I FINALLY gave some attention to my retro yesterday. Mocked up some paper templates for the upper projector mounts. Traced them out on an aluminum sheet and deburred the edges after cutting them out.
Need to do a little shaping so they fit the curve of the top/back of the reflector bowls, drill and tap the tabs so the machine screws can anchor themselves, and then bend the tabs to the appropriate angle. After that, I'll JB weld the mounts to the reflector bowls.
Kinda wondering if I should perforate the mounts a little so the JB weld can ooze through the holes, kinda like a rivet.
Now the LED tails have me looking at an LED third brake light. Damn it
Not too expensive, and an easy mod to do. Plus would go nicely with the ICPW set you've got. Go for it!!