jham said:This is for itsonvoy he can't post anything or send a PM. All his pictures seem to be gone to. Did he get hacked or is there something else going on with his account?
Denali n DOO said:You said he has no pictures? I looked on one thread and saw one pic he posted was there and the other pic (saggy front end?) was gone. Maybe he got in trouble for that, since it's not there any more. If thats the case then someone's avatar will probably get them in trouble too. Thats my guess.
jham said:This is for itsonvoy he can't post anything or send a PM. All his pictures seem to be gone to. Did he get hacked or is there something else going on with his account?
Denali n DOO said:You said he has no pictures? I looked on one thread and saw one pic he posted was there and the other pic (saggy front end?) was gone. Maybe he got in trouble for that, since it's not there any more. If thats the case then someone's avatar will probably get them in trouble too. Thats my guess.
ItsOnVoy said:I was confused on why it kept doing that
Perhaps...but can anyone see your posts besides staff members?Sparky said:But I'm still here!! Muahahhahaha!
ItsOnVoy said:haha deff going to do that now!
Hatchet said:I still need to put together a list of the users/big users that were banned over there (or no longer with us.) I have an idea.
ItsOnVoy said: