New member with Saab!

Lord Helmet

Original poster
Jul 21, 2013
Hi, All! New member here. I just picked up my new-to-me '05 Saab 97x last night. It's a Linear with 137k and the rear entertainment pack and I got a hell of a deal on it. I've been doing a lot of reading over the past 4 or 5 days and I am really hoping this truck will provide me with some solid reliability. I've read really good things about them and the 4.2L engine but this is my first GM. I've always been a Ford or Jeep guy. It is replacing my old '87 Mazda B2600 4x4 as my winter/carry stuff vehicle. I only have one pic of the outside right now but the inside is in superb condition, like 9/10! So far I'm loving driving it and I can't wait to get a couple of things done to it. First up is window tint up front then I want to bypass the XM and turn that into an aux input for my iPhone/MP3. I've read that it's pretty easy to do.

I found that on the carfax, the vehicle was serviced at the original dealer for the first 5yrs of it's life like clockwork. Does anyone know if I went to a GM dealer if they would provide me with the service records? So far everything in it works perfectly but I'd like to know the history of the diff & trans fluids, etc..

Anyway, here is a pic of it, not the best I know but it will have to do for now. I look forward to sharing and helping in the future the best I can. This seems like a great forum!



Apr 11, 2013
Nice! Love the saab rims
Btw welcome to the forums, the president of saab forums canada just bought a 5.3l 9-7x and is on this forum too

Edit- saabscott is his display name
May 5, 2013
Welcome aboard bro

Denali n DOO

May 22, 2012
Welcome to GMTNation :thumbsup:

nice looking truck!


Jul 11, 2013
Ryda55555 said:
Nice! Love the saab rims
Btw welcome to the forums, the president of saab forums canada just bought a 5.3l 9-7x and is on this forum too

Edit- saabscott is his display name


I don't know about the US, but dealers in Canada are not allowed to release information on a vehicle under previous ownership due to privacy rules they have.

I was looking at a 2006 9-7X 4.2i, but the owner of that traded it in before I could get it. I found a great deal on a 5.3i instead. So far, so good.

And yes, they are INCREDIBLE deals! :thumbsup:


Aug 24, 2012
Ryda55555 said:
Nice! Love the saab rims

Saw a Buick (?) in the parking lot of the hotel I'm at with wheels that looked almost exactly like those. It was leaving as I was eating dinner and enjoying my 2nd O'Fallon 5 Day IPA so I only saw it out the window.

Boricua SS

Nov 20, 2011
Welcome to the Nation :tiphat:


Dec 4, 2011
Glad to have you in the nation family. That truck looks :salivate: Welcome to The Nation again bruh :cool::wootwoot:

Lord Helmet

Original poster
Jul 21, 2013
Thanks for the warm welcome! I just came in from performing the aux input mod to the XM and I'm stoked it was so easy. Took me about 2hrs to do with a break for dinner. I can't wait to drive to work in the morning and crank some tunes! :wootwoot:


Jul 11, 2013
Lord Helmet said:
Thanks for the warm welcome! I just came in from performing the aux input mod to the XM and I'm stoked it was so easy. Took me about 2hrs to do with a break for dinner. I can't wait to drive to work in the morning and crank some tunes! :wootwoot:

Sorry ... I have to ask, where did you find this? And can it be done even without XM?


Dec 8, 2011
:thumbsup: Welcome! I have an 05 9-7x also. Mine is currently at 106k and still going strong. It was my daily driver for 4 years but I still have it as a second car. Can't justify selling it with the residual values so low.

Lord Helmet

Original poster
Jul 21, 2013
jonbo2002 said:
Welcome and nice looking truck now you just gotta learn to park it :raspberry:

LOL, I actually park like that on purpose. You should see what it looks like when the Stang is parked there, it's generally WAY over the line so people parked next to me can't wack their door into it! This is at my office and I always park at the end. :wink:

Lord Helmet

Original poster
Jul 21, 2013


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
Lord Helmet said:
... my posts are *sometimes being dropped into a moderator approval abyss ...
1000 apologies for that. We have an automatic system where if a new member comes out of the gate and posts off-site links, they need mod approval before posting because that's also what spammers do. We get to them, but not instantly. I've been approving your posts, but I didn't set up the filter system. I assume with a few more posts, the system will trust you to not be a spammer. Again, sorry for the accidentally unfriendly treatment of a valued new member with a rare vehicle we all admire. :thumbsup:


Jul 11, 2013
Lord Helmet said:
I tried to post this once already but my posts are *sometimes being dropped into a moderator approval abyss so here it goes again... Just follow the instructions in this link. It's really easy to do: Complete DIY for AUX input.....iPod, MP3, Android, Zune... - Forums - The #1 TrailblazerSS Dedicated Owners Forum

Good luck!

Thanks ... I'm looking at going the route of a full adapter kit so that it will charge and allow full control of the iPod.

The challenge is, no one associates the 9-7X with any of the adapters out there ... so I either need to take a leap of faith based on someone else having done this or ... I guess that's really my only option.


Sep 27, 2012
Lord Helmet said:
LOL, I actually park like that on purpose. You should see what it looks like when the Stang is parked there, it's generally WAY over the line so people parked next to me can't wack their door into it! This is at my office and I always park at the end. :wink:

I hear ya there I park way out in parking lots but somehow someone still cranked my passenger door and left a big dent.

Lord Helmet

Original poster
Jul 21, 2013
the roadie said:
1000 apologies for that. We have an automatic system where if a new member comes out of the gate and posts off-site links, they need mod approval before posting because that's also what spammers do. We get to them, but not instantly. I've been approving your posts, but I didn't set up the filter system. I assume with a few more posts, the system will trust you to not be a spammer. Again, sorry for the accidentally unfriendly treatment of a valued new member with a rare vehicle we all admire. :thumbsup:

No worries! I figured out that by previewing the post first, that seems to by past the mod approval wait. Either that or you guys are seriously on top of it! lol

Lord Helmet

Original poster
Jul 21, 2013
SaabScott said:
Thanks ... I'm looking at going the route of a full adapter kit so that it will charge and allow full control of the iPod.

The challenge is, no one associates the 9-7X with any of the adapters out there ... so I either need to take a leap of faith based on someone else having done this or ... I guess that's really my only option.

Any time!

From all the research I've been doing, if I were in that market, I wouldn't hesitate to buy something (like that) that says it would fit a TB/Envoy. I think you will find that even the electronics are 99% similar. After doing that aux mod in addition to programming my key fob last night for the keyless entry/locks, it's pretty clear to me that everything works exactly the same. Aside from the aesthetics, I am wondering if the only real differences are maybe the suspension dampening and the anti-rollbars. When I pulled the kick panel to do that mod, what I found was 100% identical to the TB in the OP's How-to. I have no doubt that the majority of the (GMT Saab) vehicle is the same way.


Jan 25, 2013
Welcome to the Nation!


Aug 26, 2012
the dealer (perhaps any dealer) who performed the service can print out a service history. the place I go (when I have to) does this for any service, for the reference of the technician. if you sweet talk the service rep, you may be able to walk home with a copy.


Apr 11, 2013
The more i look at the 9-7x the more i want one :raspberry: the tuned suspension and the centre console ignition are sweet selling points
You could do a lot of simple DIY mods that'll make it really nice
Might consider a 9-7x aero as my summer driver and convert it into a 2wd so i dont get TC issues


May 7, 2013
Lord Helmet said:
Any time!

From all the research I've been doing, if I were in that market, I wouldn't hesitate to buy something (like that) that says it would fit a TB/Envoy. I think you will find that even the electronics are 99% similar. After doing that aux mod in addition to programming my key fob last night for the keyless entry/locks, it's pretty clear to me that everything works exactly the same. Aside from the aesthetics, I am wondering if the only real differences are maybe the suspension dampening and the anti-rollbars. When I pulled the kick panel to do that mod, what I found was 100% identical to the TB in the OP's How-to. I have no doubt that the majority of the (GMT Saab) vehicle is the same way.

I have a 2006 9-7x and am looking for a NAV unit so I can install a backup camera and the GPS part would be a bonus. I am getting the same runaround. I believe that most things are shared with the TBs & Envoy but I also know that the factory NAV unit is the same as the Hummer3. I am leaning to the Kenwood units as they use a Garmin based Gps. Unfortunately, my Saab is 1500 miles away and I won't see it until November. Crutchfield says there are differences and won't guarantee any fitment. By the way, the steering on the Saab is quicker too.


Aug 10, 2012
ddgm said:
I have a 2006 9-7x and am looking for a NAV unit so I can install a backup camera and the GPS part would be a bonus. I am getting the same runaround. I believe that most things are shared with the TBs & Envoy but I also know that the factory NAV unit is the same as the Hummer3. I am leaning to the Kenwood units as they use a Garmin based Gps. Unfortunately, my Saab is 1500 miles away and I won't see it until November. Crutchfield says there are differences and won't guarantee any fitment. By the way, the steering on the Saab is quicker too.

First off welcome aboard fellow saab brother!

I have a 05' 9-7x, and 99% of the electronics that fit the tb will fit the saab HOWEVER, there are some minor altercations you will have to make. I purchased a pioneer head unit from crutchfield, and the wiring harness said it would not fit the saab,however it did. The only thing that it did no maintain were the chimes of the vehicle. (ie. Door open, trunk open). There was a saab forum for the 9-7's that had some pretty useful information. Good luck with the truck! Any questions with it feel free to pm!!

Lord Helmet

Original poster
Jul 21, 2013
How actually rare are these Saabs? It seems like there are quite a few of us here.


Nov 18, 2011
I never thought of them as rare. I see a few in the parking garage everyday. I think they are more common than most Saab's actually.

Welcome and nice looking truck.


Dec 8, 2011
Lord Helmet said:
How actually rare are these Saabs? It seems like there are quite a few of us here.

It was the second best selling SAAB model behind the 9-3 throughout its existence.


Dec 4, 2011
ddgm said:
I have a 2006 9-7x and am looking for a NAV unit so I can install a backup camera and the GPS part would be a bonus. I am getting the same runaround. I believe that most things are shared with the TBs & Envoy but I also know that the factory NAV unit is the same as the Hummer3. I am leaning to the Kenwood units as they use a Garmin based Gps. Unfortunately, my Saab is 1500 miles away and I won't see it until November. Crutchfield says there are differences and won't guarantee any fitment. By the way, the steering on the Saab is quicker too.

What's wrong with Garmin-based? Heck of a lot better than Tom-Tom :crazy:


Dec 4, 2011
Sparky said:
What's wrong with Garmin-based? Heck of a lot better than Tom-Tom :crazy:

Sparky....I don't understand this. He said he wanted the garmin based gps head unit.


Dec 4, 2011

Totally misread it as leaning "away from" - not sure how I managed that :blinkhuh:

Lord Helmet

Original poster
Jul 21, 2013
cmd said:
It was the second best selling SAAB model behind the 9-3 throughout its existence.

That's pretty interesting. I see them here but not nearly as often as I see TB's on the road. Or on my street for that matter! lol


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
cmd said:
It was the second best selling SAAB model behind the 9-3 throughout its existence.
But Saab overall was struggling with sales worldwide of about 100K per year. So I went Googling, and it was hard to locate sales broken down by model.

One link had a long term consolidated chart that looks like there were 20K 9-7X ever sold, or about 5% of the 9-3, gen2 sales, but the 9-3 was sold for more years. In any event, 20K is a smaller sliver of the pie than the other five models, but I don't have full numbers for all those. The Aero (like the SS) was the most rare of all, with only 639 produced, according to Wikipedia: Saab 9-7X - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

View attachment 29801

Trailblazer numbers from Wikipedia:

Yearly American sales
Calendar Year Total American sales
2001 115,103
2002 249,568
2003 261,334
2004 283,484
2005 244,150
2006 174,797
2007 134,626
2008 74,878
2009 8,829

Envoy numbers were incomplete, but ran around 40% of trailblazers.


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