The fix it bug has been pretty busy. My soldering station had developed a strange issue where the fan in the hot air handle wouldn't shut off when placed in the cradle. Not a major issue, since the heating element would still shut off, so it was fine. But I wanted to try and fix it, from my research the reed switch in the handle might have a broken solder joint, so I took it apart. Didn't find a problem, although I created a new one. After reassembly, the sensor that enables heat control wasn't working.

This unit doesn't have an easily replaceable handle, so it's essentially shot.
I was planning to try replacing the HDMI port on my PS4 that died recently, and some videos on doing this with hot hair made it look much easier than I thought. Will be browsing the blue smile site for a better model later.
Since it was still early, did some work outside. The front of my house has 3 areas of the roof that come together above my dining room window, and those 2 valleys send a lot of water in heavy rains, that the gutters don't catch. I put up a pair of those gusher guards to try and deflect it into the gutters, but the valleys aren't centered on the corners. Some splashes to the side, or goes over the top. I bought a large sheet of aluminum last year, finally cut out a few plates to size to make extensions. Drilled a couple of holes, and attached them with zip ties.
With that tropical system entering the gulf this weekend, they're saying we should get a lot of rain mid week, so that will be a good test to see if these work as I hope they do. Still no word from Ryobi tech support about my mower issue, I'll probably have to spring for the drive motor controller and hope all my tests got me to the right conclusion.