here is what I gather....
It sounds like you don't do any severe offroading yet, only minor offroading.
Your parents will let you level the TB but not "lift" it because grandpa has to ride in it and it will be harder for him to get in.
They will let you get new shocks but they must be the same brand front and rear.
With your limited offroad plan here is what I would advise you to do if you feel like you must lift......
Find someone that knows more about this than you do.
This could be an grownup that you know from your circle of associates or even someone younger.
Even in high school there are guys that know their way around vehicles and spring compressors and other things that can kill you.
They won't be as good as Roadie, Fishsticks, Hardtrailzs,BartonMD,MarkMC or some guys that have been banging on these trucks for years but they will still be a big help to you as you learn.
Find the guy with the biggest jeep in the school parking lot, that might be a good start, ask him if he did it himself, if he owns a spring compressor, if he has ever used a spring compressor. Talk to those kinds of guys. They likely also know where you can wheel and help you out if you get stuck
keep reading here and on
keep asking questions,yeah folks are tough on you but it is for a reason.
Make sure to study the section on vehicle recovery on
Make sure your TB has tow hooks or get some.
Get some recovery gear (dynamic straps, static straps etc)
Once you have done all of that
get Mark's leveling kit
get Bilsteins front and rear to keep your parents happy, you aren't lifting the rear so no concern there.
Replacing your shocks on a 140k vehicle will make it safer. Many recommend replacing them every 50k.
Get an alignment.
Keep in mind here that folks here want to do several things
most importantly they want to educate you for your safety and the safety of those around you.
they want you to buy the right item first which is cheaper than buying some of what you need and then adding on.
Here is real world what happens.....
you order a level kit from Mark and slap it on ...$120
and some new shocks/struts .....$240
on and an alignment ......$70
you like it, your parents see that you are being responsible etc.
you later buy wheel spacers for bigger tires ....$200
you buy bigger tires .......$800
your front wheel bearings go out .........$200
you break a TRE .........$50 + $100 for the tow.
you later want more lift, dang, you have
to buy some more parts(front top spacer,
rear spacer) ... $85
you have to redo the front again
and get another alignment ... $70
depending on how much you lift you
might have to get new rear shocks ....$100
then you see that you need bigger tires
and spend another .....$900.
then you didn't listen to the guys about needing a radiator skid plate so you have get a new radiator and a tow home!
see how much money you could have saved if you knew your mission and tried to do it right the first time?