@TJBaker57 Sorry for the wait but...
AA E5 C1 11 11 34 37
AA E5 C1 11 17 34 82
AA E5 C1 11 31 35 5F
AA E5 C1 11 37 35 EA
AA E5 C1 20 11 00 33 51
AA E5 C1 20 17 00 35 1A
AA E5 C1 20 31 00 34 32
AA E5 C1 20 37 00 34 37
Curious that GM chose to return 2 bytes for the temp but only use the 2nd byte. I suppose that is also why they used a secondary ID of $20 for that parameter as the SAE designated temp ($10) only returns a single byte.
Have you got the equation for the temp? A common equation for temps is an offset of -40 then convert to Farenheit if desired. But that would put your 0x33 at just 51.8 F. That sounds a might cold for the date.
Crap, you know what? I don't think that's temperature. The numbers from last night match what I had from the 90+ degree day where I had driven around already. Last night the car was cold and the values are the same. Maybe temperature is hidden somewhere but I don't think that's it. I'm 99% we have the pressure, though.
Crap, you know what? I don't think that's temperature. The numbers from last night match what I had from the 90+ degree day where I had driven around already. Last night the car was cold and the values are the same. Maybe temperature is hidden somewhere but I don't think that's it. I'm 99% we have the pressure, though.
Have you tried taking this reading in motion vs at rest? I am wondering what could this value be since it appears not to be a temperature. What else can a tire sensor report.... Battery level.... Maybe some rotational force??
Maybe its hardware ID? Doing some programming now on the application. I'll be going out in a little bit to test it. I'll try 10 instead of 20 then.
I thought I could get it. Someone who had a van (Express) from 2008 said they found temps. I guess I was wrong.But 2 of them are the same value... Seems unlikely. Is tire temperature something you know is being read by the sensors, like it shows elsewhere in the vehicle display?
I thought I could get it. Someone who had a van (Express) from 2008 said they found temps. I guess I was wrong.
But I do have this. I'm a dope and didn't take a picture of the actual GUI.
Remember now, the last byte is only a checksum and has no value to you as data. Your data values from the picture are;
FL 0x34 = dec 52*4*.145038=30.167904 PSI
FR same as front left
lR 0x35 = dec 53*4*.145038=30.748056 PSI
RR same as left rear.
@TJBaker57 Hey, sorry.. I've been trying to figure out if I'm doing this right. For ECT, I think I do ATSH ??49F1 hit enter, type 10, then enter again. But I don't know the ?? values. And same for oil.
AT SH 89 48 F1 <enter>
10 <enter>
Recalling that bits 7, 6, and 5 of the first byte assign message priority with 0 = high and 7 = low it can be seen that the '89' in the command 'AT SH 89...' could also be A9, C9, or E9 for a lower priority, or 69 or 49, 29, or even 09 for a higher priority message, however I would avoid sending high priority messages. The other values of 19, 39, 59 and so on are not an option due to our requirement of bit 4 to be low as bit 4 denotes a 3 byte header form as GM uses. A high bit 4 would denote a single byte header form used by other manufacturers.
I have an 05 Yukon with the folding mirrors as well. I'll have a look at any class 2 that looks related.
Regarding the physical address of the EBCM/TCCM... You may have already dicovered that overwhelmingly the data passed through class 2 during normal operations uses functional addressing. Rarely is physical addressing seen outside of scantool use.
What means are you using for gathering the serial data for study, and what formatting? From this thread you can see my setup and while the spreadsheet is a bit of a hack it does make sifting through the data easier. And being a google docs makes it ever so easy to share.
Thanks mate. I actually spent last night (literally till 4am) and decyphered mirror folding. I will write a post on this with explanations. It will be a long post. The most important documents that helped me were these:
SAE J2178-1
SAE J2178-4
Basically, I was able to fold/unfold a passanger mirror with a Class 2 message and I suspect there's no way to fold/unfold a driver mirror via Class2, cuz DDM connects to it phisically and does not need a network command and no other modules (and neither tech2) can command to fold/unfold mirrors. But I might be wrong. Any input is very welcome.
If u want to try it urself, send this message:
6A C2 A0 85 00 33 (33 is CRC, not needed if using telnet or putty).
C2 is a functional address of mirrors for command, defined in J2178
A0 is message source, in our case DDM, ,defined in J2178
85 is probably an action, this byte is MF specific
00 means both sides, defined in J2178
you will receive this:
8A C3 A1 85 1E 37 (37 is CRC)
C3 is a functional address of mirrors for status, defined in J2178
A1 is message source, in our case PDM, defined in J2178
85 is probably an action, this byte is MF specific
1E means PASS side
So, PDM confirms that the PASS mirror is folded or a command accepted (I didn't figure that out yet).
I attached the entire network traffic for folding to this message for reference.
I'd like to warn people that those SAE standartds are NOT Harry Potter and are NOT an easy read. People who can easiliy read and comprehend SAE standards usually don't have friendsIt took me some time to get an understanding of what's actually going on. I will write a detailed post soon with network messages, my analysys steps etc so people can follow.
I will give TCCM a try over the weekend and will report back.
PS. My setup: Win10, BAFX Bluetooth, putty. I do have a Chineese MDI knock off and Tech2Win, as well as ACDelco subscription for SPS for 1 VIN ($40 for 2 years), but it's not requred for this particular exercise.
Peace, Pavel
Google Sheet
Amazing!Thats close to what I sent.
I sent a Priority 3, type 10, message operation = "Load Command Extended" message to Primary ID "Mirrors", Command ID: $C2, from source F1. The secondary ID was 05 (see table 32, 2178-4), with the Q bit high that becomes 85. The extended address I sent was 00 for "all" (see table 55, 2178-4).
This folded both mirrors for me but as expected only the PDM responds with a "report status extended" message.
I suspect you only folded the passenger mirror due to using the the source address of the DDM. One could hardly expect a module to act upon a command message sent by itself!
I have noted that sending a message twice can also "wake up" a module but it is true, there is a method defined in 2178 for bus wake up, an 02 sent to Primary ID "Network Control", Status ID $FF.
Do you already have the other two volumes of 2178?
There is a message related to mirrors I have not figured out yet. Look at the spreadsheet image I posted of your "fold.txt" doc. Lines 2, 23 and 24. On line 2 the DDM sends a load command extended message to the mirrors Primary ID/Command ID $C2, the secondary ID is "12" and the extended address "00" (all). The data byte 1 is "40".
On line 23 the PDM reports an extended status of this parameter (12,00,40).
Line 24 has the DDM acknowledging this status report extended from the PDM.
I see this exchange repeatedly, before and during my data recording of moving my mirrors using the trucks native controls.
setup: Win10, BAFX Bluetooth, putty. I do have a Chineese MDI knock off and Tech2Win,
I was actually going to ask about this. Putty has not the most user friendly UI, and it's a bit annoying. I will try to use the app u'r referring to.I do pretty much everything on my android phones. For data acquisition and testing commands etc. I use an android app "Bluetooth Serial Terminal" by Kai Morich. Has macro support so it's easy to store frequently used commands and strings there. And it's super convenient to need only a phone and a Bluetooth serial adapter.
Have 4 mini Bluetooth serial adapters, a couple OBD2 port splitters, OBD2 pigtail harnesses for tapping in and experiments. Just to prove to myself it would work I once locked my TrailBlazer up, popped open the hood with a screwdriver, used 3 jumper wires to hook up a bluetooth adapter and commanded the door(s) open!
Also have a Tech 2 clone.
33, 34: A bit confusing to me. DDM tells mirrors do not fold, and PDM reports that it didn't fold them???? What does this mean?
thinking the DDM amd PDM monitor the current draw of the folding motors amd issue the stop command
I tried to issue this command immediately after 85. My mirrors kept folding. Can you try it on ur Yukon?Testing shows this to not be so. The "6A C2 A0 05 00 FA" occurs while mirrors are still in motion.
I tried to issue this command immediately after 85. My mirrors kept folding. Can you try it on ur Yukon?
Btw, how did you add timestamps? I could't find this option nether in putty, nor in some other more fancy terminalsAlready did that. Appears to have no effect. Also tried to request the extended status of the 05 and 06 parameters but it appears that such status requests are not supported for the mirrors. I know my message structure is correct because I can succesfully request the status of door ajar switch status' by querying 'external status' $C6.
Any chance you could make a public version of the spreadsheet? I love the idea, but I have no idea what I'm doing when it comes to making spreadsheets like that
The thought has merit. At present there are no instructions. That isn't a big obstacle as I could write up the basic steps to generate and load a log file in and view the results. However, at present the spreadsheet is tailored to work with a log file of a specific format and will fail if presented with a different format. An example would be the log uploaded by @iddqd , had no timestamp. So I had to concatenate something in there. Easy enough for me but might be daunting for another.
The sheet has been made to work with my specific vehicles. It's a work in progress and constantly evolving. Things pop up and are addressed as I get information. For example I have a module address in my Yukon I have not yet identified. All I see are the "node awake" and a request for throttle position from it. If some vehicle data is loaded and it has an unknown node address it may get misrepresented in the deciphering.
There are also a lot of somewhat hidden things going on in various pages of the sheet that are easy to run afoul of.
All that aside,,, won't know till it's tried. So here is a link to a copy set aside for this purpose... There is a sample logfile from my 2002 TrailBlazer during a sort of slow motion startup sequence where I paused between each action... I'll see about putting together a basic how-to
Output A,1,2004,select * Report_Acknowledge,Transfer Case,Transmission / Transaxle / PRNDL Decoded Results of Data from this sheet, Beginning at column AW Line Num,Timestamp,Msg Priority ,Msg Type,'W' bit,'Q' bit,'C' bit,Message Operation,Source Module Name,Target Name,Target Address,Source Add...docs.google.com
I've got a couple of logs for TCCM. Would you mind if I use ur spreadsheet to parse it? I added the timestamps, so this should not be a problem. Or I can attach 2 text files and you can run them yourself