so who still uses the old site?


Nov 18, 2011
MDBT said:
Because of that many of those seeking answers to questions will still visit the other forum even if they are members here. Monitoring those members and "suggesting" loyalty to one site or the other will make GMTN an uglier proposition and only serve to push those who are on the fence back into the TV yard.
We know that the wealth of information on the OS makes it desirable to visit to obtain information. And we have no problem with members here using that resource. What we discourage is for the members of GMTN to participate on the OS to the point of it helping the OS (ie VS). The members who followed us over here understand the principle of why this site was created. We are just hoping that the members of this site who visit the OS remember why we are here.


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR


Dec 4, 2011
When I open this site & searched for new posts this afternoon, 15 out of 30 post on the first page were social posts or advertising. I am looking for technical/performance posts. While the old site has a lot of stuff I'm not interested in, too, it doesn't seem to have as much. Admittedly they have more display ads, but there are still a lot of technical issues covered there that haven't been addressed here yet. I will continue to use both sites, this one first choice, as long as both are useful to me.


Nov 18, 2011
Lckent48 said:
When I open this site & searched for new posts this afternoon, 15 out of 30 post on the first page were social posts or advertising. I am looking for technical/performance posts. While the old site has a lot of stuff I'm not interested in, too, it doesn't seem to have as much. Admittedly they have more display ads, but there are still a lot of technical issues covered there that haven't been addressed here yet. I will continue to use both sites, this one first choice, as long as both are useful to me.

While I don't necessarily agree with the reason, I do understand. They key thing to keep in mind is that some topics are not covered here because they have not been asked yet. The one hurdle we have to overcome....why ask the question here if it is answered there? The answer is simple, because we want the information to be here. It is impossible to cover every topic in a matter of a couple of months. Ask your questions, bring your knowledge. Soon enough, TV will have nothing to hold over our heads.

Short Bus

Dec 2, 2011
BO TIE SS said:
We know that the wealth of information on the OS makes it desirable to visit to obtain information. And we have no problem with members here using that resource. What we discourage is for the members of GMTN to participate on the OS to the point of it helping the OS (ie VS). The members who followed us over here understand the principle of why this site was created. We are just hoping that the members of this site who visit the OS remember why we are here.

Well said Sam :thumbsup:

Lckent48 said:
When I open this site & searched for new posts this afternoon, 15 out of 30 post on the first page were social posts or advertising. I am looking for technical/performance posts. While the old site has a lot of stuff I'm not interested in, too, it doesn't seem to have as much. Admittedly they have more display ads, but there are still a lot of technical issues covered there that haven't been addressed here yet. I will continue to use both sites, this one first choice, as long as both are useful to me.

What advertising did you find in a new post? I haven't had a problem here.


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
Lckent48 said:
I am looking for technical/performance posts.
I complained to my Mom when I was a kid that "Nobody ever seems to write me letters anymore..." where her answer was "So how many letters have YOU written and sent out lately?"

Ask a technical question, and I usually fire off a quick answer if I'm not on a business trip as I will be soon. Start a performance mod discussion, and it will spark some interest. But for passive lurkers, this is admittedly, not as full of interesting content yet. Since the platform is out of production, that sort of discussion is naturally starting to tail off. But the number of new owners buying vehicles for around $5000 is starting to increase exponentially, and these vehicles are sometimes in horrible shape with deferred or neglected maintenance, with many dead systems. And the owners are naturally on a strict or non-existent repair budget, with limited tools and experience. THAT is a very needy owner population that will only grow with time, and the membership base here has a LOT of experience with frugal repair tactics and low-cost troubleshooting techniques.

The challenge is getting noticed by Google as a viable support forum. All we can do is keep writing and helping answer questions as they're posted. Thank goodness I type quickly.


Dec 3, 2011
Onsted, MI
I rocked the boat over there today. So far 2 of my posts have been edited. I was still able to reword them back to the original words. Wonder how quick I will be put out to pasture?

I was called a NOOB even with over 1500 posts.


Nov 20, 2011
CdnGMan said:
Well... I think I'm going to be next on the banned list...

View attachment 3270

If he is claming, that mods could be logged in out different names, should those very same mods been banned? Isnt it against the rules to have more then one account


Mar 24, 2014
United States
Lckent48 said:
When I open this site & searched for new posts this afternoon, 15 out of 30 post on the first page were social posts or advertising. I am looking for technical/performance posts. While the old site has a lot of stuff I'm not interested in, too, it doesn't seem to have as much. Admittedly they have more display ads, but there are still a lot of technical issues covered there that haven't been addressed here yet. I will continue to use both sites, this one first choice, as long as both are useful to me.

I'm interested to know how many "advertisements" you actually saw. The only advertisements you could be talking about when you reference "new posts" could be vendors that are part of the community and offer relevant products and services to the topic of this site.

The social posts are part of the community. Not all communities have a tight social environment, but there is nothing wrong with it. This can be a place with both social engagement and technical reference/assistance.


Nov 18, 2011
Lckent48 said:
When I open this site & searched for new posts this afternoon, 15 out of 30 post on the first page were social posts or advertising. I am looking for technical/performance posts. While the old site has a lot of stuff I'm not interested in, too, it doesn't seem to have as much.

It is easier (for me) to search for tech stuff using the individual subfourms rather then using "new posts".

And of course there isn't as much social/off topic stuff over there, the admin is actually 242 out of the 252 users that are online now.


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
MAY03LT said:
And of course there isn't as much social/off topic stuff over there, the admin is actually 242 out of the 252 users that are online now.
They got the admin to actually WORK on a weekend?!?!? :crazy: Not much point to post whoring and chatting when they don't know each other socially. And with maybe only three platinum members (neither of the mods are plat, but they can probably get into the forum) it's sort of a waste of time to post platinum-quality pictures there. What *is* the point of it all, then - they have to be asking?


Jan 29, 2012
WOW, I must have missed one hell of a battle. I never posted a lot over on that site, but went there quite a bit for information. Mainly because my wife has been the primary driver of the TB. But recently we have started looking for a new car for her and I will be able to start toying with the TB, so I went back and started posting again. then I started noticing a lot of the senior members were banned. I thought that was strange, but just figured something weird had happened. I asked a couple questions and got absolutely NO replies. I have to admit I have answered a couple "noobs" questions, not knowing any better. But after some research, I figured out the problem, and now I am here. LOL....


Nov 20, 2011
In another life, I believe I may have been Sherlock Holmes.

I hit about 15 random accts, 5 of these were logged in but had little or no post with an old join date, about 6 were old ones with mild activity and slightly higher post counts and then the rest were created today.







Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
07 TB RIDER said:
In another life, I believe I may have been Sherlock Holmes.
You gotta wonder who is actually controlling those ancient zombie accounts with no historical posts. If it's the original person who signed up, you have to ask WHY they're coming back today of all days. If it's friendly VS shills and/or the noob mods, taking over and signing in and possibly posting to create fake activity to fool the advertisers that there's somebody home, that's really lame. As I said early on, they're trying to create a Potemkin Village.


Nov 22, 2011
Hmmmm... seems as though "someone" is getting a little hot under the collar now....

View attachment 18273

I love the implication that a defection from HERE is in the works... grasping at straws it seems...
But it does make you wonder who from here is giving them the info he speaks about... :undecided:


  • TV-mods-at-work5.jpg
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Jan 21, 2012
St. Petersburg, Florida
I got a suspicious e-mai ltoday:
Reply to thread 'Announcem​ent: TrailVoy Photo Gallery' said:
Dear DJones,

joshuaptx has just replied to a thread you have subscribed to entitled - Announcement: TrailVoy Photo Gallery - in the Site News forum of Chevy TrailBlazer, TrailBlazer SS and GMC Envoy Forum.

This thread is located at:
Announcement: TrailVoy Photo Gallery - Page 4 - Chevy TrailBlazer, TrailBlazer SS and GMC Envoy Forum

Here is the message that has just been posted:
hello im buying a new trailblazer i want too put wrangler duratrac tires on it but on the Goodyear site it says the don't fit my vehicle its not lifted do you think they will fit please help ??

There may also be other replies, but you will not receive any more notifications until you visit the forum again.

All the best,
Chevy TrailBlazer, TrailBlazer SS and GMC Envoy Forum

I am NOT subscribed to ANY thread and do not have ANY posts in that thread. Makes me wonder. :confused:


Dec 4, 2011
I'm leaving my account be so I can go back and reference stuff (articles for example) that you have be logged in to see as a "just in case" type deal until more people here have posted similar how-tos (or maybe if I do one I can post a how-to). I already downloaded a couple articles to my hard drive for projects I have coming up later, just in case VS decides to nuke my account between now and then just because they feel like swinging that hammer around again :weird:

mnypitTBEXT said:
WOW, I must have missed one hell of a battle. I never posted a lot over on that site, but went there quite a bit for information. Mainly because my wife has been the primary driver of the TB. But recently we have started looking for a new car for her and I will be able to start toying with the TB, so I went back and started posting again. then I started noticing a lot of the senior members were banned. I thought that was strange, but just figured something weird had happened. I asked a couple questions and got absolutely NO replies. I have to admit I have answered a couple "noobs" questions, not knowing any better. But after some research, I figured out the problem, and now I am here. LOL....

Welcome :tiphat:


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
If they're so concerned about noobs being invited here, they should meet their needs by ANSWERING THEIR QUESTIONS. We don't get paid for answering questions. We do it for the altruism. The OS needs eyeballs so the advertisers pay VS and the mods gets nothing. It's like going out on a street corner and twirling a sign for the local pizza shop and YOU DON'T EVEN LIKE PIZZA or eat there. Insane. :confused:


Nov 21, 2011
TrailblazrI6 said:
Great array of familiar names down below viewing this thread plus a bunch of 'guests'. Some Im sure that are over on the other site frantically copying and pasting things from here.
Better hurry! Copy and paste, copy and paste, copy and paste. click click clickityclick... :rolleyes: :laugh:

While Trailblaze and myself are relatively new to the MOD squad here, we arent new to the site. Oh sure, my join date is what - December? See any irony there? Yea, me too. Just like a lot of other members who decided to stay here but were sick of the PM's. Everybody is trying to co-exist but it sure is getting difficult. Might be another exodus but this time it might be over on the other turf. And the best part - we dont have to PM anybody in effort to persuade.

And we have a sleeve full of techniques. Werent born yesterday, heck I wasnt even born at night-time.
I want to thank the loyal members who PM us and give the inside scoop and the rogue members who keep PMing the "new" members. The PM's help us that much faster to find the bad eggs.

Apparently, everything isnt butterflies and unicorns in babeland or we wouldnt have members sharing info to us from pm's and chatter from the other site. You know, lines of behind the scenes communications from contributing members. Lets just say there might be (a few) flies in the ointment. Might want to copy and paste that one for sure.

((taking my MOD gloves off for a quick minute))

Let me ask - if it is so fantastic on the new site, why such the frantic attempts to PM members here to go there? With that being said, it looks pretty bad that rogue members have nothing better to do with their time. Wasn't the problem with VS right? Or is that a 'bs' line now? Or, maybe you didn't receive enough hugs growing up? :sadcry: Who knows. Move on already.. go to the other great messiah of a site you've created. You know, the one thats 'so great' you have to frantically PM the members here to tell them about?

You wont be hearing from me again regarding this issue, Ive been biting my tongue this far. Im not going to let this old news take away from MY time. I suggest you do the same.

Wow. Just wow. It's like a bad episode of Spy vs. Spy around here. Can't we just STOP PM members over there? It's like kicking a hornet's nest everytime... it's just not gonna end well for anyone.

We need to focus on upping our technical value to surpass theirs and make ourselves more appealing to the new platoforms we're trying to cater to. Let the OS rust in peace already.

Anyways, I had to go pay them a visit because it seemed that I forgot to turn off some things in my hasty retreat. Saw a stupid thread and had to post my two cents, which is below.

Hopefully it gets my ass banned. It'll prove a point to the noobs. :cool:

THE events that led to the "exodus".

For those of you who are new or haven't been caught up to speed, please, go read that WHOLE thread then decide for yourselves which side of the fence has the greener grass and why things happened.

I have a hard time swallowing a *NEW* SUPER MOD with 500ish posts trying to keep a can of worms that was already opened long ago from spilling out even more and pretending that all is still good here.

Stop pretending. Stop trying to quell the masses.

Just direct them to the PROPER thread and let them see the real face of VS and what happened here.

Currently Active Users: 3751 (261 members and 3490 guests)

^^^ There isn't anything "normal" about that. Something's broke. No one's fixing it. Most of all the great people that built this site with info, help and personalities have left.

I'm only back because it seems that I forgot to turn off a few lights when I left. Seems I'm still the boss of the Eastern Canada Chapter - even after formally requesting that I be removed.

You guys can't even get THAT right. :duh: So, yes, if there's ANYONE who's really running this Titanic, if you would, please remove me from the chapter's command. Again. Thank you.

BTW, for the record, I *KNOW* and have *PROOF* that the PMs for all or some members was and probably are still are being monitored.

There's no such thing as "privacy" on the internet. Even less on a forum who's fighting an uphill battle to keep it's members from jumping ship.

If you don't believe me, just try to post or PM something about the other site here...


BTW, I'm keeping a .JPG of this post which again included my request to get demoted in the chapter, for my records as I know I'm one of the "watched" few that haven't been banned yet. :x

I feel so dirty now. I'm going to have to reformat my drive and take a bleach shower to purge the ickyness that is TrailVoy. :uhno:


Nov 20, 2011
mnypitTBEXT said:
WOW, I must have missed one hell of a battle. I never posted a lot over on that site, but went there quite a bit for information. Mainly because my wife has been the primary driver of the TB. But recently we have started looking for a new car for her and I will be able to start toying with the TB, so I went back and started posting again. then I started noticing a lot of the senior members were banned. I thought that was strange, but just figured something weird had happened. I asked a couple questions and got absolutely NO replies. I have to admit I have answered a couple "noobs" questions, not knowing any better. But after some research, I figured out the problem, and now I am here. LOL....

Hi :thumbsup:

CdnGMan said:
But it does make you wonder who from here is giving them the info he speaks about... :undecided:

I know Drew has a acct and I'm sure he creeps in, I'm sure VS has made a couple accts as well. And I'm sure there is 1 member that may be PM'ing the "mods" but I'll keep that to myself. Everything else I'm sure is pure bullshit. :cool:


Dec 4, 2011
harmless said:
Wow. Just wow. It's like a bad episode of Spy vs. Spy around here. Can't we just STOP PM members over there? It's like kicking a hornet's nest everytime... it's just not gonna end well for anyone.

We need to focus on upping our technical value to surpass theirs and make ourselves more appealing to the new platoforms we're trying to cater to.

I'm agreeing with this. I may try to use my account as a pointer here from time to time, but nailing members inboxes may be just a bad idea, IMO.

harmless said:
Let the OS rust into pieces already.

Fixed :raspberry: I think it isn't going to be peaceful over there, VS and their wonderful admin team seem to be making sure of that :dunce:


Mar 24, 2014
United States
CdnGMan said:
Hmmmm... seems as though "someone" is getting a little hot under the collar now....

View attachment 3288

I love the implication that a defection from HERE is in the works... grasping at straws it seems...
But it does make you wonder who from here is giving them the info he speaks about... :undecided:

Wow, he really doesn't get it, does he?

Why do we keep PM'ing people on TrailVoy? Let me break it down... I'll use small words so you can follow:

The purpose of this site was have a community owned by enthusiasts, for enthusiasts. We left because we didn't like the the overwhelming greed of VerticalScope. PM'ing members on TV helps us do what we set out to do... help the community. While it is evident that you are all operating shills over there, you are the person that admitted he is hiding behind a shill instead of being yourself on both sites. That's fine, you're afraid of how the community will respond if they knew who you really were. But you have to ask yourself why you chose to hide your identity when you decided to become a moderator over there. The information and level of service you are providing is complete shit.

If you think you are so useful, I challenge you to delete ALL of the roadie's posts as well as those posts of a few others that have contributed heavily to the site. Then, delete all of my posts of which helped people with technical site issues and related questions. After that, we'll see what good the site will be. You are running around like you are God's gift to the community, but all you really are is a new security guard at an old museum that was built while you and Mr. Andrew Thomas were learning how to type.

If you really want to get into a challenge about who knows what about who, drop me an email... you may be surprised.


Dec 4, 2011
Jman423 said:
Wow, he really doesn't get it, does he?

Why do we keep PM'ing people on TrailVoy? Let me break it down... I'll use small words so you can follow:

The purpose of this site was have a community owned by enthusiasts, for enthusiasts. We left because we didn't like the the overwhelming greed of VerticalScope. PM'ing members on TV helps us do what we set out to do... help the community. While it is evident that you are all operating shills over there, you are the person that admitted he is hiding behind a shill instead of being yourself on both sites. That's fine, you're afraid of how the community will respond if they knew who you really were. But you have to ask yourself why you chose to hide your identity when you decided to become a moderator over there. The information and level of service you are providing is complete shit.

If you think you are so useful, I challenge you to delete ALL of the roadie's posts as well as those posts of a few others that have contributed heavily to the site. Then, delete all of my posts of which helped people with technical site issues and related questions. After that, we'll see what good the site will be. You are running around like you are God's gift to the community, but all you really are is a new security guard at an old museum that was built while you and Mr. Andrew Thomas were learning how to type.

If you really want to get into a challenge about who knows what about who, drop me an email... you may be surprised.
Hey VS! My Mod can beat up your Mod:raspberry:


Mar 24, 2014
United States
harmless said:


And the gloves come off.


Nah, there is no fight here. I just felt it was necessary to lay it out so they could understand. While they have been able to defend their actions since this site was created, they are too cowardly to allow the people that built that place explain their side of the story.

And while you, harmless, and their staff want people to stop communication via TrailVoy, it won't happen any time soon. Part of the purpose is to help the community, even those that signup over there. Since we can't post over there without the use of noob shill accounts, we'll simply bring them here and give them accurate and valuable information for everyone to see.

Have we banned anyone here that doesn't like how we do things? No. How many truly new members do you think have been banned or bitched out because they think it was us? It's like a fucking circus over there :rotfl:


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
I lurked as a noob visitor just to see how bad the ad placement has gotten. The first image shows the ad space in green for a page with only TWO posts in it. The second is how they're sneaking in an overlay ad banner on images linked from photobucket and elsewhere. It's especially hilarious when they slip in an overlay on a popular image I host at, like the megafuse one, that I replaced with an image with a subliminal message as a hint. :raspberry:

View attachment 18276

View attachment 18277


  • 1.jpg
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Nov 20, 2011
Well damn, this is certainly been exciting. I find it funny that that punk ass "mod" post while he shows as offline, just like the admin. And just like the admin, they don't show a last activity under their profile. :undecided:

Well said Jimmy. :cool::thumbsup:


Mar 24, 2014
United States
That's impossible roadie, their moderators said that the ads were going away.

Now, before one of those two geniuses counters with "only guests see those ads"... take a good look at the ratio of logged in users to guests. Even though we know that number is completely unrealistic, we'll pretend that all 3,000+ members are seeing ALL of those ads.

What is the incentive to sign up? To ask a question and then get banned because their staff think that we are 100% of their new, low post users?


Mar 24, 2014
United States
07 TB RIDER said:
Well damn, this is certainly been exciting. I find it funny that that punk ass "mod" post while he shows as offline, just like the admin. And just like the admin, they don't show a last activity under their profile. :undecided:

Well said Jimmy. :cool::thumbsup:

No, but if you go to the "Meet Our Staff" page, you will see their "Last Visit". When the "Last Activity" is empty, but their "Last Visit" is present, that means they are running around the site in invisible mode. Another cowardly action. What are they hiding from? If they think it is an effort to catch us... they should consider that we won't burn a shill unless we really want to. Then, we'll sign up for a new account and start all over again.

Take note that our staff doesn't hide from its members.

Now that I pointed this out, they'll have to get the techies to fix that :undecided:

View attachment 18279


  • invisible_cowards.jpg
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Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
Jman423 said:
Take note that our staff doesn't hide from its members.
Yep. We can go to meets and not need a disguise to share a beer with the community.

View attachment 18278

The OS Pig Guards, on the other hand, require anonymity to conceal their collaboration.

View attachment 18280


  • DreadPirateRoberts2.JPG
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Nov 20, 2011
Jman423 said:
No, but if you go to the "Meet Our Staff" page, you will see their "Last Visit". When the "Last Activity" is empty, but their "Last Visit" is present, that means they are running around the site in invisible mode. Another cowardly action. What are they hiding from? If they think it is an effort to catch us... they should consider that we won't burn a shill unless we really want to. Then, we'll sign up for a new account and start all over again.

Take note that our staff doesn't hide from its members.

Now that I pointed this out, they'll have to get the techies to fix that :undecided:

View attachment 3294

Sneaky little bastards :undecided:

the roadie said:
Yep. We can go to meets and not need a disguise to share a beer with the community.

View attachment 3293

The OS Pig Guards, on the other hand, require anonymity to conceal their collaboration.

View attachment 3295


Also Bill, you're post count on the other site means nothing now. You are a noob...:raspberry:



Nov 20, 2011



Dec 4, 2011
the roadie said:
... that I replaced with an image with a subliminal message as a hint.

For one who occasionally posts definitions, I think the Roadie Dictionary has a unique definition of "subliminal". :raspberry:


Dec 4, 2011
Jman423 said:
I'm interested to know how many "advertisements" you actually saw. The only advertisements you could be talking about when you reference "new posts" could be vendors that are part of the community and offer relevant products and services to the topic of this site.

The social posts are part of the community. Not all communities have a tight social environment, but there is nothing wrong with it. This can be a place with both social engagement and technical reference/assistance.
Tuf Shine
OS seeking vendors
Security Components

I understand that vendors are necessary, it's just not what I was looking for.


Nov 20, 2011


Nov 20, 2011
Lckent48 said:
Tuf Shine
OS seeking vendors
Security Components

I understand that vendors are necessary, it's just not what I was looking for.

The more vendors that on are a site, the better for the members of that site. They dont charge to be a vendor here, so they are here to help us. What exactly are you looking for?

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