I have a question for anyone living in the snow belt. Last night the temps dropped to the lower 20's which is not uncommon for north Alabama. But when I went out to the porch this morning to feed the birds one of the small containers I keep full of water had this ice "growing" out of it. The bird bath is several feet away from this spot and nothing could drip water into this dish, so I wonder "what the heck could cause the water to freeze in this vertical position?" Ever see anything like this?
Was it near a roof? Could be an icicle that fell off the roof and planted itself in the bowl just as it was starting to freeze. I've seen icicles fall off and plant itself in the snow.
The roof is around 10' away from this bowl , but that would make the most sense. We haven't had any snow or ice in over a week here and none on the roofs. I believe this is going down as a head scratcher, cause it just don't make any sense at all.
About a year ago, in late winter, Blackburnian called me into the kitchen to show me a bizarre ice cube he’d discovered in the tray in the freezer. It looked like a normal cube, except that a…