Motor Cranks Over Like A Champ, But She Will Not Start


Original poster
Dec 8, 2011
Hopped in the 08 TB 3LT 4x4 with 77k this morning to drive to work but never made it in. Something strange happened that hasn't before. I turned the key over and release after a second or two as usual, when instantly I noticed the motor was still cranking without my hand on the ignition. So I turned the key to the off position thinking, What the hell was that? Tried it again and she would just crank away in the start position and when I released she would also stop. It was only that initial start up that she continued to crank. I don't think this made a difference but I'm going to throw it in anyways ->. Yesterday Les Schwab installed some wider tires and re calibrated:confused: the TPMS. So sitting in my TB I'm running some possibilities in my head. Then I pulled my Droid out and googled some possibilities and quite a few are saying ignition switch. I don't have a scan tool but I do have a test light and some average hand tools. What do you think?


Dec 6, 2011
Not an expert in this area but it does sound like the switch is heading south or at a minimum getting sticky.


Original poster
Dec 8, 2011
The switch should still be doing it's job if the motors cranking over like it is now, right?


Nov 20, 2011
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
The starter running even when you let go of the key, is normal for our trucks.
You may not have noticed it before because the truck always started right away.
A bad switch can cause all sorts of odd problems.
At about $30 for a new switch, some members just change it.
You can also check for a blown fuse.


Original poster
Dec 8, 2011
New switch is $35.89 and the parts store is only about a mile away. So I'll ten toe it down there put it in and let you know how it turns out.


Dec 7, 2011
Fairfax, Virginia
When you first try to start the truck, do you hear the two second whine of the fuel pump priming
(in the run position, before you turn it to the start position)?

If not, there's at least a possibility that it's the fuel pump or the fuel pump relay, but it could easily still be
the ignition switch not properly closing the circuit and telling the PCM to energize the fuel pump.

Good Luck!



Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
Did you have any security lights flashing, or staying on when the key was in the on position?


Original poster
Dec 8, 2011
Just picked up the switch. Will install within the hour. After the install I will move to the fuel pump relay if need be. And yes the security light stops flashing while in the ON position. Keep you posted.


Original poster
Dec 8, 2011
Well the good news is the ignition switch and the fuel pump relay was not the problem. The bad news is it still will not start. When cycling the key I can hear the fuel pump growling so it's got to be getting fuel. Could be the DIC and fuel gauge are inaccurate? Cam shaft sensor? Any thoughts or suggestions?


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
See if you get spark. Many fuses could take out the PCM or a critical sensor.


Original poster
Dec 8, 2011
I checked fuses and swapped relays. I wanted it fixed today and wanted to work on it myself but I ran out of time so I made the call and had it towed to the stealership. Hated to see it loaded up on the flatbed. But it is what it is. It is under warranty so that's good news. I will get details on the fix from them and post it.


Original poster
Dec 8, 2011
Ok after I went to stealership and talked to the tech I find out what happened. At first he too was stumped. Then he spotted the problem. Turns out a mouse decided to make my engine bay a warm and cozy home. The little bastard chewed through my fuel injector wiring harness. Rodent damage is not covered by my warrenty. So I had to foot the $250 bill. Well there you go. I'll be gunning for you next time I see you cross the road.


Dec 7, 2011
Fairfax, Virginia
LPB79 said:
Ok after I went to stealership and talked to the tech I find out what happened. At first he too was stumped. Then he spotted the problem. Turns out a mouse decided to make my engine bay a warm and cozy home. The little bastard chewed through my fuel injector wiring harness. Rodent damage is not covered by my warrenty. So I had to foot the $250 bill. Well there you go. I'll be gunning for you next time I see you cross the road.

Heh....same thing happened to my old Lumina, compliments of the chipmunks that decided to nest under the plastic
engine cover, shield, whatever that thing was supposed to be. The chipmunks just decided it made a nice ceiling.
Luckily, they left me wire on both sides of the chewed area, so I got comfy with the soldering iron.

Got the wiring repaired, and the car still wouldn't run.

Turned out they'd stuffed the air intake in front of the filter with peanut shells. All I could do was laugh. :smile:

Glad you got it fixed, though! :thumbsup:



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