SUPPORT Fix: PhotoBucket broken image links


Original poster
Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
As you may or may not have noticed, PhotoBucket has changed their terms of service and now charging for the privilege of hosting images, including any past images already posted. So, if you are using PB to host your images that you post or use in your signature, this is what we're greeted with when viewing:


If in your signature, please either delete it or upload to the site. If possible, if you have some pictures in posts, especially articles and write-ups, please update them. It is recommended that you upload all images directly to the GMTNation using the "Upload a file" feature.

PhotoBucket. The #1 cause of broken picture links on forums.


Original poster
Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
There is hope! I just found out about an add-on for FireFox called PhotoBucket Embed Fix. Installed it, refreshed the page and voilà! pics are back!

Checked and it's also available for Chrome.
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Nov 18, 2011
I did it on Chrome right away, but then work took Chrome away... Will try firefox since they still allow that browser.
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Jul 22, 2015
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Original poster
Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
I saw this on the Caprice board and somebody mentioned the fix. Gotta love open source browsers!
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Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
@Mooseman sir, I am forever in your debt!!!

I started trying to upload a bunch of pics in different threads, and that got old REAL quick!! :thankyou:
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Nov 20, 2011
North Las Vegas
@Mooseman sir, I am forever in your debt!!!

I started trying to upload a bunch of pics in different threads, and that got old REAL quick!! :thankyou:
It was good for you to practice. :wink:
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Lifetime VIP Donor
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Jul 22, 2015
I saw this on the Caprice board and somebody mentioned the fix. Gotta love open source browsers!
Gotta love people who help circumvent a site's wholesale financial rape of their user community (e.g.; not *all* hacking is 'bad') :goodevil:
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Original poster
Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Until they figure a way to block it again :mad:

That happened with Netflix when they were blocking US content to everywhere else. Had tools and proxies that worked and then blocked again.
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Lifetime VIP Donor
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Jul 22, 2015
Somehow, I think that if Photof#ckit does block it again, it won't be long before it's circumvented again. There were 3 different versions of the 'unblock' add-in for Chrome that I found (and maybe more), so I don't think it was too difficult for people to get around it.

Unless PB actually invents something that goes site by site and removes the content, forcing the original posters to upload again (and, thus, forces the user to pay the ransom, if they use PB) - or, track down all of the 'old' users and threaten legal action, yada yada... it won't be too hard to keep 'unhiding' the photos. Option #2 would be orders of magnitude easier than option #1.

On a related (?) topic... one of my favorite Chrome add-ins is 'Removes Taboola' (I hate that organization with a passion, given that they'll slow down Chrome to a crawl continually loading content a la Fakebook / Twitler)
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Original poster
Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Well, looks like PB just screwed us again, like I said they would.
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Mar 24, 2014
United States
As it has been setup now and for the past several months, all attachments that are linked to external sources will be imported to our site and any referencing link will be replaced to represent the local file location. However, I'm not sure if that works with PhotoBucket links. I'm also not certain how it handles external links that existed before we implemented this method.

We prefer that all content is hosted locally on our server to prevent issues like this, and we may move to prevent hot-linking when we upgrade our forum software in the near future.
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Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Looks like Photobucket is allowing hosted pics to show up again, but with a good sized watermark for advertising purposes.

As it has been setup now and for the past several months, all attachments that are linked to external sources will be imported to our site and any referencing link will be replaced to represent the local file location. However, I'm not sure if that works with PhotoBucket links. I'm also not certain how it handles external links that existed before we implemented this method.

To test this, here's a couple old pics from meets back in the day :biggrin:


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Original poster
Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
I guess people complained enough that they broke forums everywhere and people leaving in droves.
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Jul 22, 2015
FYI - on my Chrome browser, the pics @Blckshdw posted today have no watermarks until I click on them to 'expand' them outside of the msg. Then they show the watermark.

Even if they had the watermark on the initial view - that's still better than 'no pic'. I can live with a watermark.

And for those wondering, I just tested (in Chrome) - you can't 'save' a photo in the message window. If you expand the image, you can then save it - but it does contain the watermark.
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Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
If you have a photobucket link fix extension, it clears the water mark. Probably why I never noticed this before until today at work where we can't install anything without permission :mad:
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Lifetime VIP Donor
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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
Third Party Hosting Greed is what Killed the Photobucket "Goose That Lays The Golden Eggs". Some corporate jackass decided to force EVERYONE who tries to link to their 'mess' even on Paid Accounts "Pay Up MORE for Third Party Hosting...or FO...!" And now... it is even worse than that.

Recently... I was going over some legacy GMTN Posts( with quite a few OT PB links) and when I tried to click on a few...of course they still did NOT work. BUT... after doing so...when I went directly back to the PB Home Page... I also could not get in to view my Old PB Libraries. Apparently... even the mere act of trying to USE these Old, originally Freely Linked 3rd PH Links to my own stuff will trigger this "Lock Out" Algorithm.

Gradually... I am adding all of my older Imagery and folders from many Back-Up Memory Cards and USB Discs over to my new place as "MRRSM" at I have found the ease of use there and the open allowance for Free Third Party Hosting-Linking there is proving out to be a much better place to put my images and videos. Their Tools and Tactics make for organizing everything is MUCH easier to use and enjoy than PB ever had.
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Lifetime VIP Donor
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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
Well... It is a Brand New Year...and unfortunately... after having to perform the Work-Around of abandoning Photo Bucket last year for the ostensibly better performance of (which HAS turned out to be TRUE...) The first message I received from them last night was, "Your Unlimited Access Account will be LOCKED as of January 9th, you have exceeded your 1,000 Image Post Limit... You can avoid this by Joining the Premium....Blah cetera...."... dialogue that basically proves the Old Adage that, "There is No Such Thing... as a FREE LUNCH...". With almost 4,500 Images via Daily Posts...and counting upwards almost daily... here were my Options for being able to remain on

(1) Leave the FREE Account Locked and refrain from making any further image add-ons.
(2) Sign up for a Premium Account Feature using MONTHLY Payments at their Highest Rate.
(3) Sign up for a YEARLY Premium Account at the Lowest Rate. That translates into around $43.00.

And so... with no other viable options for using ANY other Image Hosting Site on-line... I opted for "Door #3" . The only other unanswered issue on this topic whether or not will follow suit with what Photo Bucket tried to do gouging people for the additional Moolah for the ability to perform "Third Party Linking" that played Holy Hell with each and every linked image here at GMT Nation last year. It really is too bad about this...Because I LIKE the Hell out of How Well everything works over at

Oh Well... Time will tell. X>(
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Original poster
Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
From what I can tell, PB has re-enabled third party linking as images are showing up with a big "Proudly hosted on PhotoBucket" watermark.

Since we have no clue what Flickr is thinking, the safest option is to upload post pics directly to the forum.
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Nov 18, 2011
I use the forum as well. Not had issues since going that route.
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Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Other than that short time where the forum wouldn't resize pics, uploading straight to the post has been fine. Having PB show hosted pics is good for old posts though, like @bruhaba's supercharger thread I was looking at yesterday. :yes:
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Lifetime VIP Donor
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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
Recently, I had the occasion to have to re-visit Photobucket using some links in my Threads to all of my Old Albums. After *clicking* on them... The "New" Refreshed Photobucket Home Page popped up on screen instead.

Being suspicious, I did some research first and after churning through the sordid history of the site and re-visiting my own discomfort with how much disruption they've caused in the past for me and millions of other "Free" Users, I found THIS article to be most edifying:

Armed with the information from this site, I decided to try this process all over again and met with some success that will have positive implications for other GMT Nation Members with any Non-Paying Photobucket Accounts who have lost their historical links in Threads that were supposed to link back to to their own Stored Imagery.

I followed these simple procedures with the net effect of allowing me to copy-paste the opened links to my Sub-Albums right back here...and be able to View those related Photos WITH NO PHOTOBUCKET WATERMARKS OR BLANKED IMAGERY:

(1) Visit any of your Old Links to Photobucket you have previously added in your own Threads and after *Clicking* on them... sign in at The New Photobucket Site using your Original User Name and Password.

(2) Visit your Original Email Account and open the Photobucket Email and read the Message and then *Click* on the Confirmation Link provided.

(3) Access your Old Photobucket Albums, Select the URL at the Top of the Page and Copy-Paste THAT Line of Code over your Original Link to the specific Threads with your Photos

(4) Return to the Open Thread at GMT Nation and *Click* on the Photobucket Link(s) to confirm that they can be Opened and Viewed ...just like Nothing Bad Ever Happened.

(5) Please know that regardless of what the prior links you've added to your Threads were meant to do in order show the various sections and images from your various Photobucket Sub-Albums.... until you follow this procedure... ALL of those Links from your Old Messages will lead you right back to the "New Main Photobucket Web Site".

(6) At least for now... This technique did NOT require having to Sign up All Over Again as a Paid Member of Photobucket.

(7) Please.... Read the Information in the Link provided above and ground yourself with this Knowledge as MUCH is explained there that is well worth knowing.
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Original poster
Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
I just don't trust these storage sites. Even if they now promise to never delete your content, it doesn't prevent them from going bankrupt and just shutting down with all your memories being vapourized. I'd rather store them locally and use such services as a backup in case of a catastrophic event like a fire or flood destroying your equipment.
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Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
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Original poster
Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
That worked but it shows up as a link, not an embedded image. Still prefer to upload pics directly to the forum.
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