After logging in normally, I experienced another "errant re-direct" when selecting between TABS in "What's New?" Sub-Form. This happened on my Dell Precision M6800 Work Station running on
Linux Mint Ver. 21 (Vanessa) using "Private Internet Access" VPN on the latest version of the
"WaterFox" Web Browser...
So I thought perhaps it was happening on MY End.
So in response, I went hard after replacing my Router with THIS 'Top Of The Line' WIFI Router as shown below, thinking that this Upgrade in Bandwidth and Throughput would be decisive:

The Signal Strength vs. Having SO Many Devices using up Bandwidth was AMAZING....
But it still had no effect whatsoever on the problem whn online at GMTN. So in reaction, I grabbed my Samsung Galaxy S7 (NO SIM CARD) and fired up the
DuckDuckGo Search Engine along with my
IPVanish VPN running in the background and after successfully Logging On to GMT Nation ... I performed the same set of TAB changes looking at various TABS in the "What's New" Sub-Forum, etc, ...and
THIS happened
Now... since I can easily navigate
ANYWHERE at GMTN when I am
NOT logged on with speed and ease, the only thing that I can surmise
(and the only other explanation that makes any sense to me) is that somewhere in "The Back-Cloth" of where GMTN runs on their Server Software ...
Old or Unrecognized Restrictions (Including Re-Directs) that have been added or imposed in the past upon my Account Name 'mrrsm' ... are STILL THERE and these Only Invoke AFTER I have Logged On to GMT Nation.
Of course, I completely agree with whatever the Admins and Mods decide for How our Accounts Need to be Monitored and Moderated to Toe The Line of the Rules and Regulations.. But my entire experience since shortly after 2015 has been the need to
repeatedly enter all search criteria and actions after they constantly get dropped off line or which simply do not happen and freeze up on screen.
'One Of The Regulars' DOES come with the need to especially behave very responsibly and to conform to what is acceptable and necessary for "The Greater Good of GMT Nation". I sincerely and firmly believe in these principles. However, even with being a 'Lifetime Supporter" as I am, does not relieve me from these odd and troublesome issues of having to repeatedly Try to Enter and Re-Enter search and TAB Data time and again... and have it NOT work on the First Try.
If someone would PM me with what (and why) any of these Restrictions endure... I would very much appreciate it.
All That Said... I was thinking that perhaps it might be possible for certain historical restrictions that have been imposed
by more than one Moderator on more than one Member...that it might be central to fixing such problems by thorough Account Reviews and then a 'Thorough Cleaning" of the Buffers in such cases as these. THIS may prove very helpful in deciphering these 're-direct errors'.
I'm not asking for anything special because I'm no better than ANY of our other Members here at GMT Nation... But I do try to do my part here and I want to continue to contribute ...if allowed. Thanks In Advance for ANY Help!