What are you doing today? [Part II]


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
After being a long time Adobe suite user, I've been meaning to branch out into other software packages. Had heard of DaVinci Resolve for video editing, as a free alternative to Adobe Premier, and since I needed to do some video clip splicing this morning, downloaded it and gave it a try.

Took a little bit of time to figure out where things were, and how to get from point A to B to C, but I got there after poking around. This is my last day off work, since the 2nd week of December, so have to remember to go to bed on time, so I'm not dragging in the office tomorrow. :sleepy:


May 23, 2021
Tempe, AZ
Went to replace the leaky seal around the fuel level sensor on the XC70 and made two unfortunate discoveries. First, & foremost, the lock ring was not tight!! This is the first time it has been checked in 18 years so it was either loose from the factory or the o-ring seal has shrunk. Second, the opening for the level sensor is below the top level of the tank. Consequently, since the tank is almost full (naturally) as soon as I start to loosen the lock ring gas starts coming out. Decided to tighten up the lock ring and drive off some of the gas in order to bring the level down below the fuel sensor opening. Fortunately, access is very straightforward from the floor of the rear seat so I did not have to drop the tank or remove excess interior stuff.


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
It's short lived but the cold is back. What's normally worse is after it's done, the cold that blows back over from the south east is worse.

A buddy is coming by early next week to pick up some hunting gear and we are planning a sled ride.

The other day I used some light silicone spray on the starter pully bendix. I use the term bendix as it's a cammed pully sheave that engages a pully to the flywheel. Anyways, they always stick so it's just easier to pull start. Well they freed up quite well. They now crank over very well.


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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
-37c? Might use more pellets in the smoker and put on a sweater :laugh:


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
That poor trailblazer seems to do all the shit work when it's cold. I can't recall how many times it's pulled this duty.

She's finally slightly warming up. Hit -20 today but still a bit bitter with the wind. So of course my 14 year old and I hit the trails and burnt some 2 stroke. Came up three cow moose on the trails. We stopped about 50 metres back and they thankfully took off. No pictures because I left my phone at the house.


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
So this idiot had ordered some extended headlight dust covers for my 3500. Found a company a few hours away that 3D prints them. So I messed up on my address, trying to bypass the issue of certain companies not shipping to a PO box, but they will to the civic address. Regardless, my parts never arrived but ended up in a shipping warehouse in town. Went there and snagged them before they got returned.

So I made time to work on my truck today and finally get those LED high beams installed. While the process is straightforward, a few quality control issues arose. First, the new dust caps had a crude finish on the locking tabs, which needed a clean up. Secondly, the one rings on the old halogen and new LED's were on the thin side, making a loose fit. I was able to find a thicker o ring at a smaller diameter that snuggled things up.

Took over an hour of me lazily putzing about. As you can see in the one picture, there is a drastic difference in light color and output. I'll run these for a bit and decide on getting low beams.


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Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Even though it's not summer, there's always some yard work around my house. Mango tree has been dropping its leaves, so decided today was a good day to rake and shred them. My collection bags are showing their age, and probably won't last through this season. Went in a different direction with the bags for the shredder, as the tarp-style bags seem to deteriorate faster when crinkling them.

Bought a couple of cheap mesh laundry bags, that have draw strings at the top and they worked perfectly. Gave a nice solid fit around the bottom rim of the shredder, the mesh style let me see just how full the bags were, so it was easier to know when I needed to stop because it was full, vs when the lines in the shredder were beaten up to the point they needed to be swapped out.

Only downside to the mesh, is all the dust that blows out. Depending on which side I was standing, and which way the wind was blowing, my shorts, legs, and shoes were heavily coated. :dunce: Lesson learned, next time I'll bring my big fan, and put it at my back, problem solved. :biggrin:


Rolled both bags up the the front yard, and dumped them in front of my dining room window, and around one of the shrubs by the garage. Gotta love free mulch! My only issue now, is the neighborhood cats, that like to dig toilet holes. I caught a number of them doing that last year after I dumped fresh clippings. :hissyfit:


Lifetime VIP Donor
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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
Re: Post #2,242 for @azswiss ... and Followers-Readers facing this same "D-Fueling D-Lemma":

12 Volt DC Fuel Extraction Pump Kit:


,,,Pumped into up to 20 Gallons of Safe, Temporary Fuel Storage:


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Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Nothing too much. Had a few days off and the weather was nice but unfortunately did not have time to fire up the sleds. Oh well, supposed to snow a bit more tomorrow before dropping down to -30c again.

So, as much as I went back and forth between Timbrens and air bags, I decided on air bags for my 3500. Not sure if I talked about it at all but I had a so so experience running bags on my old 2011 1500. Great performers, great adjustability and ride but issues keeping the damn fittings from leaking.

Not like that 3500 needs much help, our new to us 6 horse gooseneck neck does squat the truck a bit. Nothing crazy but enough that I want to level it. Keep some weight on the steer axle and keeping the headlights pointed where they belong.

Timbrens allow some sag before they engage unless you install spacer plates to engage them sooner. Issue is there is no easy adjustability. With air bags you can adjust to whatever you need. So..... a local shop sells and installs Airlift systems. I am getting a quote on 88295 bags and 25980ez compressor. My wife and I really like the dedicated wireless remote, it just makes leveling and adjusting really damn easy.


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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
After having the Two Back To Back Hurricanes in October and just after helping my son and DIL and our two Grand Kids get a very nice rental 3 BR & 2B Home to live in very nearby and settled when they returned from North Florida, my Wife and I were surprised to get an invitation to spend Thanksgiving Day with them. It was everything we could have hoped for, too (...Think "Hallmark Card- TV ROM-COM " Good...)

Anyway... during the period we were gone for eight days back then between October 7th to the 14th... of course Duke Energy Linemen and others from supporting states were all struggling to return power to millions of Florida Customers, all of the food I had laid by for our ordinary celebration meals had spoiled. So my son had been good enough to clean out the Freezer and the Fridge for us a few days before we drove back home from Gainesville.

That said, no sooner had we returned than I ventured back out to the local Publix Supermarket and had re-stocked up with "The Thanksgiving Works" and ever since, those "Goodies" have been sound asleep and Ice Cold in our freezer. At least that was the case until today when the inspiration came to prepare the food in concert with the stern instructions of "She Who MUST Be...Obeyed" and for my part, I got to play the role of "The Scullery Maid" with most of the Food Preparation.

The results are always fascinating to me because in order to make these celebratory meals a success, an awful lot of "Busy Work" and Potato Peeling" falls to the Old Man and yet, that seems to add to the satisfaction in the end when you can sit down to a plate of food ...that looks like this,

We've been doing this together for Half A Century now...and if we make it to our 50th Wedding Anniversary, I'm going to ask for "Good and Gain Time" be applied to my sentence of KP Duties in 2025. THIS repast was well worth all of the *Fuss*:



I've never been much for playing "Schadenfreude" against my Fellow Man whenever they are beset by Major Troubles. There is just never anything Funny about Real Tragedy. But I remember somebody here chiding us Floridians just after those two Hurricanes hammered Florida with comments about his 10 Year Old Son saying, "Gee Dad...if they know this is going to happen again...Why Do They LIVE There...?" I really didn't appreciate "Feeling The Needle" being poked at us in this manner...and IIANM...that individual ...mentioned that he Hails from The State of California.

Like so many other Americans, my Wife and I try to vector our concerns for others in practical ways...like sending Money to Californians hurt by the Wild-Fires through Red Cross Donations. I hope that Dude and his Boy were not affected by the Horrors of those Fires and that he has since had a chance to pause and reflect upon being so directly callous towards us. Perhaps he has had a change of heart since then about the logic of insulting people merely for living in states ...where disasters can occur.

There... But for God's Grace... Go US All.

"So Shines a Good Deed... Upon a Weary World..."


May 23, 2021
Tempe, AZ
The fuel level on my wife's Volvo XC70 was finally low enough so I replaced the o-ring seal on the fuel tank level sensor. Sure enough, the old one had flattened out enough to allow fuel to seep past. The new one went in easily. Will wait to run through a full drive cycle to make sure the evap leak is fixed before I declare final victory (P0442 evap leak DTC flagged & CEL lit).

Not a moment too soon either. As I was pulling out of the driveway this afternoon in the Suburban I noticed small wisps of smoke coming from one of the button clusters on the steering wheel!!

Pulled right back into the garage and disconnected the battery. Last thing I need is an electrical fire right next to that nice big pyrotechnic device smack dab in the middle of the steering wheel.

Clearly a short in there somewhere so I will be pulling the steering wheel tomorrow to inspect the buttons & wiring harness.
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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Just ordered from RockAuto enough oil and filters for 2 more oil changes on the Sierra before the possibility of :lipsrsealed: . For now, it's still cheaper to order the ACDelco DexosD oil it uses from the US rather than buying it in Canada, even with the $50CAD shipping. $8 vs $22/qt.

And I still currently have enough on hand for one oil change but I'm at 55% OLM.


Aug 24, 2021
Lincoln, Ne.
My son and his GF (wish I could type wife, as they have an almost 2 year old boy together) got an apartment in a town about 20 miles west of here. They moved in on Thursday. The apartment has hook ups for a washer and dryer. Her adoptive dad bought them a set from F***book Marketplace. They got them moved into the apartment and hooked up, but they couldn't get the washer to fill.
At 1:00 this morning he texted my wife and asked "Would dad be willing to drive over and see if he can help me figure out what's wrong?" So about 10:00 this morning I went over to see if I could help him.
The washer is an Amana and has 1 large dial with all the different wash cycles on it. To the right of that is the button labeled Start.
Below the dial is a row of lights labeled Fill, Wash, Rinse, Final Spin, Cycle Complete, and Lid Locked. The last light is lit the entire time the washer is in operation. Next to the row of lights is another button. Above the button it reads "Pause, unlock lid" and below it reads "Cancel Hold 3 Seconds".
When I got there the Final Spin light was on. Pushing the Start button sent the empty washer into the spin cycle. I made sure the water outlets on the wall were on, then pushed and held the lower button for several seconds until the Final Spin light went out. I selected a wash cycle, closed the lid, and pushed the Start button. The washer immediately began to fill.
Apparently somehow the washer got interrupted during Final Spin, and no one canceled the wash cycle, so pushing Start started the cycle from where it left off, Spin.
We ran the washer through the entire cycle, and it worked perfectly!
Boy, was my son embarrassed! I told him not to be, because that's how we learn!
They have a nice apartment, too.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Took advantage of the slight warm up in weather to get more brush cleared. This time, instead of focusing on clearing a line of sight to the rear of the property, I wanted to clear an area near the house, to allow better access to the retention pond. Had a bit of an added bonus after doing this as well.

Last winter, when I replaced the exterior electrical outlets on the shed. I noticed there was some conduit exiting the bottom of the box going into the ground, and I had zero clue where it went... Until now. The drain pipe that feeds into the pond, comes out right in the corner closest to the house, and the previous owner ran conduit to that location and placed an outlet there. It had just gotten hidden behind about 20 feet of brush and vines. I forgot to take a before pic, but the brush extended to the short plastic tote with the green lid.



The concrete block that you see is the bulkhead for the storm water pipe. So in addition to the water that comes out there, so does all the trash that ends up on the street, that washes into the drains. I have a pool net that I use to clean up whatever I can reach. I've considered trying to make some kind of net to catch stuff, but that's more work than my mod bug wants to chew on.

From another angle, the water reaches to the green areas. At this point I've got plenty of real estate to drop a lake filter into, if I was going to start up my irrigation system project again. With this outlet being here (after replacing the outlet and putting a weatherproof box in) it would make it much easier to put the pond pump here, instead of up by the shed. The lower lift height would be easier on the pump for sure, and give me a little more reach into the back yard.


I'll have to do a better job of keeping up with the brush and vines, not letting them get so out of hand moving forward. But if I do ever need to commit any appreciable amount of time to clearing this crap out, it will definitely be done in the winter. With the bugs in the summer, I don't think I'd survive in there. :hahano:


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
I am really starting to reconsider my purchase of the Rivian that I bought January 13 2024.

There really isnt anything wrong with the truck itself. Its had a few minor issues, and a on-going rattle that is driving up a wall..

The problem I am having with it is the culture driving the people who own EV's.
More specifically, the forums, like this one, that involve their support of those vehicles.

There are people abandoning Tesla en-mass because of who Elon supports.
People criticizing me because of who I support, calling me a confused Nazi.

It is straight up getting under my skin.

I didnt buy my EV Rivian to be politically correct, or to support one group or another..
I bought it because its the fastest SUV/Truck on the road, hands down, in my budget. It also helps that it has the best warranty of almost any vehicle on the road.

I just cant figure out why these idiots are so polarized by their political affiliation.

It really sucks, they are good trucks... But the people that own them, and drive them, are a bunch of Politically Driven Ass-Hats.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Personally, I don't care what people drive (except Ferds, they can go dive off a cliff with them before their engine blows up, however GM hasn't been any better lately). Drive what you like and F*ck the rest. However I'll still make fun of them up here in -20c and they can't run the heater because of range anxiety :laugh:

So go hug a tree, have a cappuccino, wait in line for a charge, take the money to the bank, give a salute (a single finger one!) and then watch the rest of us wither away as WE become the outliers, in about 100 years.

Love ya! :wink:


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Well I love the dynamics of electric vehicles. The Mach e is wicked fast, smooth and just all around fun the drive. Aside from range and charging time, it's downfall is its a ford. Shitty interior and switchgear layout and the typical ford complexity. That and it's not a winter vehicle.

So this weekend is our only chance to get away. If we donr physically leave the farm, there is no such thing as days off. So, heavy headwind, snow, poor visibility, we still left for the city. Got to love the old Cummins. Have to shut if off when in a drive through, can barely park it at the hotel but man is it nice to drive. Aired the rear tires down to 55psi and she rides like a Caddy with 10 ply tires.....


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Hell, have been running the truck most of the day with a full winter front. It's funny how these diesels cannot hold temp at idle. It's not even cold yet and best she can do is 81c coolant temp. She just idled up to 1000rpm and no change. Oh well, no cat or DPF to clog up.


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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
Poking around on eBay just now and thought these two items would make it a *SNAP* To Keep Good Time... These two Digital Clocks are both clever, and *cute* in a sort of way that feeds into the frenzy of learning and appreciation I have been developing of late after falling in love with affordable, low priced used Snap-On Diagnostics Equipment. So I grabbed both of THESE as they are very unusual and useful collectibles and... because I will enjoy having them around... (Along with a REAL Snap-On Solus Pro arriving in just a few days... :>)

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May 23, 2021
Tempe, AZ
Had to deal with a comeback to Squirrel's Garage!

There was a lingering smell of gas in the garage after last month's replacement of the fuel level sensor o-ring seal on the XC70 so I decided to check for any sign of leaks. To my consternation, I found a film of gas on the surface of the sensor. After drying the surface I noticed gas seeping from a hairline crack.

Checked the picture I took last month and sure enough, there was the crack. I had missed this hairline crack because I was focused on the much larger leak coming from the failed seal.

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Replaced the level sensor and installed a new o-ring (even though the "old" one had only been installed for a month; no sense being penny wise & pound foolish when it comes to potential fuel leaks!).


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Have not been up to very much. It's been cold as all can ever be out here. Was only supposed hit that -30c ambient for 3 to 4 days. Well after a weeks worth it was supposed to clear up by Saturday. Now it's supposed to linger until Thursday next week. It's hard to describe but some -20 to 30 isnt bad, its cold but doesnt have that bite that burns your face. Not this go around. This stuff is a kick to the face!

A couple weeks back we ended up picking up another run about vehicle. Could not find a decent 06+ GMT360 in this province (not getting involved in needing a vehicle inspection for a nearly 20 year old vehicle). A friend was looking to sell a little 2004 Ford Escape V6 with 226,000km on it. I hate Ford with a passion but these were those Mazda built units with a Ford Duratec 3.0L. Anyways, has the usual rust on the ass end but overall pretty solid and drove great. Perfect first vehicle for my 16 year old who is taking her drivers test shortly.

No staged pics yet but it needs a bit of work. P0446 was the only DTC. Before ordering a vent solenoid, I found the wires broke off right at the connector. Never fear, white trash Brian is here. Not paying close to 60 bucks at Napa for a new connector, I de-pinned it, stole the pins and made new connectors. It worked so I will make a silicone plug to seal it all up.

I have done a few spill and fills of the PS reservoir with some LV synthetic ATF cleaned up a few little odds and ends and such. This weekend I will do a spill and fill of the transmission, PTU and rear diff. Then hopefully the caliper bleeders aren't too far rusted to bleed the brakes. Then it will need a new windshield. It's enough of a project but the price was right and it's actually a cool little unit.

Oh and the other day I made.some beef and pork ribs on the Traeger. Damn they are always good!


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Lifetime VIP Donor
Aug 16, 2015
Never fear, white trash Brian is here. Not paying close to 60 bucks at Napa for a new connector, I de-pinned it, stole the pins and made new connectors. It worked so I will make a silicone plug to seal it all up.

This is exactly the approach I prefer.

When a taillight on the TB was out I found the metal traces in the circuit card rusted through at one spot..Replace the circuit card?? Hell no!! Drilled a small hole, ran heavy wire inside the circuit board enclosure and soldered to the remaining metal trace(s). Has worked fine for over ten years now.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Today was a snow day at the office. I went in anyway in case anyone needed something with the vehicles. I saw nobody else! Up on the floors, I saw just two guys and they were just chatting. All my cars were in so left after a couple of hours.

Got home, worked the snowblower to clear all this white stuff. Wind was still wicked and it sometimes blew the snow right back in my face. After that, I replaced the windshield on my sled. I had replaced it last year with a short version but the little bit I did ride it then, it made the wind hit me right in the helmet. During the summer, I ordered a regular tall windshield and I put it on anticipating riding possibly this weekend.


Lifetime VIP Donor
Aug 16, 2015
Kicking myself for not having downloaded service manual for my Yukon from the Charm.li site.

It has been offline for maybe 2 days now and I fear it has been shut down.

I do have the TrailBlazer file but cannot find one for the Yukon.

I am pretty sure the data they were providing came from Alldata as I saw footnotes in the data that appeared to indicate this.

Maybe I will see about installing that GM SI file I downloaded quite some time ago but never followed up.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Same here. I think I downloaded the the ones for my TB and the Caprice. At least my manuals are always available and I do have some for the GMT800. Check my signature.


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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
After a serious "Honey-Do" Flogging all morning and afternoon, I had to park my carcass for a bit and just after asking "Easy Diffusion" THIS Question via a simple Text Prompt:

"What are your impressions of what a Tokugawa Shogunate Era Castle and Manicured Grounds might look like today...?"

My wife rounded the corner with THIS lovely meal in hand of Fresh Vegetables and Lean Beef Tips piled on top of a Big Bed of Rice and Onions with Red Bell Peppers ladled with Beef Broth ... Yummm.


"Easy Diffusion" re-created these scenes of Ancient Japan at the time of The Shogun in mere minutes. So I set these images on a Full Screen - Slide Show and sat back to enjoy my superb meal ...and observed "The Pleasant View from way back in 1603 over in Edo, Japan..."


Very Nice!
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Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Seeing as it's still cold as balls out here, although the usual temperature swing is coming..... I put in several hours yesterday in the heated shop working on my daughters Escape.

I changed out the gear oil in the rear diff and power transfer unit. The PTU was very easy with drain and fill plugs, it got 80w140. The rear diff was as easy as one can be when you have to remove the cover and clean up/re-seal with RTV. The biggest PIA is pumping gear oil through a manual suction gun....

The transmission just got a simple spill and fill. A big drain plug on the bottom of the pan and what I would call a generously sized dipstick tube made for a quick job. Took only 3.5L, so I will do another after a few more miles.

I used silicone to make a plug on the white trash evap solenoid connector fix. I used a little silicone grease on the inside of the plug as a release agent, if one day I need to remove it. Then reattached the antenna for the remote start and made some cloth patches that I glued on some interior trim that was vibrating.

The big job was the brake bleed. The front bleeders were a bit rusty and required some work to free but overall the bleed went well. The fluid wasn't horrible looking at all. I did not have the right sized hex head to pull the caliper slide pins so I'll sort that out another day.

Now, the rear drums were bad. They were rusted good. I should have started the game with heat but I ended up braking the first bleed screws off. I saw some movement but rookie move as It felt a bit like metal fatigue. The other side was similar so I just stopped. Everything was sprayed down as I will likely put in new cylinders and call it. I blew out all the brake dust once the drums were off.

The brakes had and still have a consistent softness. They don't pump up or change as the brake system warms up. It's just a soft half pedal travel and then a nice firm pressure. It could be the flex lines or it could just be thats how it feels. Otherwise if brakes well and brakes linearly.

I took it for a test drive and sure as shit a CEL came on. A scan shows the EGR voltage issue. Pop the hood and quickly found the connector almost off. Looks like the locking tabs doesn't well, lock. Popped it on and all is right.


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Lifetime VIP Donor
Aug 16, 2015
I do have the TrailBlazer file but cannot find one for the Yukon

I discovered that I had never fully looked into USING that downloaded file. Quickly discovered it requires an HTTP server. Never done that before but fairly quickly found an Android "Simple HTTP Server" app and can now access the manual. The "Expand all" and "Collapse all" features don't work but that's not too much of an inconvenience.
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Lifetime VIP Donor
Aug 16, 2015
Kicking myself for not having downloaded service manual for my Yukon from the Charm.li site.

It has been offline for maybe 2 days now and I fear it has been shut down.

They're back !! Apparently their webhost went bankrupt. I got an email reply about an hour ago letting me know they were back online.

Seems like the word has hit the streets and I'll bet everyone is trying to download their own vehicle files because when I tried to download my Yukons file the site said their servers were busy.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
That is good news. I just tried it and still getting a server unreachable error. Hopefully it clears up.

Normal work day. Got home and got an email from my Legion branch that their snowblower didn't work and that they were looking for someone able to fix it. Called them up and I went to pick it up this evening with my son. However, when I started the Sierra, the money light was on. A quick scan showed a code for an issue with the #5 glow plug. I'll have to make an appointment with the dealer as it should be be covered under the powertrain warranty. Hopefully parts are available.

Anyway, get the snowblower in the garage. We try to start it and nada. First thing drain the old fuel from the tank and carb, it was clean, no water and didn't smell too bad. Fill it, still nothing. Seems to be a fuel issue as it starts with starting fluid. This thing is practically new, not a spot of rust, not even on the muffler. Being a Husqvarna, it was designed by the engineer from hell! We start taking it apart but to get to the carb, we had to take the fuel tank and all the tin off. This is normally a very simple operation to remove the carb on a snowblower but this thing was a PITA. Get the carb off, take it apart and it's spotless :confused:. Take it apart anyway, nothing seems blocked but throw it into the sonic cleaner and give a whirl. Dry it all off, blow some air, put it together and assemble enough to start and it runs.

Called it a night as the rest of reassembly requires my son as he was the one who removed the majority of it and there are bits and pieces I have no idea where they go. Yeah, it's that complicated.

Edit: I just tried Charm again and it works! :celebrate:


Lifetime VIP Donor
Aug 16, 2015
"What am I doing today?"

Scratching,,,,, a lot. I have a Cashew allergy. Since discovering this 20 or 25 years ago I have done pretty good avoiding it but it seems every few years I have a slip-up. Grabbed a protein bar several days ago. The wrapper was a little rumpled so I failed to see the 3rd word in the flavor of "Salted Caramel Cashew". Damn!

Fortunately there are no truly serious consequences like no breathing issues whatsoever. Just swelling and a bad rash that generally covers about half the body. Lasts for a couple of weeks though.

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