Even NJ finally got rid of mandatory full-serve. Outside of there, and one other state (not yours), I can't remember the last time an attendant was even available to pump gas (outside of maybe a 'summon' button at the pump for disabled folks). Around here, they're surgically attached to the register; occasionally, they're let off the leash to make a pot of coffee or what not.
Here in IL, I've got the 'low cost leader' (which I never go to) at $1.84; most in the 1.95 area, and the 'high roller' at 2.05, for about the last week and a half.
For us, that's considered cheap (IL taxes the hell out of their gas, and it's now a percentage tax, not a flat one). Chicago proper is even more expensive, 'cos there's a city tax added in... city / county / state / Fed taxes, all on one gallon of gas. Glad I don't live in the Chi any more.
That reminds me... I need to get off the laptop, get dressed and go fill up the Voy... LOL