Quad Bi-xenon retrofit? woot woot!!!


Original poster
Oct 15, 2012
Finally getting around to a write-up :smile:

2005 trailblazer
oem headlights
2 compleme hid retrofit kits-including

4X morimoto mini h1 projectors
4X morimoto mini-gatling shrouds
4X morimoto 3five ballasts (amp)
4X morimoto xb35 bulbs 6k
2X morimoto bi-xenon relay harnesses
2X high beam splitters
and other random parts I'll probably hit on later

now for the good parts

I won't go through the process of removing the headlights and/or opening them...a 2 second google search will give plenty of vids and how-to's on that...just one word of advice BE CAREFUL!!!!!!! TAKE YOUR TIME!!!!!!!! ((one word...five words...meh who cares)) :crazy:

first off...parts laid out


headlights ripped apart and a little love with the dremel to the back of the reflector bowl and the projectors test fitted in


original reflector bowl on the left-sanded and painted reflector bowl with projectors mounted



note the 4 ballasts pictured above are NOT the morimotos...
just 2 PnP kits I went through before I ::saw the light:: :rotfl:


bought some cheap-o 90mm ccfl's

bleh...not really my style...they're a bit too mainstream for me, decided to go for something a bit more custom :smile:





last bit of the led's coming in the next couple years (I mean days...just seems like it's taking forever :tongue: )
can't wait for the rest...considering knocking out some clear corners while I'm at it with switchbacks instead of the ugly amber lenses...

just an initial write-up, I'll add more pics and vids of output as soon as I can
hope you guys enjoy :smile:
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Aug 20, 2012
Awesome! I'm about to do my retrofit with Morimoto H1 projectors, E46-R shrouds and 5000k HIDs. Any advice or tips on how you split the headlight open? What paint did you use on the reflectors?


Original poster
Oct 15, 2012
Scott750 said:
Awesome! I'm about to do my retrofit with Morimoto H1 projectors, E46-R shrouds and 5000k HIDs. Any advice or tips on how you split the headlight open? What paint did you use on the reflectors?

I baked mine...be careful though, I literally BAKED one of them...lmao had to order a replacement from ebay :banghead:
low and slow man...start it at 200 and do 5 min sessions inside...my snap-on gloves and a few putty knives/screwdrivers and a good bit of patience and they were open
be mindful of the center part where the grill covers the headlight, its a bit trickier to open up...don't rush it, it'll open eventually

I used some cheap-o satin rattle can paint...but I'm gonna rip it all back apart and clean/sand/prime and paint with high temp paint, as I've read several people have had issues with the paint cracking/peeling from lower quality paints. I would rather take the time to do it now, than close them up and have to yank them back out again :mad:

if you're gonna do quads...go really slow when you're going to work with the dremel for the projector in the high beam spot, I took off a bit more than I should have and had to improvise :rotfl:
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Aug 20, 2012
NinjuhhNutz said:
I baked mine...be careful though, I literally BAKED one of them...lmao had to order a replacement from ebay :banghead:
low and slow man...start it at 200 and do 5 min sessions inside...my snap-on gloves and a few putty knives/screwdrivers and a good bit of patience and they were open
be mindful of the center part where the grill covers the headlight, its a bit trickier to open up...don't rush it, it'll open eventually

I used some cheap-o satin rattle can paint...but I'm gonna rip it all back apart and clean/sand/prime and paint with high temp paint, as I've read several people have had issues with the paint cracking/peeling from lower quality paints. I would rather take the time to do it now, than close them up and have to yank them back out again :mad:

if you're gonna do quads...go really slow when you're going to work with the dremel for the projector in the high beam spot, I took off a bit more than I should have and had to improvise :rotfl:

Thanks for the advice! Hopefully I can start doing this next weekend.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
:cool: Nice work, this mod has been on my list for quite a while now. :yes:

You might wrap some image tags around your pic links (
) so the pics display in your post. :twocents:


Original poster
Oct 15, 2012
Blckshdw said:
:cool: Nice work, this mod has been on my list for quite a while now. :yes:

You might wrap some image tags around your pic links (
) so the pics display in your post. :twocents:

it's the small things that escape me sometimes hahahaha willco Blackshdw...thanks

and btw I just ordered a sh*t ton of led's online with some map/dome light "adapters"? for the led mod...got a bite from the mod bug when I was reading on your thread about it...cool if I shoot you a pm with a question on it? don't want to hijack my own thread and send it down that never ended ::oh what about this idea:: spiral :no:
or if there is another thread I should just chime in on that I haven't seen


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
NinjuhhNutz said:
it's the small things that escape me sometimes hahahaha willco Blackshdw...thanks

and btw I just ordered a sh*t ton of led's online with some map/dome light "adapters"? for the led mod...got a bite from the mod bug when I was reading on your thread about it...cool if I shoot you a pm with a question on it? don't want to hijack my own thread and send it down that never ended ::oh what about this idea:: spiral :no:
or if there is another thread I should just chime in on that I haven't seen

Feeding other people's mod bugs is my pleasure (insert taking-a-bow smiley here) Feel free to post your questions in the LED mod thread. That way if anyone else has the same question in mind, they'll get an answer as well.

:undecided: Looks like there's something funky going on with your first post, and the image tags not working. Mod to the rescue! (Andrew, I see you lurking! :tongue:)


Original poster
Oct 15, 2012
Blckshdw said:
Feeding other people's mod bugs is my pleasure (insert taking-a-bow smiley here) Feel free to post your questions in the LED mod thread. That way if anyone else has the same question in mind, they'll get an answer as well.

:undecided: Looks like there's something funky going on with your first post, and the image tags not working. Mod to the rescue! (Andrew, I see you lurking! :tongue:)

that'd be my fault...lol wtf Chris? you learned basic html years ago...get it together :redface:
I've been sitting in front of this monitor for about 4 ours now...graph paper beside me working on some crazy ideas...lol crisis averted
thanks for the lookout though


Original poster
Oct 15, 2012
Scott750 said:
Thanks for the advice! Hopefully I can start doing this next weekend.

if you plan on tackling this solo...do yourslef a favor and read READ READ!!!!!
you can't be too informed on a project like this...and get everything ready asap, baking the headlights is gonna take time, sanding/painting will take time, dremel tlc will take time...don't put yourself on a time restricted schedule and goof something up before you got in a hurry, it's not worth it
either save for a set of headlights you can use for the retrofit, or grab a cheap-o set online like I did and use them temporarily
that way, if it takes longer than expected, or you fubar your headlight, you won't be stuck up sh*ts creek

but just my advice...ultimately your call
who knows, you could get them apart, cut, sanded, painted, and fitted/aligned and back together in no time...but I wouldn't count on it going that smoothly :hissyfit:


Aug 20, 2012
NinjuhhNutz said:
if you plan on tackling this solo...do yourslef a favor and read READ READ!!!!!
you can't be too informed on a project like this...and get everything ready asap, baking the headlights is gonna take time, sanding/painting will take time, dremel tlc will take time...don't put yourself on a time restricted schedule and goof something up before you got in a hurry, it's not worth it
either save for a set of headlights you can use for the retrofit, or grab a cheap-o set online like I did and use them temporarily
that way, if it takes longer than expected, or you fubar your headlight, you won't be stuck up sh*ts creek

but just my advice...ultimately your call
who knows, you could get them apart, cut, sanded, painted, and fitted/aligned and back together in no time...but I wouldn't count on it going that smoothly :hissyfit:

Oh I'm definitively taking my time! I've been lightly stalking everyone'e threads about this for probably the past 2-3 months now. I bought a set of TYC OEM replacement headlights off Amazon for $55/each for the retrofit, just so my truck won't be out of commission too long. Plus I always like saving the OEM's as backups. Heating up the headlights and pulling them apart is my biggest concern. Seems like several people have over heated them and had to buy new ones. But it sounds like it only happens on the OEM units. Hopefully these TYC units won't be that difficult. I wish there was a set oven temp and time that will get these open.

One other concern I had is once I screw down the projectors, how will I know they are level/oriented correctly? I'm thinking that once the projector is secured in the reflector, I can place that flat on a table and use a bubble level to make sure its level? Sound reasonable?


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Scott750 said:
Oh I'm definitively taking my time! I've been lightly stalking everyone'e threads about this for probably the past 2-3 months now. I bought a set of TYC OEM replacement headlights off Amazon for $55/each for the retrofit, just so my truck won't be out of commission too long. Plus I always like saving the OEM's as backups. Heating up the headlights and pulling them apart is my biggest concern. Seems like several people have over heated them and had to buy new ones. But it sounds like it only happens on the OEM units. Hopefully these TYC units won't be that difficult. I wish there was a set oven temp and time that will get these open.

One other concern I had is once I screw down the projectors, how will I know they are level/oriented correctly? I'm thinking that once the projector is secured in the reflector, I can place that flat on a table and use a bubble level to make sure its level? Sound reasonable?

As an alternative to baking your headlights, you can cut them open and reseal them with RTV silicone. Me personally, I have bad luck with the bake method on pretty much every mod I've tried, so I went with the dremel. Here's a write up if you care for some light reading :coffee:

GMTNation - Adding Clear Corner Lenses to your Headlights


Dec 5, 2011
Awesome work, I like the custom touch you added!


Original poster
Oct 15, 2012
Scott750 said:
Oh I'm definitively taking my time! I've been lightly stalking everyone'e threads about this for probably the past 2-3 months now. I bought a set of TYC OEM replacement headlights off Amazon for $55/each for the retrofit, just so my truck won't be out of commission too long. Plus I always like saving the OEM's as backups. Heating up the headlights and pulling them apart is my biggest concern. Seems like several people have over heated them and had to buy new ones. But it sounds like it only happens on the OEM units. Hopefully these TYC units won't be that difficult. I wish there was a set oven temp and time that will get these open.

One other concern I had is once I screw down the projectors, how will I know they are level/oriented correctly? I'm thinking that once the projector is secured in the reflector, I can place that flat on a table and use a bubble level to make sure its level? Sound reasonable?

There is a method for aligning them using the stock cut off of the halogens...luckily for me I didn't have halogens (don't ask lol) so I'm kinda figuring that part out as I go
and my suggestion is have a friend help, buddy of mine came and he held the reflector bowl and I make tiny adjustments, then tightened down the lock nut little by little
it's a tedious process, but worth it to get it right

Blckshdw said:
As an alternative to baking your headlights, you can cut them open and reseal them with RTV silicone. Me personally, I have bad luck with the bake method on pretty much every mod I've tried, so I went with the dremel. Here's a write up if you care for some light reading :coffee:

GMTNation - Adding Clear Corner Lenses to your Headlights

^that's an alternative, I'm not all that keen on cuttin my lights, but that's just me, the cut and seal method it's far easier, just leaves behind obvious signs of "diy" work, which I'm trying to avoid (go figure hahaha) but I want it to look as if no custom work was done, as far as the exterior of the light/the wiring...almost doubles the workload, but a clean install is awesome looking.

Porkins said:
Awesome work, I like the custom touch you added!

thanks bro, I'm glad I found this site, helped me out considerably, and always nice to have other opinions and people check out your work as well


Dec 4, 2011
Just a heads-up the projector shroud in the high beam spot will hit the original trim insert that sits inside the lens. Been there done that (still doing it). You'll have to cut notches in either the shroud or or the insert (I opted for the insert as cutting the shroud would have been real ugly).

I need to get mine 100% finished before you now! I've only been very slowly tinkering with them for the past 2 years...:redface:


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
NinjuhhNutz said:
...^that's an alternative, I'm not all that keen on cuttin my lights, but that's just me, the cut and seal method it's far easier, just leaves behind obvious signs of "diy" work, which I'm trying to avoid (go figure hahaha) but I want it to look as if no custom work was done, as far as the exterior of the light/the wiring...almost doubles the workload, but a clean install is awesome looking....

:crazy: Somehow, I only have enough patience for 2 tries, and the majority of it gets used up on the first attempt. So if that fails, then I want something quick(er) and easy(er) so I can get to the fun part. :redface: Usually at meets, all eyes are anywhere besides under my hood, so how the top of the headlights look doesn't bother me.

Sparky said:
... I need to get mine 100% finished before you now! I've only been very slowly tinkering with them for the past 2 years...:redface:

Oh yeah, Decembersend is currently doing this mod too, and trying to get his done before our big meet in 2 weeks. No pressure Sparky!! :rotfl:


Dec 4, 2011

Now I know what is going to take my evenings this week. Must...finish...project...!

I'll still have the snazziest lights of you all :raspberry:


Original poster
Oct 15, 2012
Blckshdw said:
:crazy: Somehow, I only have enough patience for 2 tries, and the majority of it gets used up on the first attempt. So if that fails, then I want something quick(er) and easy(er) so I can get to the fun part. :redface: Usually at meets, all eyes are anywhere besides under my hood, so how the top of the headlights look doesn't bother me.

Oh yeah, Decembersend is currently doing this mod too, and trying to get his done before our big meet in 2 weeks. No pressure Sparky!! :rotfl:

I still have a good bit of work to do on mine
((or so I'm gonna tell Sparky :satan: ))
but I should be all done within the week

Sparky said:

Now I know what is going to take my evenings this week. Must...finish...project...!

I'll still have the snazziest lights of you all :raspberry:
haha yea probably so...my first attempt is a bit modest, though I've had some pretty wild ideas about vacuum molding 1 piece shrouds (though I don't have the $ or resources for that atm)
it's not a race bro...unless I finish first :rotfl:


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
NinjuhhNutz said:
... ideas about vacuum molding 1 piece shrouds (though I don't have the $ or resources for that atm)

Get out of my head damnit!! :hissyfit:

I was sent a youtube video by someone trying to feed my mod bug years ago, and I figured when I go this route, I'm gonna make custom shrouds this way too.


Original poster
Oct 15, 2012
Blckshdw said:
Get out of my head damnit!! :hissyfit:

I was sent a youtube video by someone trying to feed my mod bug years ago, and I figured when I go this route, I'm gonna make custom shrouds this way too.

ahahaha well at least I know I'm going in the right direction with my ideas :raspberry:

I just see WAYYYY more options that way as far as custom lines/angles/led arrangments etc

and I just saw your retractable mirror thread...oh my...I must resist...for now :undecided:


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Yeah, when I saw a video of a guy doing that, I started... :drooling: Imagination took off with a bunch of ideas that would be pretty sweet. I don't know exactly what Sparky's working on, but if I can make my idea a reality, it's gonna be right up there on the snazzy scale.

As for the power folding mirrors, that's yet another mod that a few other people did before me, that I made my own with some small twists. Ugh, so many mods, so little money.


Original poster
Oct 15, 2012
Blckshdw said:
Yeah, when I saw a video of a guy doing that, I started... :drooling: Imagination took off with a bunch of ideas that would be pretty sweet. I don't know exactly what Sparky's working on, but if I can make my idea a reality, it's gonna be right up there on the snazzy scale.

As for the power folding mirrors, that's yet another mod that a few other people did before me, that I made my own with some small twists. Ugh, so many mods, so little money.

tell me about it..though I'm actually supposed to start a second job (installer at Diamond Autosports) in the next couple days, maybe that'll help the cash flow a bit :yes:


Original poster
Oct 15, 2012
Sparky said:
Just a heads-up the projector shroud in the high beam spot will hit the original trim insert that sits inside the lens. Been there done that (still doing it). You'll have to cut notches in either the shroud or or the insert (I opted for the insert as cutting the shroud would have been real ugly).

I need to get mine 100% finished before you now! I've only been very slowly tinkering with them for the past 2 years...:redface:

I looked right over this post....ah I hadn't gotten to that part yet :sadcry: no bueno
good thing I'm looking into getting a new dremel hahaha yayy another reason to justify it


Original poster
Oct 15, 2012
any pics of the reflector bezel before you mounted the projectors ?

I have some my buddy took, I'll get them from him tonight or tomorrow
I'm gonna rip them off and repaint the bowls again with high temp paint anyways (dammit...sparky is gonna beat me lol)

Black LT

Dec 4, 2011
Looks like awesome work so far.
Now I may have to do another set!! I only did the low beams on mine.

You said about the amber parking light. I really like what Night Shades does to them. I didn't put it on very heavy and they look like a dark smoke, but when they are lit/flash - the amber is there. Looks good with the reflector painted black.


Original poster
Oct 15, 2012
Black LT said:
Looks like awesome work so far.
Now I may have to do another set!! I only did the low beams on mine.

You said about the amber parking light. I really like what Night Shades does to them. I didn't put it on very heavy and they look like a dark smoke, but when they are lit/flash - the amber is there. Looks good with the reflector painted black.

ya know...somehow, I hadn't thought of that! I bed nightshade with a bright switchback would look sick :undecided:
thank you sir...may just have altered my final product :smile:


Nov 18, 2011
Very cool! Much respect for the DIY, even if I am a retrofit vendor. Haven't been around here much lately. If you happen to run into problems, please don't hesitate to ask.

This won't apply to the OP at this point...to line up the cutoff, you can clamp the reflector to your work bench before cutting anything. Plug in a stock lamp and follow the factory cutoff on the opposing wall wit tape. Clamp the reflector in the same location after the retro and line the projector beam up with that line. Should be just about dead on. Since you have your vehicle, mount the lights without reassembling. You can tweak the projectors, remove the reflectors, and epoxy the projector in place before final assembly. *using epoxy for the final assembly will ensure that nothing moves around once installed. making a mark with a Sharpie on both the reflector and lock ring will help maintain alignment.*


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
NinjuhhNutz said:
I still have a good bit of work to do on mine
((or so I'm gonna tell Sparky :satan: ))
but I should be all done within the week

Alright Chris, time for an update on these!! :yes:

:undecided How close are the inside projectors to the front lens?


Original poster
Oct 15, 2012
Blckshdw said:
Alright Chris, time for an update on these!! :yes:

:undecided How close are the inside projectors to the front lens?

I'm ashamed to say I haven't touched them :sadcry:
Things have been less than ideal around here for a while now...keeping my head up one day at a time, but I think tomorrow I'm gonna lock the barn door, put in the headphones and work for a few hours :raspberry:
keeps your fingers crossed for me hahaha


Dec 4, 2011
It's OK, I haven't touched mine either. I did however find the diodes I need so I should have all the parts necessary to finish this up now.


Original poster
Oct 15, 2012
This my friends...is why you NEVER work on delicate projects when you're mad OR being rushed :sadcry:
My father in one ear bitching that I shouldn't spend so much money on headlights that "look cool" and a friend of mine on the phone wanting me to ride with him because he had "never been there before" :mad:

not to mention I ripped the cut on my knuckle back open for like the 5th time...yayyyy having a great day, hope you guys are too



Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
:eek: Aww damn!! That had to be a kick in the balls when that happened. :hissyfit: Most of my friends ask me why I spend so much money modding my truck too, then they are quick to throw compliments after they see it in person. :hopeless:

I know what you mean on the cuts to the hands. I learned REAL quick when cutting my lights open the first time, to wear mechanic's gloves. Saved me from having tons of battle scars. :redface:

:biggrin: Oh yeah, TRS sent me my tracking number today. But I'll be nice, I'm not gonna put you or Sparky on the clock until the spring. I got a few other things I have to work on before I can even start on this mod. :cool:


Original poster
Oct 15, 2012
Blckshdw said:
:eek: Aww damn!! That had to be a kick in the balls when that happened. :hissyfit: Most of my friends ask me why I spend so much money modding my truck too, then they are quick to throw compliments after they see it in person. :hopeless:

I know what you mean on the cuts to the hands. I learned REAL quick when cutting my lights open the first time, to wear mechanic's gloves. Saved me from having tons of battle scars. :redface:

:biggrin: Oh yeah, TRS sent me my tracking number today. But I'll be nice, I'm not gonna put you or Sparky on the clock until the spring. I got a few other things I have to work on before I can even start on this mod. :cool:

I was wearing snap-on gloves, and I was ok while I was working, yanking the glove off in frustration on the other hand...not so smart

this project is starting to get &%$@# expensive (as if it wasn't already with the purchases needed) but damn this is the second replacement part I'm going to have to buy
unless maybe I can glue the bowl back together, doubt it, but can't hurt to try. There is some kind of 2 part "plastic weld" adhesive floating around out there, I think Mayo mentioned it somewhere in a post, I'll check into it.

at the rate things are going here, you may very well have yours done before me, idk how long it'll be before I have the funds for a replacement bowl :frown:


Dec 4, 2011
I'd try gluing it first. Glue the crack, get it aimed, then maybe find a way to plastic weld the rest of the bowl in place to help support it.

How did it break by the way? I have been a little concerned about the weight of the projector on the bowls.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
+1 on the adhesive surgery attempt. I was also concerned about the projector weight on the reflector bowls. You'd think one hard speed bump or something, and the weight could break them. How far out does your high beam projector come? How's the clearance between that one and the front lens?


Dec 4, 2011
I know on mine it is tight but it doesn't quite touch the front lens.


Original poster
Oct 15, 2012
I'm a little concerned with clearance myself, but we'll see. More about yellowing of the housing lense rather than actually fitting.

and I was popping the bowl back out of the back of the headlight housing, and getting irritated with other things and wasn't taking my time with it :sadcry:
no bueno...but I'll get some adhesive and try my luck with it.

Sparky I've talked to several people that have done retrofits, and even one guy with a tb that done a quad fit with 2 mini's and 2 fx-r's and he didn't mention anything about issues with the weight breaking it. so until it happens, I'm good to go :tongue:

pisses me off that I'm set back yet AGAIN, but it'll be finished some day


Oct 4, 2012
East Haven,Ct
hi guys see you got your retrofit from retrofitsource. com

i am interested in doing the same except i own a 2004 buick rainier.

headlights are alot bigger then yours

just wanted your opinion on this

mainily and cheap and just want to do the low beams so do you think ill be successfull in putting these in?

Bi-xenon FX-R Stage III Kit

or do you know of any better options to fit in here?



Original poster
Oct 15, 2012
jeffro312 said:
hi guys see you got your retrofit from retrofitsource. com

i am interested in doing the same except i own a 2004 buick rainier.

headlights are alot bigger then yours

just wanted your opinion on this

mainily and cheap and just want to do the low beams so do you think ill be successfull in putting these in?

Bi-xenon FX-R Stage III Kit

or do you know of any better options to fit in here?


the FX-R projectors are AWESOME...but require a bit of work to install, the outcome is deff worth it though.
hit up the guys over at TRS, get their input as well, they're a good bunch of guys and always around to help.

My vote? thumbs up for the FX-R retrofit AAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNDDDDDDDD many many pics of the process :rotfl:

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