Tried to take advantage of an overcast morning to finally upgrade my 4MP and 5MP cameras on the house, with a pair of dual lens 8MP cameras I scored on Prime Day. But of course, as soon as I got the ladder outside, the clouds scattered
The front pair were 4MP, and were decent enough during the day, but at night time the video quality tanked. The dual lens camera stiches the 2 feeds together to make a single 180 degree view. Before and after shots... I had forgotten how large of a hole I drilled for the one on the right, left one was already there. To avoid crawling through that part of the attic, I used a couple pieces of pvc conduit to feed the ethernet cable through the hole for easy access from the outside. Used some wood putty to fill much of it, will sand that down, and finish the hole with some wood filler after it sets.

How the front yard was displayed with the 2 camera feeds vs the wide one.

Then moved around to the side of the house, bit of a higher peak to reach the 5MP camera. This one had zoom capability, but it really wasn't needed as this was the shortest distance of coverage. In hindsight, I always tell myself I'm going to remove the dinky cameras the PO had installed, but by the time I get up there I've forgotten, and it's too damn hot to be bothered. I also need to take down that old motion light. It burns through bulbs too fast to be useful.

Interface display, before and after. I used to have a pair of blind spots, where the light pole is between the right side of the front view, and the left side of the main street view. There was another one on the right side of the main street view next to my fence and tree, and the rear camera that looks down the street. Both of those are now gone, so I'm pretty happy so far. There's a lot more vertical coverage from both cameras, so that's a bonus.

I had seen some negative comments about how the feeds are stitched together. Depending on light sources, one side can appear brighter than the other, with a clear line showing you where the split is. That makes logical sense if you have 2 cameras pointed in slightly different directions, direct light will affect them differently.
There were also complaints about the 2 feeds not being perfectly aligned. On closer look, yeah both of mine were slightly off from each other. But if you look under the Advanced section of the display settings, there's distance, horizontal and vertical adjustments to get things lined up. Mine weren't off by much, a couple ticks here and there and I was satisfied. We'll have to see how things look after the sun goes down.
For kicks and giggles, this is how the 'all view' looked on my laptop before and after. Will take a little bit of getting used to, but shouldn't take long.