I was thinking to retro my fogs but one of the bolts that keeps the drivers side fog on is rusted and I tried to put some vice grips on the little stud sticking out and then use a wrench to get it off but it doesn't budge. Even pb blaster isn't breaking it loose. Damn thing.
I have my old 42mm futurevision projectors I took out my first retro job and replaced with 64mm futurevision projectors and was thinking to re-use the 42's in my fogs but looking at the depth I don't even think thats possible. It looks wayyy too shallow for the projector.
As for how people are talking about the temperature light they bought. I currently run 6000k 50w bulbs and love it. Because of the extra wattage they are not blue at all other than the cutoff line and when you look at it straight on. On the road its pure white and I can even see it on things in broad daylight. lol. I have 4300k, 35w bulbs in my fogs and they are a little bit whiter than halogen but not by much. When I put them to 50w they are more pure white. I also ran 8000k 50w bulbs in the low beams and they had a very very faint blue hue to them, almost like the color of this emoji

but a little more faded. They were okay but not peak performance like my 6000k 50w's are. Now each manufacture has differences in their temperature rating so I can't always say to get 6000k 50w bulbs like I did but if the manufacture is close to futurevision then I say go for it. Trust me, you won't regret it.
What I was thinking of though is to check the depth of my backup lights. They currently have vled 5000k bulbs in there and I was thinking maybe if they fit to put my old 42's in the backup lamps and just get some nice halogen bulbs because waiting for HID's is just not worth it for how long I am in reverse. Or maybe even get some H1 LED bulbs. That wouldn't be bad either. Damn it and me wanting to screw with things. lol.