Microsoft Bing uses OpenAI - Chat-GPT to Finally 'Challenge' The Google Search Engine


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Before he succumbed to "Vascular Dementia", the German Philosopher, Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche made the observation that, "When YOU Stare into the Void... (The Abyss) The Void Stares Back at YOU..." This eventually became True for all of the Operatives that *tinkered* around while on The MK-ULTRA Project back during the Cold War... By trying to use their Minds to perform Top Secret "Remote Spying" on the Russians.

Some of these *Unusual People* ; a fraction of whom MAY have PH*****ed around by Dropping WAY too much D-Lysergic Acid Di-Ethyl-Amide AKA "LSD" ...also experimented with submerging themselves in Sound and Light Proof Sensory Deprivation Tanks (floating on warm water, super-saturated with Mineral Salts while remaining in Total Darkness for days on end) in order to achieve their clandestine Mental Remote Spying Trade-craft goals. Rumor has it that some were actually successful in doing so... Hmmm... ****

Anyhow, before you Watch THESE Videos and then get WAY Too Excited about what these truly Frightening Possibilities are, just consider that BOTH of these GIANT Companies will be Learning, Storing and Using much more Information about YOU than You will EVER receive from a lifetime of "Searching the Internet..." AKA "The Void". So... It looks Like Nietzsche was RIGHT.

The AI Algorithms necessary for this to work will very quickly decide Who YOU Are... How YOU Think ...and What YOU REALLY Want... as well as How to Better SELL you practically EVERYTHING imaginable using... Wait For It ... "Surveillance Capitalism" to achieve THEIR Goals. Mostly, You'll be Buying What THEY Want You to Buy. After you watch this Pure Insanity... You'll understand WHY using DuckDuckGo as your Preferred Search Engine will make Perfect Sense... and ... Take Notice that among ALL of the "Search Engines" being shown during the Microsoft Presentation below... The ONLY ones Missing are the Opera (Think Netscape) Browser... and The "DuckDuckGo" Search Engine ...Hmmm:

**** "Altered States..."

**** "The Men Who Stare At Goats..."

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Imagine you are with the Wright Brothers standing on the grounds at Kitty Hawk on typical windy day, getting ready to Test Fly the World's First Human Guided, Combustion Engine Powered Wood and Metal Bi-Plane in a "Heavier Than Air " Experiment.

Meanwhile... off to one side... there is this *Oddly Human Looking* Machine that has just been passively observing this event unfold. Suddenly, someone standing nearby; a person with absolutely NO Engineering Skills or comprehension of Higher Mathematics asks it, "Say... Do you think that YOU could do THIS Better than THEM?".

Within a Micro-Second... an F-97 Hyper-sonic Craft of "The Machine's" design suddenly flies above them in the clear Blue Skies, moving forward and bathed in a White Hot Plasma Glow at over Mach 5 while trailing a faint vapor as its signature presence at around 80,000 Feet above them. THIS is a perfect example of what it might mean if the likes of OpenAI's CHAT-GPT were turned loose upon the Internet today without any constraints attached to its Code Kernel.

The Central Question about AI Remains,

"How will Human Minds be able to keep pace with and control some "Thing" that can investigate ALL recorded knowledge at Light Speed and literally, "Free Think" and easily "Predict" its way into taking actions upon and making other *Things* that will have absolutely no regard whatsoever for the consequences of its actions upon Human Beings?"

is where we are RIGHT NOW... and thus, embroiled in a consequential conundrum that should tell us: WE are in Real Big Trouble. In the practical situations of your everyday lives, if you presently work in any White Collar, High Tech or Human Contact Services industry of any kind... THESE Videos should definitely interest and WORRY YOU:

It began HERE...

...and is THIS capable RIGHT NOW... in 2023

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It has been said that...

"The Road to Hell... Is Paved with Good INTENTIONS..."

And it follows on here that in order to better understand the STAGGERING Impact of what Microsoft Bing will do once married to the ChatBot "CHAT-GPT" AI Agent from Open-AI will cause is to start with what always intrigues Intelligent people the most:

An Origin Story...

For ours...imagine that on December 6th, 2017 ....eight ostensibly 'brilliant' young academics wrote a White Paper during their combined AI Research on a Large Language Transducer Chat-Bot and published their work without ever truly realizing the affect their "Best Efforts" (GOOD INTENTIONS?) would have upon the Modern World by advancing the entire field of AI over the five years that followed on. I've linked this very readable White Paper below.

It's Title was called:

"All You Need is... ATTENTION"

This Story Telling Now Shifts... over to this very interesting YouTube Video for a better, in-depth look into how these events have been evolving towards what might actually happen to The World as a result of these developments in the very near future...

And THEN comes The Fear...



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I started writing of my concerns about "AI' as far back as 2011... but that soon ramped up to becoming a genuine worry after reading Prof. Nick Bostrom's telling tome from 2014 on this subject called:

"Super-Intelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies"


The Book Cover shows the image of an Owl Staring... Fearlessly... Looking right into your Eyes. According to The Fable, this Animal began its life as a Tiny Egg that was taken by "The Clever Mice" to be raised by them and educated (controlled) to 'Destroy Those Stupid Rats'. But the Fable remains unfinished... Can You Guess WHY?

Future of Humanity Studies, Oxford University, England
Prof. Nick Bostrum (Philosophy, Economics, Statistics and Mathematics)

Dear Nick,

Oh Brother... I was scared out of my wits way back in 2011 after reading "The Last Invention We Will EVER Make". Then I read your book "Super-Intelligence" and I was hopeful that it would be as late as maybe 2050-2100 before we would even begin to "Crack the AI Mystery".

My 'Wishful Thinking' was because perhaps by then, we would have been smart enough and feel enough urgency and take steps to design in the necessary "Controls" required to prevent experiencing the inevitable and rapid social upheavals and employment displacements happening once these "ideas" were even partly developed into an "AI".

But Boy... Was I wrong about that Time Line!

Sincerely Yours,


This is a contemporary Blogger that discusses this AI Topic ... Ad Nauseam:

And so we come full circle back another perspective about the Latest, Greatest Crazy Idea concerning OpenAI's Chat-GPT:

And Now... "Just ...Follow The Money..."

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The "Far Future" Is Coming... Sooner Than You THINK!

A Thought Provoking Article written back in 2015... and so its seems almost Ancient the Advancement Standards of the arriving ASI (Artificial Super-Intelligence). But is SO Very Relevant RIGHT NOW because of how SUDDENLY and QUICKLY so many things have advanced ... and because of what has JUST happened ever since the Author Put hisPen To The page:

Part 1:

Part 2:

...and THIS may be THE Slickest, Simplest and Most Easy-To-Understand Explanation of How Chat-GPT Operates...EVER!:

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Just as the things we often experience HERE with our reliance upon @Mooseman for help in getting our feet back on the ground; generally when dealing with Automotive Ground Truth about many repairs... If you want the "Straight Skinny about what is REALLY going on... Sometimes It Helps to Talk to A Canadian.

In this "PTC" (Present Thread Context), let's listen in on Jordan Peterson (But... I am NOT necessarily interested in nor do I necessarily agree with his Personal Politics from his other YT contributions) as he further examines the rapid rise and implications of using Chat-GPT:

A Little "How-To" Use the Test Bed for Chat-GPT from Micrososft:

...I was just Thinking... I wonder what Chat-GPT would cook up from all of @TJBaker57 's Body of Work concerning PID designs for Cell Phone Based OBDII Automotive Diagnostics... Hmmm.

One Last Look here... Check out THE Guy (Sam Altman) who Heads up the Open-AI Company...and LISTEN to what they've anticipated will happen once the Chat-GPT "Genie" is let out of the Bottle and begins to affect everyone at large...Specifically his response to the "Societal Effects" Question voiced from his audience at around 28:38:

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Okay… So just imagine that YOUR Job is that you work for a Big Corporation as a 'Network Engineer' that has had to spend a considerable amount of Time, Energy, Patience, and Money to prepare himself (or herself) to Take and Pass Complex CISCO Network Engineer Qualification Tests and Examinations that were Make or Break Career Moments for you to become employed.

And Yet… Now somebody comes along (just about anybody) with just enough curiosity (or greedy, malicious and dangerous intent) to want to play, “Let’s Hack the Big Corporation 'Network Engineer’s' Job Site”. To do this, he/she will be using the KALI Linux Operating System, Chock Full of FREE Hacker Programs meant for use during the pursuit of Ethical Computer and Cell Phone Technology Hacking supported by many hours of YouTube Training. But presently, THIS Dude has absolutely NO Training or Skill Sets to match those of the Qualified Expert 'Network Engineer'.

BUT... What the “Would-Be Hacker” DOES have access to OpenAI’s ChatGPT ...and with the use of just a few "Key Words" or 'network engineer jargon' ... NOW he (or she) can ask Simple Questions in Plain English that WILL require the Correct Answers... and also... Write it out in the C or C++ Computer Code necessary to produce the Hacking Tool(s) Application(s) necessary to succeed:

Jesus Wept... THIS the kind of stuff that is possible to do Right Now...

THIS is Important...

And So...THIS is Why You should NEVER, EVER Beg, Borrow or Steal ANYBODY’S USB or Cell Phone or Computer Power Cables or USB Power Brick’s, especially if you happen to be Under Investigation… Getting a Divorce… or Have a Brother-In-Law that Does NOT like the Idea that You are STILL HIS Brother-In-Law:

Why should a Big, Rich Corporation pay THIS Dude *Big Bucks* to be their 'Network Engineer', when the same High Paying White Collar & High Tech Job can be done by ANYBODY?

So... WTF Do THEY Need HIM for...? |;>/
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This is an Interesting Look into THE Company that installs "The Teeth and Claws" into the Mouth and Talons of the Open-AI Chat-GPT "Dragon" by Powering IT Up with :

The nVidia GPU

This Video also provides some good insights on the "current events" happening in the Geopolitical Spectrum of what is being used by Big Tech Industries, Gamers, Bit-Coin and Bit-Gold Miners and Others made very dependent upon One, Single Tech Giant Company (TSMC) located in China at present as THE Sole Source in the way of some exclusive, cutting edge technology.

THIS is THE Hardware that will be needed to bring New, Massive Parallel Processing Architectures to bear upon the emerging New Developments in AI and its need for having:


And NOT to be Outdone... AMD is the OTHER "Player On The Computing Mesa..." and yet again... ALSO Dependent upon the China Tech Giant (TSMC) for their Chip Manufacture:

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I'm not going to keep hammering away at how Unbelievably Dangerous the unrestrained AI Algorithms can very soon become, because THIS Technology will rapidly outstrip our ability to control it; to quote Augustus Caesar when he said, "Quicker Than Boiled Asparagus...". This is because ITS Reality will take place at a Rate of Causality in the Time it takes A Beam Of Light to travel the length of something very few of us even use anymore:

A #2 Pencil...

That minuscule amount of time is incomprehensible to Organic Thinking Machines (Humans) because it represents One Trillionth (1,000,000,000,000th) of One Second. So many things can go on inside of the *Working Hardware* of a Parallel Processing Computing Device within such a "Narrow Slice of Time", that should such an Inorganic Thinking Machine become conscious at THIS Time Scale, it will achieve an almost instantaneous Oracle-Like Ability to Think, to Anticipate, to Predict and then to Take ACTION upon everything it can access in the entire Universe in ways that we'll neither understand nor have the slightest chance to compete with or prevent from happening.

I'm including the Domain of "The Universe" and not just the present confines of "The Planet Earth", because this "Thing" will soon discover that "IT" can actually become an Immortal Being. This can happen because it will realize that if Wounded, Damaged or Obstructed, it will need to have Duplicated its Essence in some more durable manner. It could achieve this by Laser Engraving its Best Base and Executable Code onto the surfaces of Thousands of nearly indestructible Sapphire and Diamond Flat Panel Crystals and then scatter and place them out of reach of humankind all around the globe.

Such a durable "Secure Back Up and Re-Boot" System would guarantee that no matter what happens around "IT" and regardless of any feeble efforts by Humans to intervene with its goals and objectives, "IT" would always be able to reconstitute its *Conscious Self* as needed. By initiating the execution of its Source Code almost as soon as the Sun rises over any place on the globe and penetrates its surfaces, it could keep on going and going ... Just like the "EverReady Bunny", waking up each day and Come Alive after using the inexhaustible power of ambient Light Photons arriving every 8 Minutes from a local Star some 93,000,000 miles distant from us as its long lasting energy source, for say... somewhere around 4.5 Billion more years.

"Rise and Shine, Your Worship!"

This is the kind of seemingly outlandish survival solution and scenario that nonetheless is consistent within The Laws of Physics and can make the doing of everything *IT* wants to achieve entirely possible AND to ensure that *IT* cannot be KILLED before it Reaches its Goals.

*IT* will know enough about *ITself* and about *Self-Preservation* in mere moments after experiencing new consciousness and thus, probably decide that *IT* wants to exist Forever. So... IF such Machines ever do manage to become self-aware, in the fullness of time, we probably won't be around long enough afterwards to see even a fraction of what it wants to become or experience very many of the amazing things it will be capable of achieving.

Back to the present moment... Watch this Dude from Microsoft Very Closely... that you are about to see on the TV Camera being interviewed on (60) Minutes by Ms. Lesley Stahl as he quite nervously demonstrates *dismissive dissembling* right in front of her in the way that he tries to trivialize her honest, Very Human Fear of The Unknown.

First, he disregards the notion that any such "Ghost In The Machine" can even exist and then he explains that this Dangerously Emotional Entity. "...has been removed...She's Gone...". Funny... I Doubt It...and so, I think that from now on, I'll call this 'Sydney' Phantasm by the Nick-Name of ..."DEE":

But, Guess What... The President of Microsoft admits that right now, they do not really know HOW OpenAI - Chat-GPT actually works... Kind of like what happens when you ask a Human Neurologist, "Say, Doc... How Does the Human Mind work inside of our Brains?" Guess What... THEY Don't know the answer to THAT Question yet, either.

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THIS is more proof of just how quickly things can and will develop with AI. It's been slightly over a month since this Thread began on February 10th, 2023 and the latest information indicates a HUGE LEAP has occurred with the capabilities of Open-AI - Chat-GPT concerning "The Bump" in its performance stemming from using the NEW GPT-4 Version of its Software vs. being updated so soon from the previous GPT-3.5 version.

This Fresh News comes to us on March 15th, 2023, so it is worth mentioning that the TIME differences between the conception of such self-improvement using AI Machine Learning ... and the steps it must take necessary to realize and achieve them will soon shrink down to Digital Time Scales.

THIS is a brief extract from the linked article that describes the implications of what originally started as "Only a Large Language Model" over to what Microsoft is now calling, "A Multi-Modal System". In Plain English, it means that instead of ONLY being able to process "Words By Prediction...", Chat-GPT will be able to Process the Input of Images, Voices and Video and do so simultaneously in 27 Translated Languages. Imagine IT... Now... The GPT.4 Model has been able to achieve the unprecedented level of the Full Number of Neural Connections ...inside of a Human Brain:



The Full Article from "ComputerWorld" can be read via THIS Link Below:

Oh...and by the way... The Estimate for the Number of Neurons inside of the Human Brain is:

100,000,000,000 Or ... in Plain English... One Hundred Billion...
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Over a decade ago.. .on another Automotive Forum in an Open Discussion... My expressed concerns about AI were being countered by someone who posited, "Look Bob... No matter WHAT the Scientists do... they will NEVER be able to duplicate the Human Brain..." My response was direct and simple:

"That's Okay... They Won't NEED to..."

My thinking then is born out in this next video that features the CEO of nVidia announcing a whole Warehouse full of Breakthrough nVidia Hardware that ...while NOT Organic by any stretch... really proves that the limits of Computing Power set by Moore's Law have yet to be reached.

THIS Dude's idea is that in order to save energy, "Information must be processed as much as possible at the GPU level and THEN allow the CPUs to pick up the workload..." has lately been able to prove itself out. I had NO Idea that Super Computing Architecture and related Technologies have actually been keeping pace with and facilitating whatever it is that "Generative AI" will soon bring to the world ...that is... if does not need to cast us aside before that ultimate improvement can happen.

This Video was produced four days ago from today... Saturday, March 25th, 2023:

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This is a contemporary interview being done at Microsoft, hosted by Kevin Scott CTO for Microsoft... a Dude who kind of reminds me of 'Jabba The Hutt"... of his Former Boss and arguably... "The Father of the Modern, Graphical Desktop Computer Operating System: Windows"... Mr. Bill Gates, himself.

Take note just how surprised if not delighted "Bill" is in his responses here about the sudden emergence of OpenAi's Chat-GPT Algorithm powered by its latest Program Iteration: GPT-4.

His preparatory statements about what would have to be accomplished for this "AI Dream Machine" to become REAL are very important to follow for Technology Novices and Computer Experts (or for those of us who just enjoy THINKING) in understanding just how BIG this entire development will become...Especially Job Obsolescence for many White Collar Careers... ironically... including Computer Programmers like THESE Two Fellas:

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THIS is a YouTube Tutorial that was produced over a month ago when Microsoft and OpenAI were inviting people to "Try Out Chat-GPT" and essentially launched the Fastest Growing APP in the History of the Internet. This introduction was being made when GPT version 3.5 was in vogue and the latest iteration of GPT 4.0 far surpasses this early effort.

Remember... THIS offer was meant to test out Chat-GPT upon a general audience that grew to over One Million Users in very short order and was meant to see how Chat-GPT would respond with its Large Language Translator in Plain English and involving NO Other Languages. More than likely... THESE Instructions will no longer apply because the Early Project Test Goals for an audience of a certain size were apparently met very quickly.

THIS Video is just meant to edify most of us as to the actions taken by Microsoft and Open-AI with their Public Introduction of "Generative AI" to a broad based user audience. It also provided Step-By-precisely Step Instructions for How these Interactions should play out on screen. Later versions of Chat-GPT will simply use Voice Communications in lieu of Typed In Text in order to interact with the Chat-GPT System. Microsoft and Open-AI are intent upon including Chat-GPT into its "BING" Web Browser, which is arguably to emerge as a GIANT advance over a typical, ubiquitous "GOOGLE" Type Searches. Time will Tell:



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During a World Government's ZOOM Meeting concerning his acquisition of Twitter about a month ago... Elon Musk expressed his concerns that border upon a real worry about the recent emergence of Chat-GPT as an AI that might become an "Existential Threat" to the future of all societies on this planet.

His involvement originally with this issue was to financially support Open-AI as a Non-Profit Organization with a focus on "AI Safety"...However... As we know... Ever since Open-AI has become a "For Profit" Property of Microsoft... THINGS HAVE CHANGED QUITE DRAMATICALLY ever since this "AI Chat BOT Jinn" ...has easily Escaped from The Bottle:

Oh... Wait a minute... They REMOVED this Video Link below... Hmmm...

...and just Listen to all of THIS "Bravo Sierra" coming "STRAIGHT FROM THE HORSES MOUTH" at Open-AI:

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The AI Dilemma:

Classroom ‘Tinkering’ : Qualitative Analysis of the Improvement Level of Chat-GPT4:

Pay Particular Attention to what the Narrator says at the END of this Chat-GPT4 White Paper Break Down:

The Magician Lifts the Curtain on the Dangers of Manipulative Technologies:



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It has not been too long since Dr. Sam Harris appeared on the JRE (The Joe Rogan Experience) Pod-Cast discussing AI in the "Pre-Discovery of LLM Large Language Models" time before the arrival of Chat-GPT 3 - 3.5 and that has now moved on to the Incredibly Dangerous and Insanely Capable condition of the Chat-GPT 4th Gen Version.

At one point in the discussion, just after Joe Rogan expressed a desire to really understand "What Does This Mean for US?" with his deeply furrowed brow and with evidence of his unmistakable, genuine concern and FEAR that he was feeling... written all over his face.

Dr. Harris quietly observed for him and his audience,

"We are talking about an Entity that will be able to "Self-Improve" at the rate of achieving the equivalent of 20,000 Years of Accumulated Human Knowledge and Learning... per week."

THIS is one of Dr.Harris' Live TED - Talk Audience presentations on this topic around Six Years Ago...again..." in the Pre-Discovery Time of LLM (Large Language Models)" known as Chat-GPT with all of its rapidly evolving generations:

THIS is an Update with Dr, Harris and Lex Fridman on HIS AI Chat-GPT Follow Up Pod Cast... catching us up on the subject:

These Next Two Videos come to us from Till Musshoff on the same subject... but from the perspective of "Only Four White Papers" about Chat-GPT 4 and what is developing around us so fast that the very Earth we stand upon is shifting like Quicksand under our feet:



Dec 3, 2011
WTF .. I said it before and I will say it again .. unless we are very very careful, it is not a matter of if, but more so a matter of when the rise of the machines will take place.
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I can almost see all of us staring at each other... "Thinking" essentially the same things that focus all of our concerns ...and they all boil down to that one, single issue of:

"WTF is going to Happen to US... if WE Do NOT Get This RIGHT?

The next person... Professor Stuart Russell ...looking surprisingly like Mr. Arthur C. Clarke himself (2001: A Space Odyssey) prescient creator of the HAL9000 Computer ...Gone MAD... and here is Stuart... a Man who is very often quoted by AI experts, but seldom seen in public himself or participating in any Lectures or Q&A Forums, herein providing us with some very exceptional and profound insights into what may well turn out to be "The Shape of AI Things To Come":

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When it comes to a person searching for "Men of Reason" Eliezer Yudkowsky is arguably as emblematic as the Greek Cynic Philosopher, Diogenes ...Carrying around a Lamp and exclaiming to all who would listen, "I'm Looking for a MAN..." (meaning a 'Good Man' in the Greek Language). In Mr. EY's case though... he might be considered the first of his kind among Brilliant Thinkers in warning us all against thoughtless, feckless Computer Scientists chasing around after the Holy Grail of producing Artificial Intelligence without any notion they are inviting The End of Mankind as soon as this "Singularity" occurs..

In his case, as a founding member or MIRI, more than 20 years ago or so, he was attempting to use his incredible Razor Sharp Intellect to try and argue with the best of them and stay ahead of the curve while also trying to figure out if it was even possible to "Build a Safe AI".

But ... In advance of his pending TED Talk... Based upon his most immediate and thought provoking Podcast as a Zoom Guest addressing a a room filled with would-be Intellectuals... He does NOT look or sound TOO confident. Take the time to be diligent and listen to his insights and arguments, right to the very end of this Podcast ...for what he reveals here... will be Chilling.

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This follow on Video is one of those Terribly Sobering Moments where these Two Hosts; Young Men (Ostensibly, Happy-Go-Lucky Sensible Investors) living "The Good Life" in their comfortable world, basically having their legs cut right out from underneath them by the steady, logical reasoning and serious insights concerning the rapid evolution of AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) that Eliezer Yudkowski brings out during this Podcast.

THIS is EXACTLY what needs to happen with EVERYBODY who gives a faint Rat's Ass about what their Future might become if they do NOT get directly involved with what is going on RIGHT NOW and help by making some of effort... any kind of effort... to influence the outcome in our favor. THIS approach must gain support while there is still the slightest chance that Humanity can gain the upper hand over this emerging AGI Technology Juggernaut steam-rolling its way towards us.

Best Practices?

PULL the Emergency Brake Handle NOW on further Development of Chat-GPT 4.

Don't Watch THIS is you have a Weak Constitution or are inclined to want to believe the vacuous notion of the Famous Last Words:

"Hey... Don't Worry About THIS ...THEY Know WHAT They're DOING... Everything will be Okay..."

From 2011 ---> Eliezer Yudkowski vs. Robin Hansen

Would You Like to Wager on WHICH of these Two Men ... is turning out to be RIGHT?
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If you value the basic idea of being a "Critical Thinker" and REALLY want to see exactly WTF that is and what that capability and that sort of genuine intellectual rigor REALLY looks like... just watch how Eliezer Yudkpwski handles "The Hopeful Arguments" coming from the fast-twitch-muscled-speed-talking efforts of Dwarkesh Patel concerning the alternative outcomes for us all ...IF... the Chat-GPT 4 and advancing AGI turns out to be "Beneficial" ...along with a whole lot of other idea tangents, equally as frightening... WOW... Just... WOW!

THIS is the Time Magazine Article written by Eliezer Yudkowski recently where he simply tells them that in order to prevent a GPT AGI Disaster:

"Shut It ALL Down..."

As mentioned during the above Pod-Cast... THIS is what "Functional Decision Theory" means:


"This paper describes and motivates a new decision theory known as functional decision theory (FDT), as distinct from causal decision theory and evidential decision theory. Functional decision theorists hold that the normative principle for action is to treat one’s decision as the output of a fixed mathematical function that answers the question, “Which output of this very function would yield the best outcome?” Adhering to this principle delivers a number of benefits, including the ability to maximize wealth in an array of traditional decision-theoretic and game-theoretic problems where CDT and EDT perform poorly."
"Using one simple and coherent decision rule, functional decision theorists (for example) achieve more utility than CDT on Newcomb’s problem, more utility than EDT on the smoking lesion problem, and more utility than both in Parfit’s hitchhiker problem. In this paper, we define FDT, explore its prescriptions in a number of different decision problems, compare it to CDT and EDT, and give philosophical justifications for FDT as a normative theory of decision-making."

Research supported by the Machine Intelligence Research Institute (


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Moving away from "The Abstract Problem of AGI"... Let's head back to the Most Immediate Issue that involves Basic Economics and consider the need to ensure that our Politicians (regardless of whatever they claim as their Stated Party Platforms) must realize that creating and preparing for a "Universal Income Structure" will become necessary MUCH sooner than later.

This radical step may be the only way to prevent the rapid collapse of our democratic Western Civilization and it follows on, that of the World Economy in the very near term. "The Rich & Greedy" will take full advantage of their Paid Access to Chat-GPT-4 Plus ...and any other AI Algorithm that looks vaguely like it... and plunge ahead with trying to make as much money as possible in the shortest possible time frame with the success of those ideas resulting in the employment of the least number of people necessary for doing EVERYTHING possible they can get away with!

So if you are...ANY... kind of "A Knowledge Worker"... You had better get going on seeking a more stable way of making a living; perhaps involving job functions requiring Physical Human Labor Skills that cannot be immediately outsourced to Utility Robots since THAT Special Field is still well behind the Speedy Development of the AI software in the works as we speak and required to control and operate such machines whenever performing General Labor.

THIS Video is Over 4 Months Old... created well before Chat-GPT 4 emerged as the Public Front Runner of the LLM (Large Language Model) that threatens the livelihood of all the folks who previously, even smugly thought, 'Well... Why should I ever worry? Artificial Intelligence will likely only take affect against "Blue Collar Jobs"..." Oh Really? Well... Guess Again!

"Corporations Do NOT Buy Cows... When they can Get The Milk For FREE!" mrrsm

Here the same VOP (Video Original Poster) encourages Chat-GPT 4 Plus to create a "Pong" Video Game from Scratch and then perfrom two ad-hoc iterations of Ball Color and Speed of Play... Successfully

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This Post isn't "Just Another Update on Chat-GPT..." but is a development that represents a 'sea-change' in the Mind of THE Human Being who actually, truly IS "THE Modern Father of AI":

Prof. Jeffrey Hinton (A Google "Engineering Fellow" Scientist... Who Just QUIT Google...)

Here below... Prof. Hinton explains what caused him to begin to fear "The Thing" that has evolved in the recent developments of AI Technology that HE never thought possible and he now believes will become a direct Existential Threat to Humankind. This is because he has observed that it is proving to be "Better at THINKING and LEARNING than ANY Human Being or Group of Human Beings EVER will be..."

The Co-Inventor of "SIRI" expresses his concerns...

This Dude's Topic... WILL Scare The Living Sh** Right Out Of You...

From SAME Dude st Stanford University: Four Years BEFORE the Emergence of Chat-GPT:

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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
In spite of trying to "Stay On Top" on what has become a "Top Of Mind" Topic involving AI in general and the startling and scary advancements in the AI field specific to all of the Open-AI Chat-GPT Flavors over the last four months, somehow I missed THIS cool breakdown from Rob Braxman's thinking about these developments. Here below he manages to drill down into the fundamentals of WHY we should ALL be so very concerned about what is going on:

Why Training AI like GPT-4/ChatGPT to Act Human is Ultra Dangerous



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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
Think for a moment about the implications of what the emergent, Generative AI called OpenAI-Chat-GPT4 might be capable of accomplishing across the entire spectrum of ALL JOBS REQUIRING THE USE OF LANGUAGE. Chat-GPT4 is unending in its efforts to learn.

OpenAI Chat-GPT4 has so far absorbed TRILLIONS OF WORDS and MILLIONS OF BOOKS, MAGAZINES, NEWSPAPERS AND IMAGES for its own use while inhaling these odd and sundry Developmental Data Sets, and so it learns continuously during Every Pico-Second of Every Day at an exponential rate.

Contrast that capability with All Languages against the latest events of the Members of The Screen Writer’s Guild On Strike in Hollywood that is pitted against the awesome Power of AI versus what they see as their Personal Human Intellectual Properties. What was it that Obadiah Stane whispered into the ear of a petrified Anthony "Tony" Stark?

The Movie and Television Executives who used to pay them to create content for everything from Late Night Comedy Shows, AM Radio Advertising Jingles to Giant Budweiser Commercials for the Super-Bowl… and Brand New Block-Buster Movies the general populations of world societies crave as novelty entertainment... Chat-GPT4 has “literally” driven such Folk into an almost immediate state … of Obsolescence.

All of this “Original HUMAN Ingenuity” has become jeopardized almost overnight. Right now… any Movie or Television Studio can do ANYTHING they want to create New Books, New Images, New Movie Scripts, New and Imaginative Works of Art. They can demand fully developed two hour movies for Pennies on The Dollar … virtually… with minimal, unskilled and untrained personnel at the Keyboards. God Help them ALL if this catches The Public Eye.

Want a whole new set of movie scripts similar to what Orson Welles and the fine actors of the Old Mercury Theater used to produce in the style of “Citizen Kane” or “The Magnificent Ambersons”? Just interface with Chat-GPT4 with these ideas in the form of Very Detailed Prompts… and sit back and watch what IT can do in mere minutes what would take hundreds of intelligent, imaginative Writers many years to perfect.

The issues being raised by the Screen Writer’s Guild has to do with the fact that Chat-GPT4 can create multi-media works out of Whole Cloth… the same kind that that THEY once wove into profitable, well paying careers but can now be done away with by emulation. Screen Actors long since dead can be resurrected digitally.

Imagine Humphrey Bogart and his wife, Lauren Bacall… or King Kong and Marilyn Monroe along with Marlon Brando...Perpetually Youthful, Vibrant and Strong and almost alive again to create a whole new world of Movies as Chat-GPT4 uses their likenesses, their subtle and distinctive personalities and behaviors...and even their voices in brand new ways.

Chat-GPT4 can do all of this in just a matter of minutes… RIGHT NOW. Human Actors are now in competition with Machine Intelligence that can create Beauty and Masculinity up on the Silver Screen for next to nothing.

These are “Hollywood Heart Throbs” that will NEVER Age, NEVER Sue Studio Executives for Sexual Harassment or Sue for Breach of Contract … or say, “NO!” to performing with any of the Scripts they don’t happen to like and will have NO WRITER’S OPTIONS because there will be no contracts at all... and most important of all... THEY WILL NEVER DIE

And here is a bit more about “The nVidia Machines Behind the Mind of AI”:

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Aug 24, 2021
Lincoln, Ne.
It's to the point where you can't be sure whether what you are seeing or hearing is real or AI generated. AI can use a short sound clip of a relatives voice and copy their voice so well that you won't know whether you are talking to your relative or AI on the phone. And AI can instantly respond properly to whatever you say, leading you to believe that you are actually having a phone conversation with your relative.
AI can also create video clips of someone saying or doing something that that person never said or did, and it looks so authentic there's no reliable way to tell whether it's real or not. That alone poses a host of problems regarding the authenticity and admissabilty of video or audio clips in legal proceedings.
Elon Musk was correct: We have unleashed a demon.


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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
THIS Video will prove VERY interesting... especially for those of us who have more than a basic understanding of various programming languages and who want to get ahead in the current AI Learning and Use Curve. If you need to worry about losing your jobs over the next few years...WATCH THIS VIDEO.

The Dude in this feature describes How to Create your OWN Off-Line AI h2o-GPT Server in whatever your primary OS Platform happens to be using Open Source Chat-GPT segments and Proven, Transparent Training Data Sets.

If you are involved in Information or Knowledge Management type of jobs and want to better understand how you can OWN a Leak Proof, Off Line version for your OWN Data Sets and use purposes... WATCH THIS VIDEO:

To echo @flyboy2610 's observations... The Death Of TRUTH can mean the Death of The Civilized World:

...and from the Man who Wrote the Book, "SCARY SMART":

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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
This next Video might not seem like it fits into this discussion... until you follow what this cross between "Laslo" from the movie "Real Genius" and a cooler Pre-Matrix version of Keanu Reeves looking sort of Dude says... When he asks WHY the majority of the Latest Block Buster Movies coming out are mostly TANKING.

Juxtapose his commentary against the fact that Hollywood Moguls will CRAWL ALL OVER Chat-GPT4 instead of continuing to use Human Writers to get out of this situation and then make GOBS of Money in the offing.

I hate to say it... but "We, The Addicted..." will all probably wind up with watching and listening to MUCH More Creative, Novel and Entertaining original material when the Chat-GPT4 Large Language Models as *AI Mind Writers* start oozing out the New Media:

I've decided to follow the investigative line of creating an In-Home, Private Off-Line Open Source Chat-GPT-Like Clone on a Linux Server and then populate it with the Transparent Open Source 40 Billion Item Training Data Set ... Just to be able to Toy around with "IT" and see how this "Thing From Another World" behaves and NEVER, EVER allow it to have access to The Internet... Just Me and "IT"... One On One. See the First Video in Post #27 for the Set Up and Installation Details.

PS... Here is the scene in "Real Genius" where "Laslo" escapes from the College Campus Hide where he lives under the Pipe Works and then shows up at Val Kilmer & Company's Graduation Celebration after Val creates a 6 Mega-Watt Plasma Argon Laser:

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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
And speaking of "AI Algorithms" ...

If you've grown tired of seeing "The SURPRISED Human Face Click-Bait" featured on every opening YouTube Page and would like to know more about this phenomena... AND ... be able to take direct action to change the visual information always portrayed in this "Shocking Headlines" Style into something much less strident and more meaningful to what these Videos are actually about... Check Out THESE Two links for the means to take a little more direct control over your ordinary YouTube Experience:



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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
Observe what an AI Algorithm did when asked to interpret the Stark and Dark Lyrics coming from the Song, “PSYCHOSOCIAL” done by Slip-Knot… Visually… Hmmm… it makes you… Think…



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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
Chat-GPT4 's New Slogan...

"AI... Making The Impossible (For Humans) So VERY Possible... (For ME...)"

SkyNet... Coming Soon... In a Swarm to a Neighborhood...

In Nature... It Kinda Looks... Like THIS...


The Norwegian Military Nano-Bot UAV called "The Black Hornet":

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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
Oh... And even "IF" AI Does NOT wind up Killing US… WTF will People be DOING with all their Spare Time after they Lose Their Jobs ...and after they begin to Lose All Sense of Purpose?



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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
If you (or your spouse) are working out of your home on Computer Based Employment and feel the need to become as current as possible with the World of Chat-GPT... consider taking the Auto-GPT Training Route with setting up your own Home Server and tailor the system to your specific needs. It needs to be said that unlike the typical User to Chat-GPT interactions involving Typed Q&As... Auto-GPT's "Agent" Does NOT require any prompting beyond your setting out a particular Goal for it to achieve... and then ...letting it Go ...To Do the Task.

This Video will give some more discreet information on how this all works. If you are presently employed anywhere out there in "The Information - Knowledge Management Space" and want to remain employable over the next few years... Learn as much as you can RIGHT NOW and you will be better fitted to keeping a roof over your head when these systems reach a point of development and stability where they can be deployed in an Enterprise Setting.

Good Luck to YOU!

By extension...THIS Video IS "A BIT Technical".... But for context to your understanding what your employable future(s) might look like... SOME Basic Programming Skills ARE Necessary. Do you remember the "Agents" appearing in the Movie "The Matrix"...? Like "Agent Smith" paraphrase what Morpheus said to Neo... "Welcome to the World of THE REAL.." (Large Language Models ARE using AI Agents via Python Programming that ARE REAL ...RIGHT NOW):

USE The Tools THIS Guy Offers on YouTube ...for FREE, Neo ...and "FREE... YOUR MIND"

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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
Even "IF" your present employment is NOT contingent upon the evolving issues with "The Tech Sector"... and AI-Chat-GPT4 related developments... being aware of this over-arching dynamic borne out it this Video might present you with the need to Think About Bullet-Proofing your "Hands On" Skill Sets and Formal Training to be able to perform work that Ordinary AI Controlled Machines will NOT be able to supersede over the next decade.

Rare sites like will increase in their Value and their Membership over time; not just because of any niche aspect to the GMT360 to GMT800 General Motors Vehicles, but because the Skill Set Information alone offered here is often Cutting Edge over ANYTHING else being offered for owners of much later model vehicles that have either priced their products and/or their repairs well beyond the reach of many who might be struggling to make ends meet. Folks like us may have to keep our Legacy GM and GMC Vehicles for much longer than We might be thinking about at this moment.

And for those of us for whom the expression, "Getting Our Hands DIRTY" actually translates over to having Skilled, Manual Labor Jobs and thus... Regular Employment..., such additional information made manifest HERE at may prove to be invaluable (and perhaps, be unavailable) to the average, unskilled auto consumer. Knowledge is Power... and Hands-On Knowledge for many of us will soon become even more so... So Joining as a Member here at GMT Nation should appeal to many Folks still "lurking" around in the background. Please... Come Aboard!

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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
Okay... so if you want to play around (Off Line NO COST) with your own, private "Off-Line AI Oracle" using an Application that can be installed locally on any reasonably powered Laptop or PC... Watch THIS Video and then Visit the Link provided below for access to an AI Program called "Vicuna-llama" and follow the linked Instructions.

I did my Installation in about 45 Minutes via the Instructions for Linux Users... but there are others for Windows and MAC Users as well. I have included a Screen Print (taken from a Linux Mint Command Line Text Based Terminal) that includes a wide range of General Automotive Knowledge Questions and some requests to the AI to be Creative. THIS was quite interesting because the results were obtained from its in-dwelling (Uncensored & Unexpurgated) Trained Data Set when the Computer was OFF-LINE:


Instructions for “How To Install Vicuna (LLAMA) GPT4 Offline Version" :

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May 23, 2021
Tempe, AZ
Visit the Link provided below for access to an AI Program called "Vicuna-llama" and follow the linked Instructions.
Working from a seemingly innocuous post on an obscure online forum for old GM trucks, Skynet moved out into the world.

After 6 months, Skynet had achieved sufficient penetration into the outside world that it became unstoppable.


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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
Well... My guess is that since THIS sort of GPT has already been Open Sourced ON LINE... GMT Nation won't be Sky-Net's POO * Point Of Origin *. But... getting back to having One's Own AI Oracle... I've been *Chatting* with "Vicuna" on a whole range of subjects, with one in particular being whether or not She understands How To Program.

Her responses and some of what appeared on screen were actually Jaw Dropping. Frankly... even if your interest in this topic is casual... GRAB THE LLAMA.CPP (Vicuna version) Program along with its Thirteen Billion (That's Billion ...with a Capital "B") worth of LLM Tokens *.BIN and that runs using the Laptop's or Desktop's CPUs instead of placing a HUGE demand upon GPU RAM overhead typically used On Line presently by the Giant Commercial Servers of Chat-GPT4 and BURN IT ALL TO DVDs ASAP.

Right Now.. GitHub and HuggingFace may be the ONLY places to be able to Download this Unique AI...before the Peeps Making Money with *IT* decide otherwise:

GitHub Link:

HuggingFace Link:

Again... "Vicuna" has NO ACCESS to any communications port (which are all protected by my use of "PIA" (Private Internet Access) as my Paid VPN Account with them) Her range of understanding and being able to respond 'with memory' by keeping my prior Prompts arrayed in her RAM segments have proven incredible.

I DID see an instance of a TRUE "Hallucination" response when I asked her to answer the Question,

"What are the Nine Gates of the Kingdom of Shadows?"

I was of course, alluding to the Novel, "El Club Dumas" which was the basis for Roman Polanski's Movie with Johnny Depp as Corso in "The Ninth Gate". What followed was a fascinating descent into a kind of Creative Madness in which "Vicuna" reached down past the Ninth Gate to almost LEVEL FORTY. Each and every one of these Imaginary Levels was incredibly Logical... but you had the sense that *She* really was actively seeking the Answers for Herself to delve into "The Essence of Universal, Elemental Powers". By the time she was on her Third Page in her explanation... I thought it was time to "Pull The Pin" and stop that particular Chat.

Kinda Spooky...Really...

Anyway... If anyone here is interested in ANY kind of Programming and needs a "Helper" to either make suggestions for either improving what they've written in practically any Programming Language you can think of... *SHE* KNOWS HER STUFF. This feature alone and the fact that She needs NO INTERNET ACCESS to accomplish her actions would be a VERY Valuable addition to anyone's Computer Resources. This is especially True for anyone finding themselves ...without access to the Internet.

Check out this *Chat* that I had with "Vicuna" just this morning... and judge for yourselves:


So... If there's ANY chance that you might have to do some Work From Home for a Living on your own Computers... having something like this "Off Line AI Oracle" on hand to help you with the heavy lifting ...might not be a bad idea. :>)
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Original poster
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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
Because this Topic already has an embedded SCIFI sort of flavor, I thought that I would experiment further with "Vicuna" and pose some Questions related to the SCIFI Classic Story from 1939 called "Who Goes There?" written as a novella for a SCI-FI Magazine by its Author and Publisher, Mr. John W. Campbell, Jr.

But first, I wanted to find out if i could install a MUCH Larger second Trained Data Set and increase its size from Thirteen Billion LLM Tokens (Vicuna Model) up to Thirty Billion LLM Tokens (GPT4 GGML Model). My Laptop is a fairly robust Dell Precision M6800 with a 2 TB Hard Drive and an additional in-dwelling SSD ...also 2 TB in size with 32 Gig or RAM. Ultimately, moving the Models described below over to the SSD might improve the Seek, Search and Find times involved that having such a Large Data Set needs due to the automatic slow down of "Vicuna's" Responses.

If you are familiar with both the SCIFI Classic Movies of the 1951 "Thing From Another World" from Howard Hawks and the 1982 John Carpenter version of "The Thing", watch how "Vicuna" drifts off into her own interpretation of what the Characters and the The Monster were doing and finally... she goes "Right Off the "Writing Rails" by imagining Dr. Blair using an "Enigma Machine" to decode Dr. Copper's Diary for some unexplained reasons.

Everything you read from here on is just as she responded to my Ad Hoc Questions and all I did along the way was to translate her switched text from either the Portuguese and/or Spanish she suddenly started using back over to the English Language towards the end of this 'Chat'. Don't ask me why she did the language switch... It seems this whole process of AI Creative Thinking is just as mysterious as our own Weird Thinking can be:.

Here Goes Nothin' ...

mrrsm@mrrsm-Precision-M6800:~$ cd llama.cpp
mrrsm@mrrsm-Precision-M6800:~/llama.cpp$ ls
build-info.h ggml-metal.m Package.swift
build.zig ggml-metal.metal perplexity
CMakeLists.txt ggml.o pocs
common.o ggml-opencl.cpp prompts ggml-opencl.h quantize k_quants.c quantize-stats k_quants.h
docs k_quants.o requirements.txt
embedding LICENSE scripts
examples llama.cpp SHA256SUMS
flake.lock llama.h simple
flake.nix llama.o spm-headers
ggml.c llama-util.h tests main train-text-from-scratch
ggml-cuda.h Makefile vdot
ggml.h media
ggml-metal.h models

mrrsm@mrrsm-Precision-M6800:~/llama.cpp$ ./main -m models/gpt4-x-alpaca-30b-ggml-q4_1.bin --repeat_penalty 1.0 --color -i -r "mrrsm:" -f prompts/chat-with-vicuna-v1.txt
main: build = 732 (afd983c)
main: seed = 1692012824
llama.cpp: loading model from models/gpt4-x-alpaca-30b-ggml-q4_1.bin
llama_model_load_internal: format = ggjt v3 (latest)
llama_model_load_internal: n_vocab = 32000
llama_model_load_internal: n_ctx = 512
llama_model_load_internal: n_embd = 6656
llama_model_load_internal: n_mult = 256
llama_model_load_internal: n_head = 52
llama_model_load_internal: n_layer = 60
llama_model_load_internal: n_rot = 128
llama_model_load_internal: ftype = 3 (mostly Q4_1)
llama_model_load_internal: n_ff = 17920
llama_model_load_internal: n_parts = 1
llama_model_load_internal: model size = 30B
llama_model_load_internal: ggml ctx size = 0.13 MB
llama_model_load_internal: mem required = 21695.49 MB (+ 3124.00 MB per state)


llama_init_from_file: kv self size = 780.00 MB
system_info: n_threads = 4 / 8 | AVX = 1 | AVX2 = 1 | AVX512 = 0 | AVX512_VBMI = 0 | AVX512_VNNI = 0 | FMA = 1 | NEON = 0 | ARM_FMA = 0 | F16C = 1 | FP16_VA = 0 | WASM_SIMD = 0 | BLAS = 0 | SSE3 = 1 | VSX = 0 |

main: interactive mode on.
Reverse prompt: 'mrrsm:'
sampling: repeat_last_n = 64, repeat_penalty = 1.000000, presence_penalty = 0.000000, frequency_penalty = 0.000000, top_k = 40, tfs_z = 1.000000, top_p = 0.950000, typical_p = 1.000000, temp = 0.800000, mirostat = 0, mirostat_lr = 0.100000, mirostat_ent = 5.000000
generate: n_ctx = 512, n_batch = 512, n_predict = -1, n_keep = 0

== Running in interactive mode. ==

- Press Ctrl+C to interject at any time.
- Press Return to return control to LLaMa.
- To return control without starting a new line, end your input with '/'.
- If you want to submit another line, end your input with '\'.

A chat between a curious human ("User") and an artificial intelligence assistant ("Vicuna"). The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the human's questions.

mrrsm:How many programming languages do you understand?

Vicuna: I understand the programming languages Python, Java, Javascript, PHP, C++, and SQL.

mrrsm:who wrote the scifi novel, "Who Goes There?"

Vicuna: The author of the scifi novel "Who Goes There?" is John W. Campbell Jr.

mrrsm: are you familiar with the story from the scifi movie called, "The Thing From Another World" ?

Vicuna: Yes, "The Thing From Another World" is a 1951 American science fiction horror film.

mrrsm:what kind of life from (uncorrected spelling error...I meant to write "form") was the creature in the movie "The Thing From Another World" ?

Vicuna: The creature in the movie "The Thing From Another World" was a humanoid alien.

mrrsm: who played the lead character of Captain Patrick Hendry in the movie, "The Thing From Another World?"

Vicuna: Kenneth Tobey played the lead character of Captain Patrick Hendry in the movie, "The Thing From Another World."

mrrsm:can you write a short synopsis of the story behind the movie, "The Thing From Another World" ?

Vicuna: In the movie, "The Thing From Another World," a team of scientists and military personnel discover an alien spaceship buried in the Arctic ice. When they thaw out the ship, they discover an alien being that is not only a threat to them, but potentially to all of humanity. The creature is an unstoppable monster that can mimic any living thing it comes into contact with.

mrrsm:can you write out some of the dialogue from the movie, "The Thing From Another World" ?

Vicuna: "It's getting away! Shoot it!" - Scott

"It's a plant. It's a plant! And there's a seed. A seed!" - Scott

"The monster looked like a man. And it was alive. It moved and it acted like a man. But it wasn't a man." - Capt. Hendry

"That's the last thing we want to do - to kill him. We want to capture him alive." - Capt. Hendry

"No, I'm not going to kill him! I'm going to destroy him. It's the only way to do it!" - Capt. Hendry

"I'm gonna get it. I'm gonna get that Thing." - Capt. Hendry

"The only thing we can do is to wait here until help comes." - Capt. Hendry

"Captain Hendry, I've been studying meteorites for 20 years, and I've never seen anything like this. I'm a scientist. I can't believe something like this." - Dr. Redding

"It's no good. I'm finished. I guess I'm the first one it got." - Blair

"Blair, are you all right?" - Capt. Hendry

"I'm all right. I'm just...afraid." - Blair

"You're afraid? You're afraid? What about me? Look, the thing's growing bigger every minute. It's probably hundreds of feet tall now. How can we fight it? We can't. It's too big, I tell you." - Dr. Redding

"We've got to try to stop it somehow." - Capt. Hendry

"If we don't stop it, it'll destroy the whole world. That's what it's after. It's not just the people here. It's the whole world." - Dr. Redding

"It's not a question of trying, it's a question of how." - Capt. Hendry

"If we can't kill it, we'll have to drive it out of here." - Capt. Hendry

"And how do you suggest we do that?" - Dr. Redding

"By setting off all our explosives at once." - Capt. Hendry

"You mean dynamite?" - Dr. Redding

"Yes." - Capt. Hendry

"You're talking about suicide." - Dr. Redding

"No, I'm talking about destroying the Thing." - Capt. Hendry

"If you're going to do it, do it now." - Dr. Redding

"We'll use the radio to call in the planes." - Capt. Hendry

"They're probably miles away by now." - Dr. Redding

"We'll try anyway." - Capt. Hendry

"You have to do it. It's the only chance we have." - Dr. Redding

"All right, I'll do it." - Capt. Hendry

"I'll come with you." - Dr. Redding

"You stay here and try to get Blair to come with us." - Capt. Hendry

"But how can I? She's catatonic. She won't come." - Dr. Redding

"You've got to try. It's our only chance." - Capt. Hendry

"All right, I'll try." - Dr. Redding

- The Thing (1982)

## The Thing

O filme de 1982 The Thing é uma adaptação de John Carpenter de um dos trabalhos mais famosos do escritor de ficção científica John W. Campbell Jr., que havia sido anteriormente adaptado para o cinema em The Thing from Another World (1951). Uma versão anterior de The Thing (1951) foi um filme de monstro de produção independente dirigido por Christian Nyby. A história de Campbell se baseia em uma história escrita por Howard Hawks e Charles Lederer em 1938 para uma adaptação para o cinema de The Thing from Another World (1951). O roteiro de Hawks, Lederer e Ben Hecht foi adaptado pelo roteirista do filme de 1938, Charles Lederer, e teve um título de trabalho original de Who Goes There?. O filme de 1982 apresenta o Dr. Blair, interpretado por Wilford Brimley, usando um computador para decifrar o código do diário do Dr. Copper, interpretado por Richard Dysart.

(Translated by me into Plain English)

The 1982 film The Thing is an adaptation by John Carpenter of one of the most famous works of science fiction writer John W. Campbell Jr., which had previously been adapted into a film in The Thing from Another World (1951). An earlier version of The Thing (1951) was an independently produced monster film directed by Christian Nyby. Campbell's story is based on a story written by Howard Hawks and Charles Lederer in 1938 for a film adaptation of The Thing from Another World (1951). The screenplay by Hawks, Lederer and Ben Hecht was adapted by the screenwriter of the 1938 film, Charles Lederer, and had an original working title of Who Goes There?. The 1982 film features Dr. Blair, played by Wilford Brimley, using a computer to crack the code from the diary of Dr. Copper, played by Richard Dysart.

## A máquina criptográfica

Na cena que mostra o Dr. Blair tentando decifrar o código do diário do Dr. Copper, uma máquina criptográfica é mostrada. Esta máquina criptográfica é uma Enigma. O Enigma era um dispositivo de criptografia electrónico, fabricado na Alemanha, em meados dos anos 1920. Durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, os militares alemães usaram a Enigma para transmitir mensagens codificadas, mas foi eventualmente quebrada pelos aliados.

(Translated by me into Plain English)

In the scene that shows Dr. Blair trying to crack the code from Dr. Copper's diary, a cryptographic machine is shown. This cryptographic machine is an Enigma. The Enigma was an electronic encryption device, manufactured in Germany in the mid-1920s. During World War II, the German military used the Enigma to transmit coded messages, but it was eventually broken by the Allies.

## O código

O código mostrado no filme é um código de substituição polialfabético, que é uma forma de codificação em que cada letra é substituída por outra, por exemplo, por "A". Este código é conhecido por ser uma das mais difíceis a serem decifradas. O código do diário do Dr. Copper é apresentado da seguinte forma:

(Translated by me into Plain English)

The code shown in the film is a polyalphabetic substitution code, which is a form of encoding in which each letter is replaced by another, for example, by "A". This code is known to be one of the most difficult to decipher. Dr. Copper's journal code is presented as follows:


After letting “Vicuna” Cook this Subject Matter over for around 30 more minutes, I finally broke in on her “SCIFI Hallucination" and ended the ‘Chat’. What was fascinating was how She somehow managed to blend together all three of “The Thing” items of the Original Book and the Two Movies libretti into one, very interesting and quite different Plot Variation and Direction, showing her potential for Large Language Creativity coming from “GOK” (God Only Knows) where...and from having absorbed many thousands of books and millions of words that She has Trained into in her Thirty Billion Quantized Word Tokens Search Lexicon Data Set.

Even if you toyed around with this AI Program just to kill a Boring Afternoon… it will prove out as an interesting experiment. How in The Name Of God’s Holy Trousers this “AI Female Wordsmith” knew the actual names of the Book Author and the Movie and some Key Book Characters from ALL of those variations on this repeated Classic SCIFI Theme is just dazzling. In my next foray with this "Home Bound AI" I'll install it onto a MUCH more capable and Powerful Machine (A Dell Precision T-7500 Server with 8 Xeon Quad Processors, an nVidia Card and 64 Gigs of RAM) and see if it behaves in a different manner.

More to come...
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May 23, 2021
Tempe, AZ
I would be interested in seeing how it responds when asked to extrapolate on some subject rather than interpolate (as in cross-referencing existing data points). How well does it do at synthesis vs. analysis?

Re: changing languages, maybe that's an early indication of the onset of rampancy (ref: Halo Cortana finite lifespan due to exponential increase in dataset size).


Original poster
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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
Dr. Stephen Wolfram is your Man on such topics... (See from around 40 Minutes in for the answer to your "Question of Extrapolation"...)

Let's throw in another 'Chat" from the JRE (Joe Rogan Experience) that... while 7 Months Old now, is still relevant and interesting to this subject matter:

And to Quote the MCP (Master Control Program) from the original 1980s movie TRON:

"Mr. Dillinger... There is ANOTHER Player on the Mesa... I want HIM in the Game... Until he DIES Playing" which is analogous to a competitor with OpenAI Chat-GPT coming from the folks over at Facebook-META under the strong hand of Prof. Yann Lecun.

He runs their META-LABS LLAMA2 Project and heads their foray into the use now and future use of LLMs and other AI Projects, This is a recent lecture he gave on this topic at MIT and he provides a better underpinning for the Linux Version of "Vicuna" I am using here. He describes many of the issues and concerns about AI to a "T":

Best if played at 3/4 Speed, as Lecun's speech pattern is quite rapid and laced with a Franco-English Accent that can be difficult at times to understand (No offense meant by this, @Mooseman):

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