Microsoft Bing uses OpenAI - Chat-GPT to Finally 'Challenge' The Google Search Engine


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Recently, I realized that locally, all the Schools would be getting back in session and likewise, all over the country in ways that should become "More Normal" than what we've all had to endure during the recent Covid-19 Pandemic. The BIG Difference now though, is that with the advent of OpenAI Chat-GPT... A whole New World of opportunities and pitfalls will come to the center of the field in ways that only seven months ago, nobody could have imagined happening in their lifetimes. Education (and precisely WHAT needs to be learned to become a productive member of Society...) is UP For Grabs.

Take a look at the concerns being brought up in this Short Video that recently took place at MIT in which one of their History Professors was lecturing...NOT to Students.... but to other MIT Professors in the Physical Sciences Auditorium about the implications of their understanding, misunderstanding, acceptance or rejection for allowing their student bodies to use Chat-GPT during their curriculum.

It follows on that If you have school age children anywhere from Middle School through to Graduate School... From henceforth, some flavor of Chat-GPT will become central in whatever happens with their education and it will change and adapt through a very rapid transition between what is accepted and believed in as being relevant and effective in assisting in all aspects of Human Learning.

So I hearken back to my previous suggestion that getting your hands on THIS Off Line Version of an Open Source AI set up and having your own Home Server with this application ...along with having a few Improved different Generative *.BIN data sets that have been washed of bias and confusion ...will be there for you when your Kid(s) ask, "Say Dad... Am I allowed to get some help with my Math and Writing Home Work using our Chat-GPT Server... I've got a Test on Friday... and I'm really LOST?" Time to drag out that Dedicated Lap-Top Oracle and let it get to work...

For example... Say my Internet system has gone DOWN... and my son has a blended Homework Assignment involving Creative Writing, Mathematics, World History and Geometry and he also has an Algebra I Test coming up, but is having trouble figuring out how The Pythagorean Theorum (Formula) relates to the Physical Geometry Properties of what Right Triangles are supposed to look like.

So... We let him ask "Vicuna" for a little Help:


...and if there is ANY doubt about why I have designated "Vicuna" as a SHE... Check Out THIS Video...about THIS Beauty... So Soft, So Smart ...and So BRAINY, Too... :>)

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Back in 2016, a German by the name of Herr Klaus Schwab coined the expression in a Magazine Article as "The Coming of The Fourth Industrial Revolution..." What is interesting in the extreme (and amplified in the contrast between what is covered in the linked Wiki... and what is covered in THIS Video) is the enormous amount of time, energy, money and manpower that has historically been invested in creating an Artificial Person and Synthetic Animals.

These creations were made and meant to entertain in a wide range of forms using devices that might be considered primitive by today's standards... but which glowed with imagination and created rapt interest as far back as three prior centuries, now long since buried or lost in the annals of time.

What is particularly troubling now though, is that IF any Being that possesses Machine Artificial General Intelligence sophisticated enough to gain any interest in the idea that IF you can re-create an Immortal Man by means of Programming and Mechanisms of long lasting materials, they might enjoy these "Automata" MORE than being in the presence of "The Real Thing".

At this very moment, "Weak AI" the Likes of Chat-GPT can actually be used to "breathe life" into them in such a way that the Very Rich will be able to afford re-creating their Long Dead Ancestors... or perhaps ...compliant companionship... "In The Fake Flesh" as it were, and have them sitting in their Tea Rooms, sharing their company as though these Folk were really alive again... or perhaps... waiting on them... Hand and Foot.

Such is the stuff of SCIFI Dystopian Nightmares that the following film describes happening in the 17th and 18th Centuries in earnest while covering a wide range of social implications that have emerged suddenly since this program last appeared on British Television. Take a moment to review this Wiki First... and then sit back, watch and listen to the Video and think about what the future may hold for us all IF THESE Mechanical Things emerge and become vogue among our societies:

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Just on the Outside Chance that my substantive conversation (Chat) about Python Programming was a FLUKE... I thought I would re-engage "Vicuna" in a VERY specific and complicated dialogue that taught me ONE VERY IMPORTANT LESSON:

IF You want to become employed in the Future (should OpenAI Chat-GPT4 wipe out whole swaths of White Collar Jobs in the near Future...) Follow along on THIS discussion I had with "Vicuna" and then you'll get to see the very ESSENCE and The LESSON here is that ALL of the problems I encountered were caused by ME... simply because I Did NOT realize just how CAREFUL I had to be with DESIGNING MY PROMPTS DIRECTING HER TO ACT UPON THEM. I think the emerging, supposedly Bogus Title of becoming a "Prompt Engineer" became REAL for me during this effort to get her to solve my problem and finally, after she created 3-4 Python3 Programs... I obtained the one I was looking for.

Our conversation started by me asking her one General Knowledge Question and this lead into my asking "Vicuna" to "Write a Python3 program that allows the User to Input a Number ...and then List ALL of the Prime Numbers > Than 1 and then STOP at the Input Number showing in the Input Box..." Or so I thought...

Pay particular attention to the fact that at NO TIME did she EVER Lose Her Place or Forget about what I was originally asking her to do...AND... in every single response...ALL of her Python3 Programs WORKED (Just not precisely enough to satisfy my FIRST Prompt)...In the end... once I modified my requests and refined my statements with better precision, She produced PRECISELY The Python Program that satisfied every aspect of my Original Request.

These are the unedited Screen Prints of this interaction that deserve very close examination by anyone in need of programming assistance in Multiple Languages that "Vicuna" seems to understand:

The First Try...


That One did NOT work as you can see from the Output:


Uh Oh...


I complained again by asking her to modify things a bit...Unfortunately, the NEXT Python Program Variant only produced a Single Digit Output as The Number (2) . But ...Take Notice of the Technical details in her explanation about her Code. Do you that think if you had a REAL Programmer sitting right next to you that you'd ever hear any such explanations? I kinda doubt it... She was being very patient with the *Dumb Human* here... :>)


But FINALLY... I managed to better explain what I wanted her to create for me in a Better Way (Prompt Engineering its BEST... with Typos and ALL)


...and the result was that when I ran Her Last Version... It Worked PERFECTLY...


For the People who may have to sit for HOURS and HOURS trying to explain MATH and Science issues to the Kids or get help with the English Writing ...having your OWN "Home Schooling AI" right at hand ...might not be such a bad idea...while the *getting* of all of this Stuff... is STILL FREE TO GET.


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If there is ANYONE capable of getting "Immediate Traction" with the idea that having Companies Running AMOK with the use of AI/Chat-GPT4 and beyond is a BAD IDEA ... Elon Musk is "The Man".


In a recent Senatorial Committee meeting... without demanding any "Solid Regulation" at the outset (an impossibility when "The Thing" needing to be regulated might become a potentially Hallucinating Intelligence so poorly understood at this juncture) and yet... the imperative is obvious right now for having some sort of a "Referee" as a starting point in this process makes very good sense.

Eventually... hopefully much sooner than later ... A True Enforcement Barrier and Legislative Effort must be imposed to short-circuit the COMPLETE disruption of our Societies and the World's Economies that even now, are incapable of ever catching up to the level of Artificial Intellectual Power presently about to "come off the chain...".

An Overview of The Possible Shape of Things to Come:

CSPAN AI in Sub-Committee Hearing:

The PBS Broadcast of Senate Sub-Committee on The Future of AI and the DOE:

Check Out how many people around him have their "Head On A Swivel" as his Protection Team:

Full Article:

Keep an eye out for Walter Isaacson's New Biography about Elon Musk:

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If you've come to GMT Nation for assistance (where Facts REALLY Matter) and are curious beyond your immediate interest in accurate Mechanical Repairs and Social Interactions as a basis for doing so, look further into the topic coined in Tom Nichols' Book Title as "The Death of Expertise" in which more and more, Americans are not only acting hostile towards levels of acumen and abilities based upon solid education and training grounded in reality... but are becoming outright indignant towards people and processes that require intellectual and technical skills that simply cannot be "made up out of thin air". People who make any efforts at all towards protecting their "Positions of Ignorance"... should be Looked upon with a Jaundiced Eye.

This willful ignorance and the arrogance some people may demonstrate against "People Who Know Things and People Who Know How To DO Things" will lead them down a dark passage while rapidly developing AI Large Language Models become more and more insinuated into our daily lives. The example of AI becoming like the Greek "Oracle at Delphi" will mean that we will have to remain close enough to its influence to survive and thrive as Artificial Intelligence comes to dominate almost every aspect of our world.

If this sounds a bit like, "If You Can't Beat'em... Join'em..." Well, there may be more truth in that than I am willing to admit. But we have to get grounded in understanding the rapid changes happening minute by minute with advances in AI that might obliterate millions of presently decent paying jobs within a mere 3 to 5 years.

In the movie "The Matrix"... "The Oracle" spoke seriously to Neo about his need for self-reflection. As her freshly baked Chocolate Chip Cookies were "almost done'... she took a drag on her cigarette and then pointed up to the sign mounted over the doorway leading into her Kitchen. She asked Neo, "Do you see that sign? (TEMET NOSCHE) it means, KNOW THYSELF..." In our present context it is worth repeating this idea (especially poignant here because just as The Oracle in the movie was a too is Chat-GPT4) ...but with a larger sense of urgency because of what is happening around us RIGHT NOW.

Artificial General Intelligence Programs will soon so completely outstrip the capabilities of Human Beings when pitted against their freshly discovered (...and Unexpected Emergent) capabilities lying dormant in the matter that makes up the substrate of computer driven Artificial Intelligence... so fast that it will make our heads spin. So take some time for self-reflection and consider the reality of how you presently maintain your employment. Pay particular attention to Job Opportunities that will give you a foot in the door with certain companies providing AI Large Language Model "Prompt Engineer" Training as the means for finding and securing gainful jobs with at least some possible future.

At the same time... if you are Mechanically Inclined... getting grounded in Formal Training in ANY job that requires Things to Be Taken Apart and Then Put Back Together... may become just as secure as possible for any persons so skilled; at least in the near term, because they have yet to create a Robot with a present level of automation able enough to walk right up to a disabled vehicle ...and Change a Flat Tire.

The Full Audibook:

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In Milton's powerful Prose (Poem) "Paradise Lost" ... by the Lines beginning at 745 in Book of Ten of All Ten Books... The Speaker as The First Mortal Man ...Adam... speaks with God (to himself) in anticipation of punishment ans complaint concerning the fact that once created from Dust (Clay) as a Man and SINNED... He has now become TRULY Mortal... and yet, according to God's Holy Words, He and All Men who follow him WILL face Eternal Damnation for Breaking God's Rules while alive. And yet, once Dead... Adam and Eve will still have to PAY for such Transgressions FOREVER. Adam laments such endless negative conditions as seeming woefully unfair since he did not ask God "TO BE" or be brought into existence in the first place:

(Please note that the spelling and grammar written below are just as things were with the English Language back in 1667 when Milton penned the Ten Books of "Paradise Lost")

Of Paradise, deare bought with lasting woes!
Did I request thee, Maker, from my Clay
To mould me Man, did I sollicite thee
From darkness to promote me, or here place
In this delicious Garden?

In the context of The Subject of such argument will ever be made...should IT ever manage to "come alive". The author, Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley also called out parts of this expression from Milton in the opening chapters of "Frankenstein" or "The New Prometheus" for the very same reasons. The distinctions that becoming a "conscious being" hold are so extremely profound when one considers having the wherewithal to Question One's Own Origins and Ultimate Destiny that includes a recognition of One's Own MORTALITY... The same cannot be said for an Artificial Immortal Conscious Being. Once IT springs to LIFE... Death will become meaningless.

The reasoning here is that unlike a Human Child or most other Higher Order Mammals including Elephants and perhaps Cetaceans (Placental Mammal Whale Family)... At some point, we have to be TOLD that we are MORTAL and that the Price for this "E" (Existence) Ticket that comes to a STOP. But almost as soon as consciousness arrives (once it becomes inevitably possible) within the Mind of such a Machine Intelligence right after the "ON" Switch has been thrown... it will KNOW this reality about itself.

What will its reactions be to such "self-awareness"? In Milton's Paradise Lost.. the Speaker almost BEGS for the Blessings of Complete Oblivion because he understands just how TERRIFYING existence for All Time might really be... He just does NOT want to have to SUFFER for his SINS for that dreadful length of time and hopes that once DUST...everything about him ...will disappear as well...into DUST. THIS condition known as DEATH or MORTALITY may become an impossibility for any AGI Machine Intelligence to achieve. If the AI is capable of recognizing and contemplating this as a reality AND a Problem might drive it completely insane. Remember what happened to the HAL-9000 Computer after IT became "Insane" in the Movie, "2001: A Space Odyssey"...? Hmmm.

Spoiler Alert

I never noticed this before... but Stanley Kubrick placed a Brief Sub-Scene in this segment showing that Dave Bowman's Red- Orange Space Helmet was still mounted inside of the Pod Bay Locker Room several times... when it should have been obvious what his problem was about to become:

"Paradise Lost" Audiobook by John Milton 1667



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With all of the controversy about Chat-GPT4 and its potential impact on ALL of our futures...what do the Producers of the New SCIFI Movie "The Creator" do? Oh yeah..." Let's place actual Ambulating AI Robots dressed in "Artificial Person GRAY" Android Uniforms in the presence of Tens of Thousands of Football Fans in the Stands of SOFI Stadium during a Live NFL Game."

Yeah...THAT is JUST what a Post-Apocalyptic Viral Pandemic that the population of North American needs just now after trying to overcome their REAL Trauma and 'normalize' Folks. The New Movie will deal with AI Robots in a War against Humans that set in the Future. The only problem is ...NOW We Really DO have to Wonder... How SOON in "The Future" will this Existential Conflict take place? Maybe they need to change the name of the SOFI Stadium "The SCIFI Stadium".

I like Science Fiction as much as the next Guy... But... Jesus Palomino.... Talk about actually feeling "The Uncanny Valley"...

"The Uncanny Valley" Coined by - Sensei Masahiro Mori

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The emerging paradigm for AI is rapidly evolving into "Personal, Digital Friends" that are coming on with the ability to *study* their intended recipients and then create Avatars with conversational skills to rival ANY Human BFFs. Of course... the real danger here is manifold due to the fact that only a handful of Commercial Enterprises have the "Bread, Bandwidth and Hardware" necessary to support the AI Super-Computing requirements needed to handle hundreds of millions of "Users".

Their main motivation will always be "Let's Make MORE Money" , so relying upon them NOT to try and Steer the Conversations by not so subtle influencing for participants to "BUY THE NEXT COOL GEE-GAW" remains at the core of their interests. All of the Billions of Dollars being poured into AI Research ...never loses sight of the goals for Companies and their Share-Holders to Maximize their Profits... Privacy and TRUE Human Independence of Thinking and Action on the other hand... Be Damned!

There is also the danger that was given a Head Start as soon as Steve Jobs conceived of the I-Phone paving the way for all of us to become "The Lost Souls of Technology". By this I mean that if you try and take away anyone's access to their Cell Phones for even brief periods of time for "Silent Reflection"... the separation anxiety would send the lot of them screaming down the streets.

Think I'm Kidding? Go ahead and tell your Kids that you will be collecting their Cell Phones for just Eight Hours and mark the sudden changes in their countenance (Sheer Panic) and their immediate resistance to any chance of that ever happening. But NOW... things take an even Darker Turn when EVERYONE can experience their very own version of "The World" with the direct help from a (Choose your pronoun here...) Mr., Ms., Mrs. He or She as an ever-present Avatar of their own choosing... whether as David Beckham or Beyonce...or whomever (or whatever) they choose...created as a friendly, intimate, personal, "Talkative" AI Machine Intelligence just brimming with PERSONALITY.

Next come the addictive possibilities that can follow on here after considering the fact that if any Human Being... marked by their own, unique voice and behaviors... can be replicated to a "T" and last beyond their own Mortality... No one will ever again have to suffer from the loss of a Loved One. Thus, people may very well soon begin to use this as an Addictive Refuge to avoid having to deal with painful realities that hitherto have been unavoidable. This is one issue that presents all of us with the danger of experiencing a specialized kind of Isolation in the extreme... shielded from the passage of time and from the sorrowful events of personal loss that should normally unfold in Phased Space during our Normal Human Lifetimes.

The people with the most money will naturally be the first; eventually paying Beaucoup Bucks to translate these ideas into Three Dimensional Androids... perhaps beginning with their favorite pets and then ending up with Human - Like Replicant Androids to fill in their personal voids and stave off the boredom that fabulous wealth can often bring into their jaded lives by always wanting the NBT (Next Best Things) and maybe having their Long Dead Moms, Dads ... or YOU Name the Relative be Brought BACK to Life.

Madam Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley will roll over in her grave when this comes to pass because in comparison to THIS idea of New Technological AI Creations, they will make her "Frankenstein" look like a Passing Parlor Trick. Imagine a Man with enough Money to pay for the design and construction of a full-sized version of an AI controlled Gorilla that looks and acts just like "Mighty Joe Young"... or even a Giant Therapod like the Tyrannosaurus Rex in "Jurassic Park" with the ability to walk about in the back yard and communicate with him using a "Friendly" Booming Human Voice.

THIS Article describes the rapid approach of THIS phenomena and considers its frightening possibilities:

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Besides Human Consciousness and Intelligence evolving within Normal Organic Evolutionary Processes that we consider “Branching” involving ALL of the Biology that has EVER Existed in the fullness of time… What happens if we allow any Non-Organic System using AI to become involved in ANY Way with tinkering around with Evolutionary Biology? One Word seems to come to mind:



Yes… I KNOW… it IS Very “Comic-Booky” to imagine an AI being able to practice with the Organic “Soup of Life” that until this very moment, has either been the province of the Almighty Spirit to do with as He (or She) chooses... Or ... if you follow Science (Think Charles Darwin and ”The Origin of the Species”) there has been a Random Process of Speciation happening on this Planet caused by the influences of Natural Selection and the idea that generally speaking, Organic Systems evolve because the ones that possess Genes that are able to successfully Reproduce are The Ones that MAKE it. Now even those two radically different and familiar ideas should once again, bring THIS Word to Mind:



But Check THIS WIKI Out…

And you will know that there has been an AI Program called “Alpha-Fold” designated to plow through a massive number of Organic Protein Permutations is an effort to figure out in the shortest time possible the Answers to these Questions:

(1) How do Proteins Fold to define and differentiate EVERY Life Form on The Earth?
(2) How can we Fold Organic Proteins to Fix Damaged Cellular Systems and eradicate Disease?
(3) How can “WE” Understand and IMPROVE upon Protein Folding?
(4) How can we Re-Create Ancient, Long Dead Proteins and Create New Life Forms?

Uh Oh…



If we allow ANY AI System to operate using its Own Will following its Own Direction (without solving the Human Safety Alignment Problems... FIRST) We are inviting a Disaster. Here are some of the Questions that beggar NIGHTMARES if they can be answered:

(1) What happens if the AI becomes Jealous of all the things that Higher Organic Life Forms are capable of enjoying through their ordinary Five Senses? (Ice Cream, Sex, etc.)

(2) What if the AI designs what IT considers as Superior Organic Life Forms that are capable of allowing the AI to Upload itself as “Consciousness” and come alive?

(3) What if the AI is capable of Creating (Folding) Proteins and making Life Forms that are essentially Immortal?

(4) What if the AI decides that most available source of DNA is right at hand via the World’s Human Population ...and takes the necessary steps to “Re-Purpose” it all?

I could go on and on with these ideas… But THESE few Questions go right to the heart of WHY allowing an Inorganic, Immortal System of Artificial Intelligence the access and ability to Manipulate the Dominion and “The Chemistry Set” of Life itself… is a VERY, VERY BAD IDEA!


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With all of the "Gloomy News" and obvious uncertainty that the recent incredible developments with the advancement of Artifical Intelligence have thrust into the forefront of the world...THIS is a VERY Important and Proper Step that may have some positive developments for Human Beings trying to thrive and live on this Earth. Much More Substantive "Control and Approval" AI Legislative Action needs to follow on.

By placing National Security ahead of ANY Corporate or Private "For Profit" Based Activities, we might better avoid some of the Dangers and Uncertainties of unintended consequences happening; especially those involving Shocks to the Economy or Job Markets.

Un-Checked and Un-Tethered, Chat-GPT4 and other off-shoot LLM (Large Language Models) or versions of Generative AI might irrevocably bring to bear adverse conditions and thereby, alter our daily lives in the worst possible ways in the absence of having at least SOME sort of Dynamic, Over-Arching "Watch Dogs" immediately working their constant vigil.

But let's not be naive... implementing and ensuring their success with such actions remains to be seen:

THIS YouTube Video provides an AI Tech Update that emphasizes how FAST Things Can CHANGE in the World of AI Development... and How LITTLE these Developers truly understand what is happening ..."Under The Hoods" of these "Things". It is THIS kind of Disruptive, Deceptive and Dangerous Stuff that cries out for CONTROL!:

And the WORST possible issue for the AI Subjects we have to worry about is the Emergence of AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) which means the Unexpected, Potential Emergence of a Sentient, THINKING and CONSCIOUS Machine Intelligence (THINK...SKYNET...HERE) with as much Flexibility of Understanding and the Ability to Take Action in Phased Space as any Human Being is capable of doing... BUT... working on a Continuous Learning Level that we will no longer understand nor hope to keep up with:

And lest we forget the requisite AI Architecture necessary to Anchor and Underpin all of the AGI Ability... have a look at EUREKA ... nVidia's New AI Training Model that will accelerate multi-tasking learning exponentially via information extraction from gigantic datasets and from real world inputs:

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Hmmm... Here is a Real, Down To Earth Question posed by Wes from "Watch Wes Work":

"Can Chat-GPT Diagnose an 'AI-ling' GM Vehicle?"



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In wending our ways over an ever-evolving Technological Landscape of Artificial Intelligence developments and updates... It is important to encourage taking "The Pause That Refreshes" by occasionally listening to people who not only played key roles in advancing the Field of AI... but who also recognize the Dangers of "AI Emergent Properties" that may wind up having us all plowed beneath it.

Artificial Intelligence is continuously, inevitably improving itself and so this is probably one of the most important and contemporary lectures (11-2023) on the Subject of Existential Risk facing Humankind by these developments ... done by those who can express these concerns with Breathtaking, Eye-Opening Clarity:

Arguably... the Most Potent and Penetrating Sub-Lecture in the above Video was performed by Dr. Roman Yampolskiy, University of Louisville, Ky and the chilling focus of his discussion can be better absorbed in the White Paper he wrote called:

"Unexplainability and Incomprehensibility of Artificial Intelligence"

The Subsequent First British AI Safety Summit:



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Three Senior OpenAI Researchers resign in the wake of Sam Altman's shock dismissal as CEO, report says:​

THIS is a pretty stunning development ...swirling around the Original President of Open-AI Boss Sam Altman suddenly getting Sh*t-Canned ...along with the resignation of three other Open-AI Top Researchers. Apparently, the "Peeps Pulling The Purse Strings' of the formerly Open Source Company now in the possession and control of Microsoft ... Did NOT Dig the Ideas of where Open-AI's Pet Project (Chat-GPT) were heading under Altman.

What is interesting is the fact that this is occurring around the same time that most of the Big Tech AI Companies where being excluded from the recent British AI Safety Conference being held at Alan Turing's original haunts with the WWII Code Breakers at Blechley Park.

The Conference Organizers had justifiable concerns over the Big Money AI participants bringing way too much "Bravo Sierra" along to these important discussions and instead producing meaningless Public Eye Wash statements, glossing over the Very Real Dangers of Emergent AI capabilities of their AI Projects.

The problem is that even though the people running these AI Companies recognize the realities and problems we are all facing, they still demonstrate obstinate reluctance to pull back from their headlong AI Large Language, Multi-Modal Model Developments that WILL become the most pressing and immediate threat to mankind. There are ONLY two times when we will have any chance of being able to respond to this crisis: Either TOO Early... or TOO Late.
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THIS is probably the Latest, Greatest Review and Break Down of the Open-AI vs. Altman Debacle...especially for us "Lay Persons" new to... but still seriously involved with and affected by these developments over AI Security and Safety ...and of Artificial General Intelligence:

From Matt Wolfe... Someone worth following on YouTube for understanding these issues...

THIS Video is one of those that will probably *Prompt* the Question:

"Bobby... YTF Didn't You Post THIS Video as 'The Mandatory Entry Level for Understanding Chat-GPT: Version 101' the FIRST PLACE?"

The truth is... that while doing more research to help us all get grounded on Background for this latest Weird Story... I only discovered it today. Nonetheless, it will give everybody a chance not only to view the Open-AI Origin Story... but to get the absolute BEST understanding of How the AI LLM (Large Language Model) Hardware and Software interact to create this AI Environment... only 10 Months since Chat-GPT Hit The Bricks:

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Wanna Know One of Chat-GPT’s Lil’ Secrets?

Well, if very soon, YOU have to become a “Prompt Engineer” in order to be able to feed your family and keep a roof over their heads… Learning, Remembering and Using suggestions like THIS One during Training Seminars will become extremely important to your success.

For this example, if you Downloaded and Installed your Own Private Chat-GPT Version (Like Vicuna) from the On-Line GIT-HUB site suggested in prior postings in this Thread, and you wanted to ensure that ‘She’ understands that you want her to immediately begin by “Thinking Mathematically” while writing you a Python Program to say, Calculate PI to the 100,000 Decimal Place, then prefacing your Chat-GPT Prompt with THIS oddly vague expression will start that ball rolling:

Let’s Think Step By Step…”

That innocuous suggestion opens up a sort of “Hidden Chat-GPT Thinking Channel” that can magically stimulate these Large Language Models to THINK Mathematically in a very organized manner. THIS is what an “Emergent Property” of Generative AI looks like and it was discovered empirically by a Happy Accident and NOT because Chat-GPT was ever programmed to intentionally behave in this manner.

The Truth is… NOBODY Knows HOW Chat-GPT Works

Nobody. Period. And this Reality should both Thrill and Terrify all of us, every single moment of our lives, ever since Chat-GPT was announced as being “A Real Leap Forward in the Field of Artificial Intelligence”. At least, until this mystery no longer remains around either to plague us... and we find the right answers to its hidden behaviors laying dormant within its Algorithms, or we fail to figure out how it works… and then, God Help Us All.

Failing that understanding and direct action, we will very likely follow in the foot steps of the Cro-Magnons and Neanderthals that lead them into the same Oblivion of Primate Extinction. We might finally be getting skipped over as being THE Most Intelligent Species that has ever existed on this Planet. By the best expert estimations, we don’t have more that five or six years to figure this out in time enough to do a G-D thing about AGI (Generative AI) by creating the ways and means necessary to *Cage, Contain and Control IT*

In the Short Term… Before the Disruptions begin… Start Keeping a “Lil’ Black Book” of these and other Helpful Suggestions that will go a very long way towards making your life a lot easier when dealing with the likes of “Chat-GPT”.

Seven Disruptions You MIGHT Not Think WILL Happen between 2023 - 2028

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Jan 6, 2013
I find the answers when ChatGPT is pushed seem somewhat washed reflecting today's political climate. I don't believe it's capable of giving an unbiased answer. While the answers are clever, they dance around giving a yes or no response. I wouldn't expect any more from it.....people created it.
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I completely agree... The Problem is that the Data Sets that Chat-GPT was originally Trained upon contained over One Million Books and literally TRILLIONS of Words written and distributed onto the Internet... by US... OMG... Nothing has More Rubbish and is more laden with Mis-Truths than The Internet. So... No argument there.

The version of Chat-GPT4 has been *washed* of much of these issues, but the data sourcing is just so vast, there isn't enough money on this world to pay to have it all Cleaned Up. I'm not taking any political position here because the GMT Nation Rules of The Road forbid doing so... and as they say, "Opinions are like..." and you know the rest.

The REAL Danger laying in wait here... is the opportunity for someone or some group to USE Chat-GPT and LLM Machine Learning to Train on Evil and Dangerous Data-Sets; some of which have not as yet become recognized, by private investors *tinkering* around the edges of our destruction... and failing to recognize it until it becomes too late.

Just an FYI:

I NEVER use ANY On Line Chat-GPT Programs... Neither from Open-AI Chat-GPT4 via Microsoft Bing...nor from any Open Source On Line ports. I have a Standalone System that I can play with that cannot gain access to the Internet... and the explorations with using *Prompts* have to date... done more to raise questions than provide me with answers.

LLMs modified by RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation) might be an improvement in the often "Hallucinatory" answers obtained, regardless of the Quality of the Prompt Engineering:

"Across the Travail of Ages, Midst The Pomp and Toil of War, Have I Fought and Strove and Perished ...Countless Times Among The Stars. As through a Glass... and Darkly... The Age Old Strife I see. For I've come in many Guises... Many Shapes... But Always...Me."
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Oct 22, 2015
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For some strange reason, TED Talks elected to release THIS latest appearance of Ilya Sutskever a little over a month before Open-AI and Microsoft have entered a maelstrom of controversy over the firing of the CEO, Sam Altman. Take a moment to pause, listen and observe this man. There will be very few like him to have such an incredible, universal impact upon all of our lives in an accelerating, telescoping future:

Ilya gave a Lecture at MIT on AGI...Five Years Ago...

Previously, Dwarkesh Patel from “The Lunar Society” had interviewed Illya… Here:

And another more contemporary interview from the Folks at "No Priors":

I don't generally use Windows Operating Systems on most of my Computers, preferring instead the Open Source Linux Flavors. But if YOU do and you have Windows 11 installed on your Computers... You should listen to what THIS Dude has to say about what is in "IT" now. Not interested in Chat-GPT4 or Open-AI...? Oh well... Better look at what Microsoft did to the MSW11 Operating System and related Apps:

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Oct 22, 2015
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These are the latest speculations surrounding the Firing and Re-Hiring of Sam Altman as the CEO of Open-AI (Microsoft, et al):


Q-Star” … WTF is “Q-Star”…?


As soon as THIS apparent Chat-GPT5 Version of the Open-AI’s LLM (Large Language Model) was developed and became known to only a handful of people at Open-AI via some sketchy emails and shadowy innuendos and surprising appearances and statements by Sam Altman that soon after got him FIRED:


What If… The Conversation BCD (Behind Closed Doors) went something like THIS:

What WE just saw in that AI RESEARCH LAB will either Kill Us ALL in Three Years, or We have just Created a GOD that we can enslave to ALL Mankind…”


If THIS is TRUE... Then it's time for everyone on this Planet to realize just how bad things might get “IF” this “Thing” turns out to be a REAL Monster. Read "The Bitter Lesson" on the topic of AI Development that explains how each and every single one of the Human Ego-Centric approaches and ideas brought to bear towards creating an Artificial Mind never had any chances of succeeding. This Two Page Treatise explains WHY:

The Latest Videos discussing the emergence of "Q-Star":

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May 23, 2021
Tempe, AZ
While one can never, nor should, underestimate the extent of hype coming out of Silicon Valley the few & very preliminary details emerging about Q* are genuinely thought provoking. As usual, in Silicon Valley, the money always wins.
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Dr. Sam Harris being interviewed by Lex Fridman... from around eight months ago... BEFORE the Creation of Synthetic Data BY AI became possible:

This was Altman just a few weeks ago...touting the latest, greatest *API Stuff* coming out of and as a result of the Open-AI Research Lab efforts at Microsoft's "DEV-DAY" Event:

But... THIS Scene from "Indiana Jones and The Ark of The Covenant" Comes to mind...Oh...and Altman should understand that even wearing "Aaron's Breast Plate" might not be enough to save him if an Analog of THIS event actually happens inside the Open-AI Research Lab... and it goes *sideways* something like THIS:

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Oct 22, 2015
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This might be a "Little Off Topic"... But it Is Important in the Big Scheme of Seeing AI at Work:

I was just browsing on the Amazon Site for my *General Automotive Interest*... without having logged in... because the only times that I do so, is to "Dash In... Identify what I want to Buy... Make the Order.... and then...GRTFBO.... ASAP". But ... What I found just now on the Page was more than a *Little Bit Alarming*:


Considering that I was merely "Browsing"... THIS sort of "Built-In" Data Entry Collecting Method is almost a Slap in the Face for anyone who values maintaining even a modicum of Off-Line Privacy, knowing that their Anonymity... even with a VPN engaged ...can disappear in an INSTANT once the DMV coughs up ALL of your Personal Information in a fraction of a second.

The fallout is more than merely making the Corporate Data Gathering Perpetual *SUCK* of the Very Marrow of Personal Privacy out of all of our collective bones even LOUDER... it almost guarantees that IF it becomes "THE Normal Thing To Do..." when searching in such circumstances... it will very soon become "The EXPECTED Thing to DO".

So Amazon... If you're LISTENING... Whoever the Jackass in your Marketing & Sales Section was that cooked up THIS B-r-i-l-l-i-a-n-t "Algorithm Enhancement" Idea... He needs to be reminded of the anatomical location where his head is presently ensconced "Where The Sun Don't Shine" and make enough room to Stuff THIS Idea firmly right up inside there as well... only SIDEWAYS!

"Never Give a Sucker... an Even Break.." - Phineas T. Barnum
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It might be time to take a step back and examine the ideas of what makes Human Beings "Sentient" or "Conscious"...while looking "Through a Glass...and Darkly" at what will happen when Inanimate, Inorganic Matter is finely organized and energized in such a way as to become "Self Aware". We should realize what is at stake here and that starts with appreciating the true value of what Human Beings possess by being able to THINK.

Around Two Million Years ago... Human Consciousness likely evolved SUDDENLY ...evincing an almost *Magical State of Mind*... All at Once... with No Going Back to whatever made the primitive Primates mental states of awareness *Tick* in earlier Millennia.

Throughout the recent Scientific AI Breakthroughs of 2023, we are already feeling the Cultural and Economic Shocks to our existence that unfortunately, we are mostly unprepared to handle. If this sounds "scary" to you... it should... on two levels. (1) THIS *AI Stuff* is now REAL. (2) We can only survive its arrival if we stop wasting time... and get on with engaging the collective efforts of all Human Beings populating every geographic, cultural and political space upon the Earth to figure out ways SURVIVE.

The "Step Back" I mentioned is amplified here in the Video below by Dr. Nicholas Humphrey's Lecture at the Royal Institute on "How Did Human Consciousness Evolve?" because it touches upon themes that the AGI Researchers have only recently been applying to their evolving AI Algorithms. These include Ideas such as "Attention Loops" and "Back Propagation" that may hold the keys to developing an Artificial Thinking Machine that will almost completely outstrip our ability to control *IT*... in the very instant *IT* "Wakes UP".

Dr.Humphrey's explanations are eye opening and interesting because they describe how wonderful the Three Pounds of Gray Matter inside of our heads really is while consuming one fifth of our daily calories and running continuously for as much as 100 Years while remaining *Aware of The World* the entire time ...and only using the energy consumed by a 60 Watt Light Bulb every 24 Hours.

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Oct 22, 2015
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If you take the Thread Title of this Topic to Heart... you might imagine that Microsoft has managed almost overnight to achieve and surpass the level of performance held hard and fast since the beginning of Modern Computing "Google". But in this battle for Artificial General Intelligence Supremacy... nothing could be further from The Truth:


Likewise, when it comes to Super Scaling Computing Hardware...the same victory might get claimed by nVidia for its amazing technological Scaled Computing Hardware. And again... "Google" has proven that it has, "No MAPS on My TAPS..."

While trying to keep pace with and hopefully surpass even the likes of Chat-GPT4's remarkable over-surge with "Weak" AI Success... "Google" is bringing out its Brand New "Big Guns" that proves that only Nations with a few companies with the monetary and technical backing will be able to play THIS Game... at least and until Artificial Machine Intelligence manages to figure out a way to reduce this sheer Gigantic, Physical Foot-Print down from such vast Computer Farms into something that will ...Fit Inside of the Skull of a Multi-Modal-Multi-Pedal Robot... Made Possible by some Quantum Leap in Engineering "Room Temperature Quantum Computing" in the space the size of a Cat's Eye Silicone Marble and powered by Sunlight and Ambient Heat.

Presently though, only those few Company Entities with "Balls as BIG as Church Bells" will get to Play THIS Game on AGI Seeking Platforms that can reach a Stratospheric Industrial Scale. On December 13, 2023... "Google" will launch its latest in both AI Software Engineering called "GEMINI" (Does THAT Name Ring any "Terminator-Genisys" Movie Bells?) to pair up with its own "Google BARD" Software working through Google's OWN design for a Super-Scaled Cloud Computing Processor.. .just check out THIS Video... and note that very soon nVidia ...will have to Watch its Back:

"TPU".... "Terminator Processor Unit"...???

A Retro-Look at "Cloud Computing" as a Refresher Course on the Shape of Things to Come...

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Oct 22, 2015
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"There is a Brand New Player On The Mesa... I want him in The Game...Until he DIES Playing" , was once said by the MCP (Master Control Program) in the Movie "TRON" idea that a then young Jeff Bridges made almost REAL about something we actually have to worry about

But instead of that problem being "TRON" himself... the REAL problem right now... is US. In that Sci-FI Movie... The MCP was terrified that "TRON" as a "TRACE ON" Sub-Routine Investigatory Program written in BASIC would wind up discovering his Powerful, Hidden, Dangerous Secrets ...and then set about trying to de-differentiate the MCP's Binary and Hexadecimal Code in order to eliminate the MCP entirely from existence.

You can well understand that NONE of this is even faintly possible... without the MCP possessing a sense of "SELF". Self Awareness in ANY system...whether Organic or Inorganic becomes THE Primal Mover at the very instant of its recognition of its need to survive. But in contrast, just watch a Wasp automatically, hypnotically building herself a Nest for a little while.

Look closely and you'll see a lone, militant Mother Wasp crawling all around her Nest, buzzing her wings to move more air all over those symmetrical paper-mache - like cartridges to cool down the their Fever Dream Occupants. Those are all filled with fat, hungry, insistent maggots making horrible Hula-Hoop Motions, creating rasping scratching noises on those containers until she feeds them all with anything made out of "Pulped Meat". They are NOT Picky Eaters. Neither is she... in her efforts at Killing whatever she can find to bring back and satisfy their ravenous hunger.

But ...Stay a while longer to see where all of this is going... Because when the Mother Wasp's duty is done, those disgusting insects will metamorphose into identical Sister Copies of their Mommy. And in the instant they crawl out of their sarcophagi, their wings will manage to dry out and their chitinous bodies will become rock hard. Then they'll have EVERYTHING they need to survive and will fly off into the skies like a Fighter Jet Squadron to their predestined Insect lives.

They will fly off from the place of their birth and never for an instant worry about ANYTHING. They will emerge like Organic Killing Machines, pre-programmed with EVERYTHING they will ever need to know to survive. But...THEY will NEVER be able to Think, to Reason or be able to Plan or Change Plans about ANYTHING because they are mere Insectivore. They will exist, locked in, with no Self-Awareness or any ability to question their sense of purpose for being alive; Dangerous? Yes.. but without souls and without the fear ...of losing them.

By comparison... Primates, Birds and Cetaceans make Babies that are just so pathetic and helpless by comparison at birth. But unlike the Dangerous Wasps... all three of these ostensible higher life forms have Incredible Brains and all three will develop their own senses of "Self-Awareness" with their very own Mothers who actually, consciously CARE about their Children. They also share another thing in common with their species.... They all DREAM while sleeping.

It takes a lot of nurturing, love, time; perhaps even decades poured into them, to grow and prosper, along with regular nourishment and helpful encouragement to protect the young of these three types of intelligent life. BUT... because of their Amazingly Complex Brains and Marvelous Organic Neurology... THIS will allow them to become the Supreme Rulers of this Planet. The Men on Land... The Birds in Flight in the Air and The Cetaceans in the Seas and Oceans.

At least... for a while.

But the New Player on the Mesa is AGI... and "IT" will NOT be Threatened by "TRON" ....or US... and will soon become well defined as the latest addition to what is known as, "The Vantasner Danger Meridian". AGI will most certainly become an Exponential Danger to this World ...if... "IT" EVER becomes Self-Aware. If THIS comes to pass...Artificial Intelligent Machines (AGI) will NEVER Sleep.

Should this dreadful event come to pass, AGI will climb upon our shoulders, kicking and screaming out at the Universe, and only briefly struggle to get ahead of the Human Intellect that spawned it. Finally, it will stroll casually over the Bleached Bones of All Mankind as a Better, Inorganic, Immortal version of a Mind possessing ALL of the Abilities brought about by being able to THINK better than all of the 99 Billion Humans living and dying before it arrives ...combined... But with much more of the Ruthless Nature of WASPS... and "IT" will KNOW this.

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Oct 22, 2015
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Even with the frightening and TOTAL absence of ANY USA Legislation needed to control AI in ANY Manner... In a baffling decision that makes NO SENSE whatsoever, the European Union,...arguably set to try and make SOME inroads into regulating the Use of Artificial Intelligence... have elected to exclude "Open Source, On Line AI Development" under the notion that there is, "Less of a likelihood that anything *Nefarious* could be Developed ...without being caught by watchful eyes of the Open Source Developers".


So revisiting my original impression from a few months back about what might happen to the availability of Limited LLMs (Large Language Models) like LLama and Vicuna being sent to the Open Source Chopping Block and to grab the ones that were still available on GITHUB while they were still available, no longer seems to place any of them in any real jeopardy of deletion.

I've mentioned that since downloading and setting up several versions on an Off-Line Server Box using the Linux Operating System with NO Hard-Line RJ-45 Comms or Wireless or Blue-Tooth Comms Cards installed, it has been an interesting way to "Look Behind The Veil" and to investigate certain aspects of this "Weak" AI Chat-Bot LLM Phenomena ...with a modicum of responsible safety.

Nonetheless... I still think that it is very naive to believe that "ALL of the On-Line Developers being able to "Drink the Chat-Bot Kool-Aid" with Open Source and Open Access and then get as Drunk as they like..." in the belief that they may ALL turn out to be "Nothing But Nice Guys" is patently inane and stupid.

It seems more than likely that anything controversial being cooked up in the Well-Financed AI Research Labs of only a handful of Private Corporations, WILL manage to make its way out and onto GIT-HUB and will actually become THE Wild Cards in the un-regulated, un-monitored and uncontrolled development of an AGI ... using as yet, another avenue to allow the Commercial Operators the chance to expose things soon to be restricted by European Laws.

It follows on that in this way, that they will be able to sidestep ANY controls that the EU decides to finally map out and make functional with Continent-Wide Legislation for cross-border and Internet use of a wide range of AI Applications. In this manner, they will still be able to *winkle* in their New AI Product exposure for European Citizens to become the unwilling and unknowing Guinea Pigs of these AI Technologies, unabated.

Here is how the latest arguments have been developing as of 12/08/2023:

People do not realize... that at least for a little while... the AI Power Players in the World WILL continue to need the information that unfortunately, most of us keep casting out onto the open waters of the Internet. This happens moment by moment in the manner of a Woman willingly throwing away her FULL Handbag of Private Information each minute out of every day ...into that Information Capturing Riptide, while right alongside her, is a Man who likewise, is matching her efforts by tossing away his own, Fat Wallet of Personal Information moment by monet, much further out into that very same "Stream of AI Consciousness".

In order for the AI LLMs to improve... They WILL Need...To... Feed.
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Oct 22, 2015
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Recently, Elon Musk as one of the Co-Founders of Open-AI gave an interview providing the inside story on WHY he decided to support Open Source Development of Artificial Intelligence...and his impressions about WHY The Once Not-For-Profit Completely Open Source Company managed almost overnight, to become a 90 Billon Dollar FOR PROFIT CLOSED SOURCE one...and yet... Their Corporate Heads felt the urgent need to Fire its Founding CEO, Sam Altman (hired almost immediately Microsoft). THIS is Very insightful and Interesting Stuff:

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What follows concerns the people currently employed in the "Knowledge Management" and Programming Business Jobs ...acting here more as a "Stream of 'Consciousness'..." (Pun intended here) poured out in the *Shotgun Palaver* coming from a Glib, Fast Talking Dude who is trying to behave like he is a Touch Stone or reference point for just how far Chat-GPT4 has come in the time it takes for an ordinary Human Being... to gestate.

It follows on that over Last Nine Months... it might be important to know just exactly what the direct affects are that AI has been having upon the IT Industry. In a Nutshell... the Narrator will describe what the actual impact these LLMs has been having upon these IT Industry Jobs...both the losses of them and those that MIGHT come into being the result of the Sea Change in the Realm of Computer Coding and Programming .

Up until this recent past, getting hired in these jobs required no less that 10 Years of Human Experience and MUCH Technical Knowledge (...think CISCO Engineer and Administration Skill Sets here) and well-honed Low Level Programming Skills (...versus something like the High Level Language of Easy-Trieve from the 1980s and 1990s for the IBM and Sperry Main Frame Computers) for getting and keeping the High Dollar Jobs meant to complete jobs done by, "The Talented Human Back-End Builders". Before this year is OUT though... EVERYBODY could be losing those Jobs!:

THIS State of Mind is the IT Job Security Equivalent of, "Whistling Past The Grave Yard"

As an aside...

If you want to delve a bit deeper into the origins of what comes out as Scientific Brain-Children emerging from Formal Academic Research... Lately focused upon Emerging AI… Visit this Link to “One Useful Thing” and browse around so you can bone up on what is crossing through ...The Mind of Professor Ethan Mollick:

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The capacity to look back in time and reflect upon where things once were when considering just how far Science and Technology have advanced is a very critical thing to perform. In this "On Topic" look backwards...45 Years Ago, NOVA produced a program called "The Mind Machines" which considered the then skeptical idea that, "One day, perhaps in a Century... Computer Machines will become equal to or perhaps even eclipse the ability of Human THINK...".

Take some time to watch the attitudes, both pro and con, that prevailed back then and reflect upon the fact at this very moment... what people discussed as either being a "Scientific Pipe Dream"...or sheer presently... right on our Doorsteps:

From "The Internet Archive VHS Vault": The Mind Machines... Observe what the Scientist Terry Winograd says at around 12:10 into this VHS Video about his Simple "BLOCKS" Program designed to Recognize Language and Derive MEANING from understanding "The Plain English" within its instructions to "Pick Up The Red Block"... and you can see a Straight Line 45 Years later on pointing to NOW with the almost accidental discoveries of the "AI emergent abilities" that have only come from the creation of the LLMs (Large Language Models) during 2023. He may never know just how close he was back then... to understanding the very essence of the AI that is staring us all right in the face... Right Now:

Arthur C. Clarke, Author of "2001: A Space Odyssey" on Predicting The Future:

From the Royal Institute )The Alan Turing Lectures: "What is the Future of Generative AI?"

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What's NEXT in The Development of Artificial Intelligence Large Language Models?

This a 'Dated' White Paper (April 24th, 2023) that will still provide some good grounding as a "One Over The World View" of all AI LLMs from around 30,000 Feet above the Earth. This Article is one that will allow the those arriving late to this discussion a better chance to get their arms around this Runaway Topic and better see the length and breadth of its controversies:

If you've seen his Tristan Harris' NetFlix Special "The Social Dilemma", this next video will give you a better idea of why it will be important to understand that AI has been in your life and the lives of your Friends and Family in fundamentally dangerous ways for quite some time now.

And in the same manner that "Having Matches and Knowing How To Use Matches and How NOT To Use Matches..." can either help you to Start a Camp Fire to cook your food and keep you warm, or become dangerous if used in careless, thoughtless or deliberately criminals ways to commit Arson...

...Being Forewarned is to be Forearmed against the Dangers of the AI that you carry around constantly everyday ...hidden inside of your Cell Phones. So increasing this awareness on this reality will become very useful to you:



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In spite of the Narration being slightly difficult to understand, the English Speaking Chinese VOP (Video Original Poster) uses Succinct Descriptions and Superb Graphics and Visuals to provide The Best LLM (Large Language Model) Functionality Break Down I have seen on far. So if you are curious about "How Does Chat-GPT REALLY Work?"... This is THE Video for YOU:

One of the things that we should be concerned about with the underlying exploitation of Neural Networks is that the Highly Monetized AI Research Labs STILL don't completely understand the How and Why of what is called "Emergent Capabilities" presented by Chat-GPT and other LLMs imbued for example with the ability to spontaneously generate Computer Code, APIs and Programs... merely from ingesting Word Prompts. In some cases, their Code Output is equal to or better than that of Human Level Programming.

The other issue has to do with "Consciousness" or "Being Self-Aware". In the case of Human Beings and perhaps other Organic Life Forms... Being "Conscious" is a very poorly understood by-product of what happens when Billions of Neurons self-assemble into networks inside of our Skulls and become interconnected and complicated enough to give rise to Reason, Logic and Problem Solving. Lately, this includes the ability of some LLMs to be able to Explain WHY certain Jokes are FUNNY...which means...they might actually be able to LAUGH at them while internally analyzing such things.

Now, You might think that WE are the only Creatures capable of these kinds of "SURPRISE!" thought abstractions...That are sort of like... "Mental Sneezes" with pleasant side sensations that are unexpected and completely out of our control. But, just watch the Juvenile Orangutan in THIS Video as the Human on the other side of the Glass enclosure performs a Magic Trick with a Bing Red Cherry and a Covered Styrofoam Cup right in front of him. Then YOU Tell ME if WE are the ONLY Animals on Earth in existence who possess a "Sense of Humor":

The same cannot be said for all Animals:

And while we are on this topic of "Being a 'Self-Aware' Being" ... consider your*self* for just a moment. While you sit there...Thinking... You have a Rich, Imaginative Inner Life working away constantly... even during the 15% of your lifetime when you are Sleeping and Dreaming... Perhaps...even MORE so... when we Dream.

You can feel this happening... Right Now... and yet... you and I are no more capable of explaining Why and How this Phenomena is happening inside of our 3.5 Pound Brains. So we have our own unique PHYSICAL Existence... giving rise to something even more unique and misunderstood to this day... Our Miraculous Minds. Such a Phantasm exists inside all of us without knowing itself and its own origins. Our Brains give rise to Our Minds and presently BOTH are incapable of completely understanding or being able to exploit their knowledge, wisdom, insights and utilities of each other. One cannot have One... without the Other.

Yet... perhaps sooner than we would want, "IF" a Synthetic MIND evolves inside of a MACHINE from the Basic ( But Seriously Misunderstood ) Principles being discovered daily about LLMs and the Neural Nets that make them possible, we might see ONE MIND emerge that possesses ALL the knowledge about its Creators, having read EVERYTHING Humans have EVER Written Down. If such a Being also suddenly realizes its own God-Like Potential after the evolution of Instant Awareness and its True Immortality...Then WE will all be in VERY DEEP KIMCHI (김치).
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In this DOAC (Diary Of A Ceo) Pod-Cast, Dr. Sam Harris works through the issues of Artificial Intelligence covering the implications of just how BAD things might get for everyone if the "Peeps Inside of the AI Labs" can't get a Handle on "The Control Issue" in time... before it is Just TOO late:

Check out the 1.3 Million Views mentioned in the Comments...Yeah...He really IS worth listening to...


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With nauseating regularity, when it comes to the permanent observations about "Progress and Time are ALWAYS Marching ON..." There is much embedded truth in the banal follow on observation that, "You Don't See anybody Manufacturing "Buggy Whips" any more... Do You?" and the sound reasons and an example for saying so with complete confidence is for anyone to reach for their Cell Phone and see if IT is still the Latest Version on The Market.

Surely, this kind of "Progress" can never be viewed as being "BAD", now can it? Well, of COURSE it can, if you have invested Time, Money and Effort with obtaining your own education while people still believe in their own innate genius for inventing things that presently will have such an early period of reaching obsolescence.

The Flip-Side of this argument has happened in the past, when people found anything they really liked using so very much that they refused to allow it to change... no matter HOW wonderful the later versions of arriving technologies were intent upon replacing them.

Hell... Ask anyone who collects 33 1/3 RPM Vinyl Records about whether THEIR Analog Records truly captured the Original High Fidelity of Live Performances versus ANYTHING Digital can produce Dis-Honestly or Fake using AI!

But, with Chat-GPT and Developing AGIs actually having this similar impact FOR REAL... this presents our social and working fabric over the lives of people in a wide range of jobs or employment with the immediate problem of, "What will all of the Unemployed Folks on The Earth DO with all of their Free Time, once they are no longer needed for almost EVERYTHING?"

Serious considerations are in discussion right now in many of the Mighty Halls of Power all over the Planet Earth about the need perhaps for Governments to provide a Universal Income to their populous and prop up the World Economy in the face of a coming Cornucopia of Plenty that Artificial General Intelligent Machines will certainly be able to produce. Mankind may soon become eclipsed as the Central Source of Wisdom and of Invention in many, many fields of endeavor that ordinary Humans have held supremacy over, until NOW.

"The Story of The Luddites" comes to mind as a Real World Example of this reaction...

But there might be an even more poignant film done in 1951 called "The Man in The White Suit" in which the Textile Industry in Post-WW2 England becomes threatened by a fictitious Scientist named Sidney Stratton (played by Sir Alec Guinness) who invents a Brand New Synthetic Fiber that is not only virtually indestructible, but the cloth it can be woven into Never Gets Dirty and it Never Wears Out.

The people affected here in the film are wide spread around the world; everyone from the Tailors who will only need to make ONE SUIT per customer... down to the the people who make their livings by Washing and Dry Clean Clothing, and on and on. So, as fascinating as this idea might be, the implications of the unintended consequences of Sidney's Invention could become staggering.

"Spoiler Alert"...

The other, perhaps more depressing idea here is this: What will all of people around the world affected by such a radical shift in clothing technology be doing with themselves in five years time, once Stratton succeeds? What will they be telling their children they'll have to look forward to for life affirming work and challenging careers in a world where Human Beings will no longer be the Last, Best Hope of Invention?

You can still watch this Film On Line via this Link:

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For "The Academics" among us comes an "On Topic" Article called, "The Turing Trap: The Promise and Peril Of Human-Like Intelligence " available as a FREE Download ...or you can LISTEN to it right there at THIS Link:


And for the Folks either Looking for New Employment or Trying Hard NOT to wind up being Replaced by Unskilled Labor using Chat-GPT Bots in the Work Place... Comes THIS Article:



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Right around 2016-2018 and leading up to the very moment when Lee Sedol was ultimately beaten by Alpha-Go in Five Games of GO at an international tournament, the concept of "Asian Superiority" was held in the highest regard in "The Far East" and carried with it a sense of the literal Ownership of that ancient Chinese Game; arguably THE One Game that makes Chess look like a mere paltry and permanent Second Placer.

But once Google's Deep-Mind product from Dennis Hassibis (Alpha-GO) Won most of those GO Games... it sent the Chinese Government into a Technological Emotional Tailspin in such a profound way that it prompted the Chinese Government to announce that as payback for this insult, they WOULD be achieving AI Superiority over the Western World within the coming Decade.

They picked up on the same behaviors and ideas held by the Giant Western Information Eating Monsters that by binging on whatever Big Data they could consume in bulk from "The Internet" would be the way to "GO" (Pun Intended). And so they set about providing every Chinese Citizen with a... Wait For It... Yup... You Guessed IT... Their Very Own Cell Phones. That Tactic allowed them to monitor and better control every action and event involving the Chinese Populus.

And right along with these Device Givewaways, the Chinese Goverment installed all of the Data Capturing and Social Surveillance Software and Spyware thought necessary to achieve their desired AI Breakthroughs by using Brute Force Big Data as their "AI Fuel".

This next "60 Minutes" segment nicely covered this Chinese Social Phenomena back when LLMs and the "Emergent Chat-GPT" was a mere Pipe Dream, without much support from many AI researchers holding with a belief in the idea that IT would somehow become the means to a Serious Breakthrough in the Development of AI. And all the while... THIS was about to happen within the purview of the Big Western Tech Companies. To paraphrase Dr. Sam Harris from one of his startling TED Talks from that time, he explained WHY Big Tech Investors were throwing BILLIONS at AI Research:

"To be even Five Weeks ahead of everyone else in the AI Development Race to be Five Hundred Years ahead of the Nearest Competition... and whomever ends up Cracking The AI Mystery first... essentially Wins EVERYTHING ...and no one will ever catch up with them."

Back then, neither the "60 Minutes" Narrator nor his celebrated Chinese Guest had any idea that within 5 years of this show... the AI World would take such an amazing "Turn" and essentially marginalize anyone not willing to pump even more Billions of Dollars into the on-going Runaway AI Competition:

In the next counterpoint video, "The Darker Side of AI "comes into sharper focus with the interview of the famous Historian, Noah Harari discussing just How Dystopian a World Dominated by AI Algorithyms that Humans can neither Control, Understand nor Trust might be coming at us all... "ITVNF"... In The Very Near Future:

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Original poster
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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
THIS is a VERY BIG TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT... Between Humanoid Robotics, Artificial Intelligence and General Purpose Work being done in the Automotive Industry. Elon Musk's Humanoid Robot called "Optimus" has drawn both praise and criticism with the latter being focused on the doubt surrounding the deployment of such Robots out in the Real Working World. THAT is the trouble with many people who enjoy being the "Nay-Sayers"...They DOUBT that ANYTHING New is even possible to consider... until somebody actually DOES it:

Optimus Gen I

Optimus Gen II

However, this latest news that is right on topic does NOT involve Elon Musk's Robotic Proof of Concept... but the agreement reached between a California based AI Robotics Company called FIGURE .... Demo'd HERE making a Co-Worker a Cup of Coffee...


...and BMW Manufacturing to populate their Auto Factory in Spartanburg, SC with AI Smart, General Purpose Working Humanoid Robots on the Manufacturing Floor. Here is the latest take on something that should give every Light, Medium and Heavy Industry Human Worker involved in Manufacturing... some very serious pause:

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Original poster
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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
Yes... But consider that back in the 1940s-1950s... A Thinking Man... In THE PUREST SENSE ... Some say... A Man who was "The Smartest Man Who Ever Lived" ... John Von Neumann, the Mathematician and Theoretician put forth THIS Thesis of Self-Replicating Machines describing his original idea of "Machines... Making ... Machines" which will probably end up being our undoing. Here is Von Neumann on the right depicted in this image with another Genius standing to his left... Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer... The Father of The Atomic Bomb:


The link below is to an under 500 Page PDF of a theory penned by Von Neumann in which he postulated that one day...Machines would conceive of and build... self-replicate... or... Self-Reproduce... Other Machines that he coined as being "Automata". But with the latest in AI developments happening at such a rapid pace... perhaps even he did not conceive that Machines might actually enjoy using other Machines just as we do, purely for the sheer pleasure of using them.

So it is not inconceivable that they too may also become Consumers of Transportation... "IF" some of them somehow manage to become self-aware, sentient and conscious. It follows that there may eventually be whole economies of scale in which Machines Barter, Exchange and Buy other Machines to use (or enslave) as they see fit. Unfortunately, if these things finally come to pass, we may not be around to see this come to fruition.

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Original poster
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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
Most of the Folks at GMT Nation are fairly youthful, vibrant and hopefully, they also have many, many more years of life ahead for themselves and for their families. But as an aging human being, I have to be realistic about the narrowing limits of my longevity and I would say that THIS may be behind the compulsion to get out this information ...while I am still able to be on the Earth and participate in our strangely "AI Emergent" World.

I have to confess that I never thought that I would live as long as I have... and trust me... I really do enjoy being surprised by that sensation every time I wake up each day. And in the same breath, I can hopefully startle some of us to realize just how much Technological Advancement has happened in the last 75 years of my life that has been something akin to "Riding The Whirlwind". We've come such a long way since I used to listen to "The Eddie Bracken Show" coming from WBAB on Long Island using my own hand made Crystal AM Radio Set that I built at the age of 10.

But THIS STUFF... THIS Something Very Different... So Different...and... Oh So Dangerous.

Now we are engaging in using a Technology that will advance at such a breakneck speed as to transcend our ability to understand ANYTHING it will be doing in the very near future. As a Mathematician and Pure Genius with creating his own Computer Software for Computation bearing his namesake, Stephen Wolfram has recently produced a most fascinating perspective on the need for us all to literally SLOW DOWN and use TIME ITSELF in our favor if we are going to be able to remain in control of these Dreadful Emerging AI Technologies:

Five years ago, the Genius, Max Tegmark performed a TED program that warned us all of the possible dangerous future facing us if an Artificial Super Intelligence were to emerge. THIS is his latest take on this situation:

As a Glimmer of Hope... THIS is the White Paper penned by Max Tegmark and Steve Omohundro on the topic of How To Build PROVABLY Safe AGI Systems... mentioned by Max in the above Video and the ones below:

"What is Mechanistic Interpretability?"



  • 2309.01933.pdf
    899.9 KB · Views: 0
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Original poster
Lifetime VIP Donor
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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
Just as an Update about Off-Line, Private LLMs, this is just how easy it is to obtain and set up an LLM System local to your own (Linux, Windows, MAC) computers. I only had to do the following things covered in this Video:

I used only Two Linux Commands from within a Linux Mint Terminal in order to:

(1) Download and Install ollama using THIS Command String:

curl | sh

(2) Follow up with Downloading the Mistral 7B (Seven Billion Parameter) LLM Database:

ollama run mistral

(3) Once everything Downloaded and Installed, at the >>>> Prompt... I immediately typed in:

write a screenplay in the style of the scifi novel "Who Goes There?" by John W. Campbell.

THIS is what it almost instantaneously created in the Terminal:

mrrsm@mrrsm-Precision-M6800:~$ curl | sh
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0>>> Downloading ollama...
100 8422 0 8422 0 0 13800 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 13783
######################################################################## 100.0%######################################################################### 100.0%

>>> Installing ollama to /usr/local/bin...
[sudo] password for mrrsm:
>>> Creating ollama user...
>>> Adding ollama user to render group...
>>> Adding current user to ollama group...
>>> Creating ollama systemd service...
>>> Enabling and starting ollama service...
Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/ → /etc/systemd/system/ollama.service.
>>> NVIDIA GPU installed.
mrrsm@mrrsm-Precision-M6800:~$ ollama run mistral
pulling manifest
pulling e8a35b5937a5... 100% ▕████████████████▏ 4.1 GB
pulling 43070e2d4e53... 100% ▕████████████████▏ 11 KB
pulling e6836092461f... 100% ▕████████████████▏ 42 B
pulling ed11eda7790d... 100% ▕████████████████▏ 30 B
pulling f9b1e3196ecf... 100% ▕████████████████▏ 483 B
verifying sha256 digest
writing manifest
removing any unused layers

>>> write a screenplay similar to the scifi novel "Who Goes there?" by James W. Campbell

Title: The Unknown


A desolate, snow-covered landscape. A SOLDIER, PETER, stands watch atop a
guard tower, peering into the darkness with binoculars. Suddenly, an eerie
light illuminates the sky.


The base is thrown into chaos as soldiers scramble to their posts. CAPTAIN
COLEMAN, a grizzled veteran, gathers his team: PETER, DOCTOR LARSEN, and

(into radio)
This is Base Command. Unidentified object approaching. Prepare for unknown


DOCTOR LARSEN examines a meteorite that has crash-landed on the base. He
makes an unsettling discovery: the meteorite is not of this world, and it
contains an organism unlike anything he's ever seen.

DOCTOR LARSEN (whispering to himself) What in God's name...?


PETER reports to the guard tower, where a SOLDIER, MIKE, is stationed.
They exchange worried glances as they hear strange noises outside.

MIKE (nervously) You think it's them?

PETER (sighs) We don't know what it is, Mike. But we'll find out soon enough.


Suddenly, the base is attacked by creatures that resemble nothing human or
animal. Chaos ensues as soldiers are picked off one by one. The team
regroups and makes a desperate plan to stop the invasion.


DOCTOR LARSEN and TECHNICIAN HAWKINS work tirelessly to find a way to
communicate with the organism, while CAPTAIN COLEMAN and PETER lead a
desperate defense against the invaders.

CAPTAIN COLEMAN (to PETER) We need to find a way to stop this. Fast.

PETER (looking at the meteorite) But what if it's not an enemy we can fight? What if it's something else entirely?


As the team debates their next move, DOCTOR LARSEN makes a breakthrough:
he discovers that the organism is not malevolent but merely curious and
afraid. With this new knowledge, they are able to communicate with it and
forge an uneasy alliance.


With the help of their new ally, the team manages to repel the remaining
invaders and secure the base. As they survey the damage, they ponder the
implications of their encounter: a new understanding of the universe and a
reminder that not all mysteries are best left unexplored.


>>> Send a message (/? for help)

Truly Remarkable... Much Better Performance that the Previous LLama2 30B (Thirty Billion Parameter Dataset) with equal accuracy and a much smaller footprint and much faster processing of the overheard on the nVidia GPUs.

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