and brush cutter, the kids help load and unload the cuttings on the burn pile and then helped measure/stake off where the posts will go.

Got plenty more to cut tomorrow but progress is being made. We only have ten acres and we are doing perimeter fence for some small pastures.

My C1500 rez truck with its 8' box sure came in handy.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Just finishing a night shift, sleep and then I get to repeat tonight.


Dec 2, 2011
Already been out for a run this morning...getting closer to 3 miles. Playing golf with a friend and his buddy later this morning and taking the ingrates out for dinner tonight.


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
Work. Called ARC for them to pick up some donations (I WANT MY GARAGE BACK). The soonest they have is July 31st. No thanks! I will have to load up the XUV and deliver them myself.


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Got about 100 feet of caragana cut back 6 feet. They use that crap as wind break but you have to keep it up or it becomes a mess. Tossed the chain off and f'd up the drive links. Took about an hour to dress them and get that little Husky back cutting.
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Boricua SS

Nov 20, 2011
Glad to see your mod bug is alive, well, and still eating up there! :biggrin:

:crackup: very much alive my friend... got a lot of projects that I'd like to get done before Woodward this year and a bunch of parts just laying on my counter but that ever so crafty father time has been against me...

Wrapped up the work week today. Finally have a day to myself tomorrow since i'm off from both jobs. Going to tackle some yard projects and maybe work on the beaSSt.


May 2, 2017
Replacing the driver's side wheel hub.
There was something really wrong with the last one - I had to heat it with a torch and smash the driveshaft with a sledgehammer so hard that the truck was rocking to get it out.
I'm on the 4th hub in 2 years. First new one lasted 1.5 years, next one two weeks. Used one was already defective and now trying a nice looking used MOOG unit (most people seem to praise MOOG). Passenger side is probably original and still is OK.
I have become an expert in hub replacement!


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Was supposed to be babysitting my niece today, but that got cancelled, so enjoying some quiet time. Heading out later to hang out with some folks, watch the fights, and have a few drinks.
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