Quad Bi-xenon retrofit? woot woot!!!


Original poster
Oct 15, 2012
Wooohhhhhhoooooooooooo I don't have to buy another light!!!! lol
I finally got my ass out today (the weather was shit, so why not hide out in the barn with a lil music and my toys :yes:

so I used this cheap 2 part epoxy I picked up from radio shack when I was getting some more solder and other misc. things....and it seems to be holding rather well, rated for 1200 psi, BUT I'd rather be safe than sorry, so I'm gonna cover the back in that 2part plastic weld ish



anyone else have an update on their projects?
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Dec 4, 2011
Uh... nope.



Original poster
Oct 15, 2012
gotcha...will possibly go that route

however...I have a slight problem
the shroud idea just doesn't seem to want to work for me :hissyfit:
I'm thinking maybe the ccfl's and tape off the front and paint the rest black (if you haven't noticed...I have a thing for the murdered out look in headlights lol)
they're relatively bright...and simplify the construction significantly
TB is goin in the shop in a few days hopefully and should be back on the road :wootwoot: I've been losing my mind without it lately
retros will be going in, subs/amp will be going in, and the interior lights will be going in :biggrin:
then just a new head unit and I'll be set (((((other than the tint, but I'm doing that myself))))


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
NinjuhhNutz said:
however...I have a slight problem
the shroud idea just doesn't seem to want to work for me :hissyfit:
I'm thinking maybe the ccfl's and tape off the front and paint the rest black (if you haven't noticed...I have a thing for the murdered out look in headlights lol)
they're relatively bright...and simplify the construction significantly

:confused: What's not working?


Original poster
Oct 15, 2012
I think it's more of not being able to find a way to secure the led's inside the shrouds (and extra pair of hands would make it easier, but no one I know is careful enough our pays enough attention to detail to help :/
When the holiday decisions are staged back upstairs in the barn, I'll be a bit better off...it's a CF inside there now, yet another reason i haven't been able to do much

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Nov 18, 2011
Something that worked for me when hiding ccfls. Go for the 60mm size and mount them on the projector. When you mount the shroud, it conceals the halo without impairing the light output. I did this for a customer and he thought I didn't install any, until he lit them up.


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Oct 15, 2012
smitty5150 said:
Something that worked for me when hiding ccfls. Go for the 60mm size and mount them on the projector. When you mount the shroud, it conceals the halo without impairing the light output. I did this for a customer and he thought I didn't install any, until he lit them up.

I considered that at first, but the mini shrouds have actually mounting holes the screw in through the back of the projector housing
but I guess I would fab up a way for it to work...I dismissed the idea when I saw the mounting holes, but I may have to revisit it
though, I don't want the ccfl's to shine into the actual projector, and the led inside the bowl might not be as visible


Original poster
Oct 15, 2012
Scuseeeeee me guys...I feel all alone :frown:

someone has to have an update? My tb is going to the stealership on wednesday of next week, and hopefully when I get her back, the lights will be going in that night after work.
As bad as I hate to say it, I've decided to forego the led's for the shroud lighting and the demon eyes...BBBBUUUUUUUUTTTTTT that's because I'm getting an 01 gsx-r 750 :wootwoot:
and we all know the mod bug doesn't discriminate, so I see NO spare money in my near future


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Well my updates will be small, and with long gaps between em. I did buy some cheap shrouds to use as bases for my vacuum formed single piece shroud down the road.

This one for the low beam projector...


and this smaller one for the high beam projector...


Didn't wanna spend too much, since they'll be going back into a box somewhere once I get this right. Planning to start putting together the vacuum table maybe around April. Ended up having to buy some shroud centric rings from TRS, as these are for 3" projectors. The small ones fit perfectly, the larger ones are gonna have to get dremeled out a bit so the rings seat properly.


Dec 4, 2011
Ah, eh, well, uh... :lipsrsealed:


Original poster
Oct 15, 2012
got some work done tonight, finally, and I like the outcome


the white led's wash out the red a lil bit...but it'll be fixed when the silicon finishes drying, and I cover the led's completely

I like the red on black, and I've been reading about painting the cut-off shields to get a daytime glow to the projector...maybe, just maybe~
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Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Nice work. Mine will look similar, but with blue. I also read about painting the cutoff shields, but the threads I was looking at, it was for non bi-xenon versions. I plan to have my backlit LEDs running during the day though, so it's a moot point. How many red ones did you use per side? :undecided:

Edit: Just saw the post above this one, I don't remember that last one in there. So you're only going with 1? Damn... I have a bag of flat tops, so I need to put them to use. I have another idea cooking for some SMDs though, needs more research and planning.


Dec 4, 2011
At the right angle my projectors in my Camaro will get a bit of "glow" to them from the reflection of light on the shields.

BTW - I want to get mine done before the big midwest meet. That will be the 2.5 year mark since I started the project (and haven't touched for months at a time) so I had better get them finished :lipsrsealed: I know once I get them installed I'll shoot myself for not having them done sooner :duh:


Original poster
Oct 15, 2012
Yea, I'm already mad four ony taken is long....lol
N every thread I've read, has been advising NOT to run the led's with the headlights on...led's not being a fan of heat n all
So, other than stashing a normally closed relay in with all the rest od the crap going into it...there has to be a way to disable power to them while the hid's have power...make sense?


Original poster
Oct 15, 2012
Annddd speaking of meets, how many diff ones are there? In an hour west of raleigh nc...would like to get out and hang with the cool kids ::smiles and nods with braces and full head gear:: lmao


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
I've read LEDs don't do well with heat also, but I don't see what difference shutting them off is gonna make. If the heat is gonna damage em (I assume by melting the lens), it's gonna happen whether or not power is running through them. I think another concern would be a slight tinting of the HID output if they don't get completely washed out. Guess we'll find out soon enough. :yes:


Original poster
Oct 15, 2012
I went by walmart tonight after I got off work to get some high-temp red rattle can...but they didn't have any :confused:
gonna swing by lowes in the am and pick up some, and paint my shields red
idk, I'll ask around on 12volt and see if I get an answer about running them vs turning them off with heat and if it makes a diff


Original poster
Oct 15, 2012
painted the shields today, forgot all about the napa right down from my house :duh: scooped a can of dupli color engine enamel ceramic red
took a pic as I was painting, got in the zone and forgot about taking more :rotfl:
just a heads up, if anyone paints the shields, remember to scuff the edges of the parts you paint, so as to not affect the cutoff (I've read a lot about painting the back of the shield flat black to reduce glare and make the cutoff sharper...but bleh I'm good, maybe if I have to rip em back open one day for something...maybe)
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Oct 15, 2012
dmanns67 said:
Looking forward to seeing the finished product.

you and me both, bro...I swear it seems like every time I get a step closer, I get pushed back 10
gotta find time to work on them...0 days off this week, and I get off work around 2am sometimes :hopeless:
it'll happen sometime before, oh idk, Christmas? :rotfl:


Dec 4, 2011
Well mine WILL be done by the end of May, in time for the meet. That's my goal. So, does that help you any? :biggrin:


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
I'm kinda :worried: How much time have you guys put into these at this point? Our big meet is at the end of October, I sure hope I can manage to get mine done by then.


Dec 4, 2011
I've probably put a good 20 hours into mine but I'm also doing something far more complex than just a simple projector install. If I was just installing a set of projectors in the low beam buckets it would have long been done by now as that part only took like a couple hours to do. But I'm painting stuff, totally redoing the turn signals, custom wiring, dual projectors which requires a lot of extra trimming and fitting in the high beam bucket, etc etc... That's what's taken so long.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Exactly! That's what has me concerned with time, cuz I'm doing the same thing (concept wise), and adding some vacuum-forming to the equation. Stupid mod bug, what lab was that bastard created in anyway? :mad:


Original poster
Oct 15, 2012
Well with mine, if I had all the parts and components at once, I probably could have finished within a week (working here and there when I have down time)
I probably have abt as many hours in mine, mainly because I couldn't make up my damn mind how I wanted them
But all I have to do now is put it all together and aim...
I have 1 day off this week, with 2 double shifts in the mix...so I'm not good for much at all this week :no:


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
OK, I'm having a :dunce: moment. How do you get the horizontal adjustment screw loose? Do you have to drill out the plastic part to get down to the head? Or does the reflector bowl simply pop off the mounts? (looks like a pretty tight socket)

I figured out why my passenger side light seems to flicker when stopped behind another vehicle. The stationary mount on it is broken so the whole reflector bowl can vibrate with the idling engine. :mad:


Original poster
Oct 15, 2012
Blckshdw said:
OK, I'm having a :dunce: moment. How do you get the horizontal adjustment screw loose? Do you have to drill out the plastic part to get down to the head? Or does the reflector bowl simply pop off the mounts? (looks like a pretty tight socket)

I figured out why my passenger side light seems to flicker when stopped behind another vehicle. The stationary mount on it is broken so the whole reflector bowl can vibrate with the idling engine. :mad:

are you talking about getting the reflector bowl out of the headlight housing itself? if so, VERY gently pop the bowl off of the 3 adjustment sockets (refer to my picture of broken reflector bowl to emphasize GENTLY)
If that's not what you're talking about, I'm confuzzeled...:confused:


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Yes, that's exactly the point I'm at right now. I got the vertical screw out, then got stumped by the horizontal one, which made me look at popping the bowl out. The stationary mount is broken though, so not sure how I'll be able to get that out, or if I'll have to try to epoxy it later when I put things back together. :duh:


Original poster
Oct 15, 2012
Blckshdw said:
Yes, that's exactly the point I'm at right now. I got the vertical screw out, then got stumped by the horizontal one, which made me look at popping the bowl out. The stationary mount is broken though, so not sure how I'll be able to get that out, or if I'll have to try to epoxy it later when I put things back together. :duh:

that platic weld stuff worked wonders for me on a mounting tab that I broke on something else, you should give it a shot. Can't remember what it's called, but google knows :raspberry:
I didn't take any screws out, just popped the bowl right out (with my fingers crossed and asking the big guy upstairs to not let me break anything.

HOW broken is it? pics?


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
It's broken right where the reflector's grip mounts to the post.



I got them yanked off, although I managed to drop my good reflector on the tile floor, which subsequently makes it much less good. Is reflector bowl carnage a pre-requisite for this mod? :hissyfit: I used some 3M adhesive that was in my tool box, I just need it to hold up enough to form the 1 piece shrouds later, so not as big of an issue.



Original poster
Oct 15, 2012
Blckshdw said:
It's broken right where the reflector's grip mounts to the post.



I got them yanked off, although I managed to drop my good reflector on the tile floor, which subsequently makes it much less good. Is reflector bowl carnage a pre-requisite for this mod? :hissyfit: I used some 3M adhesive that was in my tool box, I just need it to hold up enough to form the 1 piece shrouds later, so not as big of an issue.


:lipsrsealed: yea, I think everyone has at least one *DAAMMMMMMMMMMIIIIIIIITTTTTTTT* moment :hissyfit:
but yea, if it were me, I would use that plastic weld ish and not put the bowl back in until your ready to wrap up the install
so, how creative are you gonna get with these 1 piece shrouds? lol I see all kinds of logos/designs that could come out of that lil awesome table project you're working on :yes:


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
NinjuhhNutz said:
:lipsrsealed: yea, I think everyone has at least one *DAAMMMMMMMMMMIIIIIIIITTTTTTTT* moment :hissyfit:
but yea, if it were me, I would use that plastic weld ish and not put the bowl back in until your ready to wrap up the install
so, how creative are you gonna get with these 1 piece shrouds? lol I see all kinds of logos/designs that could come out of that lil awesome table project you're working on :yes:

I was so concerned about popping the bowl off safely without cracking it, that I backed away from the table for better leverage. :no: I don't see an easy way of getting that piece out of the reflector's holder, so I'll have to come up with something creative to apply the epoxy, and then line up the fragment while mounting the reflector without screwing it up too much. :undecided: I wonder if that stuff is strong enough for me to stick the piece on there now, let it cure and then pull the reflector's piece off (the way it was supposed to go) That might be worth a shot.

The shrouds will be pretty basic. You saw the 2 sets of shrouds I bought, those will be the bases to give it structure. And then the halos will go on the high beam spots. Pretty simple since it will be my first try. Down the road if I decide to go with a different setup, then maybe we'll get fancy with it. Something tells me, for my first retrofit, I've bitten off a helluva lot already!


Original poster
Oct 15, 2012
Blckshdw said:
I was so concerned about popping the bowl off safely without cracking it, that I backed away from the table for better leverage. :no: I don't see an easy way of getting that piece out of the reflector's holder, so I'll have to come up with something creative to apply the epoxy, and then line up the fragment while mounting the reflector without screwing it up too much. :undecided: I wonder if that stuff is strong enough for me to stick the piece on there now, let it cure and then pull the reflector's piece off (the way it was supposed to go) That might be worth a shot.

The shrouds will be pretty basic. You saw the 2 sets of shrouds I bought, those will be the bases to give it structure. And then the halos will go on the high beam spots. Pretty simple since it will be my first try. Down the road if I decide to go with a different setup, then maybe we'll get fancy with it. Something tells me, for my first retrofit, I've bitten off a helluva lot already!

not as bad as it looks at the beginning :no:
with everything laid out, I thought to myself "holy sheet!! What'd I get myself into?" pretty much the same thing I said when I openend the Viper box lmao
but taking it a step at a time, and PLANNING!!!! would have made mine a hell of a lot easier (and quicker) so learn from my mistakes lol you'll be fine bro
having all the parts, I bet I could do another one in a couple days (including paint, minues the custom led halos lol)


Dec 4, 2011
Another suggestion - DO NOT do what I did, start something complex, get halfway through, then let it sit for a while. You then forget the entire wiring scheme and look at the mass of relays/wires and think to yourself WHAT was I doing here again? :crazy: I even have labels on the wires but my labels don't all make sense right now :lipsrsealed:



Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
I'm sitting at a roadblock with my LED system at the moment, as the couple of schematics I found online for what I want, aren't doing what's expected on my breadboard. I don't know enough (next to nothing) about micro-controllers to make this up on my own, so more Googling to be done there. For now, I'll be shooting for the small victory of getting my projectors in the reflector bowl and aligned to each other. After that, vacuum table building, and trying again with the LEDs.


Dec 4, 2011
You already have yours open, just DIY the clear corners.

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