The Random/Funny Pic Thread.

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Nov 18, 2011


Jan 26, 2013
Son's sign welcoming mom home at airport goes viral

(FOX NEWS) - One Oklahoma woman returning from a business trip got quite a surprise from her young son who went to meet her at the airport.
Barbara Nielsen was on her way back home after a week-long trip for the manufacturing company she works for in Fort Smith, Arkansas. When she arrived, her husband, Brandon Nielsen, and her son, Daimen, went to pick her up.
However, the father-son duo had something a bit more embarrassing up their sleeves -- a homemade sign that read, "Welcome home from prison mom."
In a photo, Daimen is seen smiling broadly while he poses with the sign.


Jan 26, 2013
Florida man arrested after calling sheriff to get his meth tested

PALATKA — A Florida man called the sheriff’s office Tuesday after growing suspicious that the meth he had smoked was the wrong drug
The concerned caller, 49-year-old Hawthorne resident Douglas Peter Kelly, experienced a "violent reaction" to narcotics he had purchased a week earlier. He wanted members from the Putnam County Sheriff’s Office to test the substance so that he could press charges against the dealer for selling him the incorrect drug.
Drug unit detectives invited Kelly to the office so they could conduct a quality test, according to the Sheriff’s Office.
Kelly drove to the office to show them a clear substance wrapped in aluminum foil. When it tested positive as methamphetamine, Kelly was arrested.
He is being held at the Putnam County jail in lieu of $5,000 bail.
The Sheriff’s Office took to Facebookto extend the same drug-testing assistance to other citizens.
"PUBLIC NOTICE: If you believe you were sold bad drugs, we are offering a free service to test them for you," the post reads. "Remember, our detectives are always ready to assist anyone who believes they were misled in their illegal drug purchase."

you just can't make this stuff up!


Jan 26, 2013
Deputy: Florida man chugged can of beer during DUI stop
Updated: Jun 15 2018 02:56PM EDT

BIG COPPITT KEY, Fla. (AP) - Authorities say a 48-year-old Florida man raised a can of beer and chugged it after a sheriff's deputy stopped him on suspicion of drunk driving.
Daryl Royal Riedel told Monroe County sheriff's investigators he was scared when he fled in his pickup truck as Deputy Anthony Lopez stepped out of his patrol car Thursday. Riedel drove for a short distance before stopping along U.S. 1.
The report says Riedel got out of his truck with a beer can in his hand -- and chugged it.
Riedel now faces numerous charges, including felony DUI, fleeing from a deputy, driving with a suspended license and failure to submit a breath test.
He's in jail without bond. Records don't list a lawyer.

Riedel has three prior DUI convictions between 2003 and 2010 and a fourth is pending from 2017.

hoping this dude stays in jail a long while too.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Fuk Yu.jpg


Supporting Donor
Jul 14, 2014
Atlanta, GA


Jan 26, 2013
Summer saviors! Charlotte firefighters help out kids struggling to fill pool


CHARLOTTE, NC (FOX 46 WJZY) - Some children in west Charlotte were trying to beat the heat this weekend by desperately trying to fill a kiddie pool, one pot of water at a time. That's when Charlotte firefighters stepped in - and made their day!
While leaving a call on Sunday, firefighters from Firehouse 18 spotted the children struggling to carry pots full of water from their sink to fill a kiddie pool for a boy's birthday.
Temperatures were well above 90 degrees. The crew was happy to step in and fill the children's pool with their fire hose.
"A little assist from 18 on this little boy's birthday led to smiles for the neighborhood kids, as well as the crew of E-18 from Charlotte's westside," Charlotte Fire Dept. tweeted.
After leaving a medical call Eng 18 saw a family trying to fill up a kiddy pool using pots from the sink. A little assist from 18 on this little boy's birthday led to smiles for the neighborhood kids as well as the crew of E-18 from CLT's westside.
— Charlotte Fire Dept. (@charlottefire) June 26, 2018

The children were delighted - and got some wonderful relief!


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Maybe because I'm sick but I don't get it.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Maybe because I'm sick but I don't get it.

One of the myths with the old Nintendo game system, was when the game would act up, get glitchy, freeze, or not read when turning the console on, was to pull the game cartridge out, blow along the open end where the circuit board interfaced with the console, put it back and it would start working again. Running logic was, it might have dust in there from being left on the floor, table, or wherever, not sealed off from the environment. I do remember doing this with some games that were kept in boxes or came cartridge containers too so... :bonk:


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Ah, now I get it. I remember that too. Just didn't recognize it as a game cartridge.


Jan 26, 2013
Bicyclist gives injured dog piggyback ride to veterinarian

Posted: Jul 18 2018 10:59PM EDT

COLUMBUS, Ga. - A Georgia bicyclist hoisted a stray dog that had been hit by a car onto his back and carried him to safety.
The bicyclist may not have realized he was carrying the pooch to his new forever home, as well.
It’s clear the dog, now called Columbo, was relieved to be riding on Jarrett Little's back in a picture taken of the two along their journey.
On July 10, the five-month-old Great Dane mix puppy ran up to Little while he was biking in Columbus.
Little says the pup was hungry and thirsty and showing signs of a leg injury so he gave him a piggyback ride into town.

Along the way, the duo met up with good Samaritan Andrea Shaw, who was in the area for business.
Shaw took Columbo to a veterinarian and, after surgery to place four pins in his femur and a splint in his front toe, decided to take him home.
Columbo is now on the road to recovery and enjoying life in a new forever home.


Jan 26, 2013
MALDEN, Mass. (AP) - A 1-year-old motorist has been pulled over for driving without a license - but he got off with a "cuteness warning."

Police in the Boston suburb of Malden say they staged the traffic stop Tuesday afternoon after spotting Grayson Salerno driving a red toy Mercedes convertible along a sidewalk.
An officer pulled his cruiser behind Grayson, switched on the blue flashing lights and pretended to write a ticket. Grayson's mother, Cori Salerno, says she's tickled the mock misdemeanor has made so many people smile.
Cori told WHDH they were in the area for a family get-together and ran into an officer they knew. Cori said her sister-in-law came up with the photo-op idea.
“It’s a little remote control car, so we just drove him out to the sidewalk and my husband said ‘pretend to give him a ticket,'” she told the outlet. “He’s so sweet. He just went along with it.”

It's doubtful the young offender understands the charge. He was wearing a T-shirt with the inscription: "I have literally no idea what you are saying."
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