GMT Nation Scavenger Hunt!


Nov 17, 2012
Blckshdw said:
:squint: You need to invest in a tele-photo lens man, for real :pictures:
Sorry but my phone isn't the greatest and the pictures turn out better without any "zoom". I updated the water tower pic for you. Cow won't happen tonight though. I like the pic for about 20mph :biggrin:
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Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
The new water tower pic is more like it. The cow pic, I didn't see any cows when I clicked on the pic. You might have been better off finding a Chick-fil-a billboard and parking under it. :raspberry:


Nov 17, 2012
Blckshdw said:
The new water tower pic is more like it. The cow pic, I didn't see any cows when I clicked on the pic. You might have been better off finding a Chick-fil-a billboard and parking under it. :raspberry:
There were at least 10 cows feeding on that bale of hay. The pic zoomed on the door, you could hit them with a basketball.

Just to remind: next with a vehicle of the same color.
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Apr 22, 2014
Ohhh yeeeah..... April showers brings May flowers.... My neighbor planted a little early. But If that's the case, the flowers don't have to be planted.... But plan "B" is to see how sexy our trucks are even after being defecated on....

***** Bird Poop on a/your Gmt*****
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Nov 17, 2012
Take a guess that is bird poo on the tailgate, lower right corner?
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Mar 23, 2014
More than one mower even...

Next target, your GMT with a wild bird.


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Nov 17, 2012
Blckshdw may not like the robin so I took another in the 5 mins I just had.

Next with the letters"L", "E", & "D" in the shot.


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Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Playsinsnow said:
Blckshdw may not like the robin so I took another in the 5 mins I just had.
I just think that we should follow the spirit of the rules of this thread, and not the letter of the rules like we've done a lot of times. I've been guilty of that on occasion myself. If I'm in the minority (and yes I would like feedback from the participants/readers of this thread), then I'll shut up and stop hassling people about their pics.

I thought the whole idea was to take pics of our trucks with certain items also in the shot. The types of shots, that if you pull some random stranger aside, showed them the pic, and ask them "What do you see?" They would say "A TB-Voy-Silvy-etc with/next to (insert target here)"

From the last 2 pics, if I didn't know what the target was, I would have guessed "Your truck near a vehicle with vanity plates", "Your truck with a Ford pickup (or Honda wannabe SUV), or "a pic of an evergreen tree that's almost as wide as it is tall."

For the bird target, I would be looking more for a shot like this. If I'm barking up the wrong tree, everyone please let me know, and I'll let it go.



Nov 18, 2011
Never seen a bird on my truck but I get and support your intent


Nov 17, 2012
No, I agree with you, but that robin was 20feet away :frown:

Guess I'll have to sit out more often :biggrin:

IMADUCK, just saw that before the hunt post.

Mighty Duck land here... anyone who played hockey at the park.

Edit: Can we only allow pics that were taken after the target is called? Some pics are repeats.
Also, can't be posted in any other thread?
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Mar 24, 2014
Bristol PA
ok so im getting the jist of this thread whats the next one since wild bird with gmt is done...


Nov 17, 2012
With letters "L", "E", & "D".

Or blckshdw's call...
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Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Current target is with the letters L. E. and D.

I have no objections to new(er) pics being taken.
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Apr 6, 2014
Blckshdw said:
I just think that we should follow the spirit of the rules of this thread, and not the letter of the rules like we've done a lot of times. I've been guilty of that on occasion myself. If I'm in the minority (and yes I would like feedback from the participants/readers of this thread), then I'll shut up and stop hassling people about their pics.

I thought the whole idea was to take pics of our trucks with certain items also in the shot. The types of shots, that if you pull some random stranger aside, showed them the pic, and ask them "What do you see?" They would say "A TB-Voy-Silvy-etc with/next to (insert target here)"

From the last 2 pics, if I didn't know what the target was, I would have guessed "Your truck near a vehicle with vanity plates", "Your truck with a Ford pickup (or Honda wannabe SUV), or "a pic of an evergreen tree that's almost as wide as it is tall."

For the bird target, I would be looking more for a shot like this. If I'm barking up the wrong tree, everyone please let me know, and I'll let it go.

I 100% agree with ya on this. One of the nissan maxima forums im a member of also has/had a scavenger hunt thread. It died from lack of participants. The rules outlined on the maxima site were similar to this but more strict. No archived pictures. You get up off your ass and go take the picture. If no one accepted your challenge after five days then you had 48hrs to go get the picture to complete the challenge then selected a new one. There was also a point system that was a pain in the ass to keep up with. Different forum, different rules.

Camera phones are great for taking pictures in general. IMHO. They work well when the lighting is right. Mid-afternoon sun is the best. But they are not going to capture the detail of the picture that is off in the distance. Personally i do not use my cell phone camera for a lot of pictures. Just for the ones i do not have the nikon d90 on hand. The d90 is a dslr camera. It will capture the details off in the distance. But i only get the d90 out if i plan on taking a picture of something. The camera phone may have killed the point and shoot camera but it will never substitute for a dslr camera.
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Apr 22, 2014
Blckshdw said:
I just think that we should follow the spirit of the rules of this thread, and not the letter of the rules like we've done a lot of times. I've been guilty of that on occasion myself. If I'm in the minority (and yes I would like feedback from the participants/readers of this thread), then I'll shut up and stop hassling people about their pics.

I thought the whole idea was to take pics of our trucks with certain items also in the shot. The types of shots, that if you pull some random stranger aside, showed them the pic, and ask them "What do you see?" They would say "A TB-Voy-Silvy-etc with/next to (insert target here)"

From the last 2 pics, if I didn't know what the target was, I would have guessed "Your truck near a vehicle with vanity plates", "Your truck with a Ford pickup (or Honda wannabe SUV), or "a pic of an evergreen tree that's almost as wide as it is tall."

For the bird target, I would be looking more for a shot like this. If I'm barking up the wrong tree, everyone please let me know, and I'll let it go.

Next: Your GMT with a 25mph speed limit sign.

I agree, it makes the game much more interesting and it adds to the excitement of the hunt. Running into the garage to find an old led box and adding a nice angle to the shot works for me.... That would keep me checking in everyday, to see how nice the pic came out and maybe a good story behind it.... Not checkin in everyday and then after a week we get a blurry pic of someones dirty garage or having to squint to see a cow..... :biggrin: Im sure some of these hunts may have you stopping on the side of a road and snapping a pic of your truck like a nut job, but it would definitely be a story i'd like to hear..... :thumbsup:


Apr 6, 2014
trailboycer72 said:
Next... Your GMT with a jet. No props, turbines only.
Good excuse to sit in the back yard and drink beer after work with the D90. Got an international airport forty five miles north east of here.


Nov 17, 2012
At noon47 CST. I might head to st paul airport but it's cool out, doubt anyone is washing their jet., MSP security is tight and some won't appreciate a bad shot. Unless I could time a fly by at MOA.
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Nov 17, 2012
Blckshdw said:
Stef had a good fly over shot that he used to use for this target in the past. I have faith in you man.



Was thinking a Wayne's World shot but they won't let you hangout there anymore bc of them 19 bastards. We'll see. Wife just shot down the "destination". Wants a hike and there's a state park on the mn and miss confluence. :ticktock:
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