Apparently, screwing up my phone... Had put stock Android 4.3 on it a while back, and was fine until the photo gallery started having issues. Bumped up to stock 4.4.2 last week and now the camera is having issues. (you guys know how I am with taking pics, so this is no bueno) Downloaded the 4.4 stock .apks for the camera and gallery, and they don't work together, like I'm used to

So now I'm looking into custom ROMs, which I had been avoiding cuz with my luck I'll find a bug they didn't know about, or haven't fix yet. I'm eligible to upgrade a month from Friday, in case I completely brick my phone...
Bought a commercial grade canopy online. Tired of dealing with the $100 entry level ones, that I've had such crappy luck with. Sold my 3rd one to a friend, before a small issue I found with it got bigger with additional use. Ordered a unit with steel frame instead of aluminum, and a cross truss design for stability up top, which is where my issues with the cheaper ones always was. Of course, like with any mods, if you cheap out in the beginning, you end up paying just as much over time, as if you went with something of higher quality in the first place.
Sometimes gotta (re)learn the hard way.