Baby steps. Don't try to tackle the entire vehicle in one shot. Clay bar it one weekend. Clean any etched glass the next weekend. Tackle the gray trim the following weekend. Vacuum and dust the interior after work one day. Scotchgard the interior the day after. So on and so forth.
Trying to "fix" a neglected vehicle in one weekend is a bad idea. Too many processes can require too much time for it all to be done in one weekend (at least properly).
The other thing is money. Buckets, towels, wash mitts, paint shampoo, carpet cleaner, glass polish, glass cleaner, fabric protector, leather cleaner, leather conditioner, vinyl protectant (do NOT buy Armor-All!!!!), compound, polish, glaze, wax, sealant, bug & tar remover, detailing clay, quick detailer, wheel brush, wheel cleaner, trim restorer, wet-dry vac, extension cord, hose, nozzle... if you buy it all at once, you will leave a noticeable hole in your wallet.