Um let's see
I don't know what I can throw together. I mean, if people wanted to get together at my place on the 5th, sure. I'm not sure if there is much around here going on to go and do that I'm aware of. I'm near Mansfield, Ohio.
Ontario isn't far away (10 ish min) so we could go to bdubs or similar for dinner, or there is Brown Derby Roadhouse about 5 min from my house. I have a small gas grill, if we wanted to grill out, but a bigger one (or additional one) would be good depending on how many people we have. Plenty of yard space we could plop some chairs up on. I have a few wooden chairs I could bring out and possibly a couple tables I could borrow. Bringing some folding chairs would be a good idea though, likely more comfortable.
There is plenty of concrete driveway space if anyone wanted to wrench on trucks (lifts, projects, etc). I'm sure my neighbors would let us use the space across the street from me to park on also.
People would be welcome to stop by on the 4th in the evening to get a head start on any projects or whatever, but you'd need to find a place to stay at since I can't offer much there (none of the rooms are set up for sleeping in right now). There are plenty of hotels within 15 minutes of here though.
I would need to wrap it up sometime Saturday evening, before midnight preferably. I got church and stuff on Sunday morning.
Beer etc is welcome, just please no excessive drinking/drunkenness

(not that this has really been much of an issue in the past, most have been pretty tame on this)