ANNOUNCEMENT Welcome to! Here's the story...


Jan 11, 2012
How come I didn't notice this right away, oh well at least I'm a member here now. Now i Need to do some research for my rear hvac actuator clicking problem. By the way good to know the good guys are here :thumbsup:


Dec 4, 2011
djthumper said:
Where are these good guys? :undecided:

He's talking about me, of course :raspberry:


Dec 7, 2011
I just wanted to say thanks to all you guys out there that have put in articles / pictures and etc that have helped us all out.

I bought an 03 Trailblazer that was "smashed" but really there wasn't any serious damage. I think that all the little things that were issues with it helped contribute to the insurance right off. I have been able to fix a whole pile of little things that were not working that were fairly important and would definitely drive you crazy if they weren't working. Now there are a couple of things left, that I'll get to but just need to find the time. If it wasn't for this site I would find it difficult to do many of the little things that are really easy once you see it / have the steps layed out for you.

I enjoy cruising the site for info and pictures/ ideas for upgrades/ mods, etc. The off-road stuff is pretty awesome and I enjoy the stories/ pics too.

Keep up all the good work here and helpful suggestions. :thumbsup:

The Guy from PEI!


Jan 24, 2012
Is there any way to kill my profile over at the old site? Besides the number of daily views, they might be selling the number of subscribers (members) as their source of selling power to their advertisers.


Nov 18, 2011
JazzDad said:
Is there any way to kill my profile over at the old site? Besides the number of daily views, they might be selling the number of subscribers (members) as their source of selling power to their advertisers.
Just go over there and talk about this site until they ban you. :wink:


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
JazzDad said:
...they might be selling the number of subscribers (members) as their source of selling power to their advertisers.
Yes, they are. You're very perceptive. Last time I looked, the forum statistics page claimed over 250 (!!) members were viewing the forums. Well, that list included neither of their two noob mods, at least two member names I know were banned, and others that hadn't logged in for two weeks. And Vertical Scope was taking credit for them all in their daily statistics. I believe they are artificially INFLATING their true numbers to deceive their advertisers.


Original poster
Mar 24, 2014
United States
Well, I know for a fact that some users that were banned a few weeks ago and have not been active since are still showing up in the statistics. They are falsifying their stats to keep their vendors and advertisers paying top dollar. Those poor companies are getting screwed. They should come here and be vendors for free.

You might also notice that this started at the exact time they noticed we had started another site. What they didn't realize is that their best members and staff left, and what they have is not what those companies signed up for. They are doing their best at damage control.

Our stats (vBulletin default) show members active within the last 2 hours, more realistic. I know for a FACT that this was the same on TrailVoy because I was the one that set that up. Proof that they changed it to inflate their numbers.

I can change ours to show thousands of members online at a time, too... but we are honest about our statistics.


Jan 24, 2012
Hey Fellas,

I just found the site. I have been busy lately with Christmas and had a question and started to realize the TV was dead. It took a day or two of looking, but it is nice to see the old gang here, and be given a good explanation as to what happened.

Thanks for all your hard work, you have helped me out numerous times.


Feb 8, 2012
The site is looking good! :thumbsup: The demise of TV is very unfortunate. Never thought it would turn out the way it did. Things happen for a reason. Jimmy grabbed it by the horns and went with it. F - VS for ruining a great place. Good luck with!


Dec 4, 2011
Tommy said:
The site is looking good! :thumbsup: The demise of TV is very unfortunate. Never thought it would turn out the way it did. Things happen for a reason. Jimmy grabbed it by the horns and went with it. F - VS for ruining a great place. Good luck with!

Thanks!! I am def. Enjoying this awesome site!! Love all my new friends that I've met.....THIS is THE site for the gmt enthusiast.


Feb 8, 2012
Thank you for the warm welcome. Jimmy, Drayton, Joe, and Larry were a big part of it too.

LOL @ Roadie... We had a lot of good times back then. I met a lot of great people. I never wanted to let it go but unfortunately a very close family member was in serious financial trouble and the only way I could help was to let my baby go. That's when I sold it to another TrailVoy Enthusiast. I never thought it would end up where it did though.

I'm glad Jimmy and the guys decided to do this site. Keep it alive!

black ice

Jan 16, 2012
Tommy said:
Thank you for the warm welcome. Jimmy, Drayton, Joe, and Larry were a big part of it too.

LOL @ Roadie... We had a lot of good times back then. I met a lot of great people. I never wanted to let it go but unfortunately a very close family member was in serious financial trouble and the only way I could help was to let my baby go. That's when I sold it to another TrailVoy Enthusiast. I never thought it would end up where it did though.

I'm glad Jimmy and the guys decided to do this site. Keep it alive!
Nah, I'm dreaming! this cant be the TOMMY! I know from back in the day. Is it?


Feb 8, 2012
black ice said:
Nah, I'm dreaming! this cant be the TOMMY! I know from back in the day. Is it?

Oh my! Hey Larry. It's been a long time man. Hope you are doing well.

the roadie said:
I'm getting weepy. :grouphug: :loveintheair: :dance:

Better smilies than TBECentral, I have to say...



Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 18, 2011
Welcome Tommy! See what you started!:rotfl:


Nov 18, 2011
The famed Tommy?! I've only heard stories, but they were all bad ones.:biggrin:

Thanks for starting where we are ending up! I enjoyed most of my time on trailvoy, both as a member and mod. I couldn't be happier to be here, and I am glad you get to see it from the now humble beginning to a hopeful huge forum that welcomes all gm trucks.


Nov 18, 2011
Hold on! Did anyone take a blood sample? How do we know that this is the real Tommy? :undecided:

J/K !!! :rotfl:

Welcome Tommy! :tiphat:

Hey, this is my 500th post. Does that make me a GMTN guru, or something? :cool:


Nov 18, 2011
the roadie said:
Nah. It makes you only 17th on the post whoring hall of fame list (PWHOFL)
17th of 797 active members? I can live with that. :yes:


Nov 21, 2011
the roadie said:
You set your sights too low. If I had done that, I would have been content with only 10-12K posts on the OS. So I kept posting, kept striving, and look what I got as a prize: BANNED! :cool:

Not banned.... "No Longer With Us". I got the same prize for 1/10th of the posts. :biggrin:

Welcome Tommy. I'm just a noob '08er as far as TV is concerned... But it's nice to meet a historic figure. :cool:


Nov 21, 2011
Well hot damn, welcome back around Tommy. Hope you didnt miss all the fun we had with the OS after we all came here.


Feb 8, 2012
Hatchet said:
Well hot damn, welcome back around Tommy. Hope you didnt miss all the fun we had with the OS after we all came here.

I started following the saga at the end over there. The grass is now greener. :wink:


Jan 25, 2012
Tommy said:
I started following the saga at the end over there. The grass is now greener. :wink:

At least they can mow the lawn over here without harassment, or asking for permission.

In all seriousness it is an honor to meet you Tommy. Without out your initiative or insight trailvoy would have never been where it was (before all hell break loose). With out that, this site would not exist.


Nov 20, 2011
Wow, the legend himself. Welcome aboard Tommy.


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
Ahhhh, they probably thought it would be a perfect time to split off, leave me behind, and not say where they'd gone off to. But then they reconsidered what kind of noob army I would whip up into a frenzy to attack with harsh language, and invited me along for the fun. So the entire team remains. Tight as ever. :yes:


Jan 25, 2012
the roadie said:
Ahhhh, they probably thought it would be a perfect time to split off, leave me behind, and not say where they'd gone off to. But then they reconsidered what kind of noob army I would whip up into a frenzy to attack with harsh language, and invited me along for the fun. So the entire team remains. Tight as ever. :yes:


JK I cant say anything bad about many people from either community, and the roadie has saved my skin a few times with info that he posted.


Dec 7, 2011
PProph said:
Quick question, are people going to be copying over a lot of the Sticky threads from TV to help populate this site with a lot of the general info that makes auto forums what they are? Or is it a complete start from scratch?

Still curious about this. The OS has a lot of How To threads with videos or step by step instructions (they've actually recently organized them into a sub-forum which is quite useful), being as I'm sure a lot of the How To they have was submitted by those who have since moved here, are we going to see a similar section with some/most/all of that copied over? Or would one be advised to continue to refer back to there for those threads that already exist in detail?

Common sense for me dictates that currently the best knowledge base resides here, however the OS still has a large collection of information that will not build up here until either a healthy amount of time has passed or else someone basically copies and pastes things from the OS to here. Is there perhaps an issue with not being able to do that due to restrictions on the OS?


Dec 4, 2011
I think you run into copyright issues. The original poster of the articles and such on the OS can do with it what he pleases (copy-pasta it here for example), but if say I go over there and copy-pasta your article that you wrote, without your permission, then there could be some issues with that. That's why we have a couple that are for the same thing as on the OS, but have a different writer, different pictures, etc. The content is basically the same thing, but it isn't a duplicate of someone else's work.


Feb 24, 2012
I feel so honored to be in the presence of so many "originals"!! The community is what this is all about!

The Wife and I recently purchased an 05 TB and was greatly deceived on the overall condition of the truck when we bought it. I first found TV about 3 weeks ago looking for answers. That place was very informative but that was because of the AWESOME members, not bc of the actual site or domain. My loyalty will forever remain to the community, specifically all those that take the time to help us newbs out. So when I got a PM from BLAZINLOW, I switched over, because again, its all about the members. If this is where you guys are, this is where I am at!! Thanks for the heads up Blazin! :thumbsup:

I love the lend a hand attitude and comfortability to ask "dumb questions." :biggrin: The pride that comes from correctly diagnosing and fixing something yourself (With Great Help From You) and meeting like minded people that are more friendly than some family members is a HUGE bonus too! :wootwoot:



Jan 25, 2012
:thumbsup: Welcome, I tried to send out PM's to people.

They initially revoked my right to send multiple PM's to multiple users at the same time. I cannot remember who I sent the out to though. Glad to see a couple people got them and made the move :yes:


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
blazinlow89 said:
They initially revoked my right to send multiple PM's to multiple users at the same time.
Aha. Another countermeasure to try to keep a lid on the truth. Another thing VS is doing to damage the new owners and try to keep their members captive through ignorance of where their questions can get competently answered. :no:

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