What are you doing today?

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Dec 30, 2013
It's all about ROI. If you're not going to be there long, it's completely pointless. If you're going to be there a while, it's worth taking a look at the math. If you've just taken out a 30-year and plan to stay the whole 30 at least, the math generally lands way in your favor in the long run.

If a, say, $5000 complete HVAC refresh saves you $300 a year in energy efficiency, a person staying 30 years is guaranteed to be well in the green, and at minimum you'll have to stick around about 17 years to get your money back, but it's money well-spent.


Dec 4, 2011
I'm not planning on going anywhere anytime soon. And in my case the house has an old fuel oil furnace which is just, well, blah, and has no AC, so it is gonna get upgraded regardless!


Dec 30, 2013
Sparky said:
I'm not planning on going anywhere anytime soon. And in my case the house has an old fuel oil furnace which is just, well, blah, and has no AC, so it is gonna get upgraded regardless!
But that hoping to get your delivery before you run out of oil, though!


Nov 18, 2011
More like 1200 a year saving.


Nov 18, 2011
lol an hvac condenser won't last 30 years outside thats for sure. 20 if you are lucky 15 on average

i have a building with 4x 5 ton units, replaced 2 with 16 seer units, bill went from $3k/mo to $2k in august. fresh air intake regulations in a commercial building really kill efficiency in florida in summer


Dec 4, 2011
IllogicTC said:
But that hoping to get your delivery before you run out of oil, though!
The tank is 75% full right now. Between that and the huge stack of wood I'll be set for this winter. Current owner who is moving out used mostly the wood last winter which is why the tank has so much left. But yeah, definitely will want the new one installed before next winter hits!


Dec 4, 2011
Something I'm not keen on doing a lot of :tongue:

There is a huge pile of already chopped wood I'll be using, but the other issue is insurance has gotten really stupid lately about wood burners, particularly outside of "protected" zones (no fire hydrants nearby). My insurance on the house will be nearly 2x as much with the wood burner than without. Not worth it IMO... though I may keep it around to hook back up in case of emergency I suppose.

Half of the 2 acres the house is in is wooded, but it also has a steep hill to the creek that would make it a pain.


Dec 30, 2013
jimmyjam said:
lol an hvac condenser won't last 30 years outside thats for sure. 20 if you are lucky 15 on average

i have a building with 4x 5 ton units, replaced 2 with 16 seer units, bill went from $3k/mo to $2k in august. fresh air intake regulations in a commercial building really kill efficiency in florida in summer
You'd be surprised, the courthouse in my home town had the A/C installed with the original building in the 60s, it lasted up until the late 2000s. Some part failed, and the company was long-gone, so they had to pay a pretty penny to get the part custom-fabricated. Now it works again, still on original charge too! :rotfl:


Dec 4, 2011
Lol probably real freon in that system, which would require haz mat guys or something to empty if they had to redo the system.


Supporting Donor
Jul 14, 2014
Atlanta, GA
Sleeping! :biggrin:


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Well, basketball after work got cancelled for 2 days in a row now :hissyfit:

Got an email from property management, they have an investor that's interested in checking out the place tomorrow after work. So I'll be straightening up and making sure everything looks presentable. Kitchen table currently looks like I could be building a bomb, with all the random electronic components, wiring, power supply, meters, and hand tools scattered. So need to put those back in their respective boxes/envelopes.
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Nov 18, 2011
Got the replacement phone through insurance so trying to set it up.


Nov 18, 2011
Blckshdw said:
Got an email from property management, they have an investor that's interested in checking out the place tomorrow after work. So I'll be straightening up and making sure everything looks presentable. Kitchen table currently looks like I could be building a bomb, with all the random electronic components, wiring, power supply, meters, and hand tools scattered. So need to put those back in their respective boxes/envelopes.
screw those people, they're not doing you any favors. if it was me, i'd be blasting porn on every tv


Nov 18, 2011
Throw righteous kegger!


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
:laugh: Well my mindset is, I hate moving, and it's so close to when I last did it, that I don't want to do it again if I don't have to. SOOO, if this guy plans to buy it just to rent it out, since I'm already here, I can get lucky and just sign a new lease with this guy when my current lease is up. So for that, would like to make a good impression.

:offtopic: Speaking of porn though, got home and flipped on the TV. Jerry Springer was on. Rolled my eyes and reached for the remote. Just as I hit the enter button after punching in ESPN, the random audience member who had the mic in her face, lifts her shirt and flashes the studio. :eek: As any heterosexual male (with no significant other looking over their shoulder) would, I hit the recall button. Jerry is talking to some other chick in the audience. After she makes her comment, she lets the twins get some fresh air too.
Since when was this the new norm?


Apr 27, 2014
Blckshdw said:
:laugh: Well my mindset is, I hate moving, and it's so close to when I last did it, that I don't want to do it again if I don't have to. SOOO, if this guy plans to buy it just to rent it out, since I'm already here, I can get lucky and just sign a new lease with this guy when my current lease is up. So for that, would like to make a good impression.

:offtopic: Speaking of porn though, got home and flipped on the TV. Jerry Springer was on. Rolled my eyes and reached for the remote. Just as I hit the enter button after punching in ESPN, the random audience member who had the mic in her face, lifts her shirt and flashes the studio. :eek: As any heterosexual male (with no significant other looking over their shoulder) would, I hit the recall button. Jerry is talking to some other chick in the audience. After she makes her comment, she lets the twins get some fresh air too.
Since when was this the new norm?
Did they blur them out??
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Supporting Donor
Jul 14, 2014
Atlanta, GA
Opened my front door and a package fell on me, turned out it was the vinyl wrap I ordered :rotfl:



Dec 2, 2011
Starting to take to tractor apart after work this arvo to replace the stator. Once that's done, the battery will actually charge again.


Nov 18, 2011


Supporting Donor
Jul 14, 2014
Atlanta, GA
Getting alignment, maybe putting on the vinyl wrap on hood today, might wait until this weekend for that
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Jan 25, 2013


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Realtor lady came through with the first potential new landlord. Appointment was for 5:30-6, she shows up at 4:55. Good thing I wasn't dropping a deuce or something. The guy seemed nice, asked me a handful of expected routine questions. He was happy to hear I was currently renting it, as that meant he already had a tenant and wouldn't have to wait to start making some money, although he was wondering why the rent was at the rate it was. I explained the language used in my lease regarding maintenance and repairs, and everything became clear.

Real estate agent asked me how many others had come to see the place so far. Hopefully there won't be many. That was an annoyingly inconvenient 20 minutes, and there's a long time between now and June. :hopeless:
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Dec 30, 2013
Blckshdw said:
Realtor lady came through with the first potential new landlord. Appointment was for 5:30-6, she shows up at 4:55. Good thing I wasn't dropping a deuce or something. The guy seemed nice, asked me a handful of expected routine questions. He was happy to hear I was currently renting it, as that meant he already had a tenant and wouldn't have to wait to start making some money, although he was wondering why the rent was at the rate it was. I explained the language used in my lease regarding maintenance and repairs, and everything became clear.

Real estate agent asked me how many others had come to see the place so far. Hopefully there won't be many. That was an annoyingly inconvenient 20 minutes, and there's a long time between now and June. :hopeless:
"Routine?" You know what that means? Print out a FAQ and hand it to the realtor lady to copy and distribute to prospective buyers. Less hassle!
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Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Funny you say that, I actually thought about printing some stuff out, sticking it on the fridge, and then leaving the premises until they were done. Whoever buys the place, as long as they don't try to raise my rent, I'll stay here. It's good enough for what I need now, and it's pretty close to work. One thing I did realize though, I don't have anywhere to aim projectors when I do my next retrofit. No flat walls that my headlights can hit at the right distance. This place officially sucks now. :hissyfit:
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