so who still uses the old site?

Pau Hana

Mar 13, 2015
Yes, I do realize (based on the history I've read) that this phoenix rose from the still smouldering ashed of TV.

I'm also looking at things from a mod's viewpoint. The goal is to grow the site, to encourage membership, and to do all with a fair hand. Honey attracts much more than vinegar, and hostility does nothing but divide.

Why not post helpful info on TV, if you can? Then encourage those you have helped to come here, participate, and donate- this will help this site to not just survive, but thrive. Dropping a seed that says "come here" without offering assistance is spam IMO- and the "google it for you" link can be helpful, but it's usually used to tell somebody how dumb they are for not googling it for themselves.
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Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
Pau Hana said:
Why not post helpful info on TV, if you can?
Because by encouraging any noobs to remain on trailvoy only serves to unjustly enrich the greedy Toronto corporation who's been buying up all the motorsports sites and turning them into
ad farms.

They are so callous about ignoring the community that they only invest 10-20 minutes a WEEK of a corporate admin's time
to look in on the site and make sure a fight hasn't broken out. They have ZERO active mods, aren't trying to cultivate
or promote any more, but they DO look in from time to time so nobody can run a long-running recruiting campaign.


Nov 18, 2011
Share my experiences and skills on a voluntary basis and have a corporation not only make a profit off of it but give nothing back to the community? Hell to the no. The owners of this site (I am not one) have given a LOT back to this community. I can't tell you how many tees/decals/swag I've mailed off to members over the years and I know that hosting the carlisle truck shows wasn't cheap either. If a pair of google ads can keep this site running (including the switch to IPB) I can only imagine how much bank VS was making when we ran it.

They bought that site counting on volunteerism to run the site, let them help their members. (protip - they can't)


Dec 30, 2013
I'd give out more info over there, but I feel if people are making a good profit off my knowledge, I should be entitled to a cut of it. Being as I'm not, and for my service I am served a litany of advertisements and general corporate whoredom, I will share basics if I go there but details must be found here. A recording studio can't rake in a profit off an artist and then tell the artist their album was considered volunteering, they give them their dues.

The mission here is non-profit, and so I'm willing to give my knowledge, time, and research skills for free. If some ads are necessary to keep the lights on, that's one thing. When ads are for executive bonuses like with VS, they can stuff it.

Pau Hana

Mar 13, 2015
As far as I know, ads on any site are just window dressing till one clicks on them. So, if that is the modus operandi for the ad farm known as TV, merely helping a fellow GMT owner will not profit them any, but will pay dividends for this site.

AND, for the record, I don't have any affiliation with TV or its corporate owner other than being a participant and vehicle owner.


Dec 30, 2013
Pau Hana said:
As far as I know, ads on any site are just window dressing till one clicks on them. So, if that is the modus operandi for the ad farm known as TV, merely helping a fellow GMT owner will not profit them any, but will pay dividends for this site.
There's 3 main types of ad revenue. One is for "serving" the ad -- the actual display of the ad at the agreed-upon location on the site, generally some fee for every 1000 pageviews or something. This is like passing a billboard on the highway, of course there's no option to click a billboard.

Another is pay-per-click, which is what you describe. That way, an advertiser only has to dole out for actual performance.

Cost-per-action is where there is payment if the ad is clicked and it leads to a sale.

Sometimes, there may be an arrangement made where there is a small pay-per-serve payment made, with a "bonus" for a clicked ad.

The question is, which does VS use? If it's a known high-traffic area, they'll find it easier to negotiate a pay-per-serve. Being that VS owns tons of forums, they may twist the numbers a little by lumping totals together to help score deals, and forums have an easily-identifiable and verifiable (as long as registration numbers aren't fudged, which I think I've seen someone say VS does by making false accounts but I can't verify) base traffic number, and it's expected that there may be X% who will show up daily, another Y% who show up sometimes, Z% who just made an account for one thing and abandoned it, and then figure in guests...


Apr 3, 2013
Pau Hana said:
AND, for the record, I don't have any affiliation with TV or its corporate owner...
You're beginning to make us wonder. TV aside, you must be missing the point about VS. TV is just collateral damage of the VS take over.

No one is telling you NOT to help others on TV or pick a site. Thats on you. We just choose not to provide helpful post over there. Dont see what the big deal is.

Plus, if I, as well as many other members, are making an annual donation to this site to help with operating costs, it makes no sense for us to want anything to do with TV. It is what it is :tiphat:


Nov 18, 2011
I stated my reason for not contributing over there. What anyone else does over there (whether helping or recruiting) is out of our control.

And I'm not talking about little banners or overlays, I'm talking about overkill which got to a point that while viewing a thread, and accidentally hovering over an intellitxt ad while the jaguar/toyota ads were playing, my browser would lock up. There were times that this happened when I did a "preview post" when answering a technical question and I ended up losing my reply. I didn't care about what the site made, I just wanted the functionality of the site restored, and VS didn't give a shit about what I wanted even though what I wanted would not benefit me in any way. It would benefit the members who needed us. So the way I see it, they put money over members and well here we are!


Apr 27, 2014
Pau Hana said:
On this same note, I have to add this- I do see value in both sites, and can understand how the acquisition by a conglomerate of TV led to the creation of this site.

What I don't agree with is the way some of the members here troll TV and then act in a fairly juvenile manner about their actions.To me, the goal should be the sharing of knowledge about the platform, and should not devolve into combative rhetoric.

The above being said, I figure there ought to be some way to build this site without spamming the other site.
The only value in the old site, is the archived information. I have no problem with a couple of people doing some RESPECTABLE recruiting. However it absolutely pisses me off to hear about some of the stuff that is going on over there by OUR MEMBERS which is called trolling. If you go to TV with the intent of giving bad information or malice of Any form, just fkn stay there. It would not be tolerated here, and you would get banned quickly. There are members here that I have lost respect for for that very reason, I just generally try to keep my opinion to myself. I'm sick and tired of hearing about TV, and I have no use for that site. I would hope that there would be a little LOYALTY from our members, but it seems that is not always the case.


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
Hadn't looked in there for a long time. Loverotties is gone. There's a couple of new mods, and one of them at least has been rooting out spammers. Only a member for a few months, his user name is Pau Hana from around Seattle. Only friend is "GM Customer Svc" !!! Har!

The other thing Vertical Scope did was promote our old asshat Beavercountyemt to moderator. 35 year old prick. He's let a couple of clues slip out and now I know his real life details. Hmm, what to do, what to do?
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Nov 18, 2011
Sign him up for info on the bruce type switch and he will get some interesting mail.
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Apr 3, 2013
I cannot say I am surprised to hear that Pau Hana is a mod there now based on all of the pro TV posting that he did on this forum back in March. Guess he made his decision since he has not been back here since the end of April.


Jul 6, 2014
We'll see what happens with all the odd ball unarchived questions.


Mar 29, 2014
Tuscaloosa, AL
dmanns67 said:
I cannot say I am surprised to hear that Pau Hana is a mod there now based on all of the pro TV posting that he did on this forum back in March. Guess he made his decision since he has not been back here since the end of April.
Did I miss something? Lol

Finally made a new account over there. Will probably use it to sit back and watch the madness unless I see something so ridiculous that I can't let go lol.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
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Supporting Donor
Jul 14, 2014
Atlanta, GA
I hate when the FB pages have people referencing TV like it is worth a shit.
Why would people reference the Dust Bowl? Psshhtt noobs


Supporting Donor
Jul 14, 2014
Atlanta, GA
Yeah that place sucks BIG TIME, back way way way back when I was on TV, nobody answered my questions or replied with snooty comments like I was supposed to know the answer already or that it was common sense. Toxic place


Nov 18, 2011
It is a great library of info. It was nice to see someone find something they did not understand in researching over there come here to ask a question rather than waste time posting something new there.


Supporting Donor
Jul 14, 2014
Atlanta, GA
It is a great library of info. It was nice to see someone find something they did not understand in researching over there come here to ask a question rather than waste time posting something new there.
It is nice reference for references, I will say that. I've looked things up that I didn't see posted here that I didn't wanna bother making a thread for because it wasn't complex


Jul 6, 2014
Blckshdw said:
Decided to poke around the old stomping grounds for a minute :hopeless:

Mostly inaccurate advice/troubleshooting, but they eventually got it right

Nobody has a clue...

Spammer running unchecked [emoji14]opo:

I almost feel bad for them. Not enough to sign up again and recruit though. :bonk:
I burst out laughing at the response to the second one.
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Supporting Donor
Jul 14, 2014
Atlanta, GA
Dear lord....^^^^^


Nov 18, 2011
I guess the latest mods gave up on restoring the site to its former glory. That lasted what, 2 months?
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Supporting Donor
Jul 14, 2014
Atlanta, GA
Post-Apocalyptic Library is all it is
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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Wow. That's like asking if he changed oil with headlight problems. Sad state over there.
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