Hopped in the 08 TB 3LT 4x4 with 77k this morning to drive to work but never made it in. Something strange happened that hasn't before. I turned the key over and release after a second or two as usual, when instantly I noticed the motor was still cranking without my hand on the ignition. So I turned the key to the off position thinking, What the hell was that? Tried it again and she would just crank away in the start position and when I released she would also stop. It was only that initial start up that she continued to crank. I don't think this made a difference but I'm going to throw it in anyways ->. Yesterday Les Schwab installed some wider tires and re calibrated
the TPMS. So sitting in my TB I'm running some possibilities in my head. Then I pulled my Droid out and googled some possibilities and quite a few are saying ignition switch. I don't have a scan tool but I do have a test light and some average hand tools. What do you think?