4.2L I6 Head Removal/Engine Restoration


Feb 3, 2012
McGMT said:
oh my, that is all....

They could have already been done lol :raspberry:


Feb 3, 2012
OMG Lee....Next time kill the feed and call me lol. Mike is sitting and working on the same EXACT area where the sender goes!!!! You too were shining your damn flashlight right in the general area, if only you looked towards the back, behind the alternator lol

Blah! The suspense of seeing you guys RIGHT THERE, and not finding it is killing me. :crazy:

ETA- I have to go to bed lol 4:30am comes early. Let me know how it all goes and whether or not you were able to get to where the sender needs to go. Take care, and good night!


Original poster
Jul 31, 2012
Everything's back on except the sensor.. Ugh, I wish his phone wouldn't have died, the truck COULD have fired up tonight! Hah!

Tomorrow we go back to finally finish what we started and figure out what the deal is for the sensor..

Glad it's finally coming to an end. I'll either take a video and post it or go live for everyone to view what happens. -Octane


Jun 17, 2012
OctaneRider03 said:
Everything's back on except the sensor.. Ugh, I wish his phone wouldn't have died, the truck COULD have fired up tonight! Hah!

Tomorrow we go back to finally finish what we started and figure out what the deal is for the sensor..

Glad it's finally coming to an end. I'll either take a video and post it or go live for everyone to view what happens. -Octane

It goes behind the alternator by the gooseneck.... Coolant temp sender..... It really is


Dec 18, 2011
Your truck is a 06 like mine. That sensor is located passenger side at the back of the motor near the top . It screws in from the side but at the back of the motor near the firewall. There was a coolant hose that ran right in the way of getting at mine. They changed the location of this sensor for 06 just to make it harder. Have fun!!


Dec 18, 2011
I phoned the dealer to find it when I replaced mine because I could not find it anywhere. Since yours is out you will have to feel for the
hole I think because I do not think you will be able to see it. Good luck and once again have fun. This will be one of the fun parts of this whole project I think. Can not tell you how hard it will be to do because I had it done for me once I figured out where it was located. Took it to the mechanic I use , showed him where it was and let him have fun with it and he really enjoyed the challenge . :rotfl::rotfl:


Feb 3, 2012
Fire06 said:
I phoned the dealer to find it when I replaced mine because I could not find it anywhere. Since yours is out you will have to feel for the
hole I think because I do not think you will be able to see it. Good luck and once again have fun. This will be one of the fun parts of this whole project I think. Can not tell you how hard it will be to do because I had it done for me once I figured out where it was located. Took it to the mechanic I use , showed him where it was and let him have fun with it and he really enjoyed the challenge . :rotfl::rotfl:

Then why does it say in the 2006 manual that it goes behind the alternator? Which is located on the drivers side.

No coffee= wrong quote....but you get my drift lol


Dec 18, 2011
Voymom can not say why... All I know is that on my 06 the temp sensor is on the pass side at the back of the motor . Above the thermostat all I have is a machined flat spot where it used to go. I spent alot of time looking for it and searching this and the other forum and then called the dealer when I could still not find it. Trust me the manual is wrong or I have a special motor. In 06 the position of this sensor was changed because it was too easy to replace when it was above the thermostat. By relocating it to where it is for the 06 it is much more fun (huge pain in the ass "hpita"). Not sure if it was a 06 and on move or just a 06 move because I was only interested in the 06. Any way trust me it is there and on a scale of 1 to 10 it is close to a 10 on the HPITA scale. Unless you have a trick or hold your tongue just the right way.


Feb 3, 2012
Fire06 said:
Voymom can not say why... All I know is that on my 06 the temp sensor is on the pass side at the back of the motor . Above the thermostat all I have is a machined flat spot where it used to go. I spent alot of time looking for it and searching this and the other forum and then called the dealer when I could still not find it. Trust me the manual is wrong or I have a special motor. In 06 the position of this sensor was changed because it was too easy to replace when it was above the thermostat. By relocating it to where it is for the 06 it is much more fun (huge pain in the ass "hpita"). Not sure if it was a 06 and on move or just a 06 move because I was only interested in the 06. Any way trust me it is there and on a scale of 1 to 10 it is close to a 10 on the HPITA scale. Unless you have a trick or hold your tongue just the right way.

That's really weird. We downloaded the 06 chilton manual and it shows it on the driver side, behind the ALT like the rest of our trucks. I wonder where we downloaded the manual from and maybe I can e-mail the person with the diagram, and let them know that it is supposed to be behind the engine. Not arguing whatsoever...just confused, as we looked at about 10 different diagrams last night for Lee, and they all said the same.

I think it's stupid honestly lol I mean why change it around and confuse the hell out of people after they already "thought" they figured the engine out. I guess that's a GM scavenger hunt for ya...never disappointing lol. And MOST everything with these trucks are HPITA's. Glad I came here and was corrected though, nothing wrong with learning something new, or being wrong. I'm just excited now to see if they actually find it in the rear of the engine. Plus it's one last thing the hubby and I will be searching for if he buy's a 2006 TB lol

I also don't think they changed the location on the 06 Envoy's...which you would think they would. Oh well....You either learn to love GM or you learn to hate them. Or both lol. I haven't made up my mind yet on my relationship with GM....Thanks for the info!!!


Dec 18, 2011
Just to mess with you again Voymom I think that it is I6 relocation so it would include all brands of the I6 engine not just the chev. Sorry for this info .


Feb 3, 2012
Fire06 said:
Just to mess with you again Voymom I think that it is I6 relocation so it would include all brands of the I6 engine not just the chev. Sorry for this info .

Hmmm....That's not what my manual says lol

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Dec 4, 2011
OK, everyone with 2006+ (but specifically 2006 in case it is a one year only oddity) go find your temp sensors! :rotfl:


Feb 3, 2012
Sparky said:
OK, everyone with 2006+ (but specifically 2006 in case it is a one year only oddity) go find your temp sensors! :rotfl:

LOL I'm not saying I don't believe Fire....but what if...and I mean what IF Fire's TB is just Special:raspberry:

Just a thought :biggrin:


Original poster
Jul 31, 2012
They say that we as Marines are self-sufficient. I believe in this, but as of right now I'm stumped.

There's no reason to worry though, every time an issue had presented itself with this project, we have been quick to react and overcome.

Fire, it's about time you chimed in! Tami's just doing her best to elaborate. I can understand a manual saying one thing and what we're actually seeing being completely different. Apparently in the 06+ LT's they changed a considerable amount of things up. That's no problem though. We'll find out where it goes and be done with it. I'll be sure to post as I always do what I've found.

At the moment, I'm getting all my fluids sent to me (free!) and under the radar. Don't ask. Once I've got all the Ultra ill need, Dex-6 and everything else I'll head over tonight to start pouring/pumping it in. Then we've got the green light to fire her up.

You guys are awesome, much much love and respect being sent from North Carolina right now!


Feb 3, 2012
OctaneRider03 said:
They say that we as Marines are self-sufficient. I believe in this, but as of right now I'm stumped.

There's no reason to worry though, every time an issue had presented itself with this project, we have been quick to react and overcome.

Fire, it's about time you chimed in! Tami's just doing her best to elaborate. I can understand a manual saying one thing and what we're actually seeing being completely different. Apparently in the 06+ LT's they changed a considerable amount of things up. That's no problem though. We'll find out where it goes and be done with it. I'll be sure to post as I always do what I've found.

At the moment, I'm getting all my fluids sent to me (free!) and under the radar. Don't ask. Once I've got all the Ultra ill need, Dex-6 and everything else I'll head over tonight to start pouring/pumping it in. Then we've got the green light to fire her up.

You guys are awesome, much much love and respect being sent from North Carolina right now!

Lee...Here is an idea. On the live feed...forget the sender, and start your engine briefly and then see where the coolant is leaking from. Problem solved!!! :raspberry:


Original poster
Jul 31, 2012
Hah! We discussed doing that last night while streaming, I'm surprised you didn't hear us joking about it!

"Ok Mike, go ahead and start it up!... Oh s!*#, turn it off! Turn it off! It's spewing from the side!!"

That sounds like us alright!


Feb 3, 2012
OctaneRider03 said:
Hah! We discussed doing that last night while streaming, I'm surprised you didn't hear us joking about it!

"Ok Mike, go ahead and start it up!... Oh s!*#, turn it off! Turn it off! It's spewing from the side!!"

That sounds like us alright!

There was a brief moment where I couldn't hear the feed. I actually brought the computer to watch while I took a shower :redface: water made it hard to hear anything, but still entertaining to watch and add your own commentary :biggrin:


Original poster
Jul 31, 2012
Hah! Nice! I forget sometimes that once we're streaming live people can literally see us from literally anywhere. I suppose in this case, your bathroom LOL!

We've got this people. Just stay with me here and I'll bring you results. I've had to practice a bit of delayed gratification since the project kicked off so... Have faith.

Raise the black flags one last time as tonight, we go for gold. Everything should operate as needed. We shall see...


Original poster
Jul 31, 2012
Btw Tami, I hope like hell you didn't see Mike put that 15mm down my pants last night......

I told Mike that I'd get him back. He should be expecting carburetor cleaner sprayed to his manhood soon unexpectedly. :smile:


Feb 3, 2012
OctaneRider03 said:
Btw Tami, I hope like hell you didn't see Mike put that 15mm down my pants last night......

I told Mike that I'd get him back. He should be expecting carburetor cleaner sprayed to his manhood soon unexpectedly. :smile:

LMFAO!!! I didn't want to say anything, but yeah I seen it, and almost DIED laughing.

Oh and btw, your $5 is shipping out tomorrow. We secured it in a very small box though, I get paranoid sending cash in the mail in regular envelopes lol


Original poster
Jul 31, 2012
I'll let Mike know. When you said box earlier Mike looked at me and said that if he opens it and a small cloud of white dust comes out he's going to kill me for provoking somebody to send a virus via land mail to his house LOL!

It's all good, I'd like to see the box of goodies anyway!


Feb 3, 2012
OctaneRider03 said:
I'll let Mike know. When you said box earlier Mike looked at me and said that if he opens it and a small cloud of white dust comes out he's going to kill me for provoking somebody to send a virus via land mail to his house LOL!

It's all good, I'd like to see the box of goodies anyway!

Man, he sure does seem paranoid lol. From being stalked, to being sent a box full of white stuff....Not everyone is crazy, or at least THAT crazy lol. There is a HUGE difference between making friends and making stalkers :rotfl: Shouldn't you be the one concerned? After all half of the people who have followed your thread have your phone number :raspberry:

I send all my "cash" in a box unless it's through paypal, I have had to many issues with people sending cash, and either it gets lost, wet, torn or stolen, so to make sure there are no issues I send it in a Priority box. But don't tell Mike, Let him be all paranoid and listen for ticking, ad wearing an NBC mask while he opens the box.....should put it on the live feed lol


Feb 3, 2012
Fire06 said:
My truck has a machined flat spot in that spot. But no whole for the sensor to screw into .:raspberry::raspberry:
And you are right my truck is special

I wrote "Special" in purple, so I took appropriate methods to poke fun lol. I wonder why the manual's weren't updated with this switch? I think I should call the place I bought my manual from and bitch lol. If there is one thing I am good at, it's bitching!!!!


Original poster
Jul 31, 2012
Correction. They have Mikes # :smile:


NOW they have my number. LOL

There's no concern, we like to make jokes out of everything Tami!


Feb 3, 2012
OctaneRider03 said:
Correction. They have Mikes # :smile:


NOW they have my number. LOL

There's no concern, we like to make jokes out of everything Tami!

Ahhh, I see the concern then lmao. Well I could be equally as paranoid as he has my number too :raspberry:

And yes, I can accept crude and dirty humor. I rarely ever get offended....unless something is said BEFORE I have my coffee lol Coffee is my anti-bitch :thumbsup:

ETA- I need to change the contact name in my phone now lol dammit!


Nov 20, 2011
OctaneRider03 said:
Hah! Nice! I forget sometimes that once we're streaming live people can literally see us from literally anywhere. I suppose in this case, your bathroom LOL!

Bet you wish that live stream worked more as a video conference! :thumbsup:

It looks like everything is coming together nicely. I certainly appreciate all the work you have done and documenting it all. You have given me the confidence to do that myself instead of passing the entire motor off to someone else.

What did you end up having done with the lower end, I think I missed that?


Original poster
Jul 31, 2012
Thanks man! We had the machine shop drop the pistons and inspect the rings, none of which needed to be replaced. Afterwards they did a little cleaning and pulled my broken head bolt segments out so we could install the new ones.

It's been a ride man, I couldn't have done it without the support from GMTN and a few good men here on my end. I'm glad it's helped, I really hope it makes a difference for all those die-hard 4.2L rider's out there! My intent was to consolidate all the issues we've found and bring them to everyone's attention here. From that point we pretty much went over how we solved each problem and accomplished our goals literally one day at a time. Thanks again! -Octane


Dec 18, 2011
Voymom said:
I wrote "Special" in purple, so I took appropriate methods to poke fun lol. I wonder why the manual's weren't updated with this switch? I think I should call the place I bought my manual from and bitch lol. If there is one thing I am good at, it's bitching!!!!

It is all good Voymom!! :thumbsup::thumbsup: When they made the manual they probably did not even know that the location had changed. They just reissued the previous years book with a added year to it :yes::yes: The stuff you find out when you tackle a project that should be easy:yes::yes:


Original poster
Jul 31, 2012
I really... Really.. REALLY hope we find out where this unknown sensor plug in port is... I'm hoping for tonight to be the last night of madness. The truck needs to be started back up BY TONIGHT. For all of you GMTN titans out there, I need your help tonight with this sensor issue..

We go live one last time this evening around 6:30 eastern.


Dec 4, 2011
I'd check behind the alternator first. If there is no spot for it there, I guess it must be in the back of the engine somewhere like Fire06 said his is. Just seems weird.


Aug 26, 2012
Found this thread and read it all last night. what a project!


Feb 3, 2012
meerschm said:
Found this thread and read it all last night. what a project!

The live feed is a million times better! lol


Original poster
Jul 31, 2012
Spread the word guys, we're going live at 6:30. I'm going to need as much support as I can get with finding the place we're supposed to plug the sensor into! Thanks!


Nov 18, 2011
Lets see if this pic works.....


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Original poster
Jul 31, 2012
Ok, we're about to go live here in just a minute.


Refresh that page after 6:25 eastern (it's 6:21 now)

Once you're able to see the live feed, I want each of you to send me a text at this number 504-655-8927, to verify that you can see us and you can hear everything alright. Get ready guys..


Aug 26, 2012
You do fine talking to the camera.

I would send a text, but I am too cheap


Feb 3, 2012
Holy Fan!!!!! I need that for my room lol

My kids thought my computer was going to explode.


Aug 26, 2012
my wife officially thinks I lost it. watching someone work on a TB in real time over the internet.


Feb 3, 2012
Glad I didn't make a bet with Fire06 lmao I'd be broke!!!

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